Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Location/Australia/Missing creator

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This is an overview of Paintings without creator in Australia you can help by adding the missing creators. This is part of Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Missing creator.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P195 ?collection . ?collection wdt:P17 wd:Q408 MINUS { ?item p:P170 [] } . OPTIONAL { ?item schema:description ?description . FILTER (LANG(?description) = "en") } } ORDER BY ?description

label description image described at URL
Untitled painting by A.D.S. Donaldson
Cootamundra wattle painting by A.E. Aldis
Self portrait painting by A.E. Newbury
The old house, Darebin painting by A.M. Plante
Quarry pool painting by Alan Robert Colquhoun Grieve
Windiki, Mongrel Downs in the Tanami Desert painting by Alan Winderoo Tjakamarra
Duke Bluebeard painting by Alex Pittendrigh
Portrait of Robin Amm painting by Alexandra Thorby
Fan painting by Alfred T Clint
Japanese garden painting by Alistair Morrison
Purusha painting by Allan Henderson
Country scene painting by Ambrose Sylvester Griffin
Road runner at midnight painting by Andrew Nott
Negligee painting by Archibald Marriott-Woodhouse
A token of friendship painting by Arthur Collingridge
Untitled (old time landscape) painting by Audrey Kngwarreye
Ibrahim Adham ministered by angels painting by Bhupat Das
Untitled painting by Billy Thomas (AGNSW, 62.2003)
Untitled painting by Billy Thomas (AGNSW, 63.2003)
Collage painting by Brendan Smith
Wirndooroo (Bush Stone Curlew) painting by Butcher Cherel Janangoo
Study of an old man painting by C K V
Sydney from the North Shore painting by C.H. Hunt
Figure Painting painting by CHEN Nong
Immortal man painting by CHEN Xiongli
The song of spring painting by CUI Ruilu
Warlu Tjukurrpa painting by Carol Maayatja Golding
Still life painting by Cesare Vagarini
Darrarroo painting by Charlene Carrington
Portrait of Thea Proctor painting by Charlie Davis
Citadel, ruins at Sisteron, France painting by Clif Peir
(untitled) painting by Conrad Tipungwuti
Waratah in a green jug painting by Criss Canning
Old Cornish farm painting by Cyril Guy
Landscape painting by DENG Tao
Untitled painting by David Annesley
(Dead) hawk painting by David Brian Wilson
Portrait of Esther Jacman painting by David Rae
Station blacks painting by David Rae
Just another picture postcard painting by David van Nunen
Water and wallaby dreaming painting by Dick Pantimus Tjupurrula
Living water, Kurtal painting by Dolly Jukuja
Cameron Web no. 38 painting by Donald Ian Cameron
The Beguinage, Bruges painting by Dora Lynell A Wilson
Hunting grounds painting by Dr Pantjiti Mary McLean
Ego painting by Dušan Marek
Streetscape painting by E. Jones
Buccaneer painting by E.A. Harvey
Flower piece painting by E.A. Harvey
Littlehampton painting by Edgar Holding
Golfo degli Aranci, Sardinia painting by Edward de Martino
Mignon painting by Elizabeth Stanthope Forbes
Autumn painting by Elma Roach
Study of grapes painting by Emily Meston
Lord Tennyson painting by Ethel Case
Street scene painting by Eugene Crick Claux
Green mountain painting by FANG Jun
Fools gold painting by Fiona Hall
(Still life with pears) painting by Frances Jones
The jockeys painting by Frances Peck
Structure 5 painting by Frank Charvat
On Bideford Sands painting by Frank William Bourdillon
The Italian cloth painting by Fred Jessup
Tarring nets, Tweed Heads painting by Fred Jessup
Wati Kutju painting by Fred Untjima Forbes
Kurlkutjanya painting by Fred Ward Tjungurrayi
Sunflowers in Ceduna painting by Frederic Henry Bates
Aphrodite painting by G. Lyall Trindall
Terrigal haven painting by G.V.F. Mann
The passing of the "Gabo" and the "Manly" painting by G.V.F. Mann
Portrait painting by Garrett Kingsley
Overshoot (Purple/Brown) painting by Gemma Smith
Polyhedral thalamos (bridal chamber) painting by Geoffrey Graham
Composition painting by George Olszanski
Old Man Looking Out painting by Goody Barrett
Wild seeds dreaming painting by Gracie Green
Self portrait painting by H.B. Harrison
Landscape painting by H.B. Harrison
The gun painting by H.V. Justelius
New year fruits painting by HU Kemin
(Birds and jackfruit tree) painting by HUANG Xianlong
Figure inspired by Bai Juyi's poem painting by HUANG Yonghou
Spanish village painting by Harley Griffiths Jnr.
Saturday night painting by Harry de Hartog
The homestead painting by Haughton James
VIF painting by Helen Eager
The steps painting by Henry A. Bishop
The quiet river painting by Henry A. Bishop
Nerriga landscape painting by Henry Edgecombe
Painting painting by Henry Šalkauskas
The creek painting by Herbert Gallop
The farm, Ermington painting by Herbert Gallop
Venice painting by Hippolyte Lety
The Six Immortal Poets painting by Hokusai pupils
Chi painting by Hoon Kwak
Study for a Night Painting (In three parts) painting by Ian Bettinson
The turn on painting by Ian van Wieringen
Colourfield painting by Ian van Wieringen
Pine plantation, Ramsgate painting by Isabel Mackenzie
Night procession of one hundred goblins painting by Itaya HIROHARU
Rockholes and flowers painting by Ivy Nixon Janyka
recto: The bay verso: (composition with hand and ... painting by J. Wolfgang Cardamatis
Mata Ni Pachhedi (Mother goddess of cloth) painting by Jaedish Vaghi Chitava
Minyi Puru painting by Jakayu Biljabu
The cattle rustlers, Carnarvon Ranges painting by James Fardoulys
Flow past painting by James Meldrum
My Favourite Place painting by James Simon
A labour of love painting by Jane L. Griffin
Lilies and figs painting by Janna Bruce
The road to Palmer I painting by Jeff Rigby
A changing continent painting by Jeffrey Samuels
Videographic painting: Paris pale blue painting by Jess MacNeil
Artist in residence painting by Joe Furlonger
Untitled painting by Joe Szabo
Spring moon painting by John Aland
Halcyon days by murmuring streams painting by John Buxton Kinght
Landscape (emus) painting by John Dallwitz
Eumangla painting by John Dutruc
Wet foliage painting by John Montefiore
Villagers, Corfu painting by John Montefiore
The park painting by John R Walker
A road, a gate, and a forest painting by John R Walker
Study, gamins painting by John Santry
Beyond catastrophe painting by John Smithies
Returning from pasture painting by Josef Braith
On the river Lesse painting by Joseph Quineaux
Untitled painting by Joseph Zimran Tjangala
(Two hunters in snowy mountain) painting by KAGAWA Hôen
Landscape painting by Kanô MOTOAKI
Blue interior painting by Karin Oom
Untitled painting by Kate Bergin
Portrait with Guardian Spirits painting by Kate Beynon
Jack's yard painting by Kathy Ramsey
Piltati painting by Keith Stevens
Untitled painting by Kerry Margaret Gregan
Peony and orchid painting by LI Jinxue
Fossil painting by LI Liang
Tang lady painting by LI Yaotian
Girl feeding cockerels painting by LI Zhuo
Poem in running script painting by LIANG Dingfen
Three birds painting by LIN Ximing
Apsares painting by LONG Qinglian
Seated old man painting by LONG Qinglian
Lotus and mandarin ducks painting by LOU Shibai
Folding fan with landscape painting and poem in ... painting by LU Zhanyuan
Welcome the world famous brand painting by LUO Brothers
Standing painting by Leonard Brown
The old town of Cassis painting by Leslie Richmond Board
Still life painting by Lindsay Sorel Churchland
Untitled (Marrapinti) painting by Lorna Napanangka
In mob we trust (Richard Bell) painting by Luke Roberts
Deep Rock painting by Lyndell Brown
Mulga Bore painting by Lyndsay Mpetyane Bird
Instructions of costume for warrior class painting by MATSUOKA Tatsukata
Mountain landscape with deer painting by MU Ge
[Untitled] painting by Mahmudal Haque
Reflection painting by Marg Adams
The cockatoo painting by Margaret Fleming
Miyinga jilamara painting by Marie Orsto
Portrait of John Passmore painting by Marjorie Jenkins
The Sunday shift painting by Marjory Penglase
Watiya and putipulawa painting by Marlee Napurrula
Lovers painting by Martin Murphy
Untitled painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa
Blue and white Waterlillies painting by Mary Kunyi
The bushrangers painting by Matilda Lister
Natural science/triptych corner: alchemy painting by Merilyn Fairskye
Possum love story painting by Michael Jagamara Nelson
Pundujarpa painting by Michael Mutji Tjangala
A lyrical view of Golders Green, London painting by Michelle Collocott
Djan'kawu sisters at Gariyak painting by Micky Dorrng
Group dance painting by Minakshi
Agriculture in different seasons painting by Minakshi
Winpupula Rockhole painting by Miriam Napanangka
Spring painting by Mitty Lee-Brown
Jiliyardi painting by Mona Badjingga
Nirvana painting by Monk GYOKUSEN
Landscape painting by NIE Ou
Mangkaja Birth painting by Nada Rawlins
Rockholes at Marapinti painting by Nanu Nangala
Self-portrait painting by Nikolaj François Habbe
Manakarra (bush tucker) Dreaming at Ngila painting by Nowee Nangala
Kurtal painting by Nyirlpirr Spider Snell
Untitled painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa
Scene from the Ramayana showing Rama's council of ... painting by Pan Repug
Common gardens painting by Patricia Moylan
Untitled (Two goanna ancestors) painting by Patrick Olodoodi Tjungurrayi
Lattice painting by Paul Higgs
The blue devil: head of a soldier painting by Paul Roblin
Kurrjalparta painting by Peanut Wankurta
Jinamoom painting by Peter Newry
Untitled painting by Peter Pinson
Epiphany model: the painter painting by Peter Rostovsky
Grow the forest, enrich the country painting by Ph-t Phuong
Lives of the Buddha painting by Phaptawan Suwannakudt
Self portrait painting by Phil May
Head of a peasant girl painting by Pierre Gerber
Untitled painting by Pirrmangka Napanangka
The Virgin receiving the Message of the Annunciation painting by Pompignoli
Taima mandala (depicting the Western paradise presided over ... painting by Pure Land sect
Hunting scene (with cattle and snake) painting by Putli Ganju
No king no surrender (Sentimentality kills) painting by Ray Beattie
Ngayuku Ngura - My Country painting by Ray Ken
The go-go team painting by Raymond Coles
Ripples in the bay painting by Rhys Williams
Aybe Sea painting by Richard Dunn
Wittgenstein's colour painting by Richard Dunn
Special Law and Ceremony Ground painting by Rita Kunintji
The crucifixion painting by Robert Curtis
La liseuse (the reader) painting by Robert James Gordon
Boy drawing an aeroplane painting by Rodney Forbes
Everyone no 92 painting by Rodney Glick
Sussex landscape painting by Roger Paton James
Painting on shaped canvas no.1 painting by Ross Mellick
10,000 miles of the river painting by Roy Fluke
Fan with 'Comment on painting' in running script painting by SHANG Yanliu
Lotus and a poem in running script painting by SHEN Yuhuan
Lotus painting by SHU Chuanxi
Mist upon the lotus pond painting by SHU Chuanxi
Untitled (Landscape) painting by Sandy Jurra Japaljarri
Untitled (Landscape) painting by Sandy Jurra Japaljarri (AGNSW, 401.2003)
Redleaf/Naga painting by Savanhdary Vongpoothorn
Untitled (weak) painting by Sergie Volkov
Autumn painting by Sheila Lethbridge McDonald
Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhas No. 3 painting by Shi Zhiying
Portrait of Roland Wakelin painting by Shirley Bourne
Women's dreaming (Two women) painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi
Martuwarra painting by Sonia Kurarra
Landscape painting by Sophie Broad
Sunrise painting by Stanislaus Ostoja-Kotkowski
Dulkurrina painting by Stewart Hoosan
By the sea painting by Sydney Woodward-Smith
(Elongated bird) painting by TAN Changrong
(Portrait of a boy) painting by Tempe Manning
White chair with rag painting by Thornton Walker
Plaza painting by Tim McMonagle
Bedford Downs Massacre painting by Timmy Timms
Mistake Creek Massacre painting by Timmy Timms
Seven sisters painting by Tjampawa Katie Kawiny
Wati Kutjarra painting by Tjumpo Tjapanangka
Night Road painting by Tom Carment
Untitled painting by Tony Tjakamarra
The North makes an effort to compete to ... painting by Trang
Currently, fighting against the Americans to save the ... painting by Truong Singh
Untitled (Two Children) painting by Truong Singh
The North makes an effort to compete in ... painting by Tuyan To
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Uni Martin
It is as if Uncle Ho shares the ... painting by Viet Nam
The North eagerly competes [with the South], produces ... painting by Viet Nam
Returning home from gathering fungus painting by WANG Jianzhang
The red phoenix painting by WANG Xu
Lotus pond on southerly breeze painting by WU Ping
Landscape painting by WU Xizeng
Jilji painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
Kabirriyalyolme (the discussion) painting by Wamud Namok AO
Bolung Kaberrekuwan kare Sydney painting by Wamud Namok AO
Tuggerah Lakes painting by Wilfred Peisley
Untitled (5.2899) painting by William Seeto
Old Edinburgh painting by William Smeall
Untitled painting by Wimmitji Tjapangarti
Landscape painting by XIE Jiadao
Mountain landscape with village and pine trees painting by XIE Jiadao
Birds and flowers painting by XIE Zhiguang
(Peach blossoms and willow leaves) painting by XU Congyou
(Peking Opera Mask) painting by XU Guling
River with an empty boat painting by YA Ming
Huai Su is learning calligraphy; he plants banana ... painting by YA Ming
(Plum) painting by YANG Li
Winter painting by YANG Li
Maple tree village painting by YANG Yanwen
Poem in cursive script painting by YU Youren
Daruma and calligraphy painting by Yamawaki Kôhô
Thou to be seen tomorrow painting by Young-Ha Park
Thou to be seen tomorrow painting by Young-Ha Park (AGNSW, 116.2005)
Upright Little Mice: September, No it's May Revisited painting by Yuri Ledderman
Landscape after Dai Xi painting by ZHANG Erkang
[Fan] painting by ZHANG Yuesong
A folding fan with a landscape painting ‘Sound ... painting by ZHANG Zhuanxiang
The surrounds of the green studio painting by ZHONG Shouren
Elegant gathering painting by ZHOU Yan
Calligraphy painting by ZHU Nan

label description image described at URL
Krishna in his universal form (Vishvarupa)
Temple hanging (tabing), Churning of the Milky Ocean, from the ‘Adiparwa’ story-cycle
The last sheaf of corn painting by (Jacques-) Jules Veyrassat
Caterpillar Dreaming painting by Alby Stockman Japanangka
(Wandjina) painting by Alec Mingelmanganu
Go-Go dancers painting by Alex Sadlo
Mimis with spears, woomera and dilly-bag painting by Alfred Namadjerrek
The big white barramundi painting by Alfred Namadjerrek
Pukamani painting by Allan Pupujua
Untitled painting by Andre Quefferus
Benevolent Ergonomic Postulating Itself Semiotic painting by Andrew Petrusevics
Yam Dreaming painting by Anna Petyarre
Woman and man in embrace painting by Anna Platten
Woman painting wardrobe painting by Anna Platten
Ourselves as Zoe. A dream, a web, a puzzle painting by Anna Platten
WTF 1 painting by Anton Hart
The Aroona and Hayward Bluff painting by Anton Riebe
Turtle painting by Ardin O'Chin
Mimi spirits painting by Artist Unknown
Sawfish and manta painting by Artist Unknown
Sea design painting by Artist Unknown
(The emu myth of Kanbi and Kulpitjata) painting by Artist Unknown
Wuluwait and Bunbulama (the rainmakers) painting by Artist Unknown
Garkain painting by Artist Unknown
Hunting jabirus painting by Artist Unknown
Men in combat painting by Artist Unknown
Narama (The lightning woman or serpent) painting by Artist Unknown
Noulabil (the spirit man) painting by Artist Unknown
Two fish painting by Artist Unknown
Two men and lizard painting by Artist Unknown
Djitnuk (a fishing spirit who hunts at night) painting by Artist Unknown
Eradbatli and Kumail-kumail (the spirit men) painting by Artist Unknown
CVP painting by Ashley Riley
Yalangbara painting by Banduk Marika
Ngayuku Ngura (my country) painting by Barbara Mbitjana Moore
Wanampi - water or rainbow snake painting by Barney Wangin
Wati Punyu painting by Bernard Tjalkuri
Kapi Tjukula - Rockhole painting by Betty Kutunga Munti
Ilwemp painting by Betty Mills Apwerl
Illari Spring, Tempe Downs painting by Betty Nungarrayi Conway
Dissected kangaroo painting by Bilinyara Nabegeyo
Rock holes near the Olgas painting by Bill Whiskey Tjapaltjarri
Untitled painting by Blanch Puruntatameri
Mimi spirit and Namorrordo devil painting by Bob Balirrbalirr Dirdi
Gadji painting by Bob Bilinyara
Gadji Springs painting by Bob Bilinyara
Man with goanna and a wives painting by Bobby Baardjaray Nganjmirra
Ngalyod painting by Bronwyn Kelly
Gina Pump and Squeeze painting by Bronwyn Platten
Saltwater catfish painting by Bruce Balamang
Ilkurlka painting by Byron Brooks
The S Y Adele painting by C. Cockerham
Atnaw (waterhole) painting by Chloe Morton Kngwarrey
Taste the space candy painting by Christian Lock
Kingswood Black vs Rock Boy painting by Christian Lock
Little playmates Erika and Rolf by the house in the woods painting by Christine Aerfeldt
Manyigani (waterlily roots) painting by Clara Wubukwubuk
Bushfire painting by Colin Dixon Tjapanangka
Bush turkey Dreaming painting by Cowboy Loy Pwerl
Untitled No. 4. painting by Craige Andrae
Talking about different places painting by Daisy Kanari
Un-wala (the mangrove crab) painting by Dakilarra Wurramara
King brown snake with blue tonuge lizard at Gulparil waterhole painting by David Gulpilil
Namangwari the saltwater crocodile painting by David Milaybuma
Untitled painting by Deaf Tommy Mungatopi
Mimi woman with giant yam painting by Dick Ngulangulei Murrumurru
The Djang'kawu at Gariyak painting by Djunmal
Freshwater at Wandawuy painting by Djutjadjutja Munuŋgurr
Untitled painting by Don Lantjin
Goanna Dreaming painting by Donkeyman Lee Tjupurrula
The girl in the yellow hat painting by Doreen Goodchild
Pension Day, Titjikala painting by Doris Thomas
Mundjukul painting by Dorothy Djukulul
Stuart's Tree painting by E. H. Auld
Seeds painting by Edie Holmes Akemarr
The story of the frill-neck lizard painting by Edith Kennedy
Titjambera painting by Eileen Bonney Akemarr
Grandmothers Country painting by Elizabeth Bonney Kngwarrey
Dorothea Wilson painting by Elizabeth Setchel
Kalipinypa Water Dreaming painting by Emma Nelson Nakamarra
Central Australian landscape painting by Enos Namatjira
Minyma Tjutaku painting by Estelle Hogan
Don't climb a tree to get a fish... painting by Etsujin Ochi
Kuruyultu painting by Eunice Napanangka Jack
Star Dreaming painting by Eva Nungarrayi Oldfield
Portrait (in four parts) painting by Fiona MacDONALD
Family portrait no.1 painting by Fiona McMONAGLE
St.Cecilia: an allegory of music painting by Francesco NOLETTI, called il Maltese
Fish Hole painting by Freddie Ngarrmaliny Timms
Sunset Bei Locham, Arhlberg painting by Friedrich Albin Koko Mikoletzky
Sands End Lane, S.W.6 painting by George Christopher Chamberlain
Making hay while the sun shines painting by George F. Chester
Remember painting by George Gilbert Hotspur Williams
The red bluff painting by George Peacock
Two Stories: Collaboration Number 12. painting by George Popperwell
Professor Ralph Tate painting by George Webb
St. Bernard dogs painting by Georges Henri Fauvel
Untitled painting by Gertrude Kantilla
Untitled painting by Gertrude Kantilla (AGSA 8710P62)
Lizard Dreaming painting by Gloria Beckett
Young Boy recieving hair belt of initiation, Mornington Island painting by Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey
Plum root Dreaming painting by Greeny Purvis Petyarre
Luurnpa painting by Greg Mosquito Tjampitjin
Untitled painting by Harper Morris Tjungurrayi
Untitled painting by Hayley Arjona
Honey-ant Dreaming painting by Helen Nelson Napaltjarri
The value of the so called invisible wind painting by Hiroko Watanabe
The wave painting by Ian North
Two Wandjinas painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Turtle painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Figures painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Portrait of a holy man, inscribed created by Saiyid Khurshid Husain painting by India, Lucknow
Map of the pilgrimage sites for Vraj painting by India, Rajasthan
Mountain of Food Festival (Annakut) painting by India, Rajasthan
Shri Nathji, shrine hanging for his birthday celebration painting by India, Rajasthan
The Festival of Cattle (Gopashtami) painting by India, Rajasthan
The Mountain of Food (Annakut), with genealogical tree painting by India, Rajasthan
Krishna and Radha on the Jamuna river painting by India, Rajasthan
The water sports of Krishna (Jal vihari) painting by India, Rajasthan
Maharana Jawan Singh, riding a horse painting by India, Rajasthan
Maharana Swarup Singh riding an elephant painting by India, Rajasthan
Dance of Divine Love (Maharasa Lila) painting by India, Rajasthan
Saivite shrine painting by India, Tamil Nadu
Krishna painting by India, Tamil Nadu
Star calendar (plintangan) painting by Indonesia, Bali
Talismanic painting (rerajahan), for ritual initiation painting by Indonesia, Bali
Portrait of Shams al-din Muhammad Hafez (1315-1390) painting by Iran, Shiraz
Portrait of Sheikh Saadi (1184-1291) painting by Iran, Shiraz
Environs of Liege (Aux environs de Liége) painting by Ivan Pokitonov
Kamula Tjuṯa painting by Iwana Ken
Sheep shearing painting by J Grunfeld
The favourites of the Emperor Honorius painting by J W Waterhouse
Captain Charles Sturt painting by J. M. Crossland (AGSA 0.635)
Oaklands Bridge 1880 painting by J.A. Turner
A Summer afternoon at The Bay painting by J.D. Stone
Glenelg painting by J.D. Stone
Boating party on the Patawalonga River, Glenelg painting by J.D. Stone
Balangu Dilly Bags and Sacred Sites painting by Jack Kalakala
Floodwater Dreaming painting by Jacko Jakamarra Gordon
Morning in Thuringia painting by Jacobus Nicholas Baron Tjarda van STARKENBORGH
Cameron's farm, Myponga painting by James Dickson
Honey painting by James Gaykamangu
After the rehearsal painting by James R. Jackson
Descent of the Amida trinity painting by Japan, Kyoto
The departure from Kashima (Kashima dachi shin ei zu) painting by Japan, Nara
Taima Mandala painting by Japan, Nara
Love art painting by Jim Thalassoudis
Mangrove worm painting by Jimmy Bapalindi
Sugarbag people painting by Jimmy Muduk
Mimi spirit wandering its country painting by Jimmy Wood Marraluka
