Wikidata:WikiProject Women/Top females by number of German streets

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This is an overview of the top females by number of German streets of the WikiProject Women.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(DISTINCT ?street) AS ?streetcount) WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . ?street wdt:P138 ?item . ?street wdt:P31 wd:Q79007 . ?street wdt:P17 wd:Q183 . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . ?item rdfs:label ?name . } } GROUP BY ?item ?name ORDER BY DESC(?streetcount) LIMIT 250
image person Number of streets named after the person
Rosa Luxemburg 195
Clara Zetkin 149
Käthe Kollwitz 119
Marie Curie 39
Bertha von Suttner 38
Anne Frank 33
Ricarda Huch 26
Liselotte Herrmann 18
Elsa Brändström 18
Agnes Miegel 13
Emmy Noether 11
Anna Seghers 11
Alfonsa papu 10
Astrid Lindgren 9
Bettina von Arnim 7
Hilde Coppi 7
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff 5
Dorothea Erxleben 5
San Edith Stein 5
Amelie Beese 5
Clara Schumann 5
Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 5
Marlene Dietrich 4
Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 4
Helene Weigel 4
Corona Schröter 4
Sophie Scholl 4
Maria Grollmuß 4
Rosalind Franklin 3
Helen Keller 3
Sophia Charlotte of Hanover 3
Princess Viktoria Luise of Prussia 3
Princess Louise of Prussia 3
Amalie Auguste of Bavaria 3
Elly Beinhorn 3
Eugenie Marlitt 3
Annette Kolb 3
Mildred Harnack 3
Amalie Dietrich 3
Mary Wigman 3
Katharina von Bora 3
Ingeborg Bachmann 3
Maxie Wander 3
Friederike Nadig 3
Anna Siemsen 3
Judith Auer 3
Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein 3
Saint Barbara 3
Erna Berger 3
Adelheid von Poninska 3
Elli Voigt 3
Marianne Bruns 3
Käthe Niederkirchner 3
Clara Immerwahr 2
Irène Joliot-Curie 2
Selma Lagerlöf 2
Maria Anna of Bavaria 2
Else Lasker-Schüler 2
Fanny Mendelssohn 2
Petra Kelly 2
Princess Margaret of Prussia 2
Princess Mathilde Caroline of Bavaria 2
Stéphanie de Beauharnais 2
Annemarie Renger 2
Mildred Scheel 2
Maria Sibylla Merian 2
Grethe Weiser 2
Friederike Caroline Neuber 2
Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich 2
Erna Sack 2
Marie-Elisabeth Lüders 2
Margarete Steiff 2
Catherine of Mecklenburg 2
Therese Giehse 2
Claire Waldoff 2
Hildegard of Bingen 2
Agnes Bernauer 2
Gunta Stölzl 2
Louise Otto-Peters 2
Ingeborg Drewitz 2
Clara Viebig 2
Elisabeth Selbert 2
Elisabeth Schumacher 2
Bertha Benz 2
Olga Benário Prestes 2
Dorothea Viehmann 2
Elisabeth Charlotte Gloeden 2
Brigitte Reimann 2
Helene Weber 2
Caroline von Humboldt 2
Marie Juchacz 2
Johanna Kirchner 2
Wilhelmine Reichard 2
Franziska Tiburtius 2
Livia Frege 2
Orli Wald 2
Lilli Henoch 2
Emma Ihrer 2
Ursula Goetze 2
Regina Ullmann 2
Käthe Paulus 2
Elizabeth of Hungary 2
Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia 2
Princess Alexandrine of Prussia 2
Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen 2
Marie of Prussia 2
Olga Nikolaevna of Russia 2
Gertrude of Nivelles 2
Cecilie, Crown Princess of Germany 2
Thusnelda 2
Princess Maria Anna of Hesse-Homburg 2
Else Ury 2
Agnes Smedley 2
Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler 2
Hannah Höch 2
