Wikidata talk:WikiProject Albania

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What are the best modelled items for your area of interest


Hi all

Over the past few months myself and others have been thinking about the best way to help people model subjects consistently on Wikidata and provide new contributors with a simple way to understand how to model content on different subjects. Our first solution is to provide some best practice examples of items for different subjects which we are calling Model items. E.g the item for William Shakespeare (Q692) is a good example to follow for creating items about playwright (Q214917). These model items are linked to from the item for the subject to make them easier to find and we have tried to make simple to understand instructions.

We would like subject matter experts to contribute their best examples of well modelled items. We are asking all the Wikiprojects to share with us the kinds of subjects you most commonly add information about and the best examples you have of this kind of item. We would like to have at least 5 model items for each subject to show the diversity of the subject e.g just having William Shakespeare (Q692) as a model item for playwright (Q214917), while helpful may not provide a good example for people trying to model modern poets from Asia.

You can add model items yourself by using the instructions at Wikidata:Model items. It may be helpful to have a discussion here to collate information first.


John Cummings (talk) 15:06, 17 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Administrative Divisons


Table for administrative divisions over time. Some background in User talk:Albinfo#Municipalities in Albania and this list [1]. I assume this is a complete list.

Object Descriotion Number of objects using
April 1 2022
Albanian Action Note
county of Albania (Q104251)
  • Current
    • 1st level
    • since 2000
    • 12
12 Qarku Some wiki describe in counties of Albania (Q72813304)
prefecture of Albania (Q16888151)
  • Historic I
    • 1st level
    • interwar period/WWII (1927–1958)
    • 10
    • sub-prefectures (3rd level; nënprefektura) in some prefectures (30–39)
  • Historic II
    • 1st level
    • 1991 – 2000
    • 12
0 Prefektura in interwar period, some prefectures werde divided in sub-prefuctures;
in 1990ies identical with today's Qarks
district of Albania (Q123266)
  • Historic I
    • 1st level
    • 1958 – 1991
    • 26
  • Historic II
    • 2nd level
    • 1991 – 2000
    • 36
36 Rrethi (i Shqipërisë) Some adminstrative work was organized on this level until 2015, but no official administrative sub-division after 2000
municipality of Albania (Q768307)
  • Historic I
    • local urban administration
    • since 1934
  • Historic II
    • 3rd level
    • 1991 – 2000
    • 65
  • Historic III
    • 2nd level
    • 2000 – 2015
    • 65
  • Current
    • 2nd level
    • since 2015
    • 61
3 Bashkia Some wiki describe in list of municipalities of Albania (Q2008050)
bashkia (Q1781058)
  • Historic I
    • local rural administration
    • since ?
  • Historic II
    • 3rd level
    • 1991 – 2000
    • 308
  • Historic III
    • 2nd level
    • 2000 – 2015
    • 308
1 Kommuna Some wiki describe in list of municipalities of Albania (Q2008050)
list of municipalities of Albania (Q2008050) List article 374 April 1 not included in administrative territorial entity of Albania (Q1814009). The objects should be distrubuted between municipality of Albania (Q768307) and bashkia (Q1781058); all except 61 have an end date of 2015
  • Historic
    • 3rd level
    • 2000? – 2015
    • 11
253 Njësia bashkiake missing instance of (P31) for Tirana 1 (Q375588), Tirana 2 (Q7809101), Tirana 3 (Q7809102), Tirana 4 (Q7809103), Tirana 5 (Q7809105), Tirana 6 (Q7809104), Tirana 7 (Q7809106), Tirana 8 (Q7809107), Tirana 9 (Q7809111), Tirana 10 (Q7809099), Tirana 11 (Q7809100) (2000–2015); since 2015 all Communes of Albania (Q28017630) The former subdivisions of Tirana
Communes of Albania (Q28017630)
  • Current
    • 3rd level
    • since 2015
    • ~373
253 Njësia administrative Should be 373–1+11=383 if there was an object for all (all former bashkie + komune – Tirana + 11 subdivisions of Tirana.
It should be not instance of (P31) administrative territorial entity type (Q15617994) instead it should be subclass of (P279) administrative territorial entity of Albania (Q1814009)
All former municipalites (bashkia historic III and komuna historic III) became third level after 2015

