Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Joseph Lindon Smith

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Joseph Lindon Smith (Q6284966)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q6284966 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . }
image label description collection inventory number catalog code inception location described at URL depicts
Concarneau, France painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1936.150.129 1884 Harvard Art Museums
Cabbages painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1974.166 1885 Harvard Art Museums
Table d'Hote painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum ARC.008432 1886-05-13 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Cappucini Amalfi Monastery painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1936.109.187 1887 Harvard Art Museums
Entrance Arcade of the Palazzo Barbaro painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P33w8 1892 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Gaston de Foix painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P1e9 1894 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Head of a Putti painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P3n4 1894 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Adam and Eve, Doge's Palace, Venice painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P6s5 1894 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
The Courtyard Stairway of the Palazzo Barbaro painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P33w7 1894 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Temple at Philae painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1954.157 18th century Harvard Art Museums
Abu Simbel painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1954.158 18th century Harvard Art Museums
Apartments of the Chief Priest, Kyoto painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P1w1 1900 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Egyptian Relief - Incised Head painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1926.33.186 1900 Harvard Art Museums
Sho Kannon painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 02.43 1901 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Junishinsho painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 02.47 1901 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Chair of Princess Sit-Amen, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.321 1905 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Karnak painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 20.004 1905 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
A Theater in Mukden, Manchuria painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P3w15 1905 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Bust of Akhenaten painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P3s15 1908 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Wall relief from Tomb of Sibtah, Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 19.213 19th century Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Offering Bearers in the Tomb of Kagemni, Sakkara painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Toledo Museum of Art 1951.310 190s Toledo Museum of Art
The Philip Arrhidaeus Shrine, Karnak painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.319 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Userhet's wife and Mother, tomb of Userhet, tomb 56, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.322 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Amenhotep Seated with his Wife, May, tomb of Ramose, tomb 55, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.323 Museum of Fine Arts Boston Amenhotep I
Figure of Ti, from his tomb, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 12.324 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Funerary Scene with Mourning Women, tomb of Ramose, Dynasty 18, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.297 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Prince Khunera, from his tomb, MQ1, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 14.923 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Procession of men with gazelles and other animals; Saqqara, Old Kingdom painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 14.921 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb of Iasen, G 2196, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 14.920 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Relatives and Friends of the Deceased, tomb of Ramose, tomb 55, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 15.317 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
View of the Pyramids of the Northern Royal Cemetary at Meroe, Kaboushiyah, Sudan painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2533 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Profile of Queen Amanishakheto, left pylon of Beg. N6, Meroe, Sudan, 26–20 B.C. painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2535 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Profile View of King Amanitaraqide, A.D. 228–246, with southern group of pyramids in the distance, relief block from Beg. N36, Meroe, Sudan painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2536 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail of a Relief Sculpture of a Queen painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2537 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Pyramid and Mortuary Chapel, northern group, Meroe, Sudan; 2nd century A.D. painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2538 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Seti I, from north wall of Hypostyle Hall, Karnak, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2540 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Seated Couple, tomb of Ramose, tomb 55, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 21.2542 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Statue of King Chephren, Builder of the Second Pyramid of Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 24.12 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Amenophis III, from Luxor Temple, Dynasty 18 painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 24.13 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Procession of Female Mourners, tomb of Ramose, tomb 55, Thebes, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 24.16 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Son of Idu, tomb of Idu (G 7101) Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 25.509 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Idu, from his tomb, G 7101, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 25.511 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Face of King Tutankhamun with Cartouches Reinscribed for Horemheb, Luxor Temple, Thebes, 18th–19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 24.15 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
