Wikidata:WikiProject Sweden/Schools

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WikiProject Sweden









Skill sharing


This is a sub project for modelling Swedish schools. The aims of the project are:

  • to eventually have complete coverage of all Swedish schools, past and present,
  • to create a consistent data model of the Swedish school system over time,
  • to link all schools and school concepts to authoritative external databases.





This is a list of concepts used historically and at the present in the Swedish school system. How to model these is an open question. For now, we are just trying to get an overview of the landscape.

concept item article start end note
folkskola "folkskola" school in Sweden (Q10497462) Folkskola i Sverige 1842 ~1971
försöksskola Q112112850 1947 Försöksskolan var en försöksverksamhet inför införandet av en gemensam grundskola. (SCB)
realskola Realschule (Q667471) Realskola 1905 1971
gymnasieskola gymnasieskola (Q10511371) Gymnasieskola 1971 - Skolform introducerade med skolreformen 1970. Sammanslagning av fackskola, gymnasium och yrkesskola. (Wikipedia)
gymnasium gymnasium (Q10511378) Gymnasium (Sverige) ~1600 1971 Äldre skolform i Sverige.
grundskola elementary school in Sweden (Q10509148) grundskola i Sverige 1962 -
fortsättningsskola Q10498218 Fortsättningsskola ~1860 Även kallat repetitionsskola. Ersatt av realskola. (Wikipedia)
ersättningsskola Q112112868 ~1860 för barn som ej kunnat fullgöra 6 årskurser (tex fattiga barn som hjälpte till i hemmet osv). Gav årskurs 6-7[1]
praktisk realskola Q10638368 Praktisk realskola 1933 1962 Ersatt av fackskola. (Wikipedia)
förskola preschool in Sweden (Q10501463) Förskola i Sverige -
förskoleklass preschool class (Q8174803) Förskoleklass 1998 - "Årskurs 0". Obligatorisk sedan 2018.
grundsärskola compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities (Q10509164) -
gymnasiesärskola gymnasium for pupils with learning disabilities (Q10511373) Gymnasiesärskola -
specialskola compulsory special needs schools (Q10674566) Specialskola -
kommunal vuxenutbildning municipal adult education (Q6428670) Kommunal vuxenutbildning -
sameskola Sámi school (Q7665243) Sameskola -
fritidshem/öppen fritidsverksamhet after-school activity (Q494330) Fritidshem -
svenskundervisning för invandrare Swedish for immigrants (Q7654962) Svenskundervisning för invandrare 1994 -
särvux adult education for people with learning disabilities (Q10688140) Särvux -
öppen förskola open preschool (Q10727386) Öppen förskola -
fackskola Fachschule (Q1391465) Fackskola 1963 1971
yrkesskola vocational school (Q322563) Yrkesskola ~1800 1971
inbyggd realskola
högre folkskola Högre folkskolor i Sverge (Q10532335) Högre folkskola 1858
kommunal mellanskola municipal middle school (Q10547366) 1909 1952
kommunal praktisk mellanskola
kommunal flickskola
högre allmänt gossverk
högre allmänt samläroverk
högre enskild flickskola
högre enskild gosskola
högre enskild samskola
enskild mellanskola
fattigskola Q112044253
apologistskola Q10416007 Apologistskola
trivialskola trivial school (Q1345717) Trivialskola
katedralskola cathedral school (Q1238718) Katedralskola
lärdomsskola Q10572373 Lärdomsskola

School units


As of 2011, the fundamental administrative unit in the Swedish school system is the school unit (Q88965416). Whereas in everyday language we talk of school (Q3914), a single school can be made up of on or more school units. The official records know only of units, and school statistics are based on them. Moreover, each school unit has its own rector (Q212071). This is regulated in the Swedish school law (Q10670463).

On Wikidata there are items for both schools and school units. The latter should have part of (P361) statements linking them to the former. In rare cases, there's an established term for a group of schools that are referenced as a collective. Such schools are in turn part of (P361) the larger educational organization. See ABB-gymnasiet (Q4650037) for an example.

School forms


The Swedish school law enumerates the following different school forms in the Swedish school system. A single school unit can provide one or more of these forms:

The Swedish School Registry includes another three forms in its API:

School brands and school buildings


Schools must further be distinguished from school brands (usually owned by for-profit actors). Thoren Business School (Q10697045) is thus modelled as a trademark (Q167270) which is used by (P1535) Thoren Business School Karlstad (Q90144465) and a handful of other schools. Finally, schools should also be distinguished from the buildings that host them.



