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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Dates and the translation is 69% complete.






Literal data field for a point in time. Given as a date and time with some precision and boundaries. The time is saved internally in the specified calendar model.
  • time – explicit value for point in time, represented as a timestamp resembling ISO 8601, e.g. +2013-01-01T00:00:00Z. The year is always signed and padded to have between 4 and 16 digits.
  • timezone – explicit value as a signed integer. Timezone information as an offset from UTC in minutes.
  • before – explicit integer value for how many units after the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.
  • after – explicit integer value for how many units before the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.
  • precision – explicit value encoded in a shortint. The numbers have the following meaning: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millennium, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second.
  • calendarmodel – explicit value given as a URI. It identifies the calendar model of the timestamp.


  • timeフィールドは「日」より細かい精度で保存することができません。
  • beforeおよびafterフィールドは使わず、期間を示すには代わりに修飾子を使用します。
  • timezoneも使わず、ZというエンコードがUTC(ロンドン時)を示唆するにも関わらず、日付を文献に記されたとおり、つまり通常は地方のタイムゾーンでの日付を保存するのがWikidataでの慣行です。
  • calendar - 暦モデルを定義する明示的値。現在は次の2つのモデルをサポートしています:proleptic Gregorian calendar (Q1985727) および proleptic Julian calendar (Q1985786)

たとえば、Adam Mickiewicz (Q79822)start time (P580)の実際のデータ構造は次のとおりです。

          ["P580"] = table {
            table {
              ["datatype"] = "time",
              ["datavalue"] = table {
                ["type"] = "time",
                ["value"] = table {
                  ["after"] = 0,
                  ["before"] = 0,
                  ["calendarmodel"] = "",
                  ["precision"] = 9,
                  ["time"] = "+1838-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  ["timezone"] = 0,
              ["hash"] = "1438e02cdfc7ff91f7e722fbbf09f5ba5dba259b",
              ["property"] = "P580",
              ["snaktype"] = "value",


以下の表は精度の値をtime文字列の具体例とともに示しています。この文字列はLuaコマンドを使ってアクセスでき、またQuickStatements (Q20084080)  View with Reasonator View with SQIDが使用しています。


精度 タイムスタンプ文字列 意味 備考
11 +2024-09-20T00:00:00Z 今日
10 +2024-09-00T00:00:00Z 今月
9 +2024-00-00T00:00:00Z 今年
8 十年 +2010-00-00T00:00:00Z 2010年代date QS:P,+2010-00-00T00:00:00Z/8 精度8で2010-2019の範囲の日付は2010年代として解釈されます。
7 世紀 +1801-00-00T00:00:00Z 19世紀 精度7で1801-1900の範囲の日付は19世紀として解釈されます。これはウィキペディア記事で説明されている世紀の厳密な歴史的定義に沿ったものです。これが直感に反すると感じる人もいるかもしれません。とりわけ十年代(decade)の定義と合いませんし、また言語によっては19世紀のような言葉を用いずに、1800年代のような表現を用いている場合もあるからです。
6 千年紀 +1500-00-00T00:00:00Z 第2ミレニアム 精度6で1001-2000の範囲の日付は19世紀として解釈されます。世紀の場合と同様、これが直感に反すると感じる人もいるかもしれません。
4 十万年 -2500000-01-01T00:00:00Z 紀元前2,500,000年 2,500th millennium BC (Q3273066)項目からの例。
3 百万年 -13798000000-01-01T00:00:00Z 紀元前137億9800万年 inflation (Q273508)項目からの例。
0 十億年 -5000000000-00-00T00:00:00Z 紀元前50億年 earth formation (Q3748186)項目からの例。



精度 タイムスタンプ文字列 意味
14 +2024-09-20T20:21:22Z 今日の20時21分22秒
13 +2024-09-20T20:21:00Z 今日の午後8時21分
12 +2024-09-20T20:00:00Z 今日の午後8時

これを可能にするための機能リクエストが phab:T57755 にあります。


対処法として修飾子 located in time zone (P421) を使い、さらに修飾子refine date (P4241)(以下参照)に項目 11 PM (Q44529925), 23:00 (Q55812301) あるいは 23:00:00 (Q95135875) を指定する方法があります。この3種には時、分、秒、という精度の違いがあることに留意してください。分単位の項目の一覧はlists/time of the dayにあります。

専用の修飾子についての提案もありました (Property proposal/local time)。

プロパティ opening time (P8626) および closing time (P8627) は時刻項目も値として使用できます。そのような範囲について、それか文字列に基づく形式のどちらかをサポートしようという議論もありました。