Margarete von Wrangell 2
Apollonia von Wiedebach 2
Auguste Pattberg 2
Lene Voigt 2
Emma Herwegh 2
Elisabeth Schiemann 2
Theanolte Bähnisch 2
Gertrud Caspari 2
Gertrud Lutz 2
Hedwig Wachenheim 2
Lieselotte Berger 2
Louise Seidler 2
Luise Reuter 2
Lina Hähnle 2
Margarete Blank 2
Princess Elisabeth Sybille of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 2
Marie Christ 2
Hanne Catherine Charlotte Haspelmath 2
Elisabeth Wolf 2
Marianne von Eberstein 2
Bertha Grunert 2
Indira Gandhi 1
Amelia Earhart 1
Greta Garbo 1
Agnes Pockels 1
Hiltrud Grote 1
Gertrude B. Elion 1
Helga Hahnemann 1
Hedy Lamarr 1
Hildegard Maria Rauchfuß 1
Nelly Sachs 1
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia 1
Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria 1
Anna Magdalena Bach 1
Sophia of Hanover 1
Princess Charlotte of Prussia 1
Hannah Arendt 1
Carola of Vasa 1
Hedwig of Silesia 1
Hildegard Knef 1
Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen 1
Princess Viktoria of Prussia 1
Princess Adelgunde of Bavaria 1
Johanna Schopenhauer 1
Marie of Saxe-Altenburg 1
Erika Mann 1
Olga Chekhova 1
Princess Marie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 1
Helene Mayer 1
Maria Antonia Walpurgis of Bavaria 1
Rahel Varnhagen 1
Princess Sophia Dorothea of Prussia 1
Princess Augusta of Hesse-Kassel 1
Lil Dagover 1
Sophie Mereau 1
Princess Augusta Reuss of Köstritz 1
Princess Louise Eleanore of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1
Bärbel Bohley 1
Gisela of Swabia 1
Cilly Aussem 1
Princess Mathilde of Saxony 1
Marie Luise Kaschnitz 1
Sophie von La Roche 1
Cato Bontjes van Beek 1
Christiane Vulpius 1
Charlotte Bühler 1
Irmtraud Morgner 1
Gertrud Kolmar 1
Renée Sintenis 1
Gisèle Freund 1
Gertrud Elisabeth Mara 1
Lilly Reich 1
Sophia Louise of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1
Mary Frances Schervier 1
Elisa von der Recke 1
Charlotte von Lengefeld 1
Éléonore Desmier d'Olbreuse 1
Pauline von Mallinckrodt 1
Luise Gottsched 1
Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg 1
Elisabeth Langgässer 1
Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg 1
Ottilie Wildermuth 1
Annemarie Schimmel 1
Valeska Gert 1
Henny Porten 1
Melitta Bentz 1
Gertrud Bäumer 1
Hedwig Dohm 1
Margarete Sommer 1
Caroline von Wolzogen 1
Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcelos 1
Johanna Mestorf 1
Marie Calm 1
Lotte Laserstein 1
Adele Sandrock 1
Minna Cauer 1
Clara Fey 1
Emmy Hennings 1
Caroline Herschel 1
Glückel of Hameln 1
Anna Constantia von Brockdorff 1
Erika Fuchs 1
Ruth Pfau 1
Maria Margaretha Kirch 1
Isolde Kurz 1
Lena Christ 1
Agnes Dürer 1
Helene Böhlau 1
Dorothea von Schlegel 1
Fanny Lewald 1
Gerda Taro 1
Marie Hankel 1
Romy Schneider 1
Saint Cecilia 1
Pearl S. Buck 1
Brigit of Kildare 1
Maria Terwiel 1
Auguste Schmidt 1
Katharina Focke 1
Elisabeth Abegg 1
Judith of Hohenstaufen 1
Erika Wedekind 1
Ellen Franz 1
Marga von Etzdorf 1
Helene Jacobs 1
Carola Neher 1
Anni Albers 1
Catherine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Margravine of Brandenburg-Küstrin 1
Margarete Steffin 1
Henriette Goldschmidt 1
Lea Grundig 1
Emmy Zehden 1
Gertrud Seele 1
Eva Schulze-Knabe 1
End of automatically generated list.