From the books Q112032143 and Q112118018

  • 1571: Q112118095 kodifierade gällande praxis på skolområdet.
  • 1611: Q112118118 slog fast att det skulle finnas två slags statliga skolor: provinsskolor och katedralskolor.
  • 1649: Q112118157 slog fast att det skulle finnas tre slags läroanstalter: trivialskolor, gymnasier och akademier.
  • 1686: Swedish Church Law 1686 (Q10397118) medförde att någon form av skolundervisning i princip blev obligatorisk. Föräldrar och församlingens kaplan eller klockare hade ansvar.
  • 1724: Q112118213.
  • 1807: Q112118216 innebar inga förändringar av skolorganisationen men vissa förändringar i ämnesval.
  • ~1800: Början av 1800-talet fanns omkring 400-500 fasta skolor och många svenskar kunde läsa
  • 1842: obligatorisk folksskola
    • I en proposition till riksdagens uppskattade man att 1211 av landets 2308 församlingar hade en skola
    • Vid införande av obligatoriska folkskolan 1842 fanns det 1800 fasta skolor men endast 20% av barnen gick i dessa skolor. en anledning var att många föredrog privata skolor....
  • 1856: "mindre folkskola" från 1856 utgick statsbidrag till mindre folkskolor där man kunde anställa även oexaminerade lärare. Var sjunde elev gick i sådana skolor 1880-1920.
  • 1878: Normalplan
  • 1882: ny folkskolestadga
  • Q10672546 de första 2 åren av folkskolan
  • 1880: Q10498218 införs.
  • 1918: Q10498218 blir obligatoriskt.
  • 1940: school commission of 1940 (Q18001558) föreslår nioårig skolplikt.
  • 1950: Obligatorisk skolgång.
  • 1957: Q112118948 tillsätts.
  • 1962: primary school (Q9842) införs vid grundskolereformen.
  • 2011: The concept of school unit (Q88965416) is introduced in the Swedish school law (Q10670463).




Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Q89195999 <instance of> school unit-
part ofP361Itempart: object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670))
References the school that the school unit is part of.
Q89195999 <part of> Q89788589has part(s)
countryP17Itemhistorical country, state and sovereign state: sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)Q89195999 <country> Sweden-
located in the administrative territorial entityP131Itemadministrative territorial entity: the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity.Q89195999 <located in the administrative territorial entity> Stockholm Municipality-
coordinate locationP625Geographic coordinatesgeographic coordinates: geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the momentQ89195999 <coordinate location> 59°24'57.600"N, 17°54'36.000"E-
operatorP137Itemoperator: person, profession, or organization that operates the equipment, facility, or service
The "huvudman" operating the school, most often a municipality or private organization.
Q89195999 <operator> Stockholm Municipalityitem operated
official websiteP856URLofficial website and home page: URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk pageQ89195999 <official website>
count of students with qualifier point in timeP585Point in timepoint in time: date something took place, existed or a statement was true; for providing time use the "refine date" property (P4241)Q89195999 <count of students> 452
<point in time> 2019
Swedish School Registry IDP7894External identifieridentifier used by Statistics Sweden to identify school unitsQ89195999 <Swedish School Registry ID> 37796564-

Model of school

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)
Either primary school (Q9842) or gymnasieskola (Q10511371)
Q89788589 <instance of> primary school-
has part(s)P527Itemhas part, consist of and meronymy: part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670).
References the school units that the school is composed of.
Q89788589 <has part(s)> Q89195999part of
countryP17Itemhistorical country, state and sovereign state: sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)Q89195999 <country> Sweden-
located in the administrative territorial entityP131Itemadministrative territorial entity: the item is located on the territory of the following administrative entity. Use P276 for specifying locations that are non-administrative places and for items about events. Use P1382 if the item falls only partially into the administrative entity.Q89195999 <located in the administrative territorial entity> Stockholm Municipality-