修飾子を使って、上述の日付モデルでは完全に表現することができない日付を説明またはカスタマイズすることができます。修飾されている日付の精度が修飾子によって記述される範囲を包含する精度であるか、あるいは「不明な値」 (["snaktype"] = "somevalue") に設定すべきです。

紀元前500年前後 500 BC (Q240612)sourcing circumstances (P1480)circa (Q5727902) Pythagoras (Q10261)date of death (P570)
741年より後 earliest date (P1319)741 (Q23597) Swanachild (Q291747)date of death (P570)
140年代より前 latest date (P1326)140s (Q188493) Pius I (Q83198)date of birth (P569)
紀元前586年から569年の間 earliest date (P1319)586 BC (Q244859)
latest date (P1326)569 BC (Q244355)
Pythagoras (Q10261)date of birth (P569)
1600年頃から1615年頃の間 earliest date (P1319)1600 (Q6720)
latest date (P1326)1615 (Q6784)
sourcing circumstances (P1480)circa (Q5727902)
Pieter Mulier the Elder (Q217640)date of birth (P569)
1384年から start time (P580)1384 (Q6347) Mikołaj of Ściborz (Q11780990)floruit (P1317)
1515年まで end time (P582)1515 (Q6208)
1405年から1420年まで start time (P580)1405 (Q6124)
end time (P582)1420 (Q6209)
Master of Egerton (Q29609)floruit (P1317)
11世紀初頭 11th century (Q7063)refine date (P4241)beginning of (Q40719727) Paraskeva of the Balkans (Q6967370)date of birth (P569)
18世紀中葉 18th century (Q7015)refine date (P4241)middle of (Q40719748) Zlata of Meglen (Q2512266)date of birth (P569)
2011年4月末 April 2011 (Q276437)refine date (P4241)end of (Q40719766) Hoegaarden 0,0 (Q2198961)inception (P571)
1900年代前半 1900s (Q36574)refine date (P4241)first half (Q40719687) Monogrammist E. D. (Q40912154)floruit (P1317)
1693年夏 1693 (Q7689)refine date (P4241)summer (northern hemisphere) (Q40720564) Hieronymus Janssens (Q3135313)date of death (P570)
1653年秋 1653 (Q6965)refine date (P4241)autumn (northern hemisphere) (Q40720568) Adriaen van Utrecht (Q367970)date of death (P570)
UTC+13で2019年12月9日午後2:11 December 9, 2019 (Q57350878)refine date (P4241)14:11 (Q55811653)located in time zone (P421)UTC+13:00 (Q7118) 2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption (Q77929275)point in time (P585)





情報 保存方法 備考
date of birth date of birth (P569) with precision "year" and qualifier determination method (P459)=age for a given year mentioned in source (Q21042816): if a source mentions a person's age in a given year, this can be included this way. If only the birthday of a person is known without the year birthday (P3150) can be used.
date of death date of death (P570) with qualifier latest date (P1326): if a source mentions his widow in a given year, this can be stated with qualifier P1326.
date of baptism date of baptism (P1636) For many people we only know precise date of baptism, not birth. Often year of birth is stored with precise date of baptism.
date of burial or cremation date of burial or cremation (P4602) Similarly to date of baptism, sometimes only precise date of burial is known, which is than used to estimate month or year of death.
date of disappearance date of disappearance (P746) Date or point of time a missing person was seen or otherwise known to be alive for the last time.
存命 floruit (P1317) Date when a person was known to be alive. Can help determine if a person born after 1901 is still alive or when a person without date of birth first came into the public eye.
(スーパー)センテナリアン significant event (P793)=centenarian (Q2944360)
significant event (P793)=supercentenarian (Q1200828)
work period or period when someone flourished (Latin: floruit or fl.) floruit (P1317) means date or period during which a person was known to have been alive or active, which is a little broader meaning than work period, as it might store dates when someone was alive but not active. In practice many people for whom we do not know the lifespan dates, we know only through their work, so those two properties would store the same information. Often floruit (P1317) stores information like 15th century, while work period (start) (P2031) and work period (end) (P2032) would store more precise date range.


