Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Possible religious art

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This is a list of paintings (instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213)) that don't have genre (P136) and might be religious art (Q2864737) based on depicts Iconclass notation (P1257) starting with 7 or 11.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(?iconclass) AS ?count) ?addlink WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; wdt:P1257 ?iconclass MINUS { ?item wdt:P136 [] } . MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 ?inception . FILTER(YEAR(?inception) > 1600) } # { ?item wdt:P180 ?depicts . { ?depicts wdt:P411 [] } UNION { ?depicts wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q12405827 } UNION { ?depicts wdt:P279* wd:Q467420 } } UNION { # ?item wdt:P921 ?subject . ?subject wdt:P31 wd:Q856663 } FILTER(REGEX(?iconclass, "^11.+$")
image label description main subject depicts creator Add
A Member of the House of Este Resigns from an Order painting by Unbekannter Künstler No/unknown value Add
A priest granting absolution to the faithful in a church interior Add
Adrienne de Vos en de H. Adrianus painting by Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Add
Allegorie van de oorlog tussen de verschillende godsdiensten painting attributed to Pieter Claeissens (II) Pieter Claeissens Add
Allegorie van de vergankelijkheid Add
Allegorie van de vergankelijkheid No/unknown value Add
Allegory , choise of the good or bad path painting by Jan van der Straet Stradanus Add
Allegory on the elation of the Ottomans painting by Nicolaus Andreae Nicolaus Andreae Add
Altarretabel painting by anonymous painter in the Belvedere Vienna No/unknown value Add
An allegory: Fortitude overcome by Wisdom and Prudence (?) painting by Cornelis Ketel Cornelis Ketel Add
An eagle drops the sandal of the courtesan Rhodopis near pharaoh Psammetich, while sitting in his court in Memphis. No/unknown value Add
An elaborate landscape with Leda and her hatchlings, Saint Anthony Abbot and a centaur beyond painting circle of Herri met de Bles No/unknown value Add
Berglandschaft (La Sainte-Baume) mit der büßenden Maria Magdalena painting attributed to Herri met de Bles Herri met de Bles Add
Berglandschap met de Emmaüsgangers painting attributed to Paul Bril Paul Bril Add
Biddende monnik painting circle of Gerard David No/unknown value Add
Blick auf die Salesianerkirche painting by Anton Hans Karlinsky Anton Hans Karlinsky Add
Boslandschap met een bijbelse voorstelling, mogelijk Christus en de overspelige vrouw painting manner of Gillis van Coninxloo (II) No/unknown value Add
Church interior with religious subject (the resurection of Eutychus by Paul?) Add
Cook with Christ in the house of Martha and Mary painting by Vincenzo Campi Vincenzo Campi Add
Cornelius painting by onbekend No/unknown value Add
Cyprianus painting by onbekend No/unknown value Add
De hooiwagen painting after Jheronimus Bosch No/unknown value Add
De legende van de H. Helena: een jood genaamd Judas onthult de plaats van het ware Kruis, nadat hij door keizerin Helena in een put is gegooid painting attributed to Jan de Beer Jan de Beer Add
Deux donateurs présentés par saint Quirin et saint Amand No/unknown value Add
Die Vetreibung Heliodors aus dem Tempel painting by Luigi Sabatelli Luigi Sabatelli Add
Donaes de Moor en de H. Donatius painting by Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Add
Donor with his 5 sons kneeling and Saint Christopher (inner left); Archangel Gabriel with the annunciation No/unknown value Add
Donorportret van Adriaan II van Blyenburg ( 1510-1573), met zijn twee zonen Adriaan en Cornelis en drie vroeg overleden kinderen. No/unknown value Add
Donorportret van Clara Boogaert (....-1560), 1e echtgenote van Adriaan II van Blyenburg en haar dochters Catharina en Clara No/unknown value Add
Dorfkirche in den Karpaten painting by Władysław Jarocki Władysław Jarocki Add
Dorpsgezicht met Sint Joriskermis Add
Eight panels with figurative and grotesque images from an interior, i.a. the Virtues Charity, Prudence, Temperance and Justice and two busts of a man painting attributed to Giovanni Battista da Faenza Bertucci the Elder Giovanni Battista Bertucci Add
Emperor Heraclius Slays the King of Persia painting by Netherlandish No/unknown value Add
Engelen met de martelwerktuigen Add
Engelen met de martelwerktuigen Add
Extensive coastal landscape with fishermen selling thier catch, the sacrifice of Jonah beyond painting by Jan Brueghel (I) Jan Brueghel the Elder Add
Fontaine de vie painting by Maître du fils prodigue Master of the Prodigal Son Add
Forest landscape with the Madonna with dancing and music making angels Add
