Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Matthias Stom

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Matthias Stom (Q949627)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q949627 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image label collection inventory number catalog code inception Joconde work ID RKDimages ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID Art UK artwork ID described at URL
Adoration of the Magi Musée des Augustins 2004 1 74 160s 05620001277 294938
Isaac blessing Jacob Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 2810 16th century 000PE008630 302282
Pilate washing his hands in innocence Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 1363
MR 761
16th century 000PE008629 299134
music - lesson Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
The Calling of Saint Matthew Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 1986.27 1629 190689
The martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Bavarian State Painting Collections 13068 16th millenium 301019
The Adoration of the Magi Nationalmuseum NM 1792 160s 294939
Lot Leaving Sodom Bob Jones University Museum and Gallery P.59.172 62 1630
The Annunciation Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_5806 1630
Christ Before Caiaphas Milwaukee Art Museum 160s
Christ chasing the money changers from the temple 160s
Christ and the woman taken into adultery Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 160s
Annunciation 1630
Supper at Emmaus 160s
Soldier lighting a candle. National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.219
M.Ob.219 MNW
160s 300386
Samson and Delilah Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica 2464 160s
Healing of blind Tobias Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery M 95 1630
Salome receiving the Head of John the Baptist National Gallery NG6645 16th century 302238 salome-receives-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-230277
Verkündigung Mariae Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_5806 160s 44370
The Arrest of Christ National Gallery of Canada 4094 160s 299094
Christ in the garden of olives at Gethsemane Gemäldegalerie 69.2 160s 71917
Tobias and the angel Museum Bredius 160s 1283
The liberation of Peter from prison (Acts 12:7) 160s 62047
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham Gemäldegalerie 2146 1632
Luteplayer and fluteplayer by candlelight Schloss Weißenstein
Liechtenstein Museum
Young man with a decanter by candlelight Accademia Carrara 58AC00218 160s 300378
Boy lighting a candle from a wick Accademia Carrara 58AC00217 160s 300377
Adam and Eve Lamenting over the Body of Abel MUŻA 160s
The adoration of the shepherds National Museum of Capodimonte 160s 299153
John the Baptist as a youth in the wilderness Exton Hall 18 16th century 308502
An Old Woman and a Youth by Lamplight Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp152 16th century
Cavalry and Infantry Skirmish Statens Museum for Kunst KMSst224 16th century
Christ is lead for Annas (John 18:13) 160s 18448
The apostle Matthew 16th century 65922
Saint Onuphrius worshipping the crucifix in the wilderness 160s 42456
Saint Jerome Nantes Museum of Arts 24 1635 07430006767 266451
King David Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille BA 108 1635 300693
Isaac Blessing Jacob Barber Institute of Fine Arts 94.2 1635 56889 isaac-blessing-jacob-33030
The incredulity of St Thomas Tosio Martinengo Gallery 16th century
The Adoration of the Shepherds North Carolina Museum of Art 52.9.59 41 1635 190623
The Supper at Emmaus Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 375 (1976.66) 160s 299155
St Jerome Centraal Museum 18448 1635
The Elder with a Candle Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Gal.-Nr. 1253 16th century 300510
Christ at the Column Rhode Island School of Design Museum 56.177 1635
Saint Ambrose Kunstmuseum Basel 186 160s 299133
Saint Gregory and the holy spirit in the form of a dove Kunstmuseum Basel 187 160s 109082
St. Jerome as a hermit in a landscape Galleria Sabauda 16th century 300838
Christ Crowned with Thorns Norton Simon Museum M.1977.25.P 160s 299181
Mark the Evangelist Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 801.1.13 160s 00000094622 300695
John the Evangelist Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 801.1.5 160s 00000094621 300696
Saint Ambrose Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 801.1.3 16th century 00000094620 294986
Christ captured 160s 29974
The ghost of Samuel appears to the witch of Endor; Saul falls prostrate to the ground(1 Samuel 28:1-25) 16th century 50616
The satyr and the peasants (Aesop) 160s 57442
Sarai [Sarah] brings Hagar to Abram [Abraham] (Genesis 16:1-4) 160s 68511
The supper at Emmaus: Christ is recognized while blessing the bread 160s 102201
Young man with a fiddle 16th century
Christ before Pilate 16th century
Saint Peter in prayer National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.1890 MNW 16th century 246514
The annunciation Uffizi Gallery 160s 300511
The Adoration of the Shepherds Temple Newsam LEEAG.PA.1967.0009 160s the-adoration-of-the-shepherds-37964
Saint John the Baptist in the wilderness as a youngster 16th century 47701
The repentance of Peter 16th century 62035
L'avarice Museum of Grenoble MG 2930 16th century 09940006876
Mother and child by candlelight 16th century 45037
Christ's dispute with the doctors in the temple Worcester Art Museum 16th century 300521
Mucius Scaevola in the presence of Lars Porsenna Art Gallery of New South Wales OO4.1970 160s
Esau and Jacob Hermitage Museum
Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky collection
ГЭ-2913 56
160s 299244
Old Woman with a Candle Hermitage Museum
Pyotr Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky collection
ГЭ-3081 160s 300882
Holy Family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 069105-000 1640
The Judgment of Solomon Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 70.15 1640 249851
The Judgement of Solomon Currier Museum of Art 2017.13 1640 249846
The beheading of St John the Baptist MUŻA 160s
Martyrdom of Saint Stephen Palazzo Alliata di Villafranca 1640
Old Woman Praying Metropolitan Museum of Art 1981.25 198 16th century 302394
Old Woman And A Boy By Candlelight Birmingham Museums Trust 1958P1 16th century an-old-woman-and-a-boy-by-candlelight-33215
The Incredulity of Saint Thomas Museo del Prado P002094 270
s. n.
