Topic on User talk:Harmonia Amanda

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JSaltzer (talkcontribs)

Hi Harmonia,

I'm hoping you can help with a name correction.

Background:  The voice actor Lionel Wilson is frequently confused with the film actor Lionel G. Wilson.  Until recently the voice actor's en:Wikipedia page was labeled with the name of the film actor.  There is an archived discussion at that ended with a decision to rename the voice actor's page to correct the error.  That rename happened two weeks ago.   (The film actor does not currently have his own Wikipedia page.)

There was also a Wikidata page named "Lionel G. Wilson" (Q3244140) containing statements describing only the voice actor, so at the same time I changed the English label to "Lionel Wilson".  That change also had the effect of renaming the Wikidata page name.  

But back in April 2018 you ran nameGuzzler on that page. Since at that time the page was incorrectly labeled with the film actor's name it was updated into 67 language labels.

The question is how to most efficiently change those 67 language labels to contain the voice actor's name.  Would this work?:

1.  Undo the nameGuzzler update of 10:58, 9 April 2018

2.  Run nameGuzzler again, but this time with the name "Lionel Wilson"

Depending on how things interact, that may leave a small number of language entries that were installed by others that still need to be corrected by hand, but that seems easier than changing all 67 languages by hand.

Harmonia Amanda (talkcontribs)

I trusted you and cleaned up the labels, and added some properties about his name to clarify the issue. Still, you should take this discussion on the Swedish and Simple Wikipedia, who still have "G." in their titles.