Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Location/Estonia

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This is the (very incomplete and still unstructured) overview of museums with paintings in the Estonia part of WikiProject sum of all paintings

collection (P195) Location Number of paintings Status Lists

Tartu Art Museum's painting collection (Q55986655) List Tartu 4072 uploading images; depicts LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection (Q55986654) List Tartu 1736 uploading images LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia painting collection (PD) (Q56189782) List Tallinn 2200 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia painting collection (non-PD) (Q56189782) List Tallinn 4300 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia foreign painting collection (Q56189773) List Tallinn 880 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia Johannes Mikkel collection (Q56189788) List Tallinn 61 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia Adamson-Eric collection (Q56189809) List Tallinn 141 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Art Museum of Estonia Kristjan Raud House Museum Collection (Q55986738) List Tallinn 25 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection (Q56433537) List Tartu 38 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection (Q56433510) List Tartu 271 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Pärnu Museum's art collection (Q56229873) List Pärnu 794 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Tartu City Museum's art collection (Q56229081) List Tartu 121 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Võrumaa Museum's art collection (Q56433263) List Võru 40 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Narva Museum's art collection (Q56459717) List Narva 677 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Järvamaa Museum's art collection (Q73593380) List Paide 103 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Estonian History Museum's visual arts collection (Q73905821) List Tallinn 683 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Estonian National Museum's art collection (Q73594826) List Tartu 149 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Tartumaa Museum's art collection (Q73594824) List Tartu 681 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Estonian Maritime Museum (Q74017206) List Tallinn 114 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Museum of Viljandi (Q74016754) List Viljandi 320 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Virumaa Museums (Q74017499) List Tallinn 788 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Estonian Theatre and Music Museum (Q73593658) List Tallinn 86 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums (Q74017825) List Haapsalu 297 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Tallinn City Museum (Q74018084) List Tallinn 447 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

Saaremaa Museum (Q74018626) List Kuressaare 228 data entered LList*Query*No inv num*No creator*No datecrotos changes

See also