Full moon way ceremonial ground painting by Jimmy Wood Marraluka
Wagilag Sisters painting by Joe Djimbangu
Four coiled snakes painting by John Dalngadalnga
Stolen generation painting by John Packham
Kick the tin painting by John Packham
Flying fox painting by John Wanimalil
Electronic landscape painting by John Wynne
Poison country painting by Jonathan Kumintjara Brown
Before the Bullfight painting by Jose GALLEGOS y ARMOSA
Wati Tjakura Tjukurpa painting by Josephine Mick
Seeds painting by Joyreen Holmes Kngwarrey
Amarroo Side painting by Joyreen Holmes Kngwarrey
Rock wallaby Dreaming painting by Judy Napangardi Martin
Hunting at sea painting by Jumbaguya
Kangkura-KangkuraKu Tjukurpa - A Sister's Story painting by KEN FAMILY COLLABORATIVE (6 artists)
Mimi and Namorodo spirits painting by Kalarriya Jimmy Namarnyilk
Mimi and Namorodo spirits painting by Kalarriya Jimmy Namarnyilk (AGSA 8710P54)
Kalaya Tjukurpa painting by Kay Baker
Cultural revival painting by Kerry GILES (Kurwingie)
Kangaroo Dreaming painting by Kitty Napaljarri
Fishing scene painting by Kulpidga
Bara (the north-west wind) painting by Kulpidga
Untitled painting by Kumantjayi (Makinti) Napanangka
The Land Goanna painting by Kumutun
The Namarakain painting by Kumutun
Kangaroo hunt painting by Kumutun
Ngayuku ngura - My country painting by Kunmanara (Brenton) Ken
Minyma Kutjara munu Wati Kutjara painting by Kunmanara (Eileen Yaritja) Stevens
Piltati painting by Kunmanara (Eileen Yaritja) Stevens
Wanampi Kutjara painting by Kunmanara (Jimmy) Baker
Wani Wani painting by Kunmanara (Kuntjil) Cooper
Ara irititja painting by Kunmanara (Niningka) Lewis
Ernabella design painting by Kunmanara (Nyuwara) Tapaya
Boddington = BT painting by Kunmanara (Pungkai) Bertani
Tali - Sand dune painting by Kunmanara (Ray) Ken
Untitled painting by Kunmanara (Tali Tali) Pompey
Anumara Piti - Caterpillar Dreaming painting by Kunmanara (Tali Tali) Pompey
Untitled painting by Kunmanara (Tali Tali) Pompey (AGSA 20051P2)
Ngintaka wati Tjukurpa - Perentie man of creation story painting by Kunmanara (Tiger) Palpatja
Kungkarrakalpa painting by Kunmanara (Wingu) Tingima
Wati wiilu-ku inma Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Minyintiri
Kapi Tjukula painting by Kunmanara Minyintiri
Destruction I painting by Kunmanara Queama
Destruction II painting by Kunmanara Queama
Minyma, wali, tjukula, munu wala (women and their camps, waterholes and drainage channels) painting by Kunmanara Stanley
Anumara Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Tjupuru Burton
Anumara Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Tjupuru Burton (AGSA 20117P38)
Ungunkitji & Munparn painting by Kunmanara Underwood
Marpanytjanya painting by Kunmanara [Nyankulya Walyampari] Watson
Walu Tjukurrpa painting by Kunmarnanya Mitchell
Billy can in the tree painting by Kunyi June Anne Mcinerney
Collecting firewood with granny painting by Kunyi June Anne Mcinerney
Bush Plum painting by Kwementyay (Gladdy) Kemarre
Bush Plum painting by Kwementyay (Gladdy) Kemarre (AGSA 20172P10)
Kandarik (the kangaroo man) painting by Lariba
Gapu Milminydjarrk (waterholes at Garriyak) painting by Lena Walunydjulalil
Cette liberte painting by Leo Jack BAINBRIDGE (Littlewood)
White Line, Black Death painting by Les Griggs
Manar-Shark Dreaming painting by Leslie Wilson Wulurrk
Wapurtali Jukurrpa (Mt. Theo Dreaming) painting by Liddy Walker Napanangka
Sandhills painting by Lilly Kelly Napangardi (AGSA 20057P29)
Seeds - Ntang painting by Lilly Morton Akemarr
Warren Creek painting by Lorna Brown Napanangka
Women's meeting place painting by Lynette Corby Nungurrayi
Women (Karnta) Dreaming painting by Maisie Napangardi Granites
Kampurarpa, mutju, munu kali munu wiraku walka (Bush tomato, spine and boomerang with gathering dish pattern) painting by Makinti Minutjukur
Anangu waltjapiti ngura waltjangka nyinantja painting by Makinti Minutjukur
Landscape at night painting by Malcolm Carbins
Inikaraka (kestrels) painting by Mangangina Wurramara
Wandjinas painting by Manila Peter Karadada
Pamijini painting by Margaret Anne Kantilla
Fire Dreaming painting by Margaret Burns Pampiriya Nungurrayi Martin
Janyinki Jukurrpa painting by Margaret Napangarti Lewis
Countryside painting by Margaret Ross Akemarr
Bush Orange Dreaming painting by Margaret Turner Apetyarr
Genus I, No.2. painting by Margaret Worth
Designs associated with the Pukamani burial ceremony painting by Marie Celine Porkilari
Kungkayunti, West of Haasts Bluff painting by Marlee Napurrula
Designs associated with the Pukamani burial ceremony painting by Mary Pukamirri
Wedge island painting by Maud BAILLIE (née Golley)
Purunguparni Jilamara painting by Maureen BROOKES (also known as Waulangkremirri)
Rapport Registre painting by Maurice Aladjem
Arulya painting by Maxine Kanakiya Mick
Cliff face painting by Michael Aspinall
Mulayangu painting by Michael Atira Atira
Two emus painting by Michael Pinnole
Emu painting by Michael Pinnole
Women's ceremony painting by Michelle Possum Nungurrayi
Women's bush tucker Dreaming painting by Mick Wallangkarri TJAKAMARRA (Old Mick)
File Snake painting by Miniyawiny Marawili
Dugong Hunt painting by Miniyawiny Marawili
Women's ceremony (Ngarra-Ngu) painting by Minji Barnes
Double Dutch painting by Mitch Dunnett
Wuyal the spirit men and the rock wallabies painting by Mithili Wanambi
Turtle painting by Molly
Tjukurpa Kunpu Mulapa painting by Mumu Mike Williams
Ikara and Talyilkuratja painting by Muntja Nungurrayi
Snake Dreaming, Uluru painting by Nahasson Ungwanaka
Wayanaka - Oyster beds painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Touch the River Floor painting by Naomi Hobson
Mamu painting by Naomi Kantjuriny
Mamu painting by Naomi Kantjuriny (AGSA 20205P38)
Kapitu Kapitu painting by Ngipi Ward
Kungkarrakalpa painting by Nina Roberts
Mamu (Spooky spirits) painting by Nura Rupert
Ceremony at Dhaniya painting by Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu
Pukara painting by Nyayati Stanley Young
Kuntjanu painting by Nyinguta Edwards
Time Between painting by Nyinta Donald Peipei
Untitled painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa (AGSA 20102P2)
Untitled (Interior) painting by Pablo Byass
Pupula the Lizard painting by Paddy Carroll Tjungarrayi
Temple hanging (tabing), Churning of the Milky Ocean, from the ‘Adiparwa’ story-cycle painting by Pan Ngales
Coming back to camp on a starry night painting by Pantjiti Mary Mclean
River Murray at Bow Hill painting by Paul Aldis
Letter virus (Levi-side / elviside) painting by Paul Hoban
Malbooloo (coolamon) filled with boonook (small berries), mungaling (yam) and wirrban (bush onion) painting by Peggi Wassi
Walungurru painting by Pepai Jangala Carroll (AGSA 20162P26)
Walungurru painting by Pepai Jangala Carroll (AGSA 20162P27)
Metropolis painting by Peter Baka
Metropolis 9 to 5 painting by Peter Baka
Larraijyi – Bone pole ceremony painting by Peter Banjurljurl
Puṉu (trees) painting by Peter Mungkuri
Kapi Tjukurrpa - Water Dreaming painting by Peter Mungkuri
Ngura - Country painting by Peter Mungkuri
Jilji painting by Peter Skipper
The Old, Old Bill and the Bailiffs painting by Peter Sylveire
The sailor's wedding painting by Phillip Richard Morris
Possum Dreaming painting by Phyllis Naparrula Williams
Ride to church painting by Pierre Mukeba
Ngurlu (black seed Dreaming) painting by Polly Napangardi Watson
Bush Plum Country painting by Polly Ngal
Wirrku Wirrku painting by Puntjina Monica Watson
Minyma Kutjara painting by Rachel Cooper
Portrait of Sir Henry Lionel Galway, K.C.M.H., D.S.O. painting by Reginald-Grenville Eves
Bush banana Dreaming painting by Rene Robinson Napangardi
Street scene Portugal painting by Rex Wood
Mala Dreaming painting by Richard Payton Tjapaltjarri
Wititj (Wagilag sister story) painting by Rita Gotjabawuy
Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm painting by Robert Tait
Ritual mortuary washing ceremony painting by Robin Guningbal
Namorodo spirits painting by Robin Nganjimira
Woman in pink slippers painting by Rod Taylor
Yaccas painting by Ronald C. Bell
Maku Tjukurla painting by Ronnie Allen
Water Dreaming painting by Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson
Two turtles painting by Rosie Karadada
(Figures) painting by Rosie Karadada
Seeds (Ngurlu) Dreaming painting by Rosie Napurrurka Tasman
Karritjarr water python painting by Roy Burnyila
Town Camp Stories painting by Sally M Nangala Mulda
Namorrordo spirit painting by Samuel Malwanga
Gungura (wind Dreaming) painting by Samuel Namundja
The Poor Fish painting by Sandra Saunders
Mountain landscape painting by Sanshū Yukawa
Old pine painting by Shokei Wakabayashi
Tjitji Wirriryba painting by Simon Hogan
Kurabara and Buruk (the kangaroo-man and the dog-man) painting by Solomon Nayilibidj Willirra
Watiyawanu painting by Sonda Turner Nampitjinpa
Marrkidjbu (Clever man or Sorcerer) painting by Spider Namirrikki Nabunu
Rock snake eating a mimi painting by Spider Namirrikki Nabunu
Making bacon HP sauce painting by Stephan Wilks
The flood painting by Struick
Gapu Milminydjarrk (waterholes at Garriyak) painting by Susan Yirrawurr
Rydal Water and Langdael Pikes from Scardale, Westmoreland painting by Sydney Richard William Percy
Seven sisters painting by Sylvia Ken
Marrian painting by Terry Ngamandara
Bopalinmarra, a sacred site near the Cadell River painting by Terry Ngamandara
Pictorial panel with fragment of border decoration - coastal landscape painting by The Bowmore Painter
Pictorial panel with fragment of border decoration - hill landscape painting by The Bowmore Painter
Portrait of Alexander Murray, M.P., J.P. painting by Thomas C Ritchie
The 1869 Ballarat Autumn Steeplechase. At the water-jump with Birthday, Ingleside, Babbler and Sea King. painting by Thomas Lyttleton
Brolga painting by Thompson Ulitjirri
Burrkunda painting by Thunduyingathi Bijarrb May Moodoonuthi
Malpa Wiru Doctor Who - Good Friend Doctor Who painting by Tiger Yaltangki
Wallaby Dreaming painting by Tim McCormack Japangardi
Kulitjara painting by Tim Woods Tjampitjinpa
Kadaitcha story painting by Timmy Tjapangati Payungka
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (AGSA 20083P18)
Stingray (nawala) painting by Timothy Wulanjbirr
Kutungunya Tjukurpa painting by Tjuwilya Windlass
Gariyak Dreaming painting by Tony Dhanyula
Kullari painting by Treasy Woods
Minyma Pumpa painting by Tuppy Goodwin
The Crucifixion painting by UNKNOWN [Byzantine, Crete 15th century]
Wildflowers painting by Vicki Holmes Apwerl
Swans on River Torrens painting by Victor Adolfsson
Entity painting by Victor Adolfsson
Arab's head painting by W. E. Bracken
Victoire Marie Louise Crowther painting by W. P. Dowling
Lying in State of Sir Ross Smith at St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide painting by W. Seppelt
Two Wandjina painting by Waigan Jangarra
Wandjina painting by Waigan Jangarra
Wandjina, dugongs, fish painting by Waigan Jangarra
Three Weapons painting by Waigan Jangarra
Bradshaw figures painting by Waigan Jangarra
Untitled painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
The Garabi Islands, outside Caledon Bay painting by Watjung Munnungguritj
Lungurang painting by Weaver Jack
Rockholes west of Kintore painting by Wentja Morgan Napaltjarri
Untitled painting by Wentja Morgan Napaltjarri
Kutu painting by Wimmitji Tjapangarti
Imoraka (sea turtles) painting by Yaliowa
Miaipra-pria (Constellation of the scorpions) painting by Yaliowa
Waurrpanwa – lightning snake painting by Yaŋgarriny Wunuŋmurra
Untitled painting by Yinarupa Nangala
Tjitji tjutaku tjukurpa painting by Yipati Kuyata
Insects and plants (sōchū ga) painting by Yowa Yamamoto, 山本養和
Titjambera painting by Yvonne Bonney Kngwarrey
Flowers and fruit painting by Zhong Chen
Rock python painting by attirbuted to Spider Namirriki Nabunu
Sunrise on the sea painting by style of John Constable
Wild Honey Ancestor painting by Ḏula Ŋurruwuthun
Djankawul Story painting by Ḻarrtjaṉŋa Ganambarr

label description image described at URL
Ganjifa playing card painting by
Ganjifa playing card painting by (NGA NGA 2011.19.2.76)
The singer painting by A D S Donaldson
Kurnma kiwinyi painting by A Robertson
Pair of framed gum leaves painting by A W Eustace
Eltham painting by A.E. Newbury
Max Meldrum painting by A.E. Newbury
Emu and water painting by Abie Jangala
Frog jumping, Kamira to Kurpurlunu painting by Abie Jangala
Page from an album: calligraphy panel painting by Abul-baqa ul masawi
Sacred grasses painting by Ada Bird petyarr
Yawk Yawk painting by Aileena Lamanga
Dancing figure painting by Akii Tumu
Mindarra and Waringarr painting by Alan Griffiths
Mulgarung painting by Alan Griffiths
Hand stencil on stone painting by Albert Barunga
Landscape, two emus, two scrub turkeys, kangaroo and baob tree painting by Albert Barunga
Wandjina, emus and owl painting by Albert Barunga
Colonne di carta pesta II painting by Aldo Iacobelli
Love boat painting by Aldo Iacobelli
Wandjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu
Wandjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu (NGA NGA 90.1086)
Wandjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu (NGA NGA 90.1087)
Turn of the century painting by Alek Sass
Bark huts painting by Alex Djirrigulu
She-oaks, Paddy's River painting by Alfred Cook
Interior of the Art Gallery at the Sydney International Exhibition painting by Alfred Tischbauer
Page from an album: calligraphy panel [verso] painting by Ali
Bark painting with coral pattern (#1) painting by Alice Wamba
A direct hit painting by Alina Mcdonald
Brown boat, Cherbourg Harbour, France painting by Alison Greene
The church of St Germaine-in-the-fields painting by Alison Greene
Harbour and boats at Cherbourg painting by Alison Greene
Brisbane cityscape painting by Allan Bourne
King George III in coronation robes painting by Allan ramsay and studio
Queen Charlotte in coronation robes painting by Allan ramsay and studio
Ceremonial ground painting by Anatjari No. 1 Tjampitjinpa
Highlander with pig painting by Anay
Decoration for a restaurant painting by Andrew Ferguson
Painting in green painting by Andrew Ferguson
Untitled painting by Andrew Ferguson
Yarrpany, Dhuwa honey painting by Andrew Marrgululu
Blasect painting by Andrew Nott
Self-portrait of the artist in columns painting by Andrew Petrusevics
Bush plum Arlparra Country painting by Angelina Ngal
Bush Plum Dreaming painting by Angelina Ngal
Grandfatherâ??s Country painting by Angelina Ngal
Minymaku painting by Angkaliya Mitchell
Head painting by Angus Jones
Illuminated head painting by Angus Jones
For Fiona O'Grady painting by Angus Jones
Boat painting by Anna De luca
not titled [poppies] painting by Anna De luca
Mirror and figure painting by Anna Platten
Alone painting by Antonio Dattilo-rubbo
(A Bohemian) painting by Antonio Dattilo-rubbo
Reef (triptych) painting by Arone Raymond Meeks
Ashes and Diamonds I painting by Arryn Snowball
not titled [self portrait] painting by Arthur Baldwinson
Card players painting by Arthur Baldwinson
not titled [self portrait] painting by Arthur Baldwinson (NGA NGA 96.1126)
Untitled #9 (Walkan-aw and Kalben designs) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Red-backed Flying fox painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled #11 (Walkan-aw and Kalben designs) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled #20 (Walkan-aw and Kalben designs) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Face Painting painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled XXVI [Walkan-aw and Kalben designs] painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled #13 (Walkan-aw and Kalben designs) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled XXXXV (Body paint design - Spear and shield) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled XXXXI (Body Paint Design - Three Ancestral Figures) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled XXXIX (Body Paint Design) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Untitled XXXX (Body Paint Design — Two Ancestral Figures) painting by Arthur Koo'ekka Pambegan jnr
Cascade in vista painting by Asada takashi
Three creeks painting by Augustine Badal
Hermitage in the forest; six-panel screen painting by Azuma toyo
Plum and bamboo grass; six-panel screen painting by Azuma toyo
Narrabeen Lakes painting by B.E. Minns
Yinapunapu at Djarrakpi painting by BALUKA Maymuru
Crocodile and grass fire painting by Bakulangay Marawili
Horse with rider [pancasiriya] painting by Balu soma mashe
Tree with peacocks painting by Balu soma mashe
Harvest painting by Balu soma mashe
Festival of the Tiger God painting by Balu soma mashe
Bhagat [shaman] training painting by Balu soma mashe
Yam totem painting by Banygul Yunupingu
Yukuwa painting by Barayuwa Munungurr
Figure spearing large kangaroo, surrounded by four small kangaroos and three trees painting by Bardkadubbu
Crocodile Dreaming painting by Bardkadubbu
Bark painting: Puty-Puty, Two dreamtime brothers and their walking stick painting by Barrngandi
Bark painting: Puty-Puty, the dreamtime brothers, at the river painting by Barrngandi
Bark painting: Two venemous serpents and a dry land goanna painting by Barrngandi
untitled painting by Bede Tungutalum
untitled painting by Bede Tungutalum (NGA NGA 2010.76)
Crucifixion painting by Benedict Lines
Djerrka (goannas) painting by Benny Muduruk
Friendship or foe? painting by Bern Emmerichs
Friendship or foe? (left Side) painting by Bern Emmerichs
Friendship or foe? (right side) painting by Bern Emmerichs
Memory of a desert melon painting by Bernard Boles
Green bathers painting by Bernard Boles
The Crucifxion painting by Bert Flugelman
Kumparja [nut trees] painting by Bertha Linty
(Four Dreamings) painting by Betsy Napangardi
Kira Kiro (Bradshaw) painting by Betty Bundamurra
Kalinykalinypa Tjukurrpa painting by Beyula Puntungka Napanangka
Kalinykalinypa Tjukurrpa painting by Beyula Puntungka Napanangka (NGA NGA 2013.4806)
not titled [manorath Sri Nathji. Female devotees before Srinathji, and Krishna lila in the background] painting by Bhuralal Motilal
Self portrait in Hungarian blouse painting by Bill Cantwell
Untitled painting by Bill Yaxley
Trip up north (panel 1) painting by Bill Yaxley
Trip up north (panel 2) painting by Bill Yaxley
Trip up north painting by Bill Yaxley
Bark painting: "Barramundi" depicting nine fish painting by Billy Djambanuwa
Dubuludj (a devil) painting by Billy Harney
Spirit Man painting by Billy Harney
Kangaroo Dreaming painting by Billy Thomas
Prince Babur arriving at Andijan; page from a Baburnama manuscript painting by Bishan das
Waterhole and two lizards painting by Bob Bopani
Daily life painting by Bobby Bununggurr
Gurrwilliny Dhawu (Swamp Story) painting by Bobby Bununggurr
Bamurrunu painting by Boliny Wanambi
Yanawul painting by Boliny Wanambi
Bamurrunu painting by Boliny Wanambi (NGA NGA 2010.655)
Wallyara painting by Boxer Milner
Milnga - Milnga, the artist's birth place painting by Boxer Milner
Ulpararri I painting by Boxer Yankarr
Wanparrpinya painting by Boxer Yankarr
not titled painting by Boxer Yankarr
Only monument to coal painting by Brad Levido
Store painting by Brad O'brien
“Sihoti'e taliobamë'oho 1” painting by Brenda Kesi
Siechoutie - muddy bark painting by Brenda Kesi
Siechoutie - muddy bark no. 1 painting by Brenda Kesi
Xenias painting by Brian Mckay
Kutungka painting by Brian Mudgedell
Weaving of light painting by Bronwyn Bancroft
The tide and seawood drifting over coral and sandbars in the moonlight the night Purrukuparli died in the sea painting by Brook Aurangnamarri
Bark painting: Moonlight on the streaky sand bars as Purakupali carries his dead son Jinaini from Melville Island to mainland painting by Brook Aurangnamarri
Untitled painting No.3 painting by Bruce Benton
The story of the yam: Kodarweli painting by Bruce Nabegeyo
The story of the yam: a series of three bark paintings painting by Bruce Nabegeyo
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent at Gabari painting by Bruce Nabegeyo
The story of the yam: Ceremonial hollow log painting by Bruce Nabegeyo
Arashiyama; six-panel screen painting by Bunryu
(Decoration for Asian seafarers, The Sydney Mission to Seamen) painting by Byram Mansell
Textile design: Iris painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
Textile design: paisley painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
Textile design: blue laburnum painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
Textile design: Rose garden painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
Textile design: Rhododendron painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
Textile design: Fruit & flowers painting by C G (Atelier) Forrer
AIDS virus on white blood cell / grey (virus) border painting by Carl Tandatnick
Minyma Tjukurpa painting by Carol Golding
Northern theme painting by Carol Rudyard
Flexible passage painting by Carole Roberts
Untitled painting by Carolyn Fels
Autumn painting by Carolyn Fels
Untitled painting by Carolyn Fels (NGA NGA 89.1278)
Portrait of Arthur Martin a'Beckett as an infant painting by Catherine Devine
Orbital (Atlas XV) painting by Cathy Blanchflower
The forest mirror, Queensland painting by Charles Frazer
Red Lizard Dam at Walurra painting by Charlie Chisolm Jangala
Bone Coffin Ceremony painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Garr, the spider painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Garrtjambal (Ramingining kangaroo story) painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Dhuwa Honey Story painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Witchetty Grubs (maku) at Kunatjarri painting by Charlie Marshall tjungurrayi
Garguba stone painting by Charlie Matjuwi burawangga
Gumatj Fire, Honey, Njerrk, Paperbark Tree painting by Charlie Matjuwi burawangga
Digging Sticks on Gumatj Fire and Honey painting by Charlie Matjuwi burawangga
Warranaka, dugong, at Mata Mata painting by Charlie Matjuwi burawangga
Yam leaves, Dhuwa moiety totem painting by Charlie Nadjurubu
not titled [Wanjinas] painting by Charlie Numbulmoore
Frog Dreaming painting by Charlie Tjararu Tjungarrayi
Ice Dreaming painting by Charlie Tjararu Tjungarrayi
Wrapping up Christmas presents painting by Charlotte Ardizzone