King Seti I Making Offerings, from Temple of Karnak, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.384 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Coffin of Queen Meres-ankh II, G 7410, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.385 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Old Kingdom Tomb, Giza, 4th-5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.386 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb chamber of Queen Hetep-heres, G 7000 X, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.388 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb of Nefer-bau-Ptah, G 6010, Giza, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.389 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Chapel in Mastaba of Hor-djedef, G 7210-7220, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.390 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Portrait of Ti, royal architect, from his tomb, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.554 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Bust of Ankh-haf, frontal view, G 7510, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.1467 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Bust of Prince Ankh-haf, profile view, G 7510, Giza, 3rd Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 27.1468 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Queen Meres-ankh and her Mother, Hetep-heres II, tomb the Tomb of Queen Meresankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 28.481 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Entrance to the tomb of Queen Meresankh III, G 7530-40, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 28.482 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Engaged Statues, north chamber, tomb of Queen Meresankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, Dynasty 4 painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 28.483 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Hetep-heres II, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 28.484 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb Wall with Seated Male Figures, Pyramids in Landscape, 4th-5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 28.485 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail, Tomb of Khufu-khaf I, G 7110-7120, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 29.720 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail, Tomb of Mereruka, Sakkara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 29.721 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail from the pyramid of King Djoser painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 29.722 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail, Tomb of Qar, G 7101, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 29.723 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Detail, Relief from Temple of Isis, Mistress of the Pyramids, East Cemetery, Giza, 26th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.454 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
King in Double Crown Rendering Offerings, from Kumma Temple, Nubia, 12th or 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.455 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Temple of Kumma, Sudan, from the south, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.456 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Temple of Kumma, room E, 18th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.457 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Idu Seated at Table, from west wall of his tomb, G 7102, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.458 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
View of Second Cataract, looking north from Uronarti Island painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 30.459 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Prince Khufu-khaf I and His Wife, relief from his tomb, G 7110-7120, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 31.144 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure with Sons and Attendants, tomb of Prince Khufu-khaf I, G 7110-7120, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 31.145 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Rock-Cut Statues in Inner Chamber, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 31.146 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Women, one with hyena, one with ibex, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.34 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Man Leading Ibex, detail from chapel of tomb of Seshemnofer, G2200 (5080), Dynasty 4 painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.35 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Two Men Leading Three Calves, tomb of Seshem-nofer I, G2200 (5080), Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.36 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Khufu-khaf I and His Mother, from his Tomb, G 7110-7120, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.37 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Khufu-khaf I Seated, Attended by His Daughter, from his tomb, G 7110-7120, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.38 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
South Door Jamb of Entrance, Tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.39 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Hetep-heres and Her Daughter Meres-ankh III in a Boat, east wall of chapel, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 32.40 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing figure of Khunera, from his tomb, Mycerinus Quarry, MQ1, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 33.379 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Boat builders, sculptors, and joiners, tomb of Khunera, Mycerinus Quarry, MQ1, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 33.380 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Qar seated at table, attended by his wife, from his tomb, G 7101, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 33.381 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Men and Cattle, detail from tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 33.382 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Portrait of Queen Meresankh III, from west side of her main offering room, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.133 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Offering Bearers and Bird Snaring Scene, detail from east wall of main offering room, tomb of Queen Meres-ankh III, G 7530-7540, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.134 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Fowling Scene, Papyrus Thicket, Tomb of Iasen, G 2196, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.135 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Transport of the Sarcophagus and Towing of the Funerary Barge, tomb of Qar, G 7101, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.136 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Mereruka Between His Two Sons, north wall of main offering room, tomb of Mereruka, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.137 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb of Mereruka, from pillar in the main offering room, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.138 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Portrait of Kagemni from his tomb at Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.139 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Men Leading Animals for Sacrifice, detail from tomb of Idut at Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 34.140 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
General View of the Giza Pyramid Site from the Southeast painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.749 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Procession of Male Offering Bearers Carrying Fish, tomb of Kagemni, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.750 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Seated Figure of Kagemni, from his tomb at Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.751 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Sunk Relief Figure of Kagemni Striding to Right, outer face of left jamb of entrance doorway to tomb of Kagemni, Saqqara painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.752 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb of Kagemni, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.753 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Pastoral Scenes, from the tomb of Kagemni, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.755 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Study of an Egyptian head in Cairo painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 35.1171 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Seated figure of Prince Duaenre, from his tomb, G 5110, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.255 