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Russian painting articles in the "possible paintings" list.

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Hi not sure if you were working from the "possible paintings" SoaP list when you created the Hermitage painting item for Carracci's Rest on the Flight into Egypt. I just wanted to say thanks for creating the item but in general click through to the image as usually it will already be connected to the proper item. Theoretically this will happen pretty often on Russian Wikipedia as many ruwiki editors are blissfully unaware of Wikidata and the links on Commons. The Hermitage paintings are fully indexed here Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Hermitage

Laboramus (talkcontribs)

Thanks! I usually check the image on commons and search and only create new one if neither matches. I am not sure why I didn't find the previous one in this case. I'll be more careful next time and also check the Hermitage list. Thanks and sorry for the mistake.

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Thanks for taking the time, and if you are interested, Maarten has also created lists on Commons to match images to items on Wikidata. I think the Hermitage categories on Commons could use some Wikilove, but hey, just doing what you did helps too ;)

Laboramus (talkcontribs)

@Jane023 Looks like not all Hermitage paintings are in that page though... E.g. Q27978148 wasn't. Probably because of the limit. Maybe increase it a bit?

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Well maybe you were just faster than the bot? It does link to it today: That said, you could of course just update the Russian version before using it - it seems to not update very often (last time was 2 weeks ago?) Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Wiki monitor/ruwiki That one is a listeria list, so you can update the query in there if you like. The bot is not mine by the way, but Maarten's, so you might want to drop him a line if you want a tailored version of it.

Laboramus (talkcontribs)

No I meant it is not mentioned in the list of Hermitage paintings. I still can find it by matching the inventory number but using the list was easier... Also looks like the listeria query has a bug - it checks the inventory number against Q95569 not Q132783 so ?inv never matches. Probably just makes sorting broken since Listeria does not use it otherwise.

Jane023 (talkcontribs)

Fixed it, but it takes so long to load just to edit! That list should really be split up - it's way too big (back when none of the lists had images, it didn't take so long to update). Look at the lists for the Rijksmuseum or the Metropolitan Museum of Art - that makes searching a lot easier (also checking the leftovers).

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