Coverage tables


Skolor i Wikidata


selector_sparql=wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q3914; wdt:P17 wd:Q34

all entities | count | all groupings | without grouping property | below threshold (4) | Querying about school (Q3914)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, Sweden (Q34)  View with Reasonator View with SQIDGrouping by instance of (P31)
Top groupings (Minimum 4 items) Top Properties (used at least 4 times per grouping)
Name Count country (P17) coordinate location (P625) image (P18) official website (P856) inception (P571) founded by (P112) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
school unit (Q88965416) 6900 100.0% (6900) 🔍 91.01% (6280) 🔍 2.0% (138) 🔍 35.65% (2460) 🔍 0.07% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (6900) 🔍
primary school (Q9842) 4271 100.0% (4271) 🔍 11.68% (499) 🔍 1.94% (83) 🔍 2.58% (110) 🔍 0.98% (42) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 99.98% (4270) 🔍
gymnasieskola (Q10511371) 982 100.0% (982) 🔍 46.13% (453) 🔍 17.21% (169) 🔍 21.69% (213) 🔍 16.6% (163) 🔍 0.81% (8) 🔍 99.8% (980) 🔍
school (Q3914) 240 100.0% (240) 🔍 52.5% (126) 🔍 39.58% (95) 🔍 7.08% (17) 🔍 52.5% (126) 🔍 10.0% (24) 🔍 65.0% (156) 🔍
Realschule (Q667471) 160 100.0% (160) 🔍 4.38% (7) 🔍 54.37% (87) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 23.12% (37) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 16.88% (27) 🔍
folk high school (Q170087) 157 100.0% (157) 🔍 89.81% (141) 🔍 49.04% (77) 🔍 38.85% (61) 🔍 65.61% (103) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 75.16% (118) 🔍
läroverk (Q10572388) 115 100.0% (115) 🔍 20.0% (23) 🔍 38.26% (44) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 30.43% (35) 🔍 5.22% (6) 🔍 25.22% (29) 🔍
girls' school (Q22713629) 55 100.0% (55) 🔍 32.73% (18) 🔍 30.91% (17) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 78.18% (43) 🔍 27.27% (15) 🔍 72.73% (40) 🔍
building (Q41176) 51 100.0% (51) 🔍 90.2% (46) 🔍 82.35% (42) 🔍 19.61% (10) 🔍 56.86% (29) 🔍 11.76% (6) 🔍 94.12% (48) 🔍
primary "folk" school (Q513984) 45 100.0% (45) 🔍 77.78% (35) 🔍 68.89% (31) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 31.11% (14) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 95.56% (43) 🔍
gymnasium (Q55043) 25 100.0% (25) 🔍 52.0% (13) 🔍 40.0% (10) 🔍 24.0% (6) 🔍 28.0% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 72.0% (18) 🔍
trivial school (Q1345717) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 16.67% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 70.83% (17) 🔍
preschool (Q1076052) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 50.0% (12) 🔍 25.0% (6) 🔍 29.17% (7) 🔍 20.83% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍
military academy (Q917182) 19 100.0% (19) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 94.74% (18) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
art academy (Q383092) 18 100.0% (18) 🔍 61.11% (11) 🔍 61.11% (11) 🔍 38.89% (7) 🔍 44.44% (8) 🔍 27.78% (5) 🔍 44.44% (8) 🔍
municipal middle school (Q10547366) 9 100.0% (9) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 88.89% (8) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 55.56% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 55.56% (5) 🔍
national academy (Q1966910) 9 100.0% (9) 🔍 55.56% (5) 🔍 77.78% (7) 🔍 100.0% (9) 🔍 100.0% (9) 🔍 77.78% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
drama school (Q2143781) 9 100.0% (9) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 55.56% (5) 🔍 44.44% (4) 🔍 66.67% (6) 🔍
architectural ensemble (Q1497375) 8 100.0% (8) 🔍 100.0% (8) 🔍 87.5% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 87.5% (7) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (8) 🔍
teacher's school in Sweden (Q10497465) 8 100.0% (8) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 75.0% (6) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 75.0% (6) 🔍
Swedish government agency (Q68295960) 8 100.0% (8) 🔍 62.5% (5) 🔍 62.5% (5) 🔍 50.0% (4) 🔍 50.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Swedish Royal Academies (Q1310653) 7 100.0% (7) 🔍 71.43% (5) 🔍 85.71% (6) 🔍 100.0% (7) 🔍 100.0% (7) 🔍 85.71% (6) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
conservatory (Q184644) 7 100.0% (7) 🔍 71.43% (5) 🔍 57.14% (4) 🔍 71.43% (5) 🔍 57.14% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (7) 🔍
business school (Q1143635) 7 100.0% (7) 🔍 57.14% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 71.43% (5) 🔍 71.43% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 57.14% (4) 🔍
military training unit (Q78634583) 5 100.0% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 80.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
school building (Q1244442) 5 100.0% (5) 🔍 80.0% (4) 🔍 80.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 80.0% (4) 🔍
architectural structure (Q811979) 5 100.0% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
vocational school (Q322563) 5 100.0% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 80.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
academy of sciences (Q414147) 4 100.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (4) 🔍 100.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
educational institution (Q2385804) 4 100.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
higher education institution (Q38723) 4 100.0% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
No grouping 0 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 13168 100.0% (13168) 🔍 58.31% (7678) 🔍 6.3% (829) 🔍 22.31% (2938) 🔍 5.21% (686) 🔍 0.66% (87) 🔍 96.55% (12714) 🔍

