Wikidata:WikiProject Wikidata for research/Awards and Recognitions

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As part of Tracking of Research Results (Q56259739) we'll be enlarging science award winner lists (importing Wikipedia award tables for some 150-300 prestigious awards) and adding researchers where missing.

This is a call for collaboration and I'm raising some issues for discussion. --Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 16:47, 6 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]



All awards are not created equal, so we've imported ratings by established international agencies (see sheet award ratings).

  • Nobel Prizes (6)
  • "Quasi-Nobel" Prizes or prizes known as the "Nobel of a field" (15)
  • Award list by the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (100)
  • Official Awards Roster of the International Congress of Distinguished Awards (ICDA), see also 2014 World of Awards Analysis (183, of which 26 have the highest ratings of 4 and 5)
  • Science Canada Inventory of International Awards - by discipline (115)

The ratings are not comparable across agencies: ICDA varies from 1 to 5, IREG asserts the Nobels=1 and the others range from 0 to 1, and Quasi-Nobels and Science Canada don't have a numeric rating, so we set 0.8 by convention.

See eg ratings of the Balzan Prize:



award rationale (P6208) was just created to capture the award citation or rationale. We'll also use it to capture other textual content or comments. There is some discussion whether it's ok to use that for "Issue addressed" or even "award lecture title".

Award Winning Data


We want to capture the following data about each "award received", whenever available. Eg see the awards of Lars Ahlfors:

  • award
  • point in time: year not the exact date when it was handed to the person
  • field of work
  • rationale (citation): string
  • for work: entity
  • affiliation: organization at time of award
  • country of citizenship: at time of award
  • location: where was the award given

TODO: once agreed, edit the awards received (P166) property definition to allow these qualifiers and avoid the "!" mark. In particular, I think the following are not appropriate:

  • start date: unlike a learned society membership, an award doesn't have a period
  • end date
  • conferred by: the same award is always conferred by the same body, correct? So that's a property of the award, not of the winning

Multiple Winnings of the Same Award


Prolific researchers often win several awards, and it even happens they win the same award twice (There are even 2-3 researchers that won the Nobel twice). TODO: find a specific example to discuss in the modeling below.

point in time (P585) is a qualifier, so Wikidata collects all winnings of the same award in one claim. But that's a problem, because you can't distinguish two winnings from two opinions about the date! (And if you look at the awards of Lars Ahlfors, the same date is recorded twice, which I think is a glitch).

Looking at this double date, we see a "!" warning "single value constraint: This property should only have a single value with the same series ordinal (P1545) qualifier". Can someone work out how to use point in time (P585) and series ordinal (P1545)

Memberships vs Awards


Membership in learned societies are considered recognitions on par with awards.

Take a look at memberships and awards of Jeff Dean (the head of It's a big problem that the same (or related) information is represented in disconnected and partly duplicate statements

  • Case 1
    • award received: honorary member; point in time: April 2016; of: American Academy of Arts and Sciences
      • I think this is wrong because "honorary member" is not a named award, and "of" is not an allowed qualifier for "award received"
    • member of: American Academy of Arts and Sciences
      • This is ok, but should have more info: "start date", references, and maybe some qualifier (which one?) for "honorary member"
  • Case 2:
    • award received: Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery; point in time: 2009
      • This is a named award but it doesn't specify that as a result one gains ACM membership. The only link is Fellow of the ACM: conferred by: ACM. But ACM could be conferor of any number of awards that don't lead to membership!
    • member of: Association for Computing Machinery
      • This is ok, but should have more info: "start date"