Northern suburbs - a selection painting by Chayni Henry
Women enjoying literati amusements; pair of six-panel screens painting by Chosho
Untitled painting by Chris Dyson
The past, the present, the future painting by Christine Christophersen
Blue print painting by Christine Christophersen
The Observers painting by Christine Christophersen
Dreamland man chair painting by Christopher Hodges
Man painting by Christopher Hodges
New Water Dreaming painting by Christopher Pease
Cow with Body Paint painting by Christopher Pease
Yurrenull painting by Churchill Cann
Long neck tortoises and saratoga fish painting by Clara Matjandatjpi (wubukwubuk)
Munyigani, an edible plant painting by Clara Matjandatjpi (wubukwubuk)
Pamapardu man Yankirri Jukurrpa (Flying Ant and Emu Dreaming) painting by Clarise Poulson
Pamapardu Jukurrpa (Flying Ant and Emu Dreaming) painting by Clarise Poulson
Pamapardu Jukurrpa (Flying Ant Dreaming) painting by Clarise Poulson
Elektro painting by Clinton Garofano
Witchetty grub and honey ant Dreamings painting by Colin Walangari Karntawawarra Mccormack
Untitled painting by Cowboy Loy pwerl
Amphritite painting by Craig Judd
Marriana Barbieri-Nini painting by Craig Judd
Apelech: older and younger painting by Craig Koomeeta
Bark painting of a carved figure (morkuy or mimi) in yellow ochre, with two smaller floating figures painting by Crusoe Kuningbal
"Rainbow serpent" (bark painting) painting by Crusoe Kuningbal
(Portrait of John Reed) painting by Cynthia Reed
Portrait of Sunday Reed painting by Cynthia Reed
Yarrinya painting by DULA Ngurruwuthun
Munyuku Wana painting by DULA Ngurruwuthun
Girri' (Wagilag ceremonial emblems) painting by Daisy Manybunharrawuy
Girri' (Wagilag ceremonial emblems) painting by Daisy Manybunharrawuy (NGA NGA 93.1919)
Women's Dreaming at Ilpilli. painting by Daisy Nakamarra leura
Bush daisies, bush violets and desert rose, Pintupi/Luritja country painting by Daisy Napaltjarri jugadai
Kulinkulin (IK 93DJ36) painting by Daisy Napaltjarri jugadai
Kumantjai Rockhole painting by Daisy Napaltjarri jugadai
Yuparli Jukurrpa [Bush Banana Dreaming] painting by Daisy Napanangka nelson
Bonefish Story Place painting by Dale Ampebegan
Western painting by Dallas Bray
Man in street painting by Dallas Bray
Kirriwirri painting by Daniel Walbidi (NGA NGA 2010.285)
Kirriwirri painting by Daniel Walbidi (NGA NGA 2012.1173)
Kirriwirri painting by Daniel Walbidi (NGA NGA 2013.3955)
Kirriwirri painting by Daniel Walbidi (NGA NGA 2014.1711)
Morning Star Mythology painting by Daninyawui Djartjuwuy
not titled [Omie custom creations] painting by Dapeni Jonevari
Illuminated text [verso] painting by Darayat khan
Mount Madelaine with Mount Tutoko in background painting by David Badcock
Tolmer Rocks, Coorong painting by David Dridan
Faces of the little king painting by David Hawkes
Face painting by David Hawkes
Myth painting by David Hawkes
The jade bracelet painting by David Henry Souter
A road to nowhere near Mt. Piddington [recto] painting by David Henry Souter
Bondi Beach (Unfinished study) painting by David Henry Souter
"Namawgwari (saltwater crocodile and two fish)" : bark painting. painting by David Milaybuma
The walking washing machine painting by David Mpetyane
Untitled painting by David Palliser
Velocity of grey (McLeod Ganj) painting by David Ryan
Untitled grey diptych painting by David Serisier
Stratus One painting by David Voigt
Moonrays and vines in the mangroves painting by Deaf Tommy Mungatopi
Body design painting by Deaf Tommy Mungatopi
Moonrays and vines in the mangroves painting by Deaf Tommy Mungatopi (NGA NGA 73.289)
Banyan tree painting by Deborah Russell
Jilamara Design painting by Delores Orsto
Usulal. painting by Dennis Nona
Tawalal. painting by Dennis Nona
Harmonic tensions painting by Dennis Spiteri
Acidic cloud painting by Derek O'connor
Melt painting by Derek O'connor
Night and Day painting by Derek O'connor
Lake side painting by Derek O'connor
Marranu painting by Dhapa Gumana
Birrkuda ceremony painting by Dhawadanygulili
Darranggi, swamp plant painting by Dhunggi Mununggurr
Water Dreaming at Kalluputa painting by Dick Cowboy Tjapanangka
No title painting by Dick GOOBALATHALDIN Roughsey
Rainbow Serpent, Thwiathu dance, Mornington Island painting by Dick GOOBALATHALDIN Roughsey
The coming of the Balamanda painting by Dick GOOBALATHALDIN Roughsey
Fish Hunting painting by Dick GOOBALATHALDIN Roughsey
Bark painting: Two women and a man with dilly bags. (NOT TO BE EXHIBITED OR REPRODUCED UNTIL OCTOBER 1990) painting by Dick Ngulaiengulai
Bark painting: Two men and a python. (NOT TO BE EXHIBITED OR REPRODUCED UNTIL OCTOBER 1990) painting by Dick Ngulaiengulai
Luma Luma painting by Dick Nguleingulei Murrumurru
Two kangaroos and Mimih hunter painting by Dick Nguleingulei Murrumurru
Pool painting by Dimitri Cherepanov
Monuk ga Rapiny Madarrpa painting by Djambawa Marawili am
Yinapunapu at Baniyala painting by Djambawa Marawili am
Miny'tji painting by Djambawa Marawili am
Baraltja, Baykuldji, Munurru painting by Djambawa Marawili am
Carving one painting by Djambu Burra burra
Big crocodile painting by Djambu Burra burra
no title painting by Djambu Burra burra
Devil Devil painting by Djambu Burra burra
Crocodile and Cyprus Pine painting by Djambu Burra burra
Pythons and blue tongued lizards painting by Djardie Ashley
Wititj olive python at Yolngun painting by Djardie Ashley
Ngambi, spear points painting by Djardie Ashley
Baru, saltwater crocodile painting by Djardie Ashley
Circumcision painting by Djartjiwuy
Birrkulda ceremony painting by Djartjiwuy
Grasshoppers and bush potatoes painting by Djarwon
Buyka painting by Djirrirra Wunungmurra
Yukuwa painting by Djirrirra Wunungmurra
Buyka painting by Djirrirra Wunungmurra (NGA NGA 2010.660)
Yukuwa painting by Djirrirra Wunungmurra (NGA NGA 2013.4614)
The man in the moon painting by Djorlom Nalorlman
Goanna tracks painting by Djunmal
Bustards, their eggs, goannas etc. painting by Djunmal
Totemic emblems painting by Djunmal
Djan'kawu; birds and fish painting by Djunmal
Mirri painting by Don Gundinga
The artist's totems painting by Don Gundinga
Long tom fish painting by Don Gundinga
The artist's totems painting by Don Gundinga (NGA NGA 83.3188)
The artist's totems painting by Don Gundinga (NGA NGA 83.3190)
Honey Dreaming at Walkumbimirri painting by Don Gundinga (NGA NGA 84.825)
Mankurndalh [Black plum] painting by Don Nakadilinj Namundja
Nhalanhala [Fighting stick] painting by Don Nakadilinj Namundja
Fire party for Boomerang man with wrought iron curls painting by Don Van vliet
View from Bradley's Head painting by Donald Commons
Waterfront painting by Donald Commons
Gunawarrigi painting by Donald Moko
Kuniya Snakes near Walla Walla painting by Donkeyman Lee tjupurrula
Tjul rockhole painting by Donkeyman Lee tjupurrula
Lithgow munitions factory canteen painting by Dore Hawthorne
Lithgow munitions factory, tobacco rations painting by Dore Hawthorne
Untitled painting by Doris Platt
Mitchan (Bush Rope) painting by Doris Platt
Balangu (sharks) painting by Dorothy Galaledba
Jin-gubardabiya (triangular pandanus skirts) painting by Dorothy Galaledba
Ali's run painting by Douglas Chambers
Gundimulk (Goanna on sacred ground) painting by Dundiwuy Wanambi
Gough Whitlam painting by E Singleton
Sinn Fein painting by E. A. Harvey
Dancing Women Dreaming painting by Eddie Tjapangati
The Immortals of poetry; six-panel screen painting by Edo period (1603-1868)
Pines by the seashore; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Edo period (1603-1868)
Pheasant and plum tree; six-panel screen [rokkyoku byobu] painting by Edo period (1603-1868)
Thomson Bay, Rottnest painting by Edward Angelo
An Australian gold diggings painting by Edwin Stocqueler
Impossible pool painting by Elaine Wreford
Space and water, series III. painting by Eldred Wisdom
The last of the cool skies painting by Elisabeth Kruger
Pa'anamu (Headbands) for Laura Festival painting by Elizabeth 'Queenie' Giblet
Balangartjirr, Honey Spirit painting by Elizabeth Djarrkminy burarrawaya
Gulu, jungle tree at Mata Mata painting by Elizabeth Djarrkminy burarrawaya
Mardi, crayfish at Mata Mata painting by Elizabeth Djarrkminy burarrawaya
Grandmother’s Country: Bush Yam Seeds and Flowers painting by Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray
Yam Seeds and Flowers painting by Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray
Untitled painting by Elizabeth Nakamarra
Coolamon, with design of women cooking bush onion painting by Elsie Gorey
Dhoeri painting by Emily Beckley
Barb of the Balibal painting by Emily Evans
Wantarlpa rock hole painting by Ena Gimme Nungurrayi
Bush Onion Dreaming Ceremony painting by Entalura Nangala
Ceremony of Sacred Rock painting by Eric Stewart
View of the granite rocks at Cape Woolamai painting by Eugene Von guã?rard
Earth in Spring painting by Eva Kubbos
not titled painting by Ewald Namatjira
not titled painting by Ewald Namatjira (NGA NGA 2015.1148)
Elizabeth, Mrs James Whyte painting by F.F Hutton
Don't walk away painting by Fiona White
A native bird with mountain berries and native flora, backed by Mount Wellington. painting by Florence Williams
Blue Mountains painting by Frank Meade norton
Minydji design painting by Fred Buwanandu
Wati Tjutaku painting by Fred Grant
The Portugese Jar painting by Fred Jessup
Untitled (Tingari Cycle) painting by Fred Ward tjungurrayi
Wirrintjunku painting by Fred Ward tjungurrayi
Misses Isabella and Fanny, daughters of the Reverend William Browne painting by Frederick Strange
Deep mountains and distant view: pair of six-panel screens painting by Fujishima seison
Mt Fuji in the Glory of Morning painting by Fukuoji horin
Crucifixion with donor Jacopo di Bartolomeo [Crocifisso con il donato Jacopo di Bartolomeo] painting by GIOVANNI Paolo
Ltyentye Purte painting by Gabriella Wallace
Munyuku country 1 painting by Gambali Ngurruwuthun
Portrait of a woman painting by Gardiner
Number 11 painting by Garrey Foulkes
Mirror painting by Garrey Foulkes
not titled [gesticulating figures] painting by Gary Carsley
Icarus painting by Gary Carsley
Untitled (man and rocket) painting by Gary Carsley
Untitled (male, female and submarine) painting by Gary Carsley
Lone tone painting by Gary Willis
The moon man painting by Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham wainburranga
The sick, the dying, the mourning painting by Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham wainburranga
The fight between Mildal the Blue-Tongued Lizard and Dadbagurumulu the King Brown Snake painting by Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham wainburranga
How World War II began (through the eyes of the Rembarrnga) painting by Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham wainburranga
Too Many Captain Cooks painting by Gela Nga-Mirraitja Fordham wainburranga
Untitled painting by Genevieve Kemarr Loy
Gladioli painting by Geoff Jones
Wycliff painting by Geoff La gerche
Shoes for Bill and Alison painting by Geoff La gerche
Why Us? painting by Geoffrey Graham
Dreams beyond avarice painting by Geoffrey Graham
Landscape with farmer and horse ploughing a field painting by Geoffrey Graham
Landscape painting by Geoffrey Graham
An Australian Chief foretelling the fate of his race painting by George A. Appleton
Bark painting: Barramundi and goanna painting by George Djaykurrnga
The big white barramundi painting by George Djaykurrnga
Hunter spearing a kangaroo painting by George Djaykurrnga
Dancing Mimi spirits painting by George Djaykurrnga
Bark painting: Axe man and Kunapipi dancer painting by George Galamirnda
First study on oil for 'Blood and Tears' painting by George Gittoes
Rwanda painting by George Gittoes
The preacher painting by George Gittoes
Yinikarrka the Hawk painting by George Jawarunga wurramara
Bark painting: Rocks and seagrass painting by George Jawarunga wurramara
Mamu spirit boat painting by George Liwukang bukurlatjpi
Squid - Manda painting by George Liwukang bukurlatjpi
Queensland Sargeant painting by George Morant
East view from Mr Gregory's garden, Potts Point painting by George Peacock
North east view from Mr Gregory's garden, Potts Point painting by George Peacock
Nyurna Carpet Snake Dreaming at Wanburadindjana painting by George Tjampu Tjapaltjarri
Untitled painting by George Tjampu Tjapaltjarri
The Grampians painting by George Webb
Tingari at Kalutjutjara painting by George Yapa yapa tjangala
Wititj and dog at Marwuyo painting by Gimindjo
Entrare nell'opera [Entering the work] painting by Giovanni Anselmo
Bush Plum painting by Gladdy Kemarr
Awelye painting by Gloria Tamerr Petyarr
Ngangkare painting by Gloria Tamerr Petyarr
Flowers in a vase painting by Gokura kazuko
Night out painting by Gordon Mcauslan
Portrait of Lisa West painting by Gordon Shepherdson
Edible baby painting by Graeme Doyle
The Meal painting by Graham Moore
Up painting by Greg Pryor
Hunting Story painting by Gunbiyala
Bark painting: "Jirrbaikaik" (Snake Men), depicting a female figure, a crocodile with forked tongue and a snake against a mo painting by Gunwinggu Maralwanga
Balawurru painting by Gunybi Ganambarr
Lorr painting by Gunybi Ganambarr
Baraltja painting by Gunybi Ganambarr
Munbi painting by Gunybi Ganambarr
Baraltja painting by Gunybi Ganambarr (NGA NGA 2010.1113)
Waterfall in the mountains; six-panel screen painting by Gyosoku
Misty mountains; pair of six-panel screens painting by Gyoyo
Evening shadows painting by H J Johnstone
Page from an album: calligraphy panel [verso] painting by Hafiz korshed
Page from an album: calligraphy panel painting by Hafiz nurullah
Calligraphy panel painting by Hafiz nurullah
Maiko, apprentice geisha painting by Hamada taiji
Literati amusements; pair of six-panel screens painting by Hanabusa nobukatsu
Come away painting by Harald Noritis
The squatter's hut: news from home painting by Harden S Melville
Landscape painting by Harley jnr Griffiths
Little farm painting by Harley jnr Griffiths
Landscape painting by Harley jnr Griffiths (NGA NGA 59.212)
Landscape painting by Harley jnr Griffiths (NGA NGA 59.213)
Dry spell painting by Harold Lane
Tupun Nguranguru painting by Harry Brown
The noughts and crosses theatre painting by Harry De hartog
Sages in the countryside; pair of six-panel screens painting by Hasegawa ketsuryu seigai
Boat and plovers; four-panel screen painting by Hasegawa tohaku
Cherry blossoms painting by Hashimoto meiji
Cranes and rising sun; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Hatta koshu
Inventories and commentaries painting by Heather Ellyard
Bowl painting by Helen Eager
Sailing painting by Helen Eager
A day in the country: Professor Tipper's miniature bicycle buckjumping show. painting by Henry Dearing
A country drive with foreign friends; a bicycle drawn sulky painting by Henry Dearing
Karri trees, Manjimup painting by Henry Prinsep
Macquarie Lakes painting by Herbert Gallop
Central Australian landscape painting by Herbert Raberaba
Central Australian landscape painting by Herbert Raberaba (NGA NGA 2015.1151)
Imankinyanga Lyatinga Unah [Our History] painting by Hermannsburg potters aboriginal corp.
Birds, flowers and calligraphy painting by Hijiya bunkei
The sun is my lover and I take him inside me painting by Hollie
Power Pole painting by Hollie
Torrens study no. 3 painting by Holly Mcnamee
Torrens study no. 4 painting by Holly Mcnamee
Amanohashidate and Maikonohama; pair of six-panel screens painting by Hosen
Amanohashidate and Maikonohama; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Hosen
Walking a mountain path; six-panel screen painting by Hosoi kinkoku
The Great Kowloon fire painting by Huang banruo
Mankarnputu painting by Hughie Bent
not titled [Forest foliage; naive painting] painting by I Wajan Dampuk
Battle scene from the Bharatayuddha; shrine hanging [tabing] painting by I ketut sukanto
Wandjina painting by IGNATIA Djanghara
Wandjina painting by IGNATIA Djanghara (NGA NGA 89.1833)
Wandjina painting by IGNATIA Djanghara (NGA NGA 89.1834)
Wandjina painting by IGNATIA Djanghara (NGA NGA 89.1835)
Wandjina painting by IGNATIA Djanghara (NGA NGA 89.1836)
The island painting by Ian Bettinson
Untitled painting by Ian Milliss
not titled [Cremation ceremony procession] painting by Ida Bagus Widja
Festival; shrine hanging [langse] painting by Ida bagus putu mukuh
not titled [Forest legend scene] painting by Ide Bagus Made Togog
Bark painting: Cooked goanna painting by Idunu
Bark painting: Mallet fish (widi) killed by a fisherman by breaking its neck painting by Idunu
Pale landscape; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Igarashi shunmei
Pale landscape; pair of six-panel screens painting by Igarashi shunmei
Pale landscape; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Igarashi shunmei
Frozen field painting by Ikeda yoson
Full Moon painting by Ildiko Kovacs
In flight painting by Ildiko Kovacs
Prawns by a waterhole painting by Indji Tharwul
Wild strawberry flowers painting by Inohara taika
The history of kabuki; six-panel screen painting by Insho
The Pommy Toff painting by Irvine Homer
Murphy's father's little bit of Ireland painting by Irvine Homer
Summer by the Hawkesbury painting by Irvine Homer
Pwoja (Bone Design) painting by Ita Tipungwuti
Tipping vessel in the Lu ancestral temple; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Itoh zensho
Tjukurrpa Wati Kutjarra painting by Ivan Shepard
Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa painting by Iyawi Wikilyiri
Harvest landscape, Victoria painting by J H Carse
The Skipper family at Islington painting by J M Skipper
Hill country, grey weather painting by J W Curtis
Settler in the Strathbogie Ranges painting by J W Curtis
Fossicking for gold painting by J. Miller marshall
Staffordshire bull terrier belonging to the Rev. John Gower painting by J.M. Crossland
Fire Dreaming painting by Jack Jampijinpa gallagher
The artist's country (No.189) painting by Jack Kala kala
Sacred dilly bags painting by Jack Kala kala
Balangu, two sharks painting by Jack Kala kala
not titled [Wandjina] painting by Jack Karedada
Two snakes painting by Jack Kunti kunti
Mimi and Kangaroo painting by Jack Larrangkay
Namarrkon the Lightning Man painting by Jacky Madagarlgarl
Le Baiser au Paysage painting by Jacqueline Hyde
Rural Scene painting by James Auld
Through mountain and canyon painting by James Fardoulys
The Channel Country no.3 painting by James Fardoulys
Shearing the champions at Tinnemburrar, S.W.Q. painting by James Fardoulys
Douly prowling on the McIntyre. painting by James Fardoulys
Ngalyod-Rainbow Serpent painting by James Iyuna
Buluwana at Dilebang painting by James Iyuna
Buluwana painting by James Iyuna
Lakeside Toukeley NSW painting by James Jackson
Sydney Harbour over Neutral Bay painting by James Jackson
Morning in the studio painting by James Jackson
Afternoon: Sydney Harbour from Clifton Gardens painting by James Jackson
Harbour scene painting by James Jackson
Murrumbidgee Crossing painting by James Jackson
Lady with parasol painting by James Jackson
A winter's day on the Swan painting by James Linton
Quiet Pyramid painting by James Meldrum
Ritual didjeridu representing the serpent Yurrlungur and a water-goanna painting by Janggubali
Figure in a landscape 1 painting by Jann Dark
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs
Kurtal, with seated women and seated Walmajarri and Wangkajunga men painting by Jarinyanu Downs
Piwi, the primordial deluge painting by Jarinyanu Downs
Moses and Aaron leading the Jewish people across the Red Sea painting by Jarinyanu Downs
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1746)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1747)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1748)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1749)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1750)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1751)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1752)
No title painting by Jarinyanu Downs (NGA NGA 90.1753)
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rainwater Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan
Jardiwampa Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rainwater Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan (NGA NGA 92.1572.1)
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rainwater Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan (NGA NGA 92.1572.2)
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rainwater Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan (NGA NGA 92.1572.3)
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rainwater Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Egan (NGA NGA 92.1572.4)
Mundarra [Barramundi] painting by Jeemborala
Real real painting by Jennifer Barwell
Diptych: My friends and I take a reasonably neutral position on everything... painting by Jennifer Barwell
Untitled painting by Jeremy Kirwan-ward
Untitled painting by Jeremy Kirwan-ward (NGA NGA 2003.440.A)
Untitled painting by Jeremy Kirwan-ward (NGA NGA 2003.440.B)
Untitled painting by Jeremy Kirwan-ward (NGA NGA 2003.440.C)
The performance painting by Jill Noble
Dreamtime sacred wildlife painting by Jim Stanley
Sacred Animals painting by Jim Stanley
Jesus Christ... painting by Jim Stanley
Aboriginal Elders doing dances painting by Jim Stanley
Thee Devil Hole painting by Jim Stanley
Church, Dad, Mum painting by Jim Stanley
Yarrpany, Dhuwa moiety honey painting by Jimmy Moduk
Bark painting: Rainbow serpent painting by Jimmy Nakurridjilmi Nganjmirra
Datjubi painting by Jimmy Namarnyilk
Galagala painting by Jimmy Namarnyilk
Rainbow Serpent and Figure painting by Jimmy Namarnyilk
Jawanja the grass dreaming spirit painting by Jimmy Naromi
Wandurk the spirit man and animal painting by Jimmy Nyalalkaya
Wandurk the spirit man painting by Jimmy Nyalalkaya
Two figures painting by Jimmy Nyalalkaya
Spirit stones; pair of six-panel screens painting by Jin shiheng
Wirrikarijartu [Living waterhole] painting by Jinny Ngarta Bent
Mechanical bronc painting by Joan Letcher
(And so I spent some time inside the cat) it was still warm painting by Joan Ross
Ngarrurn painting by Jock Mosquito jubarlji
Kawirrin painting by Jock Mosquito jubarlji
