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@ValterVB: I find that you moved zh:太王 from Q23999845 to Q7674906 and deleted Q23999845 on 23 September 2018. However, zh:太王 refers to several historical titles used by rules of ancient China, Korea, and Vietnam, while the other Wikipedia articles at Q7674906 only refer to a historical title used by rules of ancient Korea (Goguryeo and Silla). I think that Q23999845 should be undeleted and zh:太王 should be moved back to it. Could you please consider it? --Neo-Jay (talk) 12:13, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Neo-Jay: item Q23999845 was an item about a disambiguation, the page zh:太王 isn't a disambiguation page. If this page isn't correct in Q7674906, we must create a new item not disambiguation --ValterVB (talk) 21:02, 26 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@ValterVB: zh:太王 was created as a disambiguation page on 6 April 2016, and the disambiguation template was removed on 11 June 2016. In my view, zh:太王 is actually a disambiguation page (different titles happening to shale the same name), just without a disambiguation template. I think that it is OK to undelete Q23999845 and move zh:太王 back to it. Even if the Chinese Wikipedia editors would have consensus that zh:太王 is not a disambiguation page, we could then change Q23999845's statements and descriptions to indicate that. Suppose a Wikipedia article is created as a disambiguation page and a Wikidata item is created for it. When that Wikipedia disambiguation page is changed to a normal article, do we need to delete the corresponding Wikidata item and create a new one for it? Is it acceptable to just change the Wikidata item's statements and descriptions? --Neo-Jay (talk) 00:32, 27 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Neo-Jay: No, in this case is necessary to create a new item because it will be different type of item, is important keep the consistency over time. --ValterVB (talk) 20:44, 27 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@ValterVB: OK, then I removed zh:太王 from Q7674906 because zh:太王 is not the same as other Wikipedia articles here. It will be added to a new Wikidata item which may be created by someone else in the future since I am very reluctant to create any new Wikidata item. Thank you. BTW, I still think that zh:太王 is actually a disambiguation page although it does not have a disambiguation template. --Neo-Jay (talk) 23:49, 27 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Neo-Jay: Created here --ValterVB (talk) 17:38, 28 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@ValterVB: Thank you. --Neo-Jay (talk) 19:13, 28 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]