Four donorportraits and their patron saints: Sts. Peter, John the Baptist, James the Great and Jodocus No/unknown value Add
Grablege Christi painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value Add
Grafschildering met een vrouwelijke heilige No/unknown value Add
Head of a Donor painting by Albert van Ouwater, Metropolitan Museum of Art man Albert van Ouwater Add
Head of an angel painting by Mariotto di Nardo Mariotto di Nardo Add
Heraclius decapitating Khosrow II painting by Jan de Beer Jan de Beer Add
Het H. Sacrament van Nieuwervaart No/unknown value Add
Het Paasmaal painting by Hendrick Assuerusz. van Montfoort Hendrick Assuerusz. van Montfoort Add
Het dode lichaam van de H. Vincent van Zaragoza wordt door een raaf tegen de wilde dieren beschermd No/unknown value Add
Het huwelijk van de H. Hendrik II met de H. Kunigonda (?) painting by Master of the Legend of Saint Barbara Master of the legend of St. Barbara Add
Het martelaarschap van de H. Agatha painting by Jean Bellegambe (I) Jehan Bellegambe Add
Het wonder van de H. Stede No/unknown value Add
Hll. Hieronymus, Leonhard und Nikolaus painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value Add
Hoofd van een bisschop (fragment) painting circle of Gerard David No/unknown value Add
Im Klosterhof painting by Franz Xaver Lair Franz Xaver Lair Add
Italianiserend landschap met de H. Rochus painting circle of Jan Soens No/unknown value Add
Italienische Landschaft mit Pilgern painting by Georg Petzolt cathedral
Christian cross
Georg Petzolt Add
Jeanne Peschard (died 1468) and her daughters, Jacquette and Catherine Budé, as donors painting by Meester van de Kruisiging van het Parlement van Parijs Master of the Parlement de Paris Add
Jonge vrouw painting by Ambrosius Benson Ambrosius Benson Add
Jonge vrouw, lezend in een getijdenboek painting after Ambrosius Benson No/unknown value Add
Justice and Peace embrasing painting attributed to Jacob de Backer Jacob de Backer Add
Kalwarya (bei Krakau) painting by Johann Nepomuk Geller Johann Nepomuk Geller Add
Keizer Augustus en de Tiburtijnse sibille painting by Meester van de Aanbidding van Khanenko Master of the Khanenko Adoration Add
Kerkinterieur met Christus en de overspelige vrouw Add
Keukenstuk met in de achtergrond Christus in het huis van Martha en Maria No/unknown value Add
King Dagobert Discovers the Tomb of Saint Denis Add
Kirche in Holzern bei Säusenstein painting by Anton Hans Karlinsky Anton Hans Karlinsky Add
Kitchen piece with the Wedding of Cana, with a self-portrait of Ludger Tom Ring and a portrait of Richard Clough (c.1530-1570) painting by Ludger tom Ring (II) Ludger Tom Ring the Younger Add
Kitchen still life with a scene of the supper at Emmaus beyond painting attributed to Pieter Aertsen Pieter Aertsen Add
Kitchen still life with a scene of the supper at Emmaus beyond Pieter Aertsen Add
Kälbchen painting by Edmund Mahlknecht Edmund Mahlknecht Add
Lady at a clavichord painting by Master of the Female Half-Lengths Master of the Female Half-Lengths Add
Landscape with Christ on the way to Emmaus painting by Joos de Momper (II) Joos de Momper the Younger Add
Landscape with Saint John the Baptist painting by Paul Bril Paul Bril Add
Landscape with the Deposition and Resurrection of Christ and a devotional group portrait of Jean Godin, his wife Jeanne de Salembiens and their children, probably among them Jacques Godin XV (?-1525), No/unknown value Add
Landschaft mit dem büßenden Hieronymus painting by Herri met de Bles Herri met de Bles Add
Landschap met La Sainte-Baume en het wereldse leven van Maria Magdalena Add
Landschap met de H. Christoforus painting follower of Herri met de Bles No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de H. Franciscus painting follower of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de H. Franciscus die de stigmata ontvangt painting follower of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de H. Hubertus No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de H. Hubertus No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de boetvaardige H. Hieronymus painting after Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de boetvaardige H. Hieronymus No/unknown value Add
Landschap met de ontmoeting van de HH. Paulus de Heremiet en Antonius Abt Add
Landschap met de verzoeking van de H. Antonius painting follower of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Add
Landschap mit der Versuchung des heiligen Antonius painting by Herri met de Bles Herri met de Bles Add
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna en haar gevolg schepen zich in painting by Goswin van der Weyden Goswin van der Weyden Add