情報 保存するプロパティ 適用対象 使い方
inception inception (P571) artwork
date or point in time when the organization/subject was founded/created
time of discovery time of discovery or invention (P575) artwork
astronomic objects
date when the item was discovered
dissolved, abolished or demolished date dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) organization
date when an organization was dissolved/disappeared or a building demolished
publication date publication date (P577) book
date or point in time a work is first published or released
初演 date of first performance (P1191) 作品
date a work was first debuted, performed or broadcasted
time of earliest written record time of earliest written record (P1249)
discontinued date discontinued date (P2669) 製品 date that the availability of a product was discontinued
production date production date (P2754) date of production of a creative work, if different from the publication date
date depicted date depicted (P2913) artwork
date depicted in a work
public domain date public domain date (P3893) artworks
date the item enters into the public domain in a jurisdiction
date of official opening date of official opening (P1619) building
date an event, institution, or building opened
date of official closure date of official closure (P3999) building
date of official closure of a building or event
service entry service entry (P729) vehicle
date when a piece or class of equipment entered operational service
service retirement service retirement (P730) vehicle
date when a piece or class of equipment was retired from operational service
year of publication of scientific name for taxon year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) タクソン date when a scientific name was formally established. Together with taxon author (P405) used as qualifier of taxon name (P225).
UTC date of spacecraft launch UTC date of spacecraft launch (P619) 宇宙機
UTC date of spacecraft landing UTC date of spacecraft landing (P620) 宇宙機
time of object orbit decay time of object orbit decay (P621) 宇宙機
spacecraft docking/undocking date spacecraft docking/undocking date (P622) 宇宙機
periapsis date (DEPRECATED) periapsis date (DEPRECATED) (P2285) 天体 天体について各軌道の近日点/近地点の時刻


For yearly recurring events there is day in year for periodic occurrence (P837), a special example is birthday (P3150). Help:Easter related dates helps with finding items for recurring days defined by their distance to Easter.

Property pairs for time periods

開始 終了
inception (P571): time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619 dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576): point in time at which the subject (organisation, building) ceased to exist; see "date of official closure" (P3999) for closing a facility, "service retirement" (P730) for retiring equipment, "discontinued date" (P2669) for stopping a product
discontinued date (P2669): date that the availability of a product or service was discontinued; see also "dissolved, abolished or demolished" (P576) and "service retirement" (P730) for pieces or classes of equipment
service retirement (P730): date or point in time on which a piece or class of equipment was retired from operational service ; use P2669 for end of a public service
date of official closure (P3999): date of official closure of a building or event
date of official opening (P1619): date or point in time an event, museum, theater etc. officially opened date of official closure (P3999): date of official closure of a building or event
service entry (P729): date or point in time on which a piece or class of equipment entered operational service service retirement (P730): date or point in time on which a piece or class of equipment was retired from operational service ; use P2669 for end of a public service
date of commercialization (P5204): date when a product was first commercialized discontinued date (P2669): date that the availability of a product or service was discontinued; see also "dissolved, abolished or demolished" (P576) and "service retirement" (P730) for pieces or classes of equipment
start time (P580): time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid end time (P582): moment when an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being valid
work period (start) (P2031): start of period during which a person or group flourished (fl. = "floruit") in their professional activity work period (end) (P2032): end of period during which a person or group flourished (fl. = "floruit") in their professional activity
start period (P3415): initial period in which the statement is valid (including the period-value) end period (P3416): last period in which the statement is still valid (including the period-value)
open period from (P3027): qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply open period to (P3028): qualifier to P3025 (open days) for season when open days apply
start of covered period (P7103): start of period covered by an archive set, a historical book, or a collection end of covered period (P7104): end of period covered by an archive set, a historical book, or a collection
minimum date (property constraint) (P2310): qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with "property constraint" (P2302) maximum date (property constraint) (P2311): qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with "property constraint" (P2302). Use "unknown value" for current date.
date of the first one (P7124): qualifier: when the first element of a quantity appeared/took place date of the latest one (P7125): qualifier: when the latest element of a quantity appeared/took place
date of birth (P569): date on which the subject was born date of death (P570): date on which the subject died
date of baptism (P1636): date when a person was baptized. For times when only baptism records were available, this can be a good substitute for date of birth.



2024年の日付、例えば2024-09-20が入力されると、暦モデルは既定でproleptic Gregorian calendar (Q1985727)に設定されます。


For earlier dates, the applicable calendar should be determined:

  • The Gregorian calendar was first introduced in 1582 replacing the Julian calendar.
  • The last countries to convert from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar did so in the 1920s. → w:Adoption of the Gregorian calendar.

Depending on the country and the source at hand, the applicable calendar has to be determined and entered.