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure of Mereruka, from his tomb at Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.256 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure of Princess Hemet-re, from sqare pillar in her tomb chapel (south of Chephren causeway), Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.258 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Ship, tomb of Mereruka, Saqqara, Dynasty 6 painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.260 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Legal decree, tomb of Wepemnofret (South of Chephren causeway), Giza, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.261 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Craftsmen at Work, Tomb of Wepemnofret (south of Chephren Causeway), Giza, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.262 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Hunting and Swamp Scenes, tomb of Ptah-hotep, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.263 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Musicians and Dancers, from tomb of Seshemnefer I, G 2200 (5080), Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.264 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure of Duaenre, from his Tomb, G 5110, Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.265 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Offering Bearers, tomb of Seshemnefer I, G 2200 (5080), Giza, 4th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.266 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Mourning Scene, tomb of Idu, G 7102, Giza, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 36.267 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Ptah-hotep seated before offerings and offering bearers, from his tomb, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 37.390 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Ptah-hotep Reviews his Flocks, from his tomb, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 37.391 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Statue of Ranofer right profile, from his tomb, Saqqara, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 37.392 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Tomb of Ranofer, Saqqara, Dynasty 5 painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 37.393 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figures of Nisut-nefer and His Wife Khenet, from his tomb, G 4970, Giza, 5th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 37.394 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Kagemni in his Carrying Chair, from his tomb, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 38.68 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing figure of Mereruka Accompanied by His Wife and Daughter, facing left, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 38.69 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure of King Seti I Offering a Figure of Maat to Osiris, Temple of Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 38.71 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Seated Figure of a Goddess Holding the Symbol for Thousands of Sed-Festivals, Temple of Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 38.73 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Standing Figure of Kagemni, from his tomb, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 38.74 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Kneeling figure of King Seti making offering, temple of King Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.601 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Upper Part of a Figure of King Seti I, detail from temple of King Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.602 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Offering Scene, from the north wall of the chapel, tomb of Ihy, Saqqara, Middle Kingdom painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.597 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Children's games, tomb of Mereruka, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.598 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Goddesses Maet and Rempet, detail from Temple of Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.599 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
King Seti I before Isis, temple of King Seti I, Abydos, 19th Dynasty painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 39.600 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Head of colossal statue of Amen painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 43.234 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Sarcophagus of Alexander painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 00.502 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Sarcophagus of Alexander painting by Joseph Lindon Smith (MFA, 00.501) Museum of Fine Arts Boston 00.501 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
The Ramesseum painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Museum of Fine Arts Boston 17.1408 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Copy of wall-relief at Angkor-Vat, Cambodia:a Teveda painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 24.045 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Wall relief on exterior wall, upper terrace, temple of Angkor-Vat, Cambodia:two Tevedas painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 24.047 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Sety I from Abvdos painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 56.113 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Head of a member of the Cheops Family painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Rhode Island School of Design Museum 19.212 Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Gondolier at Night painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P33w66 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
A Gondola with Flowers painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P33w67 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
The Adoration of the Kings painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P27e25 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Italian Garden at Green Hill painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum ARC.008180 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Inscription painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P6w3 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Plumed Serpent painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1943.41 Harvard Art Museums
Detail: Siva on Elephant's Howdah, after stone relief at Angkor Wat painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1924.105 Harvard Art Museums
Landscape with Palm Trees painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1936.109.9 Harvard Art Museums
Main Entrance, S. Zeno, Verona, Italy painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1917.135 Harvard Art Museums
Detail: Army, after stone relief at Angkor Wat painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1924.104 Harvard Art Museums
Detail: Devata, after stone relief at Angkor Wat painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1924.106 Harvard Art Museums
Mayan Head in Profile painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1943.42 Harvard Art Museums
Egyptian Statue painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1969.39 Harvard Art Museums
Gateway to an Egyptian Temple painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1926.33.176 Harvard Art Museums
The Halbardiers, after Carpaccio painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1936.150.130 Harvard Art Museums
Mountain Landscape painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1936.109.65 Harvard Art Museums
Joseph Lovering (1813-1892) painting by Joseph Lindon Smith Harvard Art Museums H203 Harvard Art Museums
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