Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

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Jneubert (talkcontribs)

From next week, a colleague of mine will work on M-n-m catalog #431 (GND economists), in order to check the entries for possible duplicates, before I create the missing items in Wikidata. In order to get a more current dataset, I've updated the catalog from "Feb. 2017" to "July 2018" (see catalog description). The new version is available here and includes ~1500 more entries. The descriptions are updated according to the latest GND download.

It would be great if you could reload the catalog and update the catalog description. Since wrong (automatically matched) assignments had been removed in past steps, it would be great if these removed entries could be preserved as non-matching. The sequence (by number of publications) may have changed slightly, it would be fine to have the new entries just added at the end of the lists.

Cheers, Joachim --Jneubert (talk) 16:59, 16 July 2018 (UTC)

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

All done, automatches are running. There were 16 entries not matched to Wikidata that have IDs not in the new list (not in N/A), plus a handful of ones that did (left those as they are).

Jneubert (talkcontribs)

Thank you so much! I suppose the missing entries stem from merged duplicate GNDs.

Could you, just for the record, update the catalog description (s/Feb. 2017/July 2018/)?

Thanks again, Joachim

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)