Diver ducks and tortoises painting by Joe Djembangu
Pythons painting by Joe Djembangu
Hollow log ceremony painting by Joe Djembangu
Three fishermen painting by Joe Furlonger
Sacred Dilly Bag painting by Joe Injamul
Spirit cave of the fish (Lizard and turtle) painting by Joe Nalo
no title [portrait] painting by Joe Nalo
Dog painting painting by John Bursill
Ticket of leave painting by John Cullinane
Bark painting: "Ngalyod" painting by John Dalngadalnga
Chair and view painting by John Foubister
Cause and special effect painting by John L. Smith
The Wuluyma Story painting by John Mandjuwi
Wuluwuma and his wife in a ceremony painting by John Mandjuwi
Wuluwuma, his wife and yam plants painting by John Mandjuwi
Sacred Wurrkadi painting by John Mandjuwi
Wurrkadi painting by John Mandjuwi (NGA NGA 80.3581)
Two Old Men at Yarrinpil painting by John Mosquito tjapangarti
The family: Homage to Midnight Oil painting by John R. Walker
Huli man istap wantim gel pren painting by John Siune
Palai [lizard] painting by John Siune
EMTV fly long helekopta igo long Bougainville. painting by John Siune
Ancestral journey painting by John Tjakamarra (attributed to)
Untitled (Tingari design) painting by John Tjakamarra (attributed to)
No title (joined concentric circles against dotted ground) painting by John Tjakamarra (attributed to)
A wreck on the shore painting by John Wardell Power
Basket of fruit painting by John Wardell Power
Bark painting: "Oyster Dreaming". painting by Johnny Liwangu
Barracuda painting by Johnny Mundrugmundrug
Fish painting by Johnny Mundrugmundrug
Parrot pea at Kilalnga painting by Johnny Scobie Tjapanangka
Collide once more painting by Jon Plapp
Milingimbi Easter panel painting by Jonnie Dayngananggan
Skin painting by Joshua Bonson
Story Bridge painting by Joy Roggenkamp
The bathroom painting by Judith Alexandrovics
The drawing room painting by Judith Alexandrovics
Larrngiya painting by Judy Mengil
Spirit man painting by Jumbo Dawulinyera
Spirit man painting by Jumbo Dawulinyera (NGA NGA 97.1255)
The asylum painting by Jurgis Miksevicius
The battle of Bhima and Duryodhana painting by Kamal
Red finch in a willow-cherry branch; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Kano chikanobu
Tiger painting by Kano eiden
Peaceful rural landscape; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Kano eigako
Peaceful rural landscape; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Kano eigako
Peaceful rural landscape; pair of six-panel screens painting by Kano eigako
Wisteria and peony; pair of sliding doors [fusuma] painting by Kano hogai
Visit of retired Emperor Goshirakawa to Ohara; six-panel screen painting by Kano nobuetsu
Haboku landscape; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Kano seisen'in
Haboku landscape; pair of six-panel screens painting by Kano seisen'in
Portrait of Daruma painting by Kano tan'yu
Rising dragons; six-panel screen painting by Kano to'un
Autumn and winter; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Kano yasunobu
Autumn and winter; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Kano yasunobu
Autumn and winter; pair of six-panel screens painting by Kano yasunobu
Decoration for a restaurant painting by Karen Hayman
Yellow summer painting by Karen Hayman
Study for horse painting by Karen Hayman
Decoration for a restaurant painting by Karl Morkel
Mt Fuji in blue painting by Kataoka tamako
Self portrait with dragon spirits painting by Kate Beynon
Bush Plum painting by Kathleen Kngale
Bush Plum Country painting by Kathleen Ngal
Bush Plum Flowers painting by Kathleen Ngal
Bush Plum painting by Kathleen Ngala
Mountain Devil Lizard dreaming painting by Kathleen Petyarr
Oyster beds and Bundarrarr (waterlily) at Guruwana painting by Kathy Yawirr
Kangaroo Dreaming painting by Katie Cox
Maiko, apprentice geisha painting by Kato shinmei
Mt Fuji after snow painting by Kato toichi
Pavilion on a cliff; six-panel screen painting by Kawamura bunpo
Playful landscape; pair of six-panel screens painting by Kekkyo
Dancing Women Dreaming painting by Ken Bell
Courting at Cave Hill painting by Ken Bell
Arcadia painting by Ken Unsworth
Les Demoiselles d'Apparel painting by Kerin Murray
Morning tide painting by Kerry Gregan
not titled [manorath. A family worshipping on Nandotsav] painting by Khubiram gopilal
Spring flowers and autumn leaves; pair of four-panel screens painting by Kikuchi yosai
Tree painting by Kisan dama shelar
Harvest dance painting by Kisan dama shelar
Tree painting by Kisan dama shelar (NGA NGA 2011.786)
Tree painting by Kisan dama shelar (NGA NGA 2011.787)
Tree painting by Kisan dama shelar (NGA NGA 2011.788)
Viewing the waterfall from the shade of the pines; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Kishine ryukei
Untitled painting by Kitty Kantilla (kutuwalumi purawarrumpatu) (NGA NGA 2008.200)
Susan, Mrs Charles Shum Henty painting by Knut Bull
Cherry tree and pheasants; six-panel screen painting by Kogaku
Pine trees; pair of six-panel screens [rokkyoku byobu] painting by Koso hirano
Explosion painting by Krishna Kattingeri Hebbar
Big Clouds I painting by Kristin Headlam
Girndi Manyi painting by Kunmanara Cherel
Bush Leaves painting by Kunmanara Cherel
Girili painting by Kunmanara Cherel
Tharloo and painting by Kunmanara Cherel
Kata Kati painting by Kunmanara Cooper
Minyma Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Sisters Dreaming) painting by Kunmanara Dawson
Minyma Kutjara (Two Sisters Dreaming) - Kuntji painting by Kunmanara Dawson
Seven Sisters painting by Kunmanara Kawiny
Seven Sisters painting by Kunmanara Kawiny (NGA NGA 2013.4818)
Watiku Inma Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Minyintiri
Kapi tjukula painting by Kunmanara Minyintiri
Wanampi Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Palpatja
Wati Wanampi painting by Kunmanara Palpatja
Untitled painting by Kunmanara Palpatja
Piltati Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara Stevens
Kulata Tjuta painting by Kunmanara Tjupuru Burton
Kulata Tjuta painting by Kunmanara Tjupuru Burton (NGA NGA 2014.827.A)
Snowy landscape; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Kurai seppo
Milky Way Dreaming painting by Kwentwentjay Jungurrayi spencer
Fresh water goanna's sacred waterhole painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Ngaymil Milnurr painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Djan'kawu symbols painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Djambawal the thunderman painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Crocodile, Ibis and Possum Men painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Milipa waterhole painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Fresh water goannas painting by LARRTJANGA Ganambarr
Warramiri Minytji painting by LIWUKANG Bukulatjpi
Untitled painting by Lani Weedon
Unbound painting by Leah Mackinnon
Textile design with yarn sample painting by Lena Bergner
Textile design for throw rug painting by Lena Bergner
Textile design with yarn sample painting by Lena Bergner (NGA NGA 88.1674)
Lyre Bird Dreaming painting by Leo Melpi
Long-necked Turtle Dreaming (Ku-ngin-nu) painting by Leo Melpi
Dirrmu, ceremonial designs painting by Leo Melpi
Rainbow Serpent at Kimul painting by Leo Melpi
Storm over Brisbane painting by Leonard Brown
Brisbane painting - house on fire painting by Leonard Brown
Furniture animal landscape painting by Leonard Brown
Architecture and animal painting by Leonard Brown
The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee. Psalm 76 painting by Leonard Brown
O Lord, bow the heavens and come down. Psalm 143 painting by Leonard Brown
Architecture and animal painting by Leonard Brown (NGA NGA 90.524)
Nude, Summer painting by Leonard Crawford
Captive phoenix painting by Leonard Crawford
Five pieces for string quartet painting by Leonard Crawford
Gichanja, white apple tree painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Borlung painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Kunmatj with Marl Marl (clapsticks) painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Namorrordu painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Ritratto più bussola e ventilatore [Portrait with compass and ventilator] painting by Libero Concordia
Birrkula sugarbag painting by Libunja 1
Bark painting: Birrkurda, sugar bag ceremony painting by Libunja 1
Goanna painting by Libunja 1
Wakirlpirri Jukurrpa painting by Liddy Napanangka walker
Women's ceremonies at Entibera painting by Lilly Sandover kngwarrey
Wandjina painting by Lily Karadada
Bark painting of a Wandjina painting by Lily Karadeda
Untitled painting by Lily Kngwarray
Rainbow Serpent painting by Lindsay Roughsey
Where have all the flowers gone? painting by Loretta Quinn
Portrait of Alison Thomas painting by Loris Button
Grandfather's Country at Warren Creek painting by Lorna Brown Napanangka
Kangaroo Gap, Glenrowan painting by Lorna Chick
Power's Lookout King River Valley, Cheshunt painting by Lorna Chick
Untitled painting by Lorna Napanangka
Majarrdi Jukurrpa painting by Lorna Napanangka
Lament for Columbine painting by Loudon Sainthill
(Sphinx) painting by Loudon Sainthill
Senior men's business painting by Louis Pwerle
Flicking Water Lake Gregory painting by Louise Malarvie
Hand knit toy painting by Lucy Culliton
Tjuwiltjarra painting by Lucy Yukenbarri napanangka
Martakulu painting by Lydia Balbal
Winpa painting by Lydia Balbal (NGA NGA 2011.216)
Home sweet home painting by Lyn Venning
Achancarra (Mulga Seed Dreaming) painting by Lyndsay Bird mpetyane
Mulga Apple Dreaming painting by Lyndsay Bird mpetyane
Dance themes, ballet and jazz: Cocktail bar mural for Mr Whitford painting by M Van gapp
Cocklesbelly Gully painting by Mac Betts
(Barong Dance Drama - "Naive Painting") painting by Made Pugug
Kyoto scenes; pair of six-panel screens painting by Maekawa bunrei
Cranes flying over the open sea; six-panel screen painting by Maekawa bunrei
Mina Mina Jukurrpa (Women's Dreaming at Mina Mina) painting by Maggie Watson
Puturlu Jukurrpa (Puturlu Dreaming) painting by Maggie White
Birds and flowers; six-panel screen painting by Maki hyappo
Dhatam painting by Malaluba Gumana
Untitled painting by Mandidja
Fish painting by Manuwa
Tree and snakes painting by Manuwa
Seagull painting by Manuwa
Milika, moonfish and Muduuka, small shells painting by Manuwa
Milika, moonfish painting by Manuwa
Datiwuy Minytji painting by Manydjarri 2 Ganambarr
Lajarri II [Winbar] painting by Margaret Baragurra
Lajarri III [Winbar] painting by Margaret Baragurra
Lajarri I [Winbar] painting by Margaret Baragurra
Hopscotch in the lane painting by Margaret Gale
In a matter of moments painting by Margaret Morgan
Jilamara painting by Margaret Reene Kerinau
Samsara 17 painting by Margaret Worth
Wang'ka ainamu painting by Maria Butcher
Queens painting by Maria Kozic
Self portrait painting by Marianne Baillieu
Cheeky yam in leaf painting by Mariaryardi
Sleepers - A life for every sleeper (The Burma-Thailand Railway WWII) painting by Marion Tallis
Stingrays in a creek painting by Marmbur
Story of pigs coming to the bush painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Morning Star ceremony painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Funeral ceremony painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Bush camp painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Fishing: old way, new way painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
People digging and cooking yams painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Men hunting, Women collecting painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
People hunting for goose painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Hunting and camping with Toyota painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Mana ga Djukurr painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
People collecting bush fruits painting by Marrnyula # 2 Mununggurr
Nordic twilight painting by Martin Collacott
not titled [Birds] painting by Martin Morububuna
Untitled painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa (NGA NGA 2006.1083)
Young pines; six-panel screen painting by Maruyama obun
Goose; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Maruyama okyo
Illyara painting by Mary Meribida
A way of life painting by Mary Punchi Clements
Flowers where land meets sea painting by Mary Punchi Clements
Diver Ducks painting by Matjurri
Baru at Matamata painting by Matjuwi Burawangaa
Mountain cherry tree; six-panel screen painting by Matsumura keibun
Bark painting with coral pattern (#3) painting by Maudie Kerinaiua
Limmen Bight Country painting by Maureen Thompson
In the billabong painting by Maureen Thompson
Thunderman painting by Maw Mununggurr
Yalangbara walu ga wapitja (Djan'kawu sacred digging stick) painting by Mawalan 2 Marika
Yalangbara Wayanga [Two goannas] painting by Mawalan 2 Marika
Bush fire painting by Maxie Tjampijinpa
Water Dreaming at Watulpunya painting by Maxie Tjampijinpa
Flying Ant Dreaming at Wantungurru painting by Maxie Tjampijinpa
Bush-fire painting by Maxie Tjampijinpa
Chapters of the same book painting by Melanie Howard
August (for Bruno Schulz) painting by Meredith Morse
Five ancestors at Pikilli painting by Michael Nelson jagamara
Possum, Wallaby and Cockatoo Dreaming painting by Michael Nelson jagamara
Runaway Wife painting by Michelle Huddleston
Djan'kawu ancestral landscape painting by Mick Daypurryun 2
Galun, yams painting by Mick Daypurryun 2
Nyuntul painting by Mick Gill tjakamarra
Bullroarer Dreaming in the sandhills painting by Mick Mumidra (attributed to mick namarari tjapaltjarri)
Bark painting: Minga and moonrays painting by Mickey Aruni
Bark painting: Minga mingled with grave marks painting by Mickey Aruni
Pukumani ceremony ground, a waterhole and a deep hollow painting by Mickey Aruni
Pukumani painting with body in grave (cross in centre circle) and body designs painting by Mickey Aruni
Wagilag sisters painting by Micky Garrawurra
Miny'tji painting by Micky Garrawurra
No title painting by Micky Garrawurra
No title painting by Micky Garrawurra (NGA NGA 2005.19)
No title painting by Micky Garrawurra (NGA NGA 2005.21)
Bark painting: Stars and clanic pattern used in body painting and rituals painting by Mimikamara
Bark painting: Frogs and stars painting by Mimikamara
Sawfish pattern painting by Minyjil
Two rockfish, a sword-fish and two yellow-belly sea snakes painting by Minyjil
Insurance on a painting painting by Miriam Stannage
Bodjiya painting by Mithili Wanambi
Floral arrangement painting by Mitty Lee-brown
Small fishing village; six-panel screen painting by Miyako gogyo
Echidna and Snake Dreaming painting by Molly Dodd
Net and chime; fan painting by Momoyama period (1573-1615)
Jamirlangu [Husband and Wife] painting by Mona Chuguna
Untitled painting by Morris Gibson tjapaltjarri
Untitled painting by Mr Giles
Dhuwa ngarra ceremonial painting painting by Mudbu
Acala-God of fire painting by Mukai kuma
Nyirtiwarnti painting by Mulgra (Mawukura) Jimmy Nerrimah
Bugoo Bugoo, area near Tabu painting by Mulgra (Mawukura) Jimmy Nerrimah
Tabu painting by Mulgra (Mawukura) Jimmy Nerrimah
Old Nampitjin women at Wallu rockhole painting by Muntja nungurrayai
Deer; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Mura tokyoku
Mount Fuji; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Mura tokyoku
Peonies painting by Muramatsu otohiko
Spring party of literati; pair six-panel screens painting by Murasaki senkei
Morning star ceremony painting by Mutitjpuy Mununggurr
Jakulyukulyu [Seven sisters] painting by Muuki Taylor
Jurta-rarra Pula Yaninypa, the Sisters are Going to Another Place painting by Muuki Taylor
Totemic goanna, short-necked turtle and small fish painting by NABAGEYO Bilinyarra
Bark painting: "Blue-tongued Lizards" depicting two lizards with forked tongues. painting by NABAGEYO Bilinyarra
Gunyan the sand crab painting by NANYIN Maymuru
Paths and footmarks painting by NANYIN Maymuru
Untitled (hunting kangaroo and bird) painting by NEWILI (brinken charlie)
Hunting at Waterhole painting by NEWILI (brinken charlie)
Nesting magpie geese in billabong painting by NEWILI (brinken charlie)
Plum tree; four-panel screen painting by Nagayama koin
Ox painting by Nakahara nantenbo
Portrait of a woman painting by Nakamura tei’i
The hill flower painting by Nalinikanta majumdar
(Mardayin) painting by Namaparda
Bush food and flowers painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Wititj at Gurrawana painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Gurruwana story painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Sacred Rocks at Guruwana painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Ngapa painting by Nancy Noonju
The Angurugu River painting by Nandabitta Maminyamandja
Macassan prau and trepang curing painting by Nandabitta Maminyamandja
West lake; six-panel screen painting by Nangoku
Untitled (In Memory of the Women who cared for the Men) painting by Narelle Jubelin
Yalka ceremonies at Kumalpa. painting by Nellie Nangala
Coral painting by Nellie Wanterapila
Siha'e - fruit from a tree painting by Nerry Keme
Yambal-Matha painting by Neville Nanytjawuy
Guruwana Story painting by Neville Nanytjawuy
Swamp around Nyrrupi painting by Ngoia Pollard napaljarri
Swamp near Nyrrupi painting by Ngoia Pollard napaljarri
Landscape; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Niimura suiseki
Flooded waterhole painting by Ninimbir
The death of the general painting by Noel Blaubaum
Glorianna painting by Noel Tunks
Time Frame painting by Norma Macdonald
Three ceremonial poles painting by Nosepeg Tjupurrula
Camp dog story painting by Nura Rupert
Untitled painting by Nyilyari Tjapangati
The artist's country painting by Nym Bunduk
Kunmunggurr the Rainbow Serpent painting by Nym Bunduk
Kundaagi, the red plains kangaroo painting by Nym manalpuy
Sacred yam in flower painting by Nym manalpuy
Tjukula Tjuta painting by Nyunkulya Watson walyampari
Untitled painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa (NGA NGA 2002.514)
Untitled painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa (NGA NGA 2014.862)
Irises painting by Oguri ushio
Flaming jewel; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Ohara shigetomi
Nara, ancient capital painting by Oka nobutaka
Bamboo and calligraphy; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Okubo shibutsu
Bamboo and calligraphy; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Okubo shibutsu
Bamboo; pair of six-panel screens painting by Okubo shibutsu
Mt Fuji painting by Okumura togyu
Honey Ant Dreaming painting by Old Mick Walankari Tjakamarra
Bush Potato painting by Old Mick Walankari Tjakamarra
Untitled painting by Old Mick Walankari Tjakamarra
Big Emu Dreaming painting by Old Mick Walankari Tjakamarra
Two Women Dreaming painting by Old Mick Walankari Tjakamarra
Big Corroboree Dreaming painting by Old Tutuma Tjapangati
One Old Man's Dreaming painting by Old Tutuma Tjapangati
Jikarri painting by Old Walter Tjampitjinpa
Lightning Man at Kalipinypa painting by Old Walter Tjampitjinpa
Ceremony at Tjikarri painting by Old Walter Tjampitjinpa
Birds and flowers; pair of six-panel screens painting by Omura zuiun
Cranes; two-panel screen painting by Onishi chinnen
Cranes flying over the open sea; six-panel screen painting by Oniwa gakusen
Blood over mud painting by Oswald Hall
Surreal landscape with mother and child painting by Oswald Hall
The Visitation painting by Oswald Hall
From forged dawns painting by Oswald Hall
In this world, hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Otagaki rengetsu
Peter painting by Owen Lade
Carole painting by Owen Lade
Palunya: that's all painting by PANTJITI Mclean
Bullo River Country painting by Paddy Carlton
Tiwi abstract design painting by Paddy Henry Tiempi
Yanjilypiri Jukurrpa (Star Dreaming) painting by Paddy Jupurrurla nelson
Bark painting: Seagulls, plants and serpent painting by Paddy Kelantumama
Ceremonial camp painting by Paddy Tjangala
Untitled painting by Pamela Thalben-ball
Decoration for a restaurant painting by Pasquale Giardino
Eat shit painting by Pasquale Giardino
Gloria II painting by Pat Harry
Abstract untitled painting by Pat Harry
Pink painting by Pat Thompson
The death of the Tjampitjin fighting man at Tjunta painting by Patricia Lee napangarti
Kungkarangkalpa painting by Patricia Patterson
Theatre backdrop from the production Shark Infested Waters painting by Patrick Cook
Theatre backdrop from the production Shark Infested Waters painting by Patrick Cook (NGA NGA 90.130)
Mylilly painting by Patrick Tjungurrayi
Untitled painting by Patrick Tjungurrayi
Body designs painting by Patsy Marfurra
Landscape near Minji painting by Paul Jones
The Sun, the Moon and the Star painting by Paul Nabulumo
Goodim painting by Peggy Griffiths
Three messengers painting by Perle Hessing
Sacred ground painting by Peter Baka
Wodorra, male and female goannas painting by Peter Binyanbi
Scenes from daily life painting by Peter Binyanbi
Ibis dancing painting by Peter Binyanbi
Didjeridu painting by Peter Binyanbi
Hostel men I painting by Peter Blayney
Eclectic pattern No.5 painting by Peter Cooley
Desert Pea painting by Peter Cooley
Bluebonnet painting by Peter Cooley
More ideals? Ask yourself Mickey wants Jane no. 2 painting by Peter Cooley
Untitled painting by Peter Cooley
No.96 painting by Peter Cooley
Untitled painting by Peter Cooley (NGA NGA 88.26)
Gumatj Fire II painting by Peter Datjing
Chirriger #12 (Nyoongar dancers painted ready for ceremony) [part 3] painting by Peter Farmer
Chirriger #12 (Nyoongar dancers painted ready for ceremony) [part 2] painting by Peter Farmer
Chirriger #12 (Nyoongar dancers painted ready for ceremony) [part 1] painting by Peter Farmer
Chirriger #12 (Nyoongar dancers painted ready for ceremony) painting by Peter Farmer
Memento painting by Peter Godwin
Untitled landscape painting by Peter Johnstone
Untitled landscape painting by Peter Johnstone (NGA NGA 89.1286)
Untitled landscape painting by Peter Johnstone (NGA NGA 89.1287)
Untitled landscape painting by Peter Johnstone (NGA NGA 89.1288)
Untitled landscape painting by Peter Johnstone (NGA NGA 89.1289)
Superman vs the flying insects painting by Peter Liiri
