Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017/Notes/Improving access to Culture Heritage:

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The last two decades have shown a huge interest in using Semantic Web technologies in Cultural Institutions. There are now a large number of Open Data projects such as Europeana, which aggregates millions of records. However, most of the effort to adopt Semantic Web principles has been spent in national libraries and most local libraries still store isolated data. Cultural information held in these local institutions is generally not available outside the library due to old-fashioned library systems.

To ensure that libraries can participate in the Semantic Web, they need to prepare their legacy metadata for use as linked open data. The catalogue of the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (BVMC) contains more than 200,000 records which have been recently migrated to RDF triples which employ the RDA vocabulary to describe the entities, properties and relationships. RDA follows the concepts and terminology of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) promoted by the IFLA.

The gateway publishes high quality linked open data since: the dataset is available on the web; it is published as structured data; data are in a standard, non-proprietary format (RDF); it uses URIs to denote things; and the content has been included and links to other datasets such as Wikidata and Research and Education Space from BBC. Due to their open nature, these public data can be linked and reused for new applications created by external institutions.

Linked Open Data at BVMC

Starting from scratch, the project is no longer a demo, but a rich source of lessons learnt in order to stimulate innovative types of projects. The project attempts to strike a delicate balance between produce documentation and metadata that can be reused by other initiatives, and actually developing discovery and metadata creation systems.