If it can't be determined if the date is in one or the other calendar, that date should be entered in the default calendar with the qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480) = unspecified calendar (Q18195782).

Some countries did use or still use other calendars. None of these are supported. Dates need to be converted to Julian or Gregorian.


In quite a few cases the exact date of an event (like a date of birth) is not known. We have several approaches depending on how the source documents it.

End of automatically generated list.

The first approach is to change the precision. For example when the source says 1620s:

  1. Add a date claim
  2. Enter a year (for example 1625)
  3. Click "advanced adjustments"
  4. Change the precision to something suitable (for example a decade)
  5. Add the source
  6. Save the statement
Qualifiers for earliest/latest

The first approach can be expanded if you know a before and/or after date. For example when the source says before 1625:

  1. Add the statement as above, but don't save it yet
  2. Add a qualifier latest date (P1326) and/or earliest date (P1319) with the date
  3. Save the statement
Qualifier for circa

The second approach is suitable if the source says around a certain date or year. For example "around 1622":

  1. Add a date claim with a certain date
  2. Enter the year (for example 1622)
  3. Add qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480) -> circa (Q5727902)
  4. Add the source
  5. Save the statement


  • Years BC should be entered as is.
Sample: Year 458 BC on Q309637#P39 is entered as "458 BCE" and appears as "458 BCE".
  • For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service) the following applies: "The dates follow XSD 1.1 standard, i.e. 1 BCE is year 0."[1]. Year "0" is also exported as year 0, but only if it is Julian calendar, because non-Gregorian dates are passed through as is. Year 0 Gregorian is invalid in the database would not be exported. Year 2 BCE, as -1.
Sample: Year 458 BC on appears as "<pq:P585 rdf:datatype="">-0457-01-01T00:00:00Z</pq:P585>". The same is visible on the below SPARQL query.
	VALUES ?item { wd:Q309637 }
  	?item p:P39 ?p1 . ?p1 pqv:P585 ?p3 . ?p3 ?p4 ?p5
Try it!
  • For RDF export (e.g. on Wikidata Query Service), dates BC (as any dates) are converted to Gregorian dates.
Sample: 27 November 8 BCE appears as "-0007-11-25T00:00:00Z"
  • For JSON export the format is inspired by XSD 1.0 and ISO 8601:1988. The year 0 is undefined, 1 BCE is exported as -0001, 2 BCE is exported as -0002, etc.

Filter dates inside sparql queries


使用事例 Sparql
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?time
  ?item wdt:P585 ?time.
  FILTER (   YEAR(?time) > 1450 && YEAR(?time) < 1454  ).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?time
  ?item wdt:P585 ?time.
  FILTER ((?time > "1452-01-01"^^xsd:dateTime) && (?time < "1452-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime)).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!
Any event that happened on a specific date
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
  ?item wdt:P585 "+1789-07-14T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!
People born in 1700 with day or month precision dates
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?time ?precision
  VALUES ?precision { 10 11 }#10 = month precision, 11 = day precision
  ?item p:P569/psv:P569 [wikibase:timePrecision ?precision; wikibase:timeValue ?time].
  FILTER (   YEAR(?time) = 1700 ).
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!


date of birth (P569)からいくつかの日付:

rank January 1 January 2 January 3
Normal rank 21946 10842 10811
Preferred rank 284 151 153
Deprecated rank 1649 6 8
23879 10999 10972

A January 1 date of birth (P569) can occur for several reasons:

  • (A) a person was born on January 1
  • (B) a person's birth was registered as being on January 1
  • (C) a person's exact date of birth is unknown, but was officially registered with the year and "January 1"
  • (D) a database stores year precision dates with "January 1"
  • (E) a conversion between some database and Wikidata led to the year of birth added as January 1 of that year.

Wikidata would generally include (A), (B), (C) with the appropriate reference and rank. (D) would generally be stored with deprecated rank or year precision. (E) should be corrected by changing the date precision to year.

同様の問題は、例えばdate of death (P570)など、他の日付でも見つかります。



  • In 2015, the format for dates was changed. Julian dates entered before are likely to be off a few days.
  • Some dates may have year precision, but have been entered as day precision
  • The documentation indicates the time zone exists, but the only time zone that can be entered is an offset of 0 from w:universal time. Since it is impossible to capture the time zone of the source, most of the dates in Wikipedia are, strictly speaking, false.
  • See Phab:T95553. The user interface accepts and presents dates with precision 7 (100 years) strangely, enticing editors to enter incorrect dates.



  1. mw:Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format#Time