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna hoort van haar vader zijn intentie om haar uit te huwelijken painting by Goswin van der Weyden Goswin van der Weyden Add
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: het vinden van de lichamen van H. Dymphna en Gerebernus painting by Goswin van der Weyden Goswin van der Weyden Add
Marketscene with Ecce Homo Joachim Beuckelaer Add
Memorial portrait of Willem van Boshuysen (?-1518) and Elisabeth Coppier (?-1505) with their children No/unknown value Add
Memorial portratit of Jan van Barendrecht (....-....), Aecht Claesdr and their children No/unknown value Add
Memorietafel van Petrus van Suchtelen (ca. 1487-1552), kannunik en deken van het St. Walburgskapittel te Zutphen painting free after Jan van Scorel No/unknown value Add
Moritz Hartmann painting by Monogrammist G. R. Moritz Hartmann Monogrammist G. R. Add
Naakte jongen met wereldbol painting circle of Joos van Cleve No/unknown value Add
Nascendo Morimur painting by Anonymous Nascendo Morimur boy
Cornelis van der Goude
No/unknown value
Nebel auf Amrum, Nordsee painting by Irma Lang-Scheer Irma Lang-Scheer Add
Nood Gods painting attributed to Marcellus Coffermans Marcellus Coffermans Add
Paleisinterieur met de afgoderij van Salomo (1 Koningen 11:7-8) painting by A. Bellange column
long gallery
A. Bellange Add
Panoramalandschap met de boetvaardige H. Hiëronymus painting by Lucas Gassel Lucas Gassel Add
Passage de la mer Rouge Add
Peasants fighting painting after Jheronimus Bosch No/unknown value Add
Penance of St. Julian painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi Add
Reliekschrijn van de H. Ursula: Maria met kind en stichtsters painting by Hans Memling Hans Memling Add
Retabel van de familie Brömse: heilige Jacobus de Meerdere painting possibly Jan Joest van Calcar No/unknown value Add
Retabel van de familie Brömse: heilige Nicolaas Add
River landscape with St. John the Baptist painting follower of Lucas Gassel No/unknown value Add
River landscape with fair painting by Hans Reynout Add
Rochus geneest een aan de pest lijdende kardinaal te Rome painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus sterft in de gevangenis painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus verdeelt zijn bezit onder de armen uit en wordt pelgrim painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus verpleegt de zieken painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus verpleegt pestlijders te Acula painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus wordt bezocht door mensen en dieren painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus wordt door de paus gezegend painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus wordt voor spion uitgemaakt en gevangen genomen painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rochus, wonend in het bos, wordt door een hond met brood gevoed painting circle of Bernard van Orley No/unknown value Add
Rocky landscape with St. Jerome as penitent painting follower of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Add
Rocky landscape with the temptation of St. Antony painting circle of Lucas Gassel No/unknown value Add
Saint Antony Abbot with Antoine Molckmans and his sons painting attributed to Master of the Magdalen Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Add
Saint Augustine with a unknown founder Add
Saint Barbara, full-lenght, standing before a church, holding a paecock feather painting by Anonieme Antwerpse Maniërist Anonieme Antwerpse Maniërist Add
Saint Catharine of Alexandria dressed in red No/unknown value Add
Saint Catharine, full-lenght, standing in a landscape with an unsheated sword and a broken wheel painting by Anonieme Antwerpse Maniërist Anonieme Antwerpse Maniërist Add
Saint Catherine with Catharina de Buisseret (?) and her daughters painting attributed to Master of the Magdalen Legend Master of the Legend of the Magdalene Add
Saint Cornelius, full length, holding a horn No/unknown value Add
Saint Denis in front of Fescennius painting attributed to Lambert Lombard Lambert Lombard Add
Saint George killing the dragon painting by Georgios Kortezas Add
Saint James raising a dead man and women to life in the presence of a king Add
Saint John the Baptist as a youth in a rocky landscape Add
Saint Margaret of Antioch No/unknown value Add
Saint Martin and the beggar painting by Il Sassetta Stefano di Giovanni Add
Saint Martin and the beggar painting by Giovanni Francesco Caroto Giovanni Francesco Caroto Add
Saint Martin of Tours divides his cloak with a beggar painting circle of Ambrosius Francken (I) No/unknown value Add
Saint Martin's alms painting by Jacopo Bassano Jacopo Bassano Add
Saint Mary Magdalene reading, at a table with fruit and a golden tazza painting by Meester met de Papegaai Master with the Parrot Add