Användning skola


Byggnader kan ha has use (P366) skola

selector_sparql=wdt:P366/wdt:P279* wd:Q3914; wdt:P17 wd:Q34

all entities | count | all groupings | without grouping property | below threshold (4) | Querying about school (Q3914)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, Sweden (Q34)  View with Reasonator View with SQIDGrouping by instance of (P31)
Top groupings (Minimum 4 items) Top Properties (used at least 4 times per grouping)
Name Count country (P17) coordinate location (P625) image (P18) official website (P856) inception (P571) founded by (P112) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
architectural ensemble (Q1497375) 91 100.0% (91) 🔍 97.8% (89) 🔍 87.91% (80) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 79.12% (72) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (91) 🔍
building (Q41176) 16 100.0% (16) 🔍 100.0% (16) 🔍 93.75% (15) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 62.5% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (16) 🔍
church building (Q16970) 6 100.0% (6) 🔍 100.0% (6) 🔍 83.33% (5) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 66.67% (4) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 100.0% (6) 🔍
No grouping 0 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 136 100.0% (136) 🔍 97.06% (132) 🔍 86.03% (117) 🔍 3.68% (5) 🔍 77.21% (105) 🔍 0.74% (1) 🔍 100.0% (136) 🔍

Coverage of school unit (Q88965416) by municipality

all entities | count | all groupings | without grouping property | below threshold (20) | Querying about Grouping by located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
Top groupings (Minimum 20 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
Name Count part of (P361) coordinate location (P625) operator (P137) official website (P856) count of students (P2196)
Stockholm Municipality (Q506250) 415 88.67% (368) 🔍 88.92% (369) 🔍 99.76% (414) 🔍 54.7% (227) 🔍 60.24% (250) 🔍
Gothenburg Municipality (Q52502) 372 77.42% (288) 🔍 87.37% (325) 🔍 99.73% (371) 🔍 27.42% (102) 🔍 57.26% (213) 🔍
Malmö Municipality (Q503361) 159 83.02% (132) 🔍 85.53% (136) 🔍 100.0% (159) 🔍 23.9% (38) 🔍 62.89% (100) 🔍
Norrköping Municipality (Q504676) 124 87.9% (109) 🔍 90.32% (112) 🔍 100.0% (124) 🔍 20.16% (25) 🔍 66.94% (83) 🔍
Örebro Municipality (Q297718) 121 75.21% (91) 🔍 75.21% (91) 🔍 100.0% (121) 🔍 48.76% (59) 🔍 58.68% (71) 🔍
Linköping Municipality (Q499410) 119 89.92% (107) 🔍 89.92% (107) 🔍 100.0% (119) 🔍 17.65% (21) 🔍 62.18% (74) 🔍
Uppsala Municipality (Q59091) 117 93.16% (109) 🔍 89.74% (105) 🔍 100.0% (117) 🔍 64.1% (75) 🔍 68.38% (80) 🔍
Umeå Municipality (Q507709) 116 82.76% (96) 🔍 85.34% (99) 🔍 100.0% (116) 🔍 9.48% (11) 🔍 56.9% (66) 🔍
Halmstad Municipality (Q504692) 100 84.0% (84) 🔍 94.0% (94) 🔍 100.0% (100) 🔍 13.0% (13) 🔍 63.0% (63) 🔍
