Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Old European art missing genre/Germany

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This is a list of old European art missing genre in Germany.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?addportraitlink ?addreligiouslink WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; # wdt:P18 [] . MINUS { ?item wdt:P136 [] } . ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q475667 . ?item wdt:P195/wdt:P17 wd:Q183 # /wdt:P30 wd:Q46. { ?item wdt:P571 ?inception . FILTER (YEAR(?inception) < 1675 ) . } UNION { ?item wdt:P170/wdt:P570 ?dod . FILTER (YEAR(?dod) < 1700 ) . } UNION { ?item wd:P170 wd:Q4233718 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } } . BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P136&entityid=Q134307 Add portrait]") AS ?addportraitlink) BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P136&entityid=Q2864737 Add religious]") AS ?addreligiouslink) } ORDER BY ?label LIMIT 1000
image label description main subject depicts creator Add portrait Add religious
"At breakfast" painting by Hendrick Maertensz gen. Rokes Sorgh (1611-1670) Hendrik Martenszoon Sorgh Add portrait Add religious
4 women on clouds with Amor, putto painting by Pietro Liberi (1605-1687) Pietro Liberi Add portrait Add religious
7 persons in a room, chatting painting by Pieter Jacobsz Codde (1599-1678) Pieter Codde Add portrait Add religious
Badende Frauen in Ruinenlandschaft painting by Cornelis van Poelenburgh (1586-1667) Cornelius van Poelenburgh Add portrait Add religious
Battle - scene in landscape with town painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1576) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis Sigmund von Baldinger painting by Georg Pencz (1500-1550) Georg Pencz Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis einer Dame mit Schoßhündchen und Fächer painting by Giovanni Battista Moroni (Art des Bronzino, Angelo) (1520-1578) Giovanni Battista Moroni Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis eines (35jährigen) Mannes mit schwarzem Hut und pelzbesetztem Mantel painting by Wolf Huber (1485-1553) Wolf Huber Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis eines Kardinals (Barberini) painting by Carlo Maratta (1625-1713) Carlo Maratta Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis eines jungen Mannes mit Allongeperücke (mit Buch) (Seigneur de Bezons) painting by Caspar Netscher (Bazin, Louis) (1639-1684) Caspar Netscher Add portrait Add religious
Bildnis eines älteren Mannes in schwarzem Leibrock und weißen Kragen painting by Gerard Ter Borch (1617-1681) Gerard ter Borch the Elder Add portrait Add religious
Brustbild einer Dame im Spitzenkleid und blauem Umhang painting by Caspar Netscher (1639-1684) Caspar Netscher Add portrait Add religious
Brustbild eines jungen Mannes painting by Adriaen Isenbrant (1514-1551) Adriaen Isenbrandt Add portrait Add religious
Carawane + many animals painting by Luca Giordano (1632-1705) Luca Giordano Add portrait Add religious
Children playing soldiers painting by Mattheus van Helmont (1623-1679) Mattheus van Helmont Add portrait Add religious
Church of Delft painting by Hendrik Cornelisz van Vliet (1611-1675) Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet Add portrait Add religious
Das Gottesurteil, Kaiser Heinrich II und Kaiserin Kunigunde painting by Wolfgang Katzheimer (1478-1508) Wolfgang Katzheimer the Elder Add portrait Add religious
Die Astronomen (vier Philosophen) painting by Pietro gen. Della Vecchia Muttoni (1605-1678) Pietro della Vecchia Add portrait Add religious
Dominican monk painting by Alonso Cano (1601-1667) Alonso Cano Add portrait Add religious
Female nude, half figure painting by Giulio Romano (Filippo, Giulio di) (1493-1546) Giulio Romano Add portrait Add religious
Festliche Tischgesellschaft mit Musikanten und tanzendem Paar painting by Stevaerts Palamedesz (Anthonie) (1607-1638) Palamedes Palamedesz. Add portrait Add religious
Fighting soldiers painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1581) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
Flowers in a glass-vase painting by Daniel Seghers (1590-1661) Daniel Seghers Add portrait Add religious
Garden + castle with promenading figures painting by Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527-1604) Hans Vredeman de Vries Add portrait Add religious
Gentlemen on horse - back painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
Girl with flower - basket painting by D. Symons (17. Jhrdt.) David Sijmons Add portrait Add religious
Hafenszene painting by Johannes Lingelbach (1622-1674) Johannes Lingelbach Add portrait Add religious
Harbour at Venice opposite S. Marco painting by Hans Vredeman de Vries (1527-1604) Hans Vredeman de Vries Add portrait Add religious