Saint Nicolas saving a sinking ship painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi Add
Saint Simon Stock painting by Meester van Sint Goedele Master of the View of Saint Gudula Add
Scenes from the life of Saint Andrew and an as yet unknown saint painting by Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley Add
Scène uit het leven van de H. Rombout Add
Sibyl Agrippina painting by Lambert van Noort Lambert van Noort Add
Sibyl with Chalice painting by Lambert van Noort Lambert van Noort Add
Sibyl with Column painting by Lambert van Noort Lambert van Noort Add
Sibyl with Lance and Sponge painting by Lambert van Noort Lambert van Noort Add
St. Julian murders his parents painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi Add
St. Nicholas gives gifts to three poor girls painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi Add
Stichter met de H. Barbara (?) painting by Meester van de Brunswijkse Diptiek Master of the Brunswick Diptych Add
Summer Refectory of Marienburg Castle near Gdansk painting by Unbekannter Künstler No/unknown value Add
Symbolic representation of the Blood of Christ: Fons Pietatis painting by Goswin van der Weyden Goswin van der Weyden Add
The Calvary of the Tanners Add
The Choice between Virtue and Passion painting by Paolo Veronese Paolo Veronese Add
The Funearl of Saint Denis painting attributed to Lambert Lombard Lambert Lombard Add
The Mock Tournament on the Ice painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch ice skating
No/unknown value
Jan Mandijn
Pieter Huys
The Reconciliation of Jacob and Laban painting by Paolo Fiammingo Paolo Fiammingo Add
The Rule of Mars [right panel] painting by Anonymous Artist, Albrecht Altdorfer No/unknown value Add
The Sibyl and the Church painting by Lambert van Noort Lambert van Noort Add
The St Martin's Day Kermis painting by Pieter Balten Pieter Balten Add
The Wine of Saint Martin's Day copy after a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder festival No/unknown value Add
The bad, corrupt judges painting by Anton Möller Anton Möller Add
The burial of Pope Stephen I in the catacomb of Callixtus painting by Jan van der Straet Stradanus Add
The charity of St. Martin painting by Jan van der Straet Stradanus Add
The charity of St. Nicholas painting by Jan van der Straet Stradanus Add
The crowning of the seven virtues with the city of Gdańsk in the background painting by Anton Möller Anton Möller Add
The finding of the True Cross Add
The legend of Saint George painting by Cosmè Tura Cosimo Tura Add
The miracle of the cephalophore Add
Triumph der katholischen Kirche painting by Otto van Veen (BStGS 809) Otto van Veen Add
Triumph of Faith over Vice; in the background the Last Judgement painting by Jacob de Backer Jacob de Backer Add
Twee sibillen, een profeet en de Heilige Geest Add
Two apostles at a window / Christ and Judas at a window Add
Two episodes from the legend of Saint James the Great: Saint James, the magician Hermogenes and his devils (Golden Legend) No/unknown value Add
Ungarische Dorfszene painting by Mihály von Munkácsy Mihály Munkácsy Add
Vanitas painting by Jan Gossart Jan Gossaert Add
Vanitas still life with a lute and a deck of cards painting attributed to Broder Matthisen Brodero Matthisen Add
Vanitas still life with a skull in a window, an interior in the background No/unknown value Add
Vanitas still life with skull, globe, candle extinguished, flowers and fruits painting by Philipp Sauerland (II) Philipp Sauerland Add
Vanitasvoorstelling painting by Christoph Amberger Christoph Amberger Add
Vision of Saint William of Maleval painting by Peter de Witte (I) Peter Candid Add
Vrouwelijke personificatie painting manner of/circle of Frans Floris (I) Add
Willem Jan Kerstantsz. Stoop, Jan van Lockhorst, Jacob Heerman Gerritsz. en de H. Joris; Adriana, Hendrika en Margaretha van der Does en de H. Maria Magdalena painting by Cornelis Engebrechtsz. Cornelis Engebrechtsz. Add
Woman with Water Jug painting by Lambert Sustris Lambert Sustris Add
Wooded landscape with the temptation of Christ (Matthew 4: 1-11, Marc 1: 12-13, Luke 4: 1-13) painting by Jan Brueghel (I) Jan Brueghel the Elder Add
Young Woman Playing a Clavichord painting by Jan van Hemessen woman
Jan Sanders van Hemessen Add
Zechariah painting by Jan Provost Jan Provoost Add
anges tenant les armes de l'abbaye d'Anchin et de Charles Coguin, abbé d'Anchin painting by Jean Bellegambe (I) Jehan Bellegambe Add
based on a representation of the temptation of Saint Anthony Abbot painting free after Jheronimus Bosch No/unknown value Add
le Sacrifice de Melchisédech No/unknown value Add
End of automatically generated list.