Help Machine painting by Peter Maloney
Mayku at Mirrngatja painting by Peter Minygululu
This Wititj lives at Milipanun, a little waterhole upstream from Marwuyu painting by Peter Minygululu
My mother's Dreaming painting by Peter Mondjingu
Mimi forest painting by Peter Munduberru
Anwandi, the Sugarbag man painting by Peter Nabarlambarl
Bark painting: "Namarrkon" (The Lightning Spirit) painting by Peter Nganjmirra
Namarrkon the Lightning Man painting by Peter Nganjmirra
About 6.30 Evening June (from "Peter's Paper Pieces" show) painting by Peter Sinclair
Sundowner painting by Phil Stone
Waterfall, Royal National Park, New South Wales painting by Philip Lee
Native sports painting by Philip Lee
Amber Mae meets Mr Blackboard painting by Pie Rankine
Site for isolation painting by Pie Rankine
(Tableau) painting by Pierre Dunoyer
Yuwal painting by Pincher Talunga
Maninji Jukurrpa painting by Polly Napurrurla
Emu Seed Country painting by Poly Ngal
Bush Plum Country painting by Poly Ngal
Janyinki Jukurrpa painting by Pompey Japanangka martin
Body Marks painting by Prince of wales (NGA NGA 2002.309)
Body Marks painting by Prince of wales (NGA NGA 2002.392)
Body marks painting by Prince of wales (NGA NGA 2009.547)
No title painting by Pundaminni
Freshwater / Saltwater painting by Raelene Kerinauia
Untitled painting by Rammey Ramsey
Australian History painting by Ray "Buster" Thomas
Kulata Tjuta painting by Ray Ken
Ngayuku ngura - My Country painting by Ray Ken (NGA NGA 2013.687)
Kulata Tjuta painting by Ray Ken (NGA NGA 2014.2399)
Kulata Tjuta painting by Ray Ken (NGA NGA 2016.66)
Mosquito ceremony painting by Ray Munyal
Gatji lagoon painting by Ray Munyal
Honey site painting by Ray Munyal
Wet Season Monsoon painting by Reggie Hoosan
Wet Season Monsoon painting by Reggie Hoosan (NGA NGA 2006.1074)
From Greenmount painting by René Collot d'herbois
Landscape, near Albany painting by René Collot d'herbois
Gurtha painting by Rerrkirrwanga Munungurr
Gurtha painting by Rerrkirrwanga Munungurr (NGA NGA 2012.1846)
Black/black painting by Richard Dunn
A haven beneath the hill, St Ives painting by Richard Hayley-lever
Fishing boats, St Ives painting by Richard Hayley-lever
Animals in burning grass painting by Rikin
(Untitled) painting by Robert Cleworth
Mimih figures painting by Robert Durdanga
Wagilag sisters story painting by Robert Gurral
Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land painting by Robert Neill
Scott's Point, Humpybong painting by Robert Rayment
Bark painting: Mermaids painting by Robin Ngaimura
Water python and boomerangs painting by Robin Nilco
Body paint # 1 painting by Roderick Yunkaporta
Body paint # 2 painting by Roderick Yunkaporta
Eddie Gilbert triptych painting by Ron Hurley
Gilbert Bowling painting by Ron Hurley
Bradman painting by Ron Hurley
Wicketkeeper painting by Ron Hurley
Wandurk the old spirit man painting by Ronnie Djambardi
Information voting patterns painting by Rose Woodcock
Capacity painting by Rose Woodcock
The proposal painting by Rosie Weiss
Women's Ceremonies at Intankangu painting by Roslyn Napaljarri
Suitcase painting by Ross Crothall
Tourists in search of the salt mines painting by Ross Crothall
Study painting by Ross Crothall
Byzantium painting by Ross Crothall
Study painting by Ross Crothall (NGA NGA 83.3732)
Yin Yang landscape. (Part 2). painting by Ross Mellick
Yin Yang landscape painting by Ross Mellick
Yin Yang landscape. (Part 1). painting by Ross Mellick
Male fetish painting by Ross Moore (NGA NGA 88.36)
Mother painting by Ross Thompson
Milngurr (well at Yalangbara) painting by Roy DADAYNGA Marika
Yalangbara (Wapilina and Gulurungu) painting by Roy DADAYNGA Marika
Jowalbinna bushcamp painting by Roy Jackson
Soft - red country painting by Roy Jackson
Nadulmi the kangaroo and Ngarrbek the echidna painting by Roy Ulitjirri
Camp scene at Engowinya painting by Ruby Kngwarrey
Jangapu Jukurrpa (Possum Dreaming) painting by Runa Williams Napangardi
Frilly clams and slimy things painting by Ruth Waller
Mineral after Bellini painting by Ruth Waller
Maharao Umaid Singh I of Kotah (r. 1771-1819) hawking painting by Salagram
A young prince hawking painting by Salagram
Young Olives painting by Sally L'estrange
Pardanga - pardanga, dreamtime spirit men painting by Sambo Ashley Mindiliwuy
Argument over a marriage painting by Sambo Ashley Mindiliwuy
Crayfish dreaming painting by Samuel Namundja
Namorrorddo, a profane spirit painting by Samuel Namundja
Bark painting: Two barramundi painting by Samuel Wagbara
Witchetty Grub Dreaming painting by Sandy Opal (aka abbot)
“Mododa'e diburi'e hijë'oho (sihoti'e taliobamë'oho)” - the tail-feathers of the swift in flight painting by Sarah Ugibari
“Mododa'e diburi'e biojë'oho (sihoti'e taliobamë'oho)” - the tail-feathers of the swift when sitting in the tree painting by Sarah Ugibari
Morning after snow painting by Sato kunio
Various levels painting by Savanhdary Vongpoothorn
Incantation painting by Savanhdary Vongpoothorn
Plum tree; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Sawa baito
Plum tree; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Sawa baito (NGA NGA 2014.2643)
Dragon and tiger; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Sengyokuran
Dragon and tiger; pair of six-panel screens painting by Sengyokuran
Rodeo painting by Serge Koludrovich
Hiralal A Gandhi memorial portrait painting by Shanti Shah
Colour compression: after Reynolds, after Gainsborough painting by Shaun Gladwell
Warped wood painting by Shaun Gladwell
Warped wood (painting of landscape) painting by Shaun Gladwell
Warped wood (Red Skateboard) painting by Shaun Gladwell
Warped wood (Yellow Skateboard) painting by Shaun Gladwell
Minerva's house painting by Shaun Kirby
Peacocks; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Shen nanpin
Matsumoto Koshiro VII as Fukashichi painting by Shiko
Nakamura Kichiemon as Ishikawa Goemon painting by Shiko
Nakamura Fukusuke IV as Umago painting by Shiko
Nakamura Kichiemon as Ishikawa Goemon painting by Shiko (NGA NGA 2015.587)
Garden with pond painting by Shiode hideo
Gazing at the moon; six-panel screen painting by Shiokawa bunrin
Seaside pines under snow; two-panel screen painting by Shiokawa bunrin
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Shorty JANGALA Robertson (NGA NGA 2006.677)
The Great River painting by Shorty Lungkata tjungurrayi
Yunala or Bush Banana painting by Shorty Lungkata tjungurrayi
Big Cave Story painting by Shorty Lungkata tjungurrayi
Untitled painting by Shorty Lungkata tjungurrayi (NGA NGA 2009.556)
Mountains and bridge; pair of eight-panel screens painting by Shosen homei
Monkeys; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Shushuku
Linka painting by Simon Hogan
Hawk painting by Soga sanchokuan
Djapu Gapu painting by Son of wonggu
Boeuf painting by Stanislav Halpern
Composition, Heads painting by Stanislav Halpern
Sihau'e - Sahote clan design painting by Stella Upia
Instrument for looking at time painting by Stephen Killick
Spectres painting by Stephen May
Illumination from the left painting by Stephen Mccarthy
Still life with incessant hunt painting by Stuart Black
Design for textile painting by Studio established 1975
Page from an album: women celebrating the festival of Divali painting by Studio of mihr chand
Palace women celebrating Shab-I Barat painting by Studio of mihr chand
Page from an album: Yoginis worshipping at a Shiva-linga shrine [recto] painting by Studio of mihr chand
Page from an album: Taswir-i husn [Portrait of Beauty] painting by Studio of mihr chand
Portrait of Thomas Dewhurst Jennings painting by Sue hing long and co
Tjikirri painting by Sunfly Tjampitjinpa
Watersnake Dreaming (Lightning Snake) painting by Sunfly Tjampitjinpa
Like new painting by Susan Fereday
Nothing painting by Susan Fereday
Pure painting by Susan Fereday
Tell me everything painting by Susan Fereday
Trust-a rare bloom painting by Susan Rankine
Wanderlust: The migrant painting by Susan Rankine
Dumb animal painting by Susan Rankine
Way to Yamato painting by Suzuki chikuhaku
Birds and flowers; pair of six-panel screens painting by Suzuki shonen
Summer mountains; pair of six-panel screens painting by Suzuki shosen
New Moon painting by Takayama tatsuo
Rising and descending dragons painting by Tani buncho
Rising dragon; one of a pair of framed plaques (right) painting by Tani buncho
Descending dragon; one of a pair of framed plaques (left) painting by Tani buncho
Misty dawn, young pines; pair of six-panel screens painting by Tatebe hakuho
Double Mars black over Pyrrole red (For M.E) painting by Ted Kurahara
Tama II painting by Ted Kurahara
Bark painting painting by Teresina Munkara
Bark painting depicting two ceremonial rings painting by Teresina Munkara
Behind the bone painting by Terry Batt
Study of hand painting by Terry Taylor
Study of hand painting by Terry Taylor (NGA NGA 88.125)
Gugororndor Creek painting by Terry Waymungurr
Figure painting by Terry Waymungurr
Gumororlu landscape painting by Terry Waymungurr
A woman receives three visitors; page from the Shangri II Ramayana painting by The bahu masters
The back blocks of the Yarra painting by Theo Scharf
Mr David Barclay painting by Thomas Bock
The enduring body of reality painting by Thornton Walker
Safety and riches painting by Thornton Walker
Serpent and Bird painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Untitled painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Sandhill country west of Wilkinkarra, Lake Mackay painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Hooked boomerangs painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Wilkinkaranya painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Corroboree site two painting by Timmy PAYUNGKA Tjapangarti
Untitled (Mardayin at Barrihdjowkkeng) painting by Timothy Wulanjbirr
Yippa (frog) painting by Timothy Wulanjbirr
No title painting by Tiny Mccale
Bark painting: Spirit land painting by Tjam Yilkari
Seven Sisters painting by Tjankaya Woods
Kungkarangkalpa painting by Tjapartji Bates
Minyma Kutjara Wingellina painting by Tjariya (Nungalka) Stanley
Para - Ghost Gum Trees painting by Tjilpi Kunmanara Kankapankatja
Walalkaraku Ngura - Walalkara Country painting by Tjilpi Kunmanara Kankapankatja
Kalaya Tjina Walalkaranya - Emu tracks at Walalkara painting by Tjilpi Kunmanara Kankapankatja
Walalkaraku Ngura - Walalkara Country painting by Tjilpi Kunmanara Kankapankatja (NGA NGA 2014.2367)
Wati Kutjarra painting by Tjumpo Tjapanangka (NGA NGA 2003.265)
Emu Men at Lake Mackay painting by Tjungkiya Wukula napaltjarri
The Ascension painting by Tjungkiya Wukula napaltjarri
(Goannas) painting by Tom Djumburpur
Red picture No. III painting by Tom Risley
Bark painting: Sacred well painting by Tombool buraga
Bark painting: Sacred wind objects painting by Tombool buraga
Bark painting: Creation waterholes painting by Tombool buraga
Bark painting: Sacred waterholes painting by Tombool buraga
Warlarljen (Maisie Spring), Texas Downs Station painting by Tommy Carroll
No title (Puja story) painting by Tommy May ngarralja
Waterholes made by Djang'kawu Sisters at Gariyak painting by Tony Dhanyula
Minhala, Long-necked Tortoise painting by Tony Djikululu
A replie painting by Tony Woods
On, in, but still on painting by Tony Woods
Reflective painting by Tony Woods
Light and space painting by Tony Woods
Pines and cranes at the seaside; pair of six-panel screens painting by Tosa mitsubumi
Literati and pastoral scenes; pair of six-panel screens painting by Toyohiko okamoto
Afternoon in the mountains; six-panel screen painting by Toyohiko okamoto
Monkey and keeper; two-panel screen painting by Toyohiko okamoto
Mount Fuji; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Toyooka zuishi
Koala and babies painting by Trevor 'Turbo' Brown
Three wombats painting by Trevor 'Turbo' Brown
Untitled painting by Truong tan
Corroboree painting by UNKNOWN ARTIST (attributed to john glover)
Tranquillity in snow painting by Uemura shoko
Sages and immortals; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Unkoku tojun
Sages and immortals; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Unkoku tojun
Sages and immortals; pair of six-panel screens painting by Unkoku tojun
Waterfall; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Unpo
Spring and fall grasses and flowers; six-panel screen painting by Uragami shunpo
Warlukurlangu Jukurrpa (Fire Country Dreaming) painting by Various artists
Yarla manu Ngarlajiyi Jukurrpa (Bush Potato and Bush Carrot Dreaming) painting by Various artists
not titled [Portrait of a man] painting by Venus studio
Kaleidoscopia painting by Vera Rudner
Sacrilege painting by Vera Rudner
ATSIC painting by Vincent Serico
Mirage painting by Virginia Coventry
Summer, beach scene, Port Phillip Bay painting by W D Knox
On the Nepean, New South Wales painting by W.C. Piguenit
Near Liverpool, New South Wales painting by W.C. Piguenit
Mangroves, Lane Cove River painting by W.C. Piguenit
Bridget Widdowson on guard at Cawnpore painting by W.R.S Stott
Untitled painting by Walangkura (Jackson) Napanangka
Goannas painting by Walipuru
Totemic animals, plant and clouds painting by Walipuru
Swordfish and hollow log coffin painting by Walipuru
Totemic animals and ritual object painting by Walipuru
Edible roots painting by Walipuru
Morning star ceremony painting by Watjpurali
Nanarra painting by Weaver Jack
Nannarri painting by Weaver Jack
Totem painting by Wendy Stavrianos
Fragments of Darwin painting by Wendy Stavrianos
Spangled Tanja Night painting by Wendy Stavrianos
Vision through - drawing 1 painting by Wendy Stavrianos
Ash paddock 11 painting by Wendy Teakel
Sandhills painting by Wentja Napaltjarri
Bulyiddnumadd country (Table Hill) painting by Wilfred Mardigan
The Artist's country; bark painting painting by Wilfred Mardigan
Blackwood River, Bridgetown painting by William Benson
Portrait of a woman painting by William Nicholas
Alawa country painting by Willie Gudabi
Alawa sacred sites at Langabut painting by Willie Gudabi
Untitled painting by Willie Gudabi (NGA NGA 90.1758)
Untitled painting by Willie Gudabi (NGA NGA 90.1759)
Totemic site painting by Willy Djolpa
Tingari Story painting by Willy Tjungurrayi (NGA NGA 2013.101)
The artist's country painting by Wimmitji Tjapangarti
Healing story at Nyilla painting by Wimmitji Tjapangarti
Minhala, the long-necked tortoise painting by Witjiwitji Wunungmurra
Judgement of Paris painting by Wolfgang Cardamatis
Greek family painting by Wolfgang Cardamatis
Lovers painting by Wolfgang Cardamatis
St George painting by Wolfgang Grässe
Sugarbag Dreaming painting by YALMAY Yunupingu
Three bridges; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Yabu chosui
Five Women in the Kalipinypa Rain Dreaming Country painting by Yala Yala Gibbs Tjungarrayi
Wirrpi (Near Lake Macdonald) painting by Yala Yala Gibbs Tjungarrayi
Three Rocks in Trial Bay painting by Yalanba Wanambi
Sunflowers painting by Yamaguchi kayo
Camellia painting by Yamamoto sokyu
Flaming jewels; six-panel screen painting by Yamaoka tesshu
Wititj at Guruwana painting by Yambal durrurrnga
Autoportrait (Mai 2000) painting by Yan pei ming
Autoportrait (Mars 2000) painting by Yan pei ming
Flowers; pair of six-panel screens painting by Yanagisawa kien
Mountains and sea; pair of six-panel screens painting by Yanagisawaoka sesshi
Mountains and sea; one of a pair of six-panel screens (left) painting by Yanagisawaoka sesshi
Mountains and sea; one of a pair of six-panel screens (right) painting by Yanagisawaoka sesshi
Ancestors of the Yirritja moiety painting by Yanggariny Wunungmurra
Miringu painting by Yilpirr Wanambi
Snowy landscape; hanging scroll [kakemono] painting by Yoshimura shuzan
Mandarin ducks painting by Yoshioka kenji
Thou to be seen tomorrow painting by Young Ha Park
Birds and flowers: pair of six-panel screens painting by Yugoku
Jila Kujarra Pula Nyinani Parntal yarra-ngungka (Two snakes are staying in the lake country) painting by Yunkurra Atkins
The George Bell Art Studio painting by Yvonne Atkinson

label description image described at URL
Portrait of a Lady
The lovers' walk (1889) oil painting by Arthur Streeton
Untitled (Constellations) No. 11 and no. 14 painting by A. D. S. Donaldson
Wanjina II painting by Aangaburra Gurnangkialla
Ngapa manu yankirri Jukurrpa (Water and emu Dreaming) painting by Abie Jangala
Ngapa Jukurrpa at Ngutpulurrngu (Water Dreaming at Ngutpulurrngu) painting by Abie Jangala
Ngurlu Jukurrpa at Parrulyu (Seed Dreaming at Parrulyu) painting by Abie Jangala
Dixon's Creek painting by Adrian Kerfoot
Untitled painting by Agnes P. Raphael
Untitled painting by Agnes P. Raphael (NGV 1996.687)
Taparra amintiya tapalinga (Moon and stars) painting by Aileen Henry
Jilamara painting by Aileen Henry
Parlini jilamara painting by Aileen Henry
Parlini Jilamara painting by Aileen Henry (NGV 1995.631)
Jilamara painting by Aileen Henry (NGV O.69-1992)
Maharana Raj Singh II riding painting by Ala Bagas, Son Of Pyara
Nundjun, in the Tanami Desert painting by Alan Winderoo Tjakamarra
Native cat and water Dreaming at Yinpirrkawarnu painting by Alan Winderoo Tjakamarra
Lappi Lappi in Tanami Desert painting by Alan Winderoo Tjakamarra
Untitled painting by Albert Dirdi
Wanjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu
Wanjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu (NGV 2010.358)
Wanjina painting by Alec Mingelmanganu (NGV 2010.359)
Ceremony painting by Alex Zubryn
Onetwoonetwo painting by Alexander Spremberg
Red and black painting by Alina Mcdonald
Kalaya wati painting by Alkawari Dawson
Wirri wirri linji painting by Amy French
Kanaji painting by Amy French
Tingarri site of Tjulnya, west of Winparrku painting by Anatjari Tjampitjinpa
Moch, the Rainbow Serpent painting by Anawuwujjara
Ngalmangeyi, the tortoise painting by Anchor Barbuwa Wurrkgidj (attributed To)
Class consciousness painting by Andrew Hill
Standing on the brink of the final abyss we shall take our future into our own hands painting by Andrew Hill
Perditio painting by Andrew Maes
Kangaroo painting by Andrew Munakali
Untitled painting by Andrew Southall
Whitefella killing blackfella painting by Angelina Pwerl Ngal
Awely painting by Angelina Pwerl Ngal
Plum Dreaming painting by Angelina Pwerl Ngal
Bush plum painting by Angelina Pwerl Ngal
Chaim Soutine painting by Angus Jones
Humankind and its symbols painting by Angus Jones
Requiem painting by Ann Weir
Party painting painting by Anna Platten
I lay me down (I) painting by Anthony Pelchen
Dream painting by Aoyagi Shiro
Journey painting by Aoyagi Shiro
Untitled painting by April Jones
What about X painting by Ashley Jones
Yuninpa painting by Bai Bai Napangarti
Kily - Kily painting by Bai Bai Napangarti
Tirru near Yagga Yagga in the Great Sandy Desert painting by Bai Bai Napangarti
Burrut'tji, lightning snake painting by Bakulangay Marawili
Fish-trap at Gängan painting by Balambi Gumana
Untitled painting by Baliman
Djarrakpi painting by Baluka Maymuru
Yingapungapu painting by Baluka Maymuru
In progress painting by Barbara Zerbini
Two women's Dreaming at Wingellina painting by Barney Wakuri Tjakamarra
Untitled painting by Bayngul Marika
The Gawler Ranges in autumn painting by Beaver Lennon
Untitled (With pear) painting by Ben Laycock
Female Mimih spirit painting by Benny Bandawunga
Warmanlatlu painting by Benny Tjapaltjarri; Kawayi Nampitjinpa (assistant)
Pinpirrnga painting by Benny Tjapaltjarri; Kawayi Nampitjinpa (assistant)
Wati Ngintaka painting by Bernard Tjalkuri
Miramiratjara painting by Bert Jackson
All the stars painting by Bertha Linty
Nyapuru painting by Bertha Linty
Docker River Women's Lasseter history story painting by Beryl Bell; Jodie Lydia Jackson; Yvonne James; Tjukurparti James; Nyinku Kulitja; Anna Porter; Eunice Yunurupa Porter; Martha Kynitja Protty; Patricia Willy-orgula
Bottle tree Dreaming painting by Berylene Mung
Women and children looking for bush tucker painting by Berylene Mung
Fish Dreaming painting by Berylene Mung
Iltjiltjara country painting by Bessie Liddle
Kelew painting by Betty Mills Apwerl
Maharana Ari Singh with his sardars painting by Bhima
Maharana Ari Singh II playing polo painting by Bhima Sutar
Maharana Ari Singh hunting boar at Nahar Magra painting by Bhopa, Son Of Naga
Maharana Ari Singh III riding painting by Bhopa, Son Of Naga
Maharana Ari Singh II painting by Bhopa, Son Of Naga (attributed To)
Two lohans painting by Bi Haizhou
Namarrkon, Lightning spirit painting by Bilinyarra Nabegeyo
Kalawan – Four goannas painting by Bilinyarra Nabegeyo
Anmangu painting by Bill Anderson
Djirrawa painting by Bill Birriyabirriya
Bold words and lies repeat across a new made grave painting by Bill Cook
Dreaming lady at Mankalord painting by Bill Murrbbunkurla Namundja
Rockholes and country near Kata Tjuta painting by Bill Whiskey Tjapaltjarri
Studio interior painting by Bill Young
Jutiya Jukurrpa (King Brown snake Dreaming) painting by Billy Japaljarri Hogan
Mook mook, the owl painting by Billy Thomas
Pilla Tjin Tjin painting by Billy Thomas
Wardruddi Rockhole painting by Billy Thomas
Sandhills on the Canning Stock Route painting by Billy Thomas
Waringarri painting by Billy Thomas
Emu dance painting by Bininyiwui
Djambarrpuyngu mortuary rites painting by Bininyiwui
Bänumbirr and Bänumbu painting by Bininyiwui
Untitled (Fish) painting by Bininyiwui
Sally and Kelly's Country painting by Birmuyingathi Maali Netta Loogatha
Nyinyilki painting by Birmuyingathi Maali Netta Loogatha
Women's begetting Dreaming place painting by Bob Balirrbalirr Dirdi
Cave dwellings at Gundjumburrng painting by Bob Balirrbalirr Dirdi
Circumcision ceremony painting by Bob Bilinyarra
Circumcision rites painting by Bob Bilinyarra
Djang’kawu story painting by Bob Bopani
Fish Dreaming rock painting by Bob Yanjurr Bumarda
Nyukal, the kingfish and Yinipunga, the turtle painting by Bokarra Maymuru
Yingapungapu painting by Bokarra Maymuru
Djulaku at Yanawal painting by Boliny Wanambi
Koorie elders and family dancing painting by Brian Birch
Malnyangarnak painting by Brian Njinawanga
Malevolent spirits from the Liverpool River painting by Bruce Bakawinga Nabegeyo
Yawkyawk painting by Bruce Wardungku
Kunawarritji painting by Bugai Whylouter
