Topic on User talk:Malore

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Changes to platform property (P400)

Maxxisti (talkcontribs)

The changes you've made to this property have caused issues with it's use in video games (instance of Q7889), it seems like it's been narrowly defined as a hardware platform? (In the case of video games they are software that can run on bare hardware, as software running on an OS, or within a virtual machine environment.) A lof of the other property checks are on the basis of platform being present. I'm not aware all the other issues related to this property, but I'm wondering if this change should this be reviewed. Do you have any thoughts?

Malore (talkcontribs)

The changes I made were done in order to extend the scope of the property to virtual machines, PAAS, browsers, software frameworks and apps beyond hardware and OS. The problem is that currently none of them is a subclass of computing platform (Q241317). We could adjust the computing platform ontology or we could explicitly require the value of platform (P400) to be an instance of operating system (Q9135), web browser (Q6368), virtual machine (Q192726), platform as a service (Q1153767), software framework (Q271680) and computer hardware (Q3966) (maybe computer hardware (Q3966) is too wide).

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