Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Possible religious art based on label/Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID

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See Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Possible religious art based on label

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?label ?item2 ?mainsubject ?addlink ?count WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label WHERE { ?item wdt:P2092 [] ; wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P136 [] } . ?item rdfs:label ?label . } } AS %missingmainsubject WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?mainsubject (COUNT(CONCAT(LANG(?label),STR(?label), STR(?mainsubject))) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?item2) AS ?item2) WHERE { ?item2 wdt:P136 wd:Q2864737 ; wdt:P921 ?mainsubject ; wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; rdfs:label ?label . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item2 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1278452 } . } GROUP BY ?label ?mainsubject } AS %mainsubjects WHERE { INCLUDE %missingmainsubject. INCLUDE %mainsubjects. BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P136&entityid=Q2864737 Add religious]") AS ?addlink) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 300
image label description Main subject Add creator collection inventory number location inception depicts Based on item Based on label Number of hits
David et la tête de Goliath painting by Valentin de Boullogne (after Caravaggio) David and Goliath Add religious Valentin de Boulogne Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 1456 Wallraf–Richartz Museum David with the head of Goliath David et la tête de Goliath 1
Die Heilige Anna Selbdritt painting by Bartholomäus Bruyn the Elder, Gemäldegalerie Virgin and Child with Saint Anne Add religious Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder Gemäldegalerie 613A Gemäldegalerie 150s The Virgin and Child with St Anne Die Heilige Anna Selbdritt 1
Paysage avec Tobie et l'ange painting by Constant Troyon Tobias and the Angel Add religious Constant Troyon Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 1416 Wallraf–Richartz Museum 1841 Landscape with Tobias and the Angel Paysage avec Tobie et l'ange 1
The Sin painting by Franz von Stuck at Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany sin Add religious Franz Stuck Alte Nationalgalerie
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
F.V. 72
Alte Nationalgalerie
Munich Central Collecting Point
19th millenium
The Sin Die Sünde
The Sin
Le Péché
Il peccato
End of automatically generated list.