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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Navigating Wikidata and the translation is 70% complete.





Wikidata is the free knowledge base that anyone can edit. Just like Wikipedia, Wikidata is built on the MediaWiki wiki package which means that content on site pages (just like this one!) can be added, modified, or deleted in collaboration with others. Unlike Wikipedia, Wikidata also uses Wikibase software which allows for collaborative editing of structured data. The Wikidata site is organized in a way that allows contributors to edit both page content and data.

This organization is achieved through the use of namespaces, which are used by all Wikimedia sites. A namespace is a collection of pages whose names begin with a particular word recognized by the MediaWiki software. This word is followed by a colon; anything that comes after the colon is considered part of the page title.


All help pages are in the help namespace, Help:
All user pages are in the user namespace, User:
For any help page, the page title will first be preceded by Help: as with
For any user page, the username will first be preceded by User: for example

The main namespace of a Wikimedia site is always the exception to this rule as it contains no prefix and its pages do not follow a colon. The main namespace is typically reserved for the main content of a Wikimedia site; for example, encyclopedia pages are in the main namespace of Wikipedia. In Wikidata, the main namespace is reserved for item pages.


对于France (Q142)项,其唯一标识符(Q###)“就是”中的页面标题。




在此主题下,所有页面(无论它们位于哪个命名空间中)都包含以下元素:顶部选项卡、侧边栏、工具箱和搜索框。 如果您有用户账号,该页面还将显示用户选项。




The sidebar is to the left side of the page and is where you'll find a basic navigation menu with links to the Main page (homepage of Wikidata), Project Chat, and the Help portal.


该工具箱位于侧边栏下方,包含用于与Wikidata进行交互的便捷功能。 通过在首选项下的用户选项中启用和禁用不同的小工具,可以自定义工具箱中显示的内容。


如果您有用户账号,页面的第一行将显示导航到您的用户页面、对话页面、监视列表和贡献。用户选项还提供了用于自定义维基数据,设置首选项以及启用或禁用小工具的机制。有关用户选项的更多信息,请参见Help:Navigating Wikidata/User Options





<translate> To search for Wikidata items by their title on a given site, use Special:ItemByTitle.</translate>



这意味着,如果您要查找有关别名,Help:Aliases的维基数据文档,并在搜索框中键入“ aliases”,则搜索中唯一的匹配项将是维基数据项目(由其Q值证明)。 但是,如果您改写“ Help:Aliases”,则搜索将知道在主命名空间之外,并且您将被带到正确的页面。

It's also possible to limit a search to a namespace or set of namespaces; you can do so by using the advanced search option at Special:Search.


参见 mediawiki.org上的文档

It is possible to limit a search to items that either have or don't have a certain statement using the haswbstatement keyword.

For example, let's say that you're looking for paintings that have the word 'kitten' in their label. Just searching for kitten will give you all kinds of items, including rock bands, a family name and an episode of The X-Files. However, if you search for kitten haswbstatement:P31=Q3305213 you'll only get results where instance of (P31) is painting (Q3305213).

This also works with the string datatype. For example, to look up the item that has the IMDb ID tt0083658 search for haswbstatement:P345=tt0083658 and you'll get Blade Runner (Q184843).

To search for items that don't have a certain statement, put a minus (-) in front of haswbstatement. For example, to search for all items named after the city of Amsterdam (Q727) that are not street (Q79007) try haswbstatement:P138=Q727 -haswbstatement:P31=Q79007.

On Wikidata this currently works for all properties with "external identifier", "string", "item", "property", "lexeme", "form" and "sense" datatypes, except published in (P1433) and cites work (P2860), which are currently omitted for performance reasons.



Wikidata's Wikidata Help portal provides documentation for users wanting to learn about editing data. Users can also learn how to edit data with Wikidata:Tours, a series of interactive tutorials that cover items, statements, sources, qualifiers, and more.


To learn about editing the wiki (i.e. everything outside the main and property namespaces), please see the extensive documentation available from the MediaWiki site. These pages cover many important aspects of using the MediaWiki software and contributing to a Wikimedia site, including basic and advanced editing, how to create pages, editing conventions on talk pages, and setting up a user page. Please note that creating a user account is optional, but encouraged. You do not need to give your name or any personal details to do so.

Wikipedia, as the largest and oldest Wikimedia site, also has a lot of documentation available that Wikidata users may find useful. While the Wikipedia Tutorial and the Wikipedia Adventure are Wikipedia-centric, both provide a beginner-friendly hands-on introduction to editing.

Finally, to practise editing Wikidata, you can use the Wikidata Sandbox. This page is specifically just for experimenting and practising, so feel free to mark up the page however you want. Another good place to practise is on a subpage of your user page, for example For information on creating pages, see Wikipedia's guide on user pages here.



For example, for "image.jpg" in Wikimedia Commons, the syntax for embedding a file on a Wikidata page looks like this:

[[File:image.jpg|thumb|alt=alt text|标题]]


