Topic on User talk:Jitrixis

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MisterSynergy (talkcontribs)

Hi Jitrixis, after using nameGuzzler a lot in the past time I’d like to offer some suggestions for improvement:

  • The buttons "save" and "close" at the bottom of the form appear in random order, thus sometimes "save" comes first and sometimes "close" comes first. I frequently click the wrong button (which is "close") for that reason — so could this issue receive your attention to implement a static order?
  • When adding a string to the form (the name to set), it often contains leading and/or trailing spaces from c+p which are removed before saving labels by the software. This is not the case for the edit summary (example), which is mildly irritating. A trim() or something similar would help here…
  • It would be cool it there was a tool to use nameGuzzler as a batch editor, pretty much similar as QuickStatements. Provide linewise input such as Qxyz<TAB>"Givenname Familyname" and a selection of languages, and then it processes all items in a batch. Do you think it is possible to set that up? This would probably be a larger task, however…


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