Parnngurr painting by Bugai Whylouter; Pinyirrpa Nancy Patterson
Carp painting by Bunsho
Pukumani tutini painting by Cabrini Wilson
Miputi painting by Cabrini Wilson
Poem by LIU Changqing 劉 長卿 of the Tang dynasty painting by Cao Lian
Poem by ZU Yong 祖 詠 (699–746) of the Tang dynasty (618–906) painting by Cao Lian
Purrukuparli painting by Carmelina Puantalura
Bima painting by Carmelina Puantalura
In memory painting by Carolyn Eskdale
Red landscape painting by Carolyn Fels
Lotus and cat painting by Chan Ping Kwong
Gurrmirringu story painting by Charles Boyun
Waterlilies painting by Charles Boyun
Waterlily bulbs painting by Charles Boyun
The world turns painting by Charles Green; Lyndell Brown
Untitled painting by Charles Mardigan
Landscape at Matyka painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Karr, the spider painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Diver ducks, long tom, catfish painting by Charlie Djurritjini
Ritual goanna ceremony painting by Charlie Jarabil
Untitled painting by Charlie Mangurra Munur
Ganiny painting by Charlie Matjuwi Burarrwanga
Tongue of the fire painting by Charlie Matjuwi Burarrwanga
Djang'kawu story painting by Charlie Matjuwi Burarrwanga; Elizabeth Djakminy
Gumatji painting by Charlie Matjuwi Burarrwanga; Sylvia Mulwanany
Untitled painting by Charlie Newli Brinken (attributed To)
Nganpayijarra II painting by Charlie Nunjun (nyunjarn)
Nganpayijarra II painting by Charlie Nunjun (nyunjarn) (NGV 2003.3)
Creator snake of the Murrinh–Patha painting by Charlie Rock Ngumbe
Untitled (Hunting scene) painting by Charlie Rock Ngumbe
Tingarri men's bushfire at Ngarru, west of Jupiter Well painting by Charlie Ward Tjakamarra; Yukultji Napangati (assistant)
Untitled painting by Charlie Wartuma Tjungurrayi
Untitled (Tingarri) painting by Charlie Wartuma Tjungurrayi
Walangurru country painting by Charlie Wartuma Tjungurrayi
Old man's Dreaming at Mitukatjirri painting by Charlie Wartuma Tjungurrayi
My spirit Dreaming painting by Charmaine Pwerle
Scholar sitting under a pine tree painting by Chen Lanchi
Rocks and flowers painting by Cheng Zhang; Wu Changshuo (calligrapher)
Landscape in style of Wang Hui (1632-1717) painting by Chou Musan
Landscape in style of Mi Fei (11th century) painting by Chou Musan
Shell shocked painting by Chris Dyson
Walkers Flat painting by Christine Lawrence
Self-portrait, Port Fairy painting by Christine Simons
Kartjinguku Creek, my birthing place painting by Christine West
Kungkarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters) painting by Christine West
Lirrun painting by Christine West
Lirrun painting by Christine West (NGV 2011.233)
Lirrun painting by Christine West (NGV 2011.234)
Winpurpurla painting by Christine Yukenbarri
Abstract drawing on a dog obeying a statue painting by Christopher Hodges
Wadatji Country, belief and disbelief painting by Christopher Pease
Red Butte painting by Churchill Cann
Gadaki (Waterlilies) painting by Clara Wubukwubuk
Catfish painting by Clara Wubukwubuk
360 flip on country painting by Claudia Moodoonuthi
Murili painting by Clem Rictor
Wanguli painting by Clem Rictor
Map painting by Colin Donald
Mulypinyini amintiya pwanga painting by Colleen Freddy Puruntatameri
Jilamara painting by Conrad Tipungwuti
Emus and whales painting by Coppa
Untitled (Budgerigar ancestor ceremony) painting by Cowboy Louie Pwerl
Anoongurrapa painting by Cowboy Louie Pwerl
Men's Dreaming at Injupera painting by Cowboy Louie Pwerl
Punjab at Mootawingee painting by Craig Charles
Bush springtime painting by Craig Charles
Nan and pop's campfire kitchen painting by Craig Charles
Phibes painting by Craig Easton
Rabbit-proof fence painting by Dadda Samson
Puntuwarri painting by Dadda Samson
Djang'kawu painting by Dadhangga Marika
Djambuwal, the Thunderman painting by Dadhangga Marika
Wagilag ceremonial emblems painting by Daisy Manybunharrawuy
Wagilag creation story painting by Daisy Manybunharrawuy
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Daisy Nangala
Ngurlu (Seed gathering) painting by Daisy Napurrurla
Ngurra-Mala painting by Daisy Ngawaia Nalyirri
Ngurra-Mala painting by Daisy Ngawaia Nalyirri (NGV 1995.761)
Transfishion painting by Danial Kogan
Untitled painting by Daniel Noonan
Kirriwirri painting by Daniel Walbidi
Ilyara painting by Daniel Walbidi
All the jila painting by Daniel Walbidi
The killing of Lumaluma painting by Danny Nalorlman Djorlom
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by David Jupurrurla Oldfield
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent painting by David Milaybuma
Yawkyawk painting by David Milaybuma
Two sisters painting by David Milaybuma
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent painting by David Milaybuma (NGV 2004.101)
Fish painting by David Milaybuma (attributed To)
I am Banggal painting by David Mowaljarlai
Untitled painting by David Mpetyane
Traditional hunting painting by David Namirlmirl Mangiru
Untitled painting by David Namirlmirl Mangiru
Split painting by David Palliser
Angwarr (storm) painting by David Pwerle Ross
Charts and traces (Circle before entering) painting by David Ryan
Untitled painting by David Saka
Oceanian muse painting by David Skinner
Birrkulda ceremony painting by Dawadanygulili
Untitled painting by Deborah Russell
Untitled painting by Derek O'connor
Maharana Ari Singh riding painting by Deva, Son Of Nathu
Maharana Jagat Singh II watching an elephant fight painting by Deva, Son Of Nathu
Maharana Jagat Singh II pursuing an escaped elephant painting by Deva, Son Of Nathu
Composite animals in a landscape painting by Deva, Son Of Nathu
Untitled painting by Dhakuwal Gumana
Shearing the rams painting by Dianne Jones
Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming) painting by Dick Japaljarri Raymond
Namorrorddo spirits painting by Dick Ngulayngulay Murrumurru
Mimih spirits eating tubers painting by Dick Ngulayngulay Murrumurru
Malevolent spirit painting by Dick Ngulayngulay Murrumurru
Kurdukadji, emu painting by Dick Ngulayngulay Murrumurru
Serpent Dreaming at Yippa painting by Dick Pantimatju Tjupurrula
Oyster Dreaming painting by Dick Yambal
Nakidjkidj spirit painting by Didjbarakka Naroldol
Nawalah, Brown River Stingray painting by Didjbarakka Naroldol
Snake catching a wallaby painting by Didjbarakka Naroldol
Just patterns painting by Dinah Garradji
Snake with bush food painting by Ditjirama
Wilira, the turtle painting by Djabinin
Conference of snakes painting by Djardie Ashley
Ngambi (Spear points) painting by Djardie Ashley
Nawurra painting by Djawida Nadjangorle
Kumoken with Mimih spirits painting by Djawida Nadjangorle
Namorrorddo painting by Djawida Nadjangorle
Bol’ngu, the Thunderman painting by Djeriny Mununggurr
Barama painting by Djirrirra Wunungmurra
Before circumcision painting by Djitjima Ngalandarra Wilfred
After circumcision painting by Djitjima Ngalandarra Wilfred
Ngilibitji country painting by Djitjima Ngalandarra Wilfred
Before circumcision painting by Djitjima Ngalandarra Wilfred (NGV O.122-1991)
Before circumcision painting by Djitjima Ngalandarra Wilfred (NGV O.123-1991)
Djapu rom (Men's business) painting by Djutadjuta Mununggurr
Mäṉa (The shark) painting by Djutadjuta Mununggurr
Mäna (The shark) painting by Djutadjuta Mununggurr; Nonggirrnga Marawili
Warlukurlangu Jukurrpa (fire country Dreaming) painting by Dolly Nampijinpa Daniels; Uni Nampijinpa Martin
Water snake painting by Dominic Martin Tjupurrurla
Honey Dreaming at Walkumbimirri painting by Don Gundinga
Ilyarra to Bidgirli painting by Donald Moko
Lake Telfer painting by Donald Moko
Two men Dreaming at Yartum waterhole painting by Donkeyman Lee Tjupurrula
Tingarri Dreaming at Walawala painting by Donkeyman Lee Tjupurrula
Rainbow serpent Dreaming painting by Dora Napaltjarri
Alice Wells painting by Doris Thomas
Mount Charlotte - Dog Dreaming painting by Doris Thomas
Titjikala playing football painting by Doris Thomas
Karntakurlangu Jukurrpa (Belonging to women) painting by Dorothy Napangardi Robinson
Brandy painting by Douglas Chambers
Munyuku country painting by Dula Ngurruwuthun
Madi ga guya (Crayfish with moonfish) painting by Dula Ngurruwuthun
Crayfish painting by Dula Ngurruwuthun
Fish trap at Gängan painting by Durndiwuy Wanambi
Wuyal, hollow log, lizards painting by Durndiwuy Wanambi
Wawilak, sugarbag and gundimulk painting by Durndiwuy Wanambi
White tree - Bush orange painting by Eileen Mbitjana
Mountain and river landscape painting by Eishin Yasunobu
Kinga djang (Crocodile Dreaming) painting by Elijah Nabegeyo
Heritage painting by Elisabeth Bodey
Icons painting by Elisabeth Kruger
Wititj, the Olive python painting by Elizabeth Djakminy
Untitled painting by Elizabeth Ford
Imaginary still life painting by Elizabeth Jess
Seeds painting by Elizabeth Kunoth Kngwarray
Wangarri near Kirrikurra painting by Elizabeth Nyumi Ngungurrayi
Kinyu painting by Ena Gimme Nungurrayi
Kaliyangku painting by Ena Gimme Nungurrayi
Baltaltjara painting by Estelle Hogan
Untitled painting by Estelle Munkanome
Intuition painting by Eugene Carchesio
Silence painting by Eugene Carchesio
Surrealism painting by Eugene Carchesio
Untitled painting by Eunice Napanangka Jack
Yanjilypirri Jukurrpa (Star Dreaming) painting by Eva Nungarrayi Oldfield
Bush flowers painting by Eva Rogers
Hail, insomniac of the horizontal island painting by Evangelos Sakaris
Warrnyu (Flying fox) painting by Evonne Durrurrunga Bambalawuy
The art of happiness, Moriarty! painting by Felix Baker
Untitled painting by Fiona Margaret Puruntatameri
Top Crossing, Lockhart painting by Fiona Omeenyo
Marks of the dancing painting by Fiona Omeenyo
Untitled painting by Francis Tongoi
Ngarlajiyi manu janganpa Jukurrupa (Bush carrot and possum Dreaming) painting by Frank Bronson Jakamarra Nelson
Untitled painting by Frank Malkorda
Travels of Tingarri men from the west painting by Frank Ward Tjupurrula
Tingarri story at Kiwirrkura painting by Fred Ward Tjungurrayi
Tingarri men at camp sites near Kiwirrkura painting by Fred Ward Tjungurrayi
Tingarri Mamultjulkulakutu (Tingarri men travelling to Mamultjulku) painting by Fred Ward Tjungurrayi
Alkilika painting by Freddie Kngwarray Jones
Ngapa manu wirnpa Jukurrpa (Water and lightning Dreaming) painting by Freddy Jangala Patrick
Untitled painting by Freddy Ken
Untitled painting by G. J. Thardim
Untitled painting by Gadawandoo Daisy Smith (attributed To)
Untitled painting by Gadawandoo Daisy Smith (attributed To) (NGV O.53-1991)
Untitled painting by Gadawandoo Daisy Smith (attributed To) (NGV O.84-1991)
Munyuku country painting by Gambali Ngurruwuthun
Dobroyd Point painting by Garry Nichols
Untitled (Off the stretcher, against the wall) painting by Gary (spook) James
Memory lines of a distant wailing painting by Gayle Maddigan
Beyond the world of things is the realm of mist and clouds painting by Gekko Genchō
O painting by Geoffrey Todd
Flying fox Dreaming painting by George Djelminy
Mirinyungu, the whale with stingray painting by George Liwukang
Wet season painting by George Liwukang
Mirringungu (Whale) painting by George Liwukang
Mimih spirit – Marrailtji painting by George Merwulunlu Djahgurrnga
Lumaluma painting by George Merwulunlu Djahgurrnga
Crocodile Dreaming painting by George Merwulunlu Djahgurrnga
Goannas painting by George Merwulunlu Djahgurrnga
Snake Dreaming at Wanpurratintja painting by George Tjapaltjarri
Snake Dreaming at Palkapungku painting by George Tjapaltjarri
Untitled painting by Gerard Tipungwuti
Mall Teasers (Donnie, Glennie and Chaddie – an eastern suburbs trinity) painting by Gerry Bell
Untitled painting by Gertrude Huddleston
Wagilag ceremony painting by Gimindjo
Kurlkurta painting by Ginger Tjakamarra
Ilowa (Flower seed) painting by Gipsy Pwerl
Ntang painting by Gladdy Kemarr
The anti-dogma dogma painting by Glen Clarke
The coming of the Balamando people painting by Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey
The man in the moon painting by Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey
Gergargul - Red-bill's story painting by Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey
Sea Totem painting by Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey
Wanjina, Dunbi and pythons painting by Gordon Barunga
Nude and bullock painting by Gordon Shepherdson
Beauty lighting a wick painting by Gototei Sadakage
Two women story painting by Gracie Green
Roll over and play dead painting by Graeme Macgregor
Dignity and gravity painting by Graeme Rowe
Mugs painting by Graham Lupp
Canephora (Tom Alberts) painting by Greg Creek
Camping painting by Greg Moncrieff
The Two Men, Nabira-mira painting by Gumuk Gumana
Djambuwal, the Thunderman painting by Gunguyuma
Dog Dreaming painting by Gurraypanlil
Birds and flowers in a landscape painting by Hagetsu Tosatsu
Purrukuparli ngirramini painting by Harold Porkilari
Jilamara painting by Harold Porkilari
Mulypinyini painting by Harold Porkilari
Jilamara painting by Harold Porkilari (NGV O.76-1992)
NY series, green/blue painting by Helen Eager
Sans lumiere painting by Helen Kennedy
Pirlari rockhole, near Jupiter Well in the Great Sandy Desert painting by Helicopter Joe Tjungurrayi
Bungle Bungle country painting by Henry Wambiny
Hills around Warrmarn painting by Henry Wambiny
Bungle Bungle country and young man's ceremonial body painting painting by Henry Wambiny
Jul-Jul Dreaming, Bungle Bungle way painting by Henry Wambiny
Nourishing the chicks makes great cranes painting by Hishin Gikaku
Untitled (PPGWA) painting by Huseyin Sami
Untitled (GYW) painting by Huseyin Sami
Colour structure no.6 (The breakaway) painting by Ian Chandler
Warrarnpa (Country) painting by Ida Taylor
Warrarnpa (Country) painting by Ida Taylor (NGV 2010.46)
Wanjina painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Ngamarrga (Bark container) painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Wanjina with serpents painting by Ignatia Jangarra
Wanjina painting by Ignatia Jangarra (NGV 2003.330)
Wanjina painting by Ignatia Jangarra (NGV O.112-1991)
A lady painting by Incha Ram
Untitled painting by Inkitjili Nampitjinpa
(Crow Dreaming) painting by Jabarrgwa (kneepad) Warrabadalumba
Shield painting by Jack Jugarie
Wati Jarra Jukurrpa (Two men Dreaming) painting by Jack Jungarrayi Birrell
Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming) painting by Jack Jungarrayi Birrell
Wati Jarra Jukurrpa (Two men Dreaming) painting by Jack Jungarrayi Birrell (NGV O.12-1989)
Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming) painting by Jack Jungarrayi Birrell (NGV O.43-1989)
Bulangu, Beral and Bullur painting by Jack Kalakala
Fish and dillybags painting by Jack Kalakala
Spirit being with bush potato painting by Jack Larrangkay
Artist's mother country painting by Jack Maranbarra
Untitled painting by Jack Wawi
Wanjina at Wiwilunggu painting by Jack Wheera
Kulwirri palm painting by Jacky Marrbbuma
Minyi Puru (Seven Sisters) painting by Jakayu Biljabu
Warrarnpa painting by Jakayu Biljabu
Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) painting by Jakayu Biljabu; Morika Biljabu
Ngayarta Kujarra painting by Jakayu Biljabu; Yikartu Bumba; May Chapman; Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman; Doreen Chapman; Linda James; Donna Loxton; Mulyatingki Marney; Reena Rogers; Beatrice Simpson; Ronelle Simpson; Muntararr Rosie Williams
Nawaran and Mimih spirits painting by James Iyuna
Dilly bag painting by James Iyuna
Yawkyawk spirits at Barrihdjowkkeng painting by James Iyuna
Djalambu ceremony painting by James Memawuy
Jilamara painting by James Patlas
Jilamara painting by James Patlas (NGV O.77-1992)
Jilamara painting by James Patlas (NGV O.78-1992)
Pylon painting by James Smeaton
The last outpost painting by James Willebrant
Wati Kujarra Jukurrpa (Two men Dreaming) painting by Jampalwarnu Paddy Japaljarri Gibson
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by Jampalwarnu Paddy Japaljarri Gibson
Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Jampalwarnu Paddy Japaljarri Gibson
Janganypa Jukurrpa (Marsupial mouse Dreaming) painting by Jampalwarnu Paddy Japaljarri Gibson
Wati Kujarra Jukurrpa (Two men Dreaming) painting by Jampalwarnu Paddy Japaljarri Gibson (NGV O.52-1989)
McDonald Gorge painting by Janangoo Butcher Cherel
Corroboree painting by Janangoo Butcher Cherel
Old man river painting by Jane Cocks
Show me the way to go home (Bring your own feather) painting by Jane Romany
Mulypinyini amintiya pwanga painting by Janet Mungatopi
Nakidjkidj spirits painting by January Nangunjarri Namiridali
Namorrorddo spirits painting by January Nangunjarri Namiridali
Lumah Lumah, the dream time figure painting by January Nangunjarri Namiridali
Untitled painting by Janyka Ivy Nixon
Karlamilyi painting by Jatarr Lily Long
Portrait of Self as a Boy as a cartoon without a red hat with blood thudding in both ears painting by Jaye Early
Never apologise for not being yourself because we’re made that way painting by Jaye Early
Yarumayi Jukurrpa (White ochre Dreaming) painting by Jeannie Nungarrayi Egan
Untitled painting by Jennifer Brasher
Untitled painting by Jennifer Joseph
Interior landscape II painting by Jennifer Mullett
Wandjinas painting by Jessica Nenowatt
Death of a friend painting by Jill Noble
Untitled cut-out painting by Jim Paterson
Mala Jukurrpa (Hare wallaby Dreaming) painting by Jimija Jungarrayi Spencer
Bäri ga gynan (Saltwater Crocodile and Long-necked Tortoise) painting by Jimmy Djelminy
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Jimmy Jampijinpa Kelly
Wind story painting by Jimmy Matjirri Pascoe
Dhuwa honey painting by Jimmy Moduk
Untitled painting by Jimmy Wood Maraluka
Untitled painting by Joan Letcher
Djirrididi painting by Jocelyn Gumirrmirr
Untitled painting by Jock Mosquito
Marulu Gorge painting by Jock Mosquito
Two fish for sale painting by Joe Furlonger
Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Joe Jangala Long
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rain Dreaming) painting by Joe Jangala Long
Wakulyarri Jukurrpa (Rock wallaby Dreaming) painting by Joe Japanangka James
Head painting by John Bursill
Bayulu banner painting by John Charles Marlingana; Jean Cox; Doris Doherty; April Jones; Amy Nuggett; Janyka Ivy Nixon; Walka Rogers; Janjin Sweeney Nipper Rogers; Wakartu Cory Surprise; Helen Wunmariar
Interior (Red chairs) painting by John Citizen; Gordon Bennett
The lunch painting by John Dent
Leaving the city painting by John Doherty
She waits - he longs painting by John Mackinnon
Half house painting by John Mackinnon
Beauty painting by John Mackinnon
Street painting by John Mackinnon
Small tower painting by John Mackinnon
Tower painting by John Mackinnon
Bridge painting by John Mackinnon
Assignation 1987 (Arrangement of a particular time and place) painting by John Mackinnon
Domestic landscape painting by John Mackinnon
Wurrkadi painting by John Mandjuwi
Maranydjalk painting by John Mandjuwi
Djang'kawu story painting by John Mandjuwi
Transitory man painting by John Money
Old man's Dreaming at Lapu painting by John Mosquito Tjapangarti
Wati Kutjarra painting by John Mosquito Tjapangarti
Lallaman (Near Kurtal, WA) painting by John Mosquito Tjapangarti
Brolga and barramundi painting by John Nargoodah
Ponun - death (to our culture) painting by John Packham
Petin - to abduct, steal painting by John Packham
Mary painting by John R. Walker
Kuningka (wild cat) Dreaming at Kaakaratintja (Lake MacDonald) painting by John Tjakamarra
Layered landscape painting by John Turton
Purrukaparli painting by John Wilson Wuribudiwi
Young men's initiation ceremony painting by Johnny Kngwarray
Tjulnga and Pinari painting by Johnny Yungut Tjupurrula
Tingarri Dreaming at Wanaritjarra painting by Johnny Yungut Tjupurrula
Tjangimata painting by Johnny Yungut Tjupurrula
Wilkinkarra painting by Johnny Yungut Tjupurrula
Minyma Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Sisters Dreaming) painting by Joyce Mclean
Kuniya (Carpet snakes) painting by Joyce Mclean
Platform IV painting by Judith Alexandrovics
Untitled painting by Judith Elliston
Cubist landscape painting by Judith Elliston
The painter painting by Judith Van Heeren
Maharana Ari Singh II hunting boar painting by Jugarsi
Maharana Ari Singh III hawking painting by Jugarsi
Maharana Ari Singh III killing a buffalo with an arrow painting by Jugarsi
The future in every direction painting by Julia Gorman
Amarroo side painting by Julianne Morton Kngwarray
Imperial Leather painting by Julie Gough
Land and sky from sea 2 painting by Julie Gough
Land and sky from sea 1 painting by Julie Gough
Untitled painting by Julie Irving
Crucifixion painting by Jumbo Dawulinyera
Untitled painting by Jumbo Dawulngarra
Bamboo grove and the dragonfly painting by Junko Azukawa
Warnayarra Jukurrpa (Rainbow Serpent Dreaming) painting by Juntiyi Japaljarri
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by Juntiyi Japaljarri
Lungkarda Jukurrpa (Blue-tongue Lizard Dreaming) painting by Juntiyi Japaljarri
Djungkay painting by Kalarriya Jimmy Namarnyilk
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent and Yingarna painting by Kalarriya Jimmy Namarnyilk
Untitled painting by Kambot People, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea
Mariman (Bride price) painting by Kami Sakat
Leaf from an Akarnama manuscript: The Defeat of Hemu painting by Kankar (attributed To)
Mt Aloyisius painting by Kanytjupayi Benson
Sparrow on a blossoming plum tree painting by Kanō Tan'yu; Mokuan Shōtō (calligrapher)
Bhagavad Gita painting by Kashmiri
Tree of Life painting by Katanari Nancy Tjilya; Alison Riley
Women's ceremonies at Ngaminya painting by Katarra Butler Napaltjarri
Papungna painting by Katarra Nampitjinpa
Li Ji - Melbourne life painting by Kate Beynon
Li Ji - Forbidden City memory painting by Kate Beynon
Waraméla (Fish trap) painting by Kate Miwulku
Dilly bag painting by Kate Miwulku
Waraméla (Fish trap) painting by Kate Miwulku (NGV 2010.493)
Anekwetj (Bush plum) painting by Kathleen Ngal
Wild plum painting by Kathleen Ngal
Plum Dreaming painting by Kathleen Ngal
Anekwetj Mwerrangkerr painting by Kathleen Ngal
Nakarra Nakarra painting by Kathleen Padoon Napanangka
Nakarra Nakarra painting by Kathleen Padoon Napanangka (NGV 2006.240)
Mountain devil lizard Dreaming (after hailstorm) painting by Kathleen Petyarr