Heilige Familie mit Heiliger Elisabeth und Johannes d. T. als Kind painting by Jacopo Robusti gen. Tintoretto (1518-1594) Jacopo Tintoretto Add portrait Add religious
Henry IV. makes peace painting by Rubens-Werkstatt (1577-1640) No/unknown value Add portrait Add religious
Hirt mit Schafen, Ziegen und Hund in bergiger Landschaft painting by Johann Heinrich Roos (Philipp Peter?) (1631-1685) Johann Heinrich Roos Add portrait Add religious
House of patrician at the water, with figures painting by Hendrik van d. J. Steenwijck (Steenwyck) (1580-1649) Hendrik van Steenwijk II Add portrait Add religious
Interior of a church painting by Anthonie de Lorme (1605-1673) Anthonie de Lorme Add portrait Add religious
Interior, a drinking couple painting by Cornelis Pietersz Bega (1631-1664) Cornelis Pietersz Bega Add portrait Add religious
Italian scenery with figures painting by Jan Hackaert (Schule) (1629-1700) Jan Hackaert Add portrait Add religious
Jahrmarktszene mit Vorführung eines Affen (Offiziersgesellschaft) painting by Stevaerts Palamedesz (Anthonie) (1601-1673) Anthonie Palamedesz. Add portrait Add religious
Junge Venezianerin mit Hündchen painting by Paris Bordone (1500-1573) Paris Bordone Add portrait Add religious
Jäger und Jagdstillleben mit Schwan und Hasen painting by Anonym (niederländisch) (17. Jhrdt.) No/unknown value Add portrait Add religious
Kircheninneres mit Staffage painting by Pieter Jansz Saenredam (Werkstatt van Vliet, Hendrik Cornelisz) (1597-1665) Pieter Jansz. Saenredam Add portrait Add religious
Landscape with farm buildings painting by Jakob Isaacksz van Ruisdael (1628-1682) Jacob van Ruisdael Add portrait Add religious
Landscape with figures painting by Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) Salvator Rosa Add portrait Add religious
Landscape: Christ and his followers painting by Jean Francois I. Millet (1642-1679) Francisque Millet Add portrait Add religious
Large rocky grotto with bearded Idol and figures painting by Pieter van Hattig (Hattich) (1620-1665) Petrus van Hattich Add portrait Add religious
Male portrait with bust of Alexander ? painting by Jaspar de Crayer (1584-1669) Gaspar de Crayer Add portrait Add religious
Man's portrait with armour, rear: child wifh skull painting by Bartholomäus d. Ä. Bruyn (1493-1555) Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder Add portrait Add religious
Mars, Venus and Vulcan painting by Paris Bordone (1500-1573) Paris Bordone Add portrait Add religious
Mythological scene, Merkur + ..... painting by Luca gen. da Reggio Ferrari (1605-1654) Luca Ferrari Add portrait Add religious
Old Woman counting coins painting by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot (1585-1657) Hendrik Gerritsz Pot Add portrait Add religious
Party of peasants painting by Jan Miense Molenaer (1610-1668) Jan Miense Molenaer Add portrait Add religious
Porträt einer Dame mit Hund painting by Caspar Netscher (1639-1684) Caspar Netscher Add portrait Add religious
Porträt eines Mannes mit Mantel und Degen painting by Francesco Mazzola Parmigianino (1503-1540) Parmigianino Add portrait Add religious
Return from hunting painting by Abraham Hondius (1625-1691) falconry Abraham Hondius Add portrait Add religious
River - landscape with windmills painting by Aelbert Cuyp (1620-1691) Aelbert Cuyp Add portrait Add religious
Rocky landscape with figures painting by Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) Salvator Rosa Add portrait Add religious
Shepherds+ cattle at a ruin painting by Claes Pietersz Berchem (1620-1683) Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem Add portrait Add religious
Sitting Venus and Amor painting by Tizian-Schule (1477-1576) No/unknown value Add portrait Add religious
Soldiers on horseback painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (Linz 1579) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
Soldiers playing cards painting by Gerard Ter Borch (1617-1681) Gerard ter Borch the Elder Add portrait Add religious
Southern Sea-Harbour with architecture; tradesmen painting by Thomas Wijck (1616-1677) Thomas Wijck Add portrait Add religious
St. Petrus denial between the guardsmen painting by Bernardo Cavallino (1622-1654) Bernardo Cavallino Add portrait Add religious
Stillife with fishes painting by Isaac van Duynen (1630-1681) Isaac van Duynen Add portrait Add religious
Stillleben mit Früchten und Schinken painting by Jakob van Es (1596-1666) Jacob van Es Add portrait Add religious
Stillleben mit Hase, Geflügel, Katze und Äffchen painting by Jan Fyt (1611-1661) Jan Fyt Add portrait Add religious
Stillleben mit Musikinstrumenten und Blumen, im Hintergrund eine Stadt painting by Bartolomeo Bettera (1639-1688) Bartolomeo Bettera Add portrait Add religious
Stillleben mit Rehbock, Blumen, Früchten und Hummer painting by Frans Snijders (1597-1657) Frans Snyders Add portrait Add religious