160s 239131
Healing of Tobit Fondazione Roberto Longhi 16th century 299144
The Arrest of Christ National Gallery of Ireland NGI.425 1641 300509
Young soldier lights his pipe in a burning oil lamp 16th century 59217
Christ talking with Nicodemus 16th century 62041
Stellio mocking Ceres because she drinks too avidly (Metamorphosis V:446-461) Bavarian State Painting Collections 112 160s 247446
Christ among the docters Bavarian State Painting Collections 1796 160s 244537
An old woman counting money by candlelight 16th century 7169
Esau, returning hungry from the hunt, sells his first birthright to Jacob for a pottage of lentils(Genesis 25:31) Gemäldegalerie
Bode Museum
434 160s 62038
Orpheus plays for Pluto and Persephone, the rulers of the underworld 16th century 54863
The Adoration of the Magi Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen SR 33 1645 00000055049
An old woman with a book and an incense burner by candlelight Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 1518 16th century 279089äuchergefäss-bei-Kerzenlicht/569E5CFE4CE9B7D223525EA5CEF94432/
Sarah brings Hagar to Abraham (Genesis 16:3 Kunsthandel P. de Boer 16th century 299190
Samson taken by the Philistines Galleria Sabauda 16th century 299138
Christ carrying the cross 16th century 9519
St John the Baptist Rijksmuseum
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
collection Willem V Prince of Orange Nassau
SK-A-216 332 16th century 1282
Ecce Homo Rijksmuseum SK-A-4692 16th century 1281
Դրամափոխը National Gallery of Armenia 735 16th century
Sacrifice of Isaac Musée Fesch 852.1.134 16th century
Supper at Emmaus Museum of Grenoble Inv. No. MG 82 16th century↹STOMER%20Matthias
The Adoration of the Shepherds Nantes Museum of Arts 529 1650 266450
The Adoration of the Shepherds Palazzo Madama and Casaforte degli Acaja, Turin 1650
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist Musei di Strada Nuova
Palazzo Bianco
16th century
Sarai [Sarah] brings Hagar to Abram [Abraham] (Genesis 16:3) Condé Museum PE 822 16th century 00000106999 236368
The Mocking of Christ Schorr Collection 16th century
Sara, Abraham und Hagar. Gothenburg Museum of Art GKM 1496 16th century
Flagellation of Christ 16th century
Old woman with purse and golden coins, allegory of avarice 16th century
Adam and Eve (The Fall of Man) 16th century
The death of Brutus 16th century
Boy reading by candlelight 16th century
The mocking of Christ 16th century
The feast of Absalom 16th century
The death of Cato civic art gallery "Il Guercino" 16th century
St Peter praying 16th century
Saint Cecilia and the Angel 16th century
The Adoration of the Magi 16th century
Jesus Christ and Nicodemus Hessian State Museum Darmstadt 16th century
The assumption of Mary with the Saints Rocco, Sebastian and Charles Borromeo Church of the Assumption of Mary 1652 293450
A Young Man Reading at Candlelight Nationalmuseum NM 6838 17th century 300985
The Annunciation Uffizi Gallery 17th century
The supper at Emmaus Schloss Weißenstein 257 17th century 286207 00010339
The Supper at Emmaus 17th century
Man Blowing on an Ember Palazzo Abatellis
John the Baptist Rijksmuseum Twenthe BR1383
An Old Woman Holding a Purse by Candlelight
Le Ravissement d'Élie Séminaire de Québec
Musée de la civilisation
1991.205 49
Sarah führt Abraham Hagar zu Gemäldegalerie KFMV.310
Saint Jerome
Saint Peter in jail
Christ before Annas Campion Hall PCF20 christ-before-annas-221850
The martyrdom of St. Bartholomew
Salome with the head of Saint John the Baptist Palazzo Bianco
End of automatically generated list.