Ngamurru painting by Katjarra Butler
Kirimpika painting by Katrina Kerinauia
Jilamara painting by Katrina Kerinauia
Miputi painting by Katrina Kerinauia
Mariman (Bride price) painting by Kawa Gita
Kwongombebowi painting by Kawa Gita
Wanampi Tjukurrpa (Water snake Dreaming) painting by Kawayi Nampitjinpa
Mardayin design painting by Kay Lindjuwanga
Piltati painting by Keith Stevens (NGV 2011.215)
Dirdbim (Moon Dreaming) painting by Ken Ngindjalakku Djungkidj
The concept of dread painting by Ken Wadrop
Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Kenny Jupurrurla Walker
Capital no. 2 painting by Kent Morris
Capital no. 1 painting by Kent Morris
Capital no. 1, Capital no. 2 painting by Kent Morris
Untitled painting by Kerrie Poliness
Untitled painting by Kerrie Poliness (NGV DC29-1992)
Untitled painting by Kerrie Poliness (NGV DC30-1992)
Untitled painting by Kerrie Poliness (NGV DC31-1992)
Untitled painting by Kerrie Poliness (NGV DC32-1992)
Maharana Ari Singh with two sardars painting by Kesu Ram
Maharana Ari Singh III riding painting by Kesu Ram
Maharana Jawan Singh riding painting by Khaja (attributed To)
Autumn grasses painting by Kishi Chikudō; Ōtagaki Rengetsu (calligrapher)
Prunus and photinia painting by Kristin Headlam
Designs associated with the rockhole site of Kurlkurta painting by Kumantjayi Tjapaltjarri
Kungkarrangkalpa Tjukurpa (Seven Sisters Dreaming) painting by Kunmanara Bates
Warlawurru painting by Kunmanara Bates
Kungkarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters) painting by Kunmanara Bates
Wannarn Kungkarangkalpa Tjukurrpa painting by Kunmanara Bates
Kungkarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters) painting by Kunmanara Bates (NGV 2011.228)
Kungkarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters) painting by Kunmanara Bates (NGV 2011.229)
Walu rockhole Dreaming painting by Kunmanara Golding
Muruntjarra munu Walu painting by Kunmanara Golding
Minmya Kutjara (Two Sisters) painting by Kuntjil Cooper
My country painting by Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul
Facing flowers, facing the moon painting by Kōgetsu Sōgan
Brushing against flowers, fragrance permeates garments painting by Kōsen Shōton
Geese and the moon painting by Kōyō Enzō
Kata Kata painting by Lance Peck
Formation of a star constellation painting by Larrtjannga Ganambarr
Djang'kawu story painting by Larrtjannga Ganambarr
Origin of a constellation painting by Larrtjannga Ganambarr
Freshwater goannas painting by Larrtjannga Ganambarr
Djang'kawu in Ngaymil country painting by Larrtjannga Ganambarr
Wuymirri/mangan (Whale/sky) painting by Larry Bilanya
Djigari Country (Tjikarri) painting by Larry Lodi Tjupurrula
Kurparu (Magpie) painting by Lawrence Pennington
Dakurl painting by Lawrence Pennington
Dakurl painting by Lawrence Pennington (NGV 2007.361)
The hills behind Brisbane were on fire painting by Leonard Brown
Fish traps painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
Dilly bags painting by Les Mirrikkurriya
View from Fraser's back garden, no. 3 painting by Lesley Redgate
Ngalyod, Rainbow Serpent with Mimih spirits painting by Leslie Nawirridj
Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Seed Dreaming) painting by Liddy Nampijinpa Miller
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada
Gwion gwion painting by Lily Karadada
Untitled painting by Lily Karadada
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada (NGV 1998.321)
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.109-1991)
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.157-1990)
Untitled painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.159-1990)
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.232-1991)
Untitled painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.26-1991)
Wanjina painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.27-1991)
Untitled painting by Lily Karadada (NGV O.84-1994)
Waputi and Tatupa painting by Limpi Tjapangati
Untitled (Men's business) painting by Lindsay Bird Mpetyan
Untitled (Bloodwood Dreaming) painting by Lindsay Bird Mpetyan
Bloodwood Dreaming painting by Lindsay Bird Mpetyan
Rainbow Snake Dreaming painting by Lindsay Bird Mpetyan
Ngan-Karlap Coaring (My Place Kwolyin) painting by Lindsay Harris
Ship to pier painting by Lindsay Pow
Goanna totems painting by Lipundja
Djalambu painting by Lipundja
Bamboo painting by Liu Changchao
Pukumani tutini painting by Lois Mungatopi
Wayarra painting by Loren Pennington; Myrtle Pennington
Designs associated with Marrapinti painting by Lorna Napanangka
Women's Dreaming at Marrapinti painting by Lorna Napanangka
Tjintirtjintir (Willy wagtail) painting by Lorraine Davies; Judith Donaldson; Kathleen Donegan; Debbie Hansen; Annette Hogan; Anne Hogan; Estelle Hogan; Myrtle Pennington; Nulbinga Simms; Carlene West; Tjaduwa Woods
Men's story painting by Louis Pwerl
Untitled painting by Louise Chestnut
St Kilda Road painting by Louise Forthun
Birds in a winter landscape painting by Lu Ji
Ngayuku ngura (My country) painting by Lucy Ken
Exorcism X: Daubed painting / theatre of the self / happy birthday dear Osiris painting by Luke Roberts
Untitled painting by Luluna (attributed To)
Untitled painting by Luluna (attributed To) (NGV O.48-1990)
Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Lumi Jakamarra Walker
Warna manu yirrinji Jukurrpa (Snake and centipede Dreaming) painting by Lumi Jakamarra Walker
Winpa painting by Lydia Balbal
Arrowhead - Glebe landscape painting by Lynne Eastaway
Karrngin Ngarrangkarni (Moon Dreaming) painting by Mabel Juli Nyawurru
Yarbarda painting by Mabel King
Yarbarunda painting by Mabel King
Yirrajarra painting by Mabel Wakarta
Sam's Creek painting by Mac Betts
Mirrilingki hills painting by Madigan Thomas
Hills behind Highway One painting by Madigan Thomas
Violet Valley and kangaroo increase centre painting by Madigan Thomas
Untitled painting by Madigan Thomas
Untitled painting by Madigan Thomas (NGV O.110-1991)
Fluting Krishna painting by Maithil
Shiva in the form of Ardhanarisvara painting by Maithil
Fluting Krishna and the gopis painting by Maithil
Seated deity painting by Maithil
Jilamara painting by Malcolm 'blackie' Wilson
Pamijini painting by Malcolm 'blackie' Wilson
Executives II painting by Malcolm Thain
Wukarmatja and Burrak hunting for dugong painting by Malumin Marawili
Macassan prau painting by Mandiga Lalara
Wanjina painting by Manila Karadada
Wanjina painting by Manila Karadada (attributed To)
Fishing story from the Djambarrpuyngu mortuary rites painting by Manuwa
Hollow log ceremony painting by Manuwa
Bänumbirr (Morning star) painting by Manuwa
Yam Dreaming from Djawalngura painting by Manuwa
Mäna, Ancestral shark painting by Manuwa
Bänumbirr (Morning star) painting by Manuwa (NGV 2010.317)
Bänumbirr (Morning star) painting by Manuwa (NGV O.2-1987)
Yam Dreaming from Djawalngura painting by Manuwa (NGV O.4-1987)
Hollow log ceremony painting by Manuwa (NGV O.7-1987)
Butterflies painting by Mao Zhou
Untitled painting by Margaret Morgan
Ann Street kitchen - Repeat object on a shelf below painting by Margaret Morgan
Fragment 9 painting by Margaret Worth
Untitled painting by Marge Puautjimi
Head (Wall) painting by Maria Kozic
Moore River landscape painting by Marie Hobbs
Ilkurlka painting by Mark Anderson
Passage 2 painting by Mark Galea
Passage 1 painting by Mark Galea
One of these nights painting by Mark Hall
Abstract painting (Deluge) painting by Mark Webb
Melbourne Cup painting by Marlene Gilson
Tingarri Dreaming west of Yumari painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa
Tingarri Dreaming at Muyinnga painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa
Tingarri Dreaming at Muyinnga painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa (NGV 2007.366)
Tingarri Dreaming at Muyinnga painting by Martin Tjampitjinpa (NGV 2008.502)
City of vision painting by Martin Young
Midamurri painting by Mary Kanngi
Seven Sisters painting by Mary Katatjuku Pan; Illuwanti Ken; Sylvia Ken
Seven Sisters painting by Mary Katatjuku Pan; Illuwanti Ken; Sylvia Ken (NGV 2015.717)
Car, art and the landscape painting by Marylin Brown Petyarr
Art, cars and the landscape painting by Marylin Brown Petyarr
Alikwampimi painting by Mathew Freddy Puruntatameri
Parlini jilamara painting by Mathew Freddy Puruntatameri
Miputi painting by Mathew Freddy Puruntatameri
Parlini jilamara painting by Mathew Freddy Puruntatameri (NGV 1995.641)
Dreaming tracks painting by Mathew Gill Tjupurrula
Diary 13 - 16 November 2000 painting by Mathew Jones
Plum blossom and nightingale painting by Matsumoto Keibun
Untitled painting by Maureen Morrangulu Thompson
The arrival of the Djang'kawu creation ancestors of the Rirratjingu painting by Mawalan Marika; Wandjuk Marika (assistant)
Janawa painting by May Chapman
Coolamon painting by Mayapu Elsie Thomas
Wanjina Garrangu painting by Mercy Paymurrmurra Fredericks
Kira Kira, Gundan and Wamarra painting by Mercy Paymurrmurra Fredericks
Gulungi painting by Mercy Paymurrmurra Fredericks
Conducting bodies - "She said, tiens, tu m'aimes?" painting by Merilyn Fairskye
Djang'kawu painting by Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr; Manybarr Ganambarr; Banbapuy Ganambarr
Maharana Bhim Singh and a lady painting by Mialalotar (attributed To)
Nangar painting by Michael Eccleston
Gulubidjbidj painting by Michael Gadjawarla
Gopirrganda painting by Michael Gadjawarla
Namarrkon, the Lightning spirit painting by Mick Mandanjku
Old man's Dreaming on death or destiny painting by Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra
Wild potato painting by Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra
Visitors painting by Micky Daypurryun
Dambala - The sacred landing site of the Djang'kawu painting by Micky Daypurryun
Manda (Octopus) painting by Micky Daypurryun
Lirrawati, in the Great Sandy Desert painting by Millie Skeen Nampitjin
Wakalpuka painting by Milliga Napaltjarri
Untitled painting by Milliga Napaltjarri
Artist's Country painting by Milliga Napaltjarri
The hibiscus tree, Mabunda painting by Minimini Numalkiyiya Mamarika
The north-east island painting by Minimini Numalkiyiya Mamarika
Minimalism painting by Miriam Helen Stannage
Wuyal (The Honey ancestor) painting by Mithili Wanambi
Guwarrtji ga warrawada (Hawksbill Turtle and Milkfish) painting by Mithili Wanambi
Gundimulk, sacred ceremonial ground painting by Mithili Wanambi
Folio from a Bhagavata Purana: Yashoda nursing the child Krishna painting by Mithram
Watiya tjuta (Trees) painting by Mitjili Napurrurla
Uwalki painting by Mitjili Napurrurla
Love songs associated with young boys' ceremony painting by Moima Willie
Frogs swimming in a lotus pond painting by Mok E-den
Honey Ant convergence painting by Molly Napangardi
Two men Dreaming at Tjawutjawu painting by Monica Wishputt Napanangka
Dätiwuy mäna painting by Mowarra Ganambarr
Dätiwuy clan design painting by Mowarra Ganambarr
Birrkili ceremony painting by Mudbu
A foreign ambassador arriving at the royal court painting by Muhammad Qasim Shirwari (attributed To)
Kuwin painting by Mulyatinki Marney
Ninyiri Juru - I was born here painting by Mulyatinki Marney
Mangrove worm totem painting by Mungandjiwuy Munyarryun; Warrinybal Munyarryun
Yimiri painting by Muni Rita Simpson
Jila travelling to Wirnpa painting by Muni Rita Simpson
Yimiri painting by Muntararr Rosie Williams; Yikartu Bumba
Apwert Antarriningya painting by Murphy Teece Akemarr
Rainbow Serpent Dreaming painting by Murtikarlka Tjumpo Tjapanangka
Wati Kutjarra (Two Men) painting by Murtikarlka Tjumpo Tjapanangka
Wilkinkarra (Lake MacKay) painting by Murtikarlka Tjumpo Tjapanangka
Marruwa painting by Murtikarlka Tjumpo Tjapanangka
Mäna, the shark painting by Mutitjpuy Mununggurr
Paru, Walpet Road, Kunawarritji Road, Mulakir Road painting by Muuki Taylor
Jurlpa Jukurrpa (Butcher bird Dreaming) painting by Myra Nungarrayi Patrick
Mäna (The shark) painting by Mäw Mununggurr
Bänumbirr, the morning star painting by Mäw Mununggurr
Mäna painting by Mäw Mununggurr
Parnany (Old woman) painting by Nada Rawlins
Maharana Ari Singh II shooting deer painting by Naga
Maharana Jagat Singh II riding with his brother Nathji painting by Naga, Son Of Bhagvan
Landscape painting by Nakanishi Aiseki
Gunda (Sacred rocks) painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Yamay ganay ga yukuwa (Bush foods) painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Yams painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Djunggaliwarr (Conch shell) painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Gorl (Fish trap) painting by Namiyal Bopirri
Women's Dreaming at Milintili painting by Nancy Gill Napanangka
Jilamara painting by Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi
Jilamara painting by Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi (NGV O.43-1992)
Jilamara painting by Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi (NGV O.45-1992)
Jilamara painting by Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi (NGV O.46-1992)
Jilamara painting by Nancy Henry Ripijingimpi (NGV O.95-1992)
Body paint painting by Nancy Kunoth Petyarr
Women's Dreaming at Wirrulnga painting by Nancy Nungurrayi
Mang mang songline painting by Nancy Tax Napanangka
The sawfish, Ingurudungwa painting by Nandaputa Maminyamanja
Gunyan crabs against sand dunes painting by Nanyin Maymuru
Fish-trap in the Koolatong River painting by Nanyin Maymuru
Maharana Jagat Singh II shooting a buffalo in a river near the Udai Sagar painting by Nath (son Of Mitha)
Maharana Ari Singh II riding painting by Nath (son Of Mitha)
Staff turn painting by Neil Malone
The tiger shark, Bangudja painting by Nengbinarra Neyangkumanyirra Mamarika
Mamarika, the south east wind painting by Nengbinarra Neyangkumanyirra Mamarika
Mahasamvara and Vayravarahi painting by Nepalese
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent and sugarbag Dreaming painting by Neville Mardday
Fisherman painting by Newell Barrett
Still life 1983-86 painting by Newell Barrett
Won't sit still painting by Newell Barrett
Wikirri painting by Ngamaru Bidu
Puja (Emu Dreaming) painting by Ngarrlja Tommy May
Kutjaranya and Tjantiwarra painting by Ngipi Ward
Kapitu kapitu painting by Ngipi Ward
Untitled painting by Nicholas Puautjimi
Woman and child painting by Nicole Ellis
Minga painting by Nina Puruntatameri
Kungka kutjarra, Ngaminya (Women’s Dreaming at Ngaminya painting by Ningura Napurrurla
Patachitra depicting scenes from the life of Krishna painting by Niranjan Maharana
Tingarri Dreaming at Pirmalnga painting by Nolan Tjapangati
Kuniya Tjukurrpa (Carpet snake Dreaming) painting by Nosepeg Tjupurrula; Fred Ward Tjungurrayi (assistant)
Maharana Raj Singh II riding an elephant painting by Nuruddin
Wandurrk painting by Nyalalkaya Jimmy Alalkaya
Mularr (Tadpoles) painting by Nyalalkaya Jimmy Alalkaya
Djerrka (Water goanna) painting by Nyalalkaya Jimmy Alalkaya
Untitled painting by Nyalalkaya Jimmy Alalkaya
Wandurrk painting by Nyalalkaya Jimmy Alalkaya (NGV O.92-1990)
Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) painting by Nyangapa Nora Nangapa
Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) painting by Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman
Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) painting by Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman (NGV 2011.273)
Minyipuru (Seven Sisters) painting by Nyanjilpayi Nancy Chapman (NGV 2011.274)
Ngayuku Ngura painting by Nyankulya Watson
Pupilitji painting by Nyanyani Davidson
Untitled painting by Nyanyatu Alice Brown
Warmurrungu painting by Nyarapayi Giles
Rockhole site of Karrilwarra painting by Nyilyari Tjapangati
Untitled (Fisherman) painting by Nym Bunduk
Totemic fish painting by Nym Bunduk
Kuriella painting by Nyumitja Laidlaw
Kuriella painting by Nyumitja Laidlaw (NGV 2011.240)
Kuriella painting by Nyumitja Laidlaw (NGV 2011.241)
Tingarri ceremonies at Punkilpirri painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa
Ngurrapalangu painting by Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa; Yuyuya Nampitjinpa; Kayi Kayi Nampitjinpa; Alice Nampitjinpa; Katarra Nampitjinpa; Narputta Nangala; Eunice Napanangka Jack; Ningura Napurrurla
Papa Tjukurpa (Dingo creation story) painting by Nyurparya Nelson
Dog, rocks and bamboo, a shadow story painting by Okada Beisanjin; Okada Hankō
Human figures painting by Onishi Chinnen
Birds and flowers painting by Onishi Chinnen
Emergence painting by Owen Piggott
White light no. 17 painting by Owen Piggott
White light no. 14 painting by Owen Piggott
Before the dawn painting by Owen Piggott
Gooloorgoom country painting by Paddy Carlton
Lemoogeny painting by Paddy Carlton
Mimih spirits painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara
Malutji painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara
Namarnday spirits painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara
Male and female Mimih painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara
Mimih painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara
Namarnday spirits painting by Paddy Compass Namadbara (NGV 2000.220)
Rainbow serpents painting by Paddy Fordham Wainburranga
Pukumani tutini painting by Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri
Jilamara painting by Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri
Purrukuparli painting by Paddy Freddy Puruntatameri
Yarripiri Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Paddy Jupurrurla Nelson
Karrku Jukurrpa (Mt Stanley Dreaming) painting by Paddy Jupurrurla Nelson
Yipirntiri Jukurrpa (Small bush plum Dreaming) painting by Paddy Jupurrurla Nelson
Wati Jarra Jukurrpa (Two men Dreaming) painting by Paddy Jupurrurla Nelson
Krishna and Radha in a pavilion painting by Pahari
Calligraphy (a couplet) painting by Pan Linggao
Calligraphy painting by Pan Zuyin
Kungkarrangkalpa (Seven Sisters) painting by Pantjiti Mary Jackson
Kuniya (Carpet snakes) painting by Pantjiti Mary Jackson
Wanampi Kutjara at Pukayranya (Water serpent ancestors at Pukayranya) painting by Pantjiti Mary Mclean
666 painting by Pasquale Giardino
Markurapiti painting by Patju Presley
Apanyin painting by Patju Presley
Women's Dreaming painting by Patricia Lee Napangati
Witchetty grub Dreaming painting by Patricia Lee Napangati
No Shame, More Pride painting by Patrick Butcher
Arawinikiri painting by Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri
Parlini Jilamara painting by Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri
Jilamara painting by Patrick Freddy Puruntatameri
The Heart Sutra, calligraphy (Prajnaparamita Hrdaya Sutra) painting by Patrick Lam
Rain Dreaming at Putintjana painting by Patrick Tjungurrayi
Spaces in Ferntree Gully painting by Paul Laspagis
Pararri Jukurrpa (Rainbow Dreaming) painting by Peggy Nangala Jurra
Yarla manu and wapirti Jukurrpa (Bush potato and bush carrot Dreaming) painting by Peggy Napurrurla Poulson
Tingarri men at Malparingya painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa
Tarkul painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa
Untitled (Tingarri designs associated with Wartunuma) painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa
Untitled (Tingarri designs associated with Tarkulnga) painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa
Untitled (Tingarri designs associated with Tarkulnga) painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa (NGV 2012.147)
Untitled (Tingarri designs associated with Tarkulnga) painting by Pegleg Tjampitjinpa (NGV 2012.150)
Calligraphy in the running script (seven characters couplet) painting by Peng Xuelin
Walungurru painting by Pepai Jangala Carroll
Maatsuyker group painting by Peta Cross
Coral shingle painting by Peta Cross
1992 no. 3 painting by Peter Cooley
Ceremonial chest design painting by Peter Datjin Burarrwanga
Date with Lydia painting by Peter Horak
Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming) painting by Peter Japanangka Blacksmith
Barbed wire fence painting by Peter Johnstone
Wititj, the Olive python painting by Peter Mondjingu
Untitled painting by Peter Mondjingu (attributed To)
Anwardde, the sugarbag man Dreaming painting by Peter Nabarlambarl
Emu Dreaming painting by Peter Nabarlambarl
Kirti painting by Peter Pijaju Skipper
Purnarra II painting by Peter Pijaju Skipper
Men's business painting by Peter Tjarluri Lewis
Djang'kawu story painting by Peter Wadaymu
Goanna waterhole painting by Peter Wadaymu
Wititji painting by Peter Wadaymu
You know I hate crosses painting by Pie Rankine
Blind man's bluff painting by Pie Rankine
Untitled painting by Pincher Talunga
Yulpu painting by Pinyirrpa Nancy Patterson
Women's Dreaming at Marrapinti painting by Pirrmangka Napanangka
Me 'n' you (Me n u) Number 2 painting by Pitcha Makin Fellaz, Ballarat, Victoria (art Collective)
Aboriginal dog painting by Pitcha Makin Fellaz, Ballarat, Victoria (art Collective)
We know where you eat (Koala) painting by Pitcha Makin Fellaz, Ballarat, Victoria (art Collective)
Untitled painting by Prince Of Wales
Body marks painting by Prince Of Wales (NGV 1997.290)
Body marks painting by Prince Of Wales (NGV 1997.291)
Waru at Puntawarri painting by Pukarlyi Milly Kelly
Finished now painting by Pukarlyi Milly Kelly
Lightning Dreaming at Lapi Lapi painting by Pukurny Mick Gill Tjakamarra
Mungayi Yarra painting by Pukurny Mick Gill Tjakamarra
A Preface presented to LIU Taichong painting by Qian Nanyuan
Bogong moths painting by Rachel Mullett
Kayimwagakimi Jilamara painting by Raelene Kerinauia
Train traveller painting by Rafael Gurvich
Maharana Jagat Singh II celebrating the Festival of Flowers in the Gulab Bari Garden painting by Raghunath, Son Of Maluk Chand
Maharana Jagat Singh II hunting boar painting by Raghunath, Son Of Maluk Chand
Maharana Jagat Singh II with a sarder painting by Raghunath, Son Of Maluk Chand
Krishna taking toll (Danalila) painting by Rama
Maharana Jawan Singh riding painting by Rama
Maharaja Madho Singh of Jaipur painting by Ramji
Maharaja Madho Singh I of Jaipur painting by Ramji (attributed To)
Untitled painting by Rammy Ramsay
Untitled (Figure field) painting by Randal Pound
Djerrka at Gurka'wuy painting by Ranyburr Wanambi
