Topic on User talk:Fralambert/Structured Discussions Archive 1

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Summary by Dereckson

Entangle the sewerage items.

SJK (talkcontribs)
Fralambert (talkcontribs)

hum, I think there is a problem in the interwiki of sewer (Q156849). Like in French, the definition is probably nearer of Piping (Q3679502). They aslo seem to ave other language with the same problem.

SJK (talkcontribs)

I think, in English, "sewer" means anything for draning dirty water – most commonly an underground pipe, but it could also be an above-ground channel. What is difference between 'canalisation' and 'égout' in French? I think French 'canalisation' is not specific to sewer, but could mean any kind of pipe? ("canalisation" in English means to take a natural waterway and turn it into a canal, but I take it the French meaning is a bit different?) In English, a pipe is only a "sewer" if it drains dirty water (either storm water, which is only a bit dirty, or water from toilets, which is very dirty). Do you have any idea how to fix the issue with these two items?

Fralambert (talkcontribs)

ok, I think I have made the interwiki clearer. First Dereckson created Sewer (Q28147802), who was a disambiguation page. I aslo created no label (Q28147803) becose portuguese have a specific article about surface water sewage. I moved most of the article about sewage to sewer (Q1425971). So I think it should be fine. I also corrected the link to Commons.

SJK (talkcontribs)
Dereckson (talkcontribs)
SJK (talkcontribs)