Maundwiki (talk) 18:33, 1 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I did some changes to the list to make everything as clear as possible.
The problem is, that Albania often changed the administrative units but usually kept names. sq:Ndarja administrative e Shqipërisë#Paraqitja tabelare e të dhënave historike gives a very good overview (keeping in mind that during WWII, Albania was bigger as today).
The second problem is, that often a town is mixed with an administrative unit. In Wikidata on level municipality, it should be correct meanwhile – e.g. Tirana municipality (Q13037436)Tirana (Q19689). But many small towns are ≠ Communes of Albania (Q28017630) because several villages are part of Communes of Albania (Q28017630).
I changed your calculation for Communes of Albania (Q28017630), because former bashkia (historic III) Shkodër (Q131638) is now a Communes of Albania (Q28017630) within Shkodër municipality (Q16350146) (at least succession within boundaries, legal successor is a different question). At the end, we might have even a much higher number, as in some other large cities, the territory of the former bashkia is also divided and quarter (Q2983893) are treted like Communes of Albania (Q28017630) (e.g. [2])
I fully support your suggestion that objects with P31 = list of municipalities of Albania (Q2008050) should be distrubuted between Bashkia (Q768307) and Komuna (Q1781058) and all except 61 have an end date of 2014. --Albinfo (talk) 12:15, 2 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. I will start to implement some of the changes. P.S Fixed the Wikidata Query Service above and that is what I use to count objects. Maundwiki (talk) 12:31, 2 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Albinfo: Are the 61 municipality of Albania (Q768307) after 2015 a subset of the 65 prior? If so do you know the 4 that become something else 2015? Maundwiki (talk) 12:41, 29 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Usually, 1 Bashkia of the former 65 was merged with some surrounding Komune to a new Bashkia. Exceptions:
Former Bashkia Njësia administrative Orikum (Q13037425) was merged with Bashkia Vlorë (Q159610) and some komune to Vlorë municipality (Q16350151).
Former Bashkie Rubik (Q19259) and Rrëshen (Q18737) and some komune were united to Mirditë municipality (Q13037433).
Former Bashkie Laç (Q18768) and Bashkia e Mamurrasit (Q22009769) and komune Milot (Q1746477) and Fushë-Kuqe (Q2363672) were merged to Kurbin Municipality (Q13037419).
Former Bashkia Fushë-Krujë (Q597122) was merged with Bashkia Krujë (Q194164) and some komune to Krujë Municipality (Q16350090).
Former Bashkie Ersekë (Q18793) and Leskovik (Q1021800) and some komune form now the Kolonjë (Q10780849).
Former Bashkie Manëz (Q2252359), Njësia administrative Sukth (Q593557) and Durrës (Q83285) and some komune form now the Durrës Municipality (Q16350067).
Three former komune were united to Dropull municipality (Q25378726).
Former komune Finiq municipality (Q73664) an four other komune were merged to Finiq municipality (Q22002807).
Pustec Municipality (Q10786387) used to be a komuna before, but is now a Bashkia.
So, you can say that 7 former Bashkie "lost" their "status" and three former Komune were "promoted" to Bashkie. But there are some more of the Bashkie who "kept" their "status" that have changed the name (like Laç to Kurbin). Calculation should be correct and you can say that drawing boundaries of the new Bashkie was quite randomly. The three small new Bashkie at the end of this list were created as area of language minorities. Sometimes, even Bashkie and Komune of different district of Albania (Q123266) were merged where it made more sense like this. Albinfo (talk) 22:09, 29 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Albinfo: For example in Kurvelesh municipality (Q2619706) the Albanian artikel was renamed from Komuna Kurvelesh to Njësia administrative Kurvelesh. Is it the same area? Do you have a source for the area and if different befor and after 2015? I assume all 65 Bashkia got larger. Would it be better to have one object for Bashkia prior to 2015 that now is a Njësia administrative (one area) and a different (new) object for the 61 Bashkia after 2015 (a larger area)? Interwiki may be hard to figure out. Maundwiki (talk) 14:20, 10 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Kurvelesh municipality (Q2619706) is correct: The former Komuna was merged with two other Komune and the (old) Bashkia Tepelena to the (new) Bashkia Tepelena (Tepelenë municipality (Q13037435)) and is now a (new) Communes of Albania (Q28017630) within.
In general, you can say that the new Communes of Albania (Q28017630) have the same areas as the old municipality of Albania (Q768307) & bashkia (Q1781058). Exceptions: Meanwhile, there were some changes to the adminstrative division of some (new) bashkie (e.g. in Tirana).
As described above, all (new) bashkie are a merger of several (old) komune and (old) bashkie – except Pustec Municipality (Q10786387).
I was also thinking about having different items for (old = pre-2015) bashkie and (new = after-2015) bashkie. But at the end, I wouldn't do it. Because a) rather confusing for most people and b) bashkia is the second-level subdivision in Albanian (both pre- and after-2015). The (old, pre-2015) bashkia ABC is ≠ the (new, after-2015) bashkia, yes – but it's still a second-level subdivision in Albania that is called bashkia.
Even though the old, pre-2015 and the new, after-2015 bashkie have often the same name, it is not the same object. It's a new legal entity and it's much bigger as the old one. --Albinfo (talk) 19:46, 10 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Albinfo: An example would be the new Njësia administrative Divjakë (Q58311080) that really is the old Divjakë municipality (Q16350064) that now is the new merged (even if it is not reflected in the albanian wikipedia) and covering the area of the merged Bashkia / Kommuna. There should be one area (P2046) in Divjakë municipality (Q16350064) until 2015 and one after. Did I get that right or am I still confused? Maundwiki (talk) 13:02, 13 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Unfortunately, I can't find the laws about the administrative reorg of 2015 anymore. But until somebody proves something else, I see it diferently:
No, there is no (legal) continuity from old Bashkia Divjaka to new Bashkia Divjaka – but the name. Maybe it's easier to understand when we take a case where also the name changed. Three examples below – everything on the same line has the same size and continuity as Wikidata item
pre-2015 after-2015
  were merged to Mat Municipality (Q16350058) (bashkia) consisting of  
  were merged to Dropull municipality (Q25378726) (bashkia) consisting of  
  were merged to Divjakë municipality (Q16350064) (bashkia) consisting of  
If you change size for pre-2015 with after-2015, you can't treat everything the same. So your concept doesn't work.
Therefor, as done in Njësia administrative Divjakë (Q58311080) and in many other cases, instance of (P31) changes for pre-2015 to after-2015. For the 61 current municipality of Albania (Q768307), there is a new item, in some cases (like Divjaka) with the same name but different size, and Communes of Albania (Q28017630) as sub-units. --Albinfo (talk) 23:32, 13 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Albinfo: In my words just to confirm I get it. The Bashkia prior to 2015 should have one wikidata object that changes to Njësia administrative Communes of Albania (Q28017630) 2015. There should be a second (new) wikidata object for all the Bashkia created 2015. It may or may not have any wikipedia articles and it is up to each wikipedia to handle. The bashkia (Q1781058) normally just changes to Communes of Albania (Q28017630) 2015. Thanks you for your help and understanding. Maundwiki (talk) 14:25, 16 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@and it is up to each wikipedia to handle: not many Wikipedias distinguish clearly between the municipality of Albania (Q768307) and the towns within. Many Wikipedias have articles for the towns/cities, but not for the bashkie, especially when the bashkia has the same name. E.g Durrës County (Q192853) > former Durrës District (Q37662) > Durrës Municipality (Q16350067) > City of Durrës (Q83285).
just ask, if any other questions should pop up. Albinfo (talk) 09:06, 18 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]