Haydar Beg Khan seated on terrace with two Hindu officials painting by Ratan Singh
From Mekong to Mecca painting by Ray Beattie
Jilamara painting by Ray Bush
Parlini jilamara painting by Ray Bush
Jilamara painting by Ray Bush (NGV O.80-1992)
Jilamara painting by Ray Bush (NGV O.81-1992)
Jilamara painting by Ray Bush (NGV O.82-1992)
Tali - Sandhill Country painting by Ray Ken
Untitled painting by Ray Ken; Frank Young
Men's stories painting by Ray Ken; Frank Young; Freddy Ken; Dickie Marshall
Goanna story painting by Ray Munyal
Untitled painting by Raymond Dumoii; Sebastain Dumoii; Markus Konny; Gerhard Minjan
Tingarri men's ceremonies at the site of Kaakuaratintja painting by Raymond Maxwell Tjampitjinpa
Pirulungka painting by Raymond Nelson
Old story from my father painting by Rex Wilfred
Wauri Tebud painting by Ricardo Idagi
No. 5 – Untitled (Like shark, like lying) painting by Richard Dunn
Tools of coincidence painting by Richard Dunn
Corroboree for the visiting tribes painting by Richard Karadada
Tjipal painting by Richard Tax Tjupurrula
Untitled painting by Robert Adamson
Clearing painting by Rod Mcrae
Untitled painting by Rod Withers
Wati-jarra (Men's Dreaming) painting by Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson
Bush onion painting by Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson
Wati-jarra (Men's Dreaming) painting by Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson (NGV O.25-1989)
Oysters at Second Creek painting by Rosemary Gutili
Collecting pandanus painting by Rosemary Gutili
Galiwin'ku farm painting by Rosemary Gutili
Wanjina painting by Rosie Karadada
Wanjina painting by Rosie Karadada (NGV O.117-1991)
Wanjina painting by Rosie Karadada (NGV O.233-1991)
Pituri (Wild tobacco) painting by Rosie Kngwarray Kunoth
Swamp country painting by Rosie Morton Akemarr
Ammaroo side waterhole painting by Rosie Morton Kngwarray
Yunpu painting by Rosie Nanyuma Napurrurla
The story painting by Ross Gash
Male fetish painting by Ross Moore
Untitled painting by Roy Ashley
Totem painting by Roy Jackson
Barracuda painting by Roy Riwa
Mulaya painting by Roy Underwood
Wagilag creation story painting by Roy Wuyngumbi
Lungurrma, the northeast wind painting by Roy Yangaygay
Lungurrma, the northeast wind painting by Roy Yangaygay (NGV O.99-1994)
Untitled painting by Rudolf Wepnang
Kali painting by Rukmeni Kumari
Pamijini painting by Russell Black
Jilamara painting by Russell Black
Days of the week painting by Ruth Groves
Border protection 7 painting by Ry David Bradley
Border protection 6 painting by Ry David Bradley
Melt painting by Sadie Chandler
Serpent with eggs painting by Sadler Milidj
Maharana Amar Singh II painting by Sahaji
Maharana Jai Singh painting by Sahaji
Boat people painting by Sally L'estrange
Ilyara (Punmu) painting by Sally Liki Nanii
Yugugree painting by Sally Liki Nanii
Parrikurda (Claypan) painting by Sam Tjampitjin
Warnarri Jukurrpa (Bush bean Dreaming) painting by Sambo Jupurrurla Rockman
Birlmu (Barramundi) painting by Samuel Namunjdja
Wind Dreaming painting by Samuel Namunjdja
Beyond the pale painting by Sandra Hill
Cadence painting by Sarah Robson
Hannya the demon painting by Sasaki Sengen
Untitled painting by Seth Namatjira
Untitled painting by Seth Namatjira (NGV 2003.91)
Landscape painting by Shi Hai
Tjintirtjintir painting by Shinryosai; Kathleen Donegan; Anne Hogan; Estelle Hogan; Myrtle Pennington; Carlene West
Skull and goddess of fortune, Kitchijoten painting by Shinzen Kakukai
Maharana Ari Singh with sardars painting by Shiva
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Shorty Jangala Robertson
Waterhole in a cave painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi
Tingarri story at Pirmalynga painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi
Untitled painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi
Old man's Dreaming painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi
Untitled painting by Shorty Lungkata Tjungurrayi (NGV O.10-1988)
Lotus painting by Shu Chuanxi (NGV AS3-1986)
Painting 1984 painting by Simon Buttonshaw
Two snake Dreaming painting by Simon Tjakamarra
Wamparna Jukurrpa (Sweet yam Dreaming) painting by Sister Nakamarra Gibson
Kuurrkurrpa Jukurrpa (Owl Dreaming) painting by Smiley Japaljarri Gordon
Women's ceremony, Karinyarra painting by Sonder Turner Nampitjinpa
Martuwarra painting by Sonia Kurarra (NGV 2017.176)
Bush tucker hunting painting by Sophia Mung
Judi painting by Spider Kalbybidi
Spiderweb design painting by Stanislaus Puruntatameri
Untitled painting painting by Stephen Fox
Walking in the water painting by Stephen Killick
Constructivists in a cold climate painting by Stephen Mccarthy
A hole into the metaphysical plane painting by Stephen Mccarthy
Just before you were feeling safe painting by Stephen Turpie
On revient toujours a ses premieres amours: (First love, last love, best love) painting by Stephen Wickham
Donvale development painting by Steven Krahe
Excerpt (From Here at the House Museum?) painting by Steven Rendall
Here at the House Museum? painting by Steven Rendall
Flatscreens painting by Steven Rendall
Passage painting by Susan Rankine
Benign presence painting by Susan Rankine
Buddhist narrative scroll depicting the Vessantara Jataka painting by Taa Saenglao
Album of Hindu deities painting by Tamil
Hawks with pine tree and plum blossom painting by Tamura Chokuo
Malara painting by Taylor Cooper
Malara painting by Taylor Cooper (NGV 2011.200)
Carp painting by Tensho
Friday night shopping painting by Terry Matassoni
Head study painting by Terry Taylor
Hand study painting by Terry Taylor
Creator snakes painting by Terry Waymungurr
Prince Vessantara and his family return to his kingdom: A scene from the Vessantara Jataka painting by Thai
Jilamara painting by Theodore Tipiloura
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Thomas Jangala Sampson
Untitled painting by Thomasina
Mimih spirits painting by Thompson Yulidirri
Wubarr ceremony painting by Thompson Yulidirri
Purrukuparli painting by Tiempi Paddy Henry
A dancing woman painting by Tilkili Napanangka
Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) painting by Tilo Nangala Jurra
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by Tim Jupurrurla Kennedy
Yarla Jukurrpa (Bush potato Dreaming) painting by Tim Jupurrurla Kennedy (NGV O.20-1989)
Nick the apprentice onion cutter painting by Tim Mcmonagle
Rainbow Serpent of the Dreamtime painting by Tim Wurbilbil
Crocodile with two fish painting by Tim Wurbilbil
Untitled painting by Timothy Barney
Ngalyandor painting by Timothy Nadjowh
Palm tree painting by Timothy Wulanjbirr
Kapi Tjukula (Rock holes) painting by Tjampawa Katie Kawiny
Seven Sisters painting by Tjampawa Katie Kawiny; Mona Mitakiki Shepherd; Kia Shepherd
Arulya painting by Tjulkiwa Atira Atira
Untitled painting by Tjungupi Napaltjarri
Tjunginpa Tjukurrpa (Mouse Dreaming) painting by Tjungupi Napaltjarri
Putjanya, Kungka rakula Walungurrungka yulparirra (Putjanya, women’s rockhole south-east of Kintore) painting by Tjungupi Napaltjarri
Patjarrtja painting by Tjunka Lewis
Pitapita painting by Tjuruparu Watson
Minyma Punpunpa painting by Tjuruparu Watson
Natjula painting by Tjuruparu Watson
Doppelgänger painting by Tom Alberts
Landscape painting by Tom Djumburpur
Kurlilypurru painting by Tommy Mitchell
Untitled (Oysters associated with the Djang’kawu creation story) painting by Tony Dhanyula
Untitled (Mangrove crabs associated with the Djang’kawu creation story) painting by Tony Dhanyula
Sea voyage painting by Tony Djikululu
Mariman (Bride price) painting by Tony Kubui
Boundary painting by Tony Pacot
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) painting by Topsy Nampijinpa Robertson
Macassan prau painting by Trevor Nakanapa Maminyamanja
Macassan prau painting by Trevor Nakanapa Maminyamanja (NGV O.12-1992)
Owl Dreaming painting by Trevor Turbo Brown
The birds of the lake painting by Trevor Turbo Brown
Platypuses painting by Trevor Turbo Brown
The birds and animals of the Dreamtime painting by Trevor Turbo Brown
Madman painting by Tsudo Seifu
Calligraphy painting by Tsue Tati
Snake story painting by Tutuma Tjapangati
Tingarri Dreaming painting by Tutuma Tjapangati
Emu story painting by Tutuma Tjapangati
Warlukurlangu manu yankirri Jukurrpa (Fire country and emu Dreaming) painting by Uni Nampijinpa Martin; Perry Japanangka Langdon
Egrets among reeds painting by Unkoku Toso
Pair of scrolls painting by Unkoku Tōtaku
Egrets in a landscape painting by Unkoku Tōtaku
Geese in a landscape painting by Unkoku Tōtaku
Ngaturn painting by Untjima Fred Forbes
Minyma Pampa painting by Untjima Fred Forbes
Tjalpu-tjalpu Dreaming painting by Untjima Fred Forbes
Joconde III painting by Vera Möller
Joconde II painting by Vera Möller
Pukumani tutini painting by Vincent Mungatopi
Jilamara painting by Vincent Mungatopi
Wanjina painting by Waigan Jangarra
Wanjina painting by Waigan Jangarra (NGV 1995.207)
Wanjina painting by Waigan Jangarra (NGV 1995.347)
Bush fire in Caledon Bay painting by Waitjung
Gumatj fire story at Blue Mud Bay painting by Waitjung
Tapu painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
Marla Country painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
Warlata Jiwari painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
Manabularnbularn Warla painting by Wakartu Cory Surprise
Seven Sisters Dreaming at Warakuna painting by Walangkura Reid Napurrurla
Designs associated with the Seven Sisters Dreaming at Dale Creek painting by Walangkura Reid Napurrurla
Seven Sisters Dreaming at Warakurna painting by Walangkura Reid Napurrurla
Seven Sisters Dreaming at Dale Creek painting by Walangkura Reid Napurrurla
Seven Sisters Dreaming at Dale Creek, near Warakuna painting by Walangkura Reid Napurrurla
Crocodile and barramundi painting by Wally Lipuwanga
Three echidnas painting by Wally Lipuwanga
Birds and flowering plants painting by Wang Xi
Tang poem 2 painting by Wang Xiao Min
Tang poem 1 painting by Wang Xiao Min
Kulyayi and Nyirla painting by Wanina Biddee Bonney; Biddy Baadjo; Jijija Molly Dededar; Wayawaya Sundown Ellery; Kurtiji Peter Goodjee; Kuji Rosie Goodijee; Luurn Willie Kew; Jakapa Dora Kwilla; Myanpung Julia Lawford; Trixie Long
Kurrjalpartu painting by Wankurta Peanut Ford
Kurrjalpartu painting by Wankurta Peanut Ford (NGV O.55-1991)
Ngintaka Tjukurpa (Perentie lizard Story) painting by Wati Wongka
Ngintaka Tjukurpa - Perentie Lizard Story painting by Wati Wongka
Bäru, creator of fire painting by Watjinbuy Marawili
Bäru, creator of fire painting by Watjinbuy Marawili (NGV 1996.375)
Warakurna Women's Lasseter history story painting by Waynatjura Bell; Judith Yinyika Chambers; Nancy Nyanyarna Jackson; Polly Pyuwawyia Jackson; Melissa Mitchell-stevens; Eunice Yunurupa Porter
Naru painting by Weaver Jack
Winpa Jumu painting by Weaver Jack
Kalyjali painting by Weaver Jack
Lungarung painting by Weaver Jack
Kalyjali painting by Weaver Jack (NGV 2004.578)
Lungarung painting by Weaver Jack (NGV 2004.9)
Lungarung painting by Weaver Jack (NGV 2011.257)
Naru painting by Weaver Jack (NGV 2015.200)
1999/4 (Page) painting by Wendy Kelly
Lagoon painting by Wendy Stavrianos
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent and Yawkyawk sisters painting by Wesley Nganjmirra
Karnapi painting by Wilbur Brooks
All Mamballi country painting by Willie Gudabi
Untitled painting by Willie Gudabi
Untitled painting by Willie Gudabi (NGV O.142-1991)
Initiation ritual painting by Willie Gudabi; Moima Willie
Salmon in the sea near Lalarr Gu-jirrapa painting by Willie Jolpa
Miyanga (Trevally) painting by Willie Jolpa
Jilamara painting by Willie Roberts
Tingarri Dreaming at Kirritjinka painting by Willy Tjungurrayi
Hailstorm at Kaakuratintja painting by Willy Tjungurrayi
Owl Dreaming at Kultuyala painting by Willy Tjungurrayi
Wunganya painting by Wimitji Tjapangarti
Untitled painting by Wimitji Tjapangarti
Tingarri Dreaming painting by Wimitji Tjapangarti
Untitled painting by Wimitji Tjapangarti (NGV 1997.175)
Calligraphy in clerical or official style (couplet) painting by Wu Tingkang
Wisteria painting by Wu Zangkan
Horses painting by Yamaguchi Sekkai
Landscape painting by Yang Liu-chiao
Yingapungapu painting by Yikaki Maymuru
Kuput Kuput Claypan painting by Yikartu Bumba
Rock wallaby painting by Yirrwala
Nakidjkidj spirit with dancing Mimih figures painting by Yirrwala
Mardayin crocodile painting by Yirrwala
Mardayin ceremony painting by Yirrwala
Untitled painting by You Si
A ladder of one hundred steps reaching the clouds in Tiandu Mountain Peak painting by Yuan Sung Nien
Tingarri Dreaming at Takupalang painting by Yumpululu Tjungurrayi
Wangunu Dreaming painting by Yumpululu Tjungurrayi
Kapalu painting by Yumpululu Tjungurrayi
Wanununya painting by Yumpululu Tjungurrayi
Barama (Ancestral figure) painting by Yumutjin Wunungmurra
Kumpuirntily (Lake Disappointment) painting by Yunkurra Billy Atkins
Upright little mice: Father's corpse! What a sensation, when word of this terrible tragedy flies over the public squares of Europe! painting by Yuri Leiderman
Water goanna painting by Yuwurnyuwurn Marruwarr
Mimih hunter and kangaroo painting by Yuwurnyuwurn Marruwarr
Maralitja yolngu (Spirit man) painting by Yälpi Yunupingu
Gumatj mortuary painting painting by Yälpi Yunupingu
Untitled painting by Zacharias Waybenang
Border and fig painting by Zbigniew Moskwa
Every day do one good deed, calligraphy painting by Zhan Fei
Landscape painting by Zhang Shen
Deer in a pine forest painting by Zhang Zhen
Calligraphy in running script or style (couplet) painting by Zhao Guang
Open the window to the heart painting by Zheng Taijun
Scholars among pines painting by Zhu Xin
Calligraphy in regular semi-cursive style (seven characters couplet) painting by Zuo Zongtang

label description image described at URL
Portrait of Dr John Hawkesworth
David Mitchell, n.d.
Study for commissioned portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark (profile head study)
Study for commissioned portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark (full-length study)
Preparatory study for 'Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground'. Test #5 Garrett in landscape
Preparatory study for 'Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground'. Test #4 Broadhead and wing pattern
Preparatory study for 'Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground'. Test #1 Ranger 3 pit mine Kakadu, N.T.
Preparatory study for 'Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground'. Test #2 Ranger 3 pit mine Kakadu, N.T.
Eddie Mabo (after Mike Kelley's 'Booth's Puddle' 1985, from Plato's Cave, Rothko's Chapel, Lincoln's profile) No.3
Neville and Jill Wran - as the Duke and Duchess of Sydney (with apologies to Piero della Francesca)
Nell painting by Abbey McCulloch
Charles Teo painting by Adam Chang
Jack Lang painting by Adam Martin
Nicholas Paspaley Jnr painting by Andrew Bonneau
Betty Cuthbert painting by Andrew Daly
Professor Penny Sackett, astronomer and physicist painting by Andrew Mezei
Tim Bonyhady painting by Andrew Sayers AM
Professor Paul Korner painting by Andrew Sullivan
Don Watson painting by Anna Sande
Her Excellency Marjorie Jackson-Nelson AC CVO MBE painting by Avril Thomas
Acacius (Stigmata) - portrait of Tony Carden painting by AñA Wojak
Thomas Keneally painting by Bernd Heinrich
Peter Carey in Kelly country painting by Bruce Armstrong
Richard Windeyer painting by Charles Richard Bone
Listening to Light, Simon Mordant painting by Chloe Vallance
Dr Alice M. Moyle painting by Chris Gentle
Kath Walker, Aboriginal Poet painting by Clif Peir
Dr Phillip Law painting by Dallas Hawes
"Lao Fei" Stephen FitzGerald painting by Dalu Zhao
The Vivisector - David Williamson painting by Danelle Bergstrom
Nancy Bird Walton - Pioneer painting by Danelle Bergstrom
Portrait of Joshua Payne painting by Daniel Byrne
Angel Street (Adam Cullen) painting by Darren McDonald
Geoff Cousins painting by David Naseby
Bob Ellis painting by David Naseby
Les Murray painting by David Naseby
A blackguard rehearsing - Max Cullen painting by David Naseby
Sir Gustav Nossal painting by Dean Home
Study for The Writer, Peter Goldsworthy painting by Deidre But-Husaim
The Writer, Peter Goldsworthy painting by Deidre But-Husaim
Self portrait, Malu Sara (deep sea tern) painting by Dennis Nona
The Reverend Dr. Gordon Powell AM.MA.BD painting by Donald Cameron
Waiting for Zipporah (Christine Anu) painting by Elizabeth Barden
Fred Gruen painting by Erwin Fabian
Sir Leslie Herron painting by Esme Bell
Sir Edward Hallstrom painting by Esme Bell
Kevin Gilbert painting by Evelyn Kirwan
General Eva Burrows AC AO painting by Gabrielle Martin
Soffritto di Lucio painting by Garry Shead and Adrienne Levenson
Keith Laught painting by Geoffrey Shedley
"The determined" Self_portrait painting by George Foxhill
Robyn Archer painting by George Gittoes
Barbara Blackman painting by Gorgi Dimcevski
Ivy Shore painting by Graeme Inson
Kevin Weldon (Graeme Inson) painting by Graeme Inson
Max Meldrum painting by Graeme Inson
Brian Fitzpatrick painting by Graeme Inson
The Hon E.G. Whitlam AC QC painting by Graeme Inson
Faith Bandler, study painting by Greg Warburton
Sir Richard Kingsland painting by Gwen Eichler
Major General Alan Stretton painting by Gwendolene Pratt
The Seekers reunite 50 years on painting by Helen Edwards
Jane Mander Jones painting by Henry Robinson Smith
David Jones painting by Henry Robinson Smith
Peter O'Shaughnessy painting by Howard Matthews
Anne Levy painting by Hugh Adamson
Maurice Newman painting by Hui Hai Xie
Richard Humphry painting by Hui Hai Xie
Paquita Mawson, late 1940s painting by Ingrid Erns
Jarinyanu Dancing at Broome Festival painting by Jarinyanu David Downs
Portrait of Dr Johann Reinhold Forster and his son George Forster painting by Jean Francois Rigaud
Ola Cohn painting by Jean Goldberg
Elizabeth Reid painting by Jenny Darling
Jessie Street painting by Jerrold Nathan
Portrait of Dr John Bradfield painting by Jerrold Nathan
L. Gordon Darling AC CMG painting by Jiawei Shen
Portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary of Denmark painting by Jiawei Shen
Hon Tom Hughes QC painting by Jiawei Shen
Portrait of Susan Wakil AO painting by Jiawei Shen
John Sumner painting by Jim Paterson
Kitty Kantilla and Freda Warlapinni at Milikapiti (Snake Bay) painting by Jo Bertini
The sitter (Drusilla Modjeska) painting by Jo Bertini
Portrait of Augustus Leopold Küper painting by Johann Paul Georg Fischer
Sir Percy Spender painting by John Peisley
The Hon Lionel Murphy painting by Judith O'Conal-Prinz
Li Cunxin painting by Jun Chen
Norman Hetherington OAM (and friends) painting by Kate Rae
Ruth Park painting by Kilmeny Niland
(Margaret Whitlam) by the strength of her skin painting by Kim Spooner
Social currency (Eva Cox) painting by Kim Spooner
Father Peter Steele painting by Kristin Headlam
Chris Wallace-Crabbe painting by Kristin Headlam
'words are the daughters of the earth' Marion Halligan painting by Leeanne Crisp
John Thornett painting by Lesley Moline
Portrait of Ron Robertson-Swann painting by Lindsay Churchland
Dame Mary Gilmore painting by Lyall Trindall
Study for painting commission portrait of Fiona Stanley painting by Mary Moore
Fiona Stanley painting by Mary Moore
Sir Charles Court and Richard Court painting by Mary Moore
Portrait of Elizabeth Jolley painting by Mary Moore
Major General Paul Cullen painting by Mathew Lynn
Catherine Livingstone painting by Mathew Lynn
John Hamilton painting by Meg Padgham
Donald Horne painting by Melissa Beowulf
Nancy Wake - The White Mouse painting by Melissa Beowulf
Sir Walter Crocker painting by Meredith Russell
Richard Bell painting by Mike Chavez
David Chalmers painting by Nick Mourtzakis
Pro Hart & Associates painting by Nick Young
JOH (The Hon Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen) painting by Noel Stapleton
Ann Moyal painting by Pamela Thalben-Ball
Kay Cottee painting by Pamela Thalben-Ball
Songman, portrait of Kev Carmody painting by Peter Hudson
Chad (portrait of Chad Morgan) painting by Peter Hudson
Mal Meninga painting by Peter Hudson
Archie Roach painting by Peter Hudson
Self portrait painting by Peter Russell-Clarke
Miss Elizabeth Roberts painting by Richard Read junior
Geoffrey Tozer painting by Rollo Thomson
Tim Winton painting by Sally Robinson
Angry Anderson painting by Sally Robinson
Glenn McGrath painting by Sally Robinson
Caroline Jones painting by Salvatore Zofrea OAM
Dr Peter Farrell painting by Salvatore Zofrea OAM
Greg Lindsay painting by Salvatore Zofrea OAM
Barry McDonald painting by Selina Snow
Stefano Manfredi painting by Selina Snow
Christine Manfield painting by Selina Snow
Neil Perry painting by Selina Snow
Ngalim-Ngalimbooroo Ngagenybe painting by Shirley Purdie
The tennis player (Ken Rosewall) painting by Sinead Davies
Larry Sitsky painting by Sister Mary Brady
Portrait of Alec Campbell painting by Terry Eichler
Eagle Ross (Ross Wilson) painting by Tessa Jones
Captain W Kinghorne painting by Thomas James Lempriere
John Coburn painting by Vaike Liibus
Stan de Teliga painting by Vaike Liibus
Portrait of Leslie Walford painting by Vaike Liibus
The Awakening (Self portrait) painting by Vlase Zanalis
James Robert Millar Robertson painting by W.A. Bowring
Portrait of Sir James Oswald Fairfax painting by W.A. Bowring
Portrait of Mr Geoffrey E. Fairfax painting by W.A. Bowring
Michelle de Kretser, Geography & History painting by Weng-Ho Chong
Kostya Tszyu painting by Yoli Salmona
Portrait of Robert Klippel painting by Yvonne Audette AM
The Honourable Chief Justice Susan Kiefel AC painting by Yvonne East
Patrick Dodson painting by Zhou Xiaoping
Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground painting by eX de Medici

State Library of New South Wales

label description image described at URL
Governor Arthur's Proclamation to the Aborigines, ca. 1828-1830 Oil painting on huon pine board depicting four colonial Australian scenes
Governor Davey's Proclamation Painting depicting 'Governor Arthur's Proclamation to the Aborigines,' ca. 1828-1830

Wyvern House

label description image described at URL
Landscape painting by Grangeon, Wyvern House
End of automatically generated list.