Stormy sea with boats painting by Bonaventuur Peeters (Pieters) (1614-1652) Bonaventura Peeters the Elder Add portrait Add religious
Travellers interrogated by an offiece painting by Pieter Jacobsz Codde (1599-1678) Pieter Codde Add portrait Add religious
Travellors + hermits in mountain-landscape painting by Joos II. de Momper (Mirou, Anton) (1564-1635) Joos de Momper the Younger Add portrait Add religious
Truhe, Quadrocento painting by Anonym (italienisch) (15. Jhrdt.) No/unknown value Add portrait Add religious
Two beggars painting by Pieter Jansz Quast (1606-1647) Pieter Quast Add portrait Add religious
Verfluchung Kains painting by Jan van der Lys (Liss) (1590-1629) Johann Liss Add portrait Add religious
View of ruins with column painting by Anonym (italienisch) (17. Jhrdt.) No/unknown value Add portrait Add religious
Village-..... painting by Isaac van Ostade (1621-1649) Isaac van Ostade Add portrait Add religious
Watch-room lady and officer, with other soldiers painting by Jacob Duck (1600-1660) Jacob Duck Add portrait Add religious
Weibliches Bildnis mit Orangenzweig und Zitronen painting by Gerard van Honthorst (1590-1656) Gerard van Honthorst Add portrait Add religious
Weintrauben painting by Paolo Antonio Barbieri (1603-1649) Paolo Antonio Barbieri Add portrait Add religious
Winterlandschaft mit Schlittschuhläufern und Eishockeyspielern painting by Aert van der Neer (1603-1677) Aert van der Neer Add portrait Add religious
Woman at window with fruits painting by Caspar Netscher (1639-1684) Caspar Netscher Add portrait Add religious
a knight with a boy painting by Paolo Veronese (Bassano, L.) (1528-1588) Paolo Veronese Add portrait Add religious
cock, hen and other birds painting by Melchior d´ Hondecoeter (1636-1695) Melchior d'Hondecoeter Add portrait Add religious
cows + goats painting by Roelant Savery (1576-1639) Roelant Savery Add portrait Add religious
fighting soldiers painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1577) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
landscape with fishers in the boats painting by Jan van Goyen (1596-1656) Jan van Goyen Add portrait Add religious
panorama of a town u. riders painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
river-landscape + 5 figures painting by Joos II. de Momper (1564-1635) Joos de Momper the Younger Add portrait Add religious
river-scenery with fishermen painting by Anthony Jansz van der Croos (1606-1669) Anthonie van Croos Add portrait Add religious
scene from daily life painting by Sebastian Vrancx (1573-1647) Sebastiaen Vrancx Add portrait Add religious
seascape in storm painting by Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraten (1622-1666) Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten Add portrait Add religious
self - portrait ( ? ) as painter painting by David d. J. II. Teniers (1610-1696) David Teniers the Younger Add portrait Add religious
shepherd + shepherdess painting by Caspar Netscher (1639-1684) Caspar Netscher Add portrait Add religious
sitting married couple with daughter painting by Cornelis de Vos (Art des) (Vos, Cornelis de) (1585-1651) Cornelis de Vos Add portrait Add religious
six citizens after war scene painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (Gritti, Adrea) (1544-1628) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
soldiers on horseback painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1574) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
soldiers on horseback painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1575) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
soldiers on horseback painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1580) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
stillife with dead birds painting by Frans Ykens (Ijkens) (1601-1693) Frans Ykens Add portrait Add religious
stillife with flowers, fruits and dead birds painting by Frans Snijders (1597-1657) Frans Snyders Add portrait Add religious
stillife with fruits painting by Joris van Son (1623-1667) Joris van Son Add portrait Add religious
superior with soldiers painting by Jacob Duck (1600-1660) Jacob Duck Add portrait Add religious
supraporte: fighting soldiers painting by Jacopo Palma (gen. Il Giovane) (1544-1628) (Linz 1578) Palma il Giovane Add portrait Add religious
the death of Seneca painting by Sebastiano Conca (1676-1764) Sebastiano Conca Add portrait Add religious
the error of Calisto painting by Alexander Keirincx (1600-1652) Alexander Keirincx Add portrait Add religious
young mother with 2 children painting by Gerard van Honthorst (1590-1656) Gerard van Honthorst Add portrait Add religious
young officer holding his horse painting by Anthonis van Dyck (1599-1641) Anthony van Dyck Add portrait Add religious
End of automatically generated list.