@Albinfo: Isn't Njësia administrative Belsh (Q58086458) and Belsh municipality (Q13037405) the same thing? And Belsh (Q816187) is a city (Q515) however English, Swedish and Albanian Wikipedia has it also as one of the 61 current municipality of Albania (Q768307) after 2015? Maundwiki (talk) 21:27, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

It's like this:

pre-2015 after-2015
  were merged to Belsh municipality (Q13037405) (bashkia) consisting of  
As you can see, we have the name "Belsh" on various levels – quite confusing. For example, deWP has only an article for the town (de:Belsh, Belsh (Q816187)), that also covers the administrative unit (Njësia administrative Belsh (Q58086458)) and the new bashkia (Belsh municipality (Q13037405)).
instance of (P31) of Njësia administrative Belsh (Q58086458) and of Belsh (Q816187) are correct, in Belsh municipality (Q13037405), it should be adapted to municipality of Albania (Q768307).
sv:Bashkia e Belshit and ceb:Bashkia e Belshit were created after the territorial reform of 2015, so reflect most probably the new structure (can't be told in detail as there are no clear references to size or population) and therefor should be moved to Belsh municipality (Q13037405).
hu:Belsh alközség reflects the administrative unit: (alközség) for administrative unit, also listing the villages as above and the number of inhabitants of Njësia administrative Belsh (Q58086458) and corretly displaying the structure in the navigation template at the bottom of the page.
--Albinfo (talk) 11:38, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Albinfo: sv:Bashkia e Belshit and ceb:Bashkia e Belshit was created from geonames with information as of 2015-May-09. All ceb and most sv wikipedia articles about municipalities and villages in Albania are created from geonames by lsjbot. Geonames wasn't complete 2015 and I am not sure how updated it is with information after 2015.
Belsh municipality (Q13037405) => sq:Bashkia Belsh created 23 maj 2011 16:16‎ updated 7 dhjetor 2015 11:18‎ however still in sq:Rrethi i Elbasanit that as far as I understand is no longer an administrative area. That was what I based that the two articles (sq:Bashkia Belsh before 2015 and sq:Njësia administrative Belsh after 2015) cover the same area in Albanian wikipedia (and wikidata). Most of the time articles like sq:Bashkia Belsh was moved to sq:Njësia administrative Belsh. Example Komuna Katund i Ri to Njësia administrative Katundi i Ri. Or is that only for komuna?
In any case I can change Belsh municipality (Q13037405) to have a start date of 2015 for municipality of Albania (Q768307) and be one of the 61 current municipalities. Maundwiki (talk) 14:41, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]