Helsingborg Municipality (Q487648) 94 90.43% (85) 🔍 87.23% (82) 🔍 100.0% (94) 🔍 59.57% (56) 🔍 61.7% (58) 🔍
Jönköping Municipality (Q504689) 91 92.31% (84) 🔍 93.41% (85) 🔍 100.0% (91) 🔍 69.23% (63) 🔍 62.64% (57) 🔍
Kristianstad Municipality (Q498857) 91 82.42% (75) 🔍 91.21% (83) 🔍 100.0% (91) 🔍 42.86% (39) 🔍 62.64% (57) 🔍
Lund Municipality (Q505018) 91 87.91% (80) 🔍 86.81% (79) 🔍 100.0% (91) 🔍 54.95% (50) 🔍 68.13% (62) 🔍
Västerås Municipality (Q34550) 87 93.1% (81) 🔍 94.25% (82) 🔍 100.0% (87) 🔍 66.67% (58) 🔍 67.82% (59) 🔍
Kungsbacka Municipality (Q499380) 86 81.4% (70) 🔍 96.51% (83) 🔍 100.0% (86) 🔍 9.3% (8) 🔍 61.63% (53) 🔍
Växjö Municipality (Q500217) 82 81.71% (67) 🔍 86.59% (71) 🔍 100.0% (82) 🔍 50.0% (41) 🔍 54.88% (45) 🔍
Skellefteå Municipality (Q430780) 77 80.52% (62) 🔍 98.7% (76) 🔍 100.0% (77) 🔍 50.65% (39) 🔍 97.4% (75) 🔍
Borås Municipality (Q894327) 76 86.84% (66) 🔍 89.47% (68) 🔍 100.0% (76) 🔍 51.32% (39) 🔍 63.16% (48) 🔍
Karlstad Municipality (Q498453) 67 70.15% (47) 🔍 65.67% (44) 🔍 98.51% (66) 🔍 47.76% (32) 🔍 55.22% (37) 🔍
Luleå Municipality (Q177019) 61 91.8% (56) 🔍 93.44% (57) 🔍 100.0% (61) 🔍 8.2% (5) 🔍 70.49% (43) 🔍
Uddevalla Municipality (Q501442) 59 81.36% (48) 🔍 81.36% (48) 🔍 100.0% (59) 🔍 38.98% (23) 🔍 44.07% (26) 🔍
Sundsvall Municipality (Q504994) 58 94.83% (55) 🔍 94.83% (55) 🔍 100.0% (58) 🔍 17.24% (10) 🔍 67.24% (39) 🔍
Nacka Municipality (Q946647) 58 81.03% (47) 🔍 87.93% (51) 🔍 98.28% (57) 🔍 55.17% (32) 🔍 60.34% (35) 🔍
Kalmar Municipality (Q508153) 55 83.64% (46) 🔍 87.27% (48) 🔍 100.0% (55) 🔍 54.55% (30) 🔍 45.45% (25) 🔍
Eskilstuna Municipality (Q503144) 54 83.33% (45) 🔍 83.33% (45) 🔍 100.0% (54) 🔍 59.26% (32) 🔍 62.96% (34) 🔍
Örnsköldsvik Municipality (Q298003) 52 92.31% (48) 🔍 96.15% (50) 🔍 100.0% (52) 🔍 63.46% (33) 🔍 73.08% (38) 🔍
Varberg Municipality (Q179180) 52 80.77% (42) 🔍 88.46% (46) 🔍 100.0% (52) 🔍 9.62% (5) 🔍 67.31% (35) 🔍
Sollentuna Municipality (Q503746) 50 84.0% (42) 🔍 86.0% (43) 🔍 100.0% (50) 🔍 62.0% (31) 🔍 64.0% (32) 🔍
Huddinge Municipality (Q492575) 50 88.0% (44) 🔍 88.0% (44) 🔍 100.0% (50) 🔍 60.0% (30) 🔍 74.0% (37) 🔍
Gävle Municipality (Q510010) 50 90.0% (45) 🔍 92.0% (46) 🔍 100.0% (50) 🔍 66.0% (33) 🔍 72.0% (36) 🔍
Södertälje Municipality (Q516336) 48 95.83% (46) 🔍 91.67% (44) 🔍 100.0% (48) 🔍 83.33% (40) 🔍 72.92% (35) 🔍
Karlskrona Municipality (Q1128384) 47 87.23% (41) 🔍 93.62% (44) 🔍 100.0% (47) 🔍 74.47% (35) 🔍 74.47% (35) 🔍
Östersund Municipality (Q306789) 47 76.6% (36) 🔍 80.85% (38) 🔍 100.0% (47) 🔍 17.02% (8) 🔍 53.19% (25) 🔍
Trollhättan Municipality (Q28532) 47 85.11% (40) 🔍 87.23% (41) 🔍 100.0% (47) 🔍 10.64% (5) 🔍 65.96% (31) 🔍
Täby Municipality (Q493066) 46 95.65% (44) 🔍 95.65% (44) 🔍 100.0% (46) 🔍 80.43% (37) 🔍 80.43% (37) 🔍
Gotland Municipality (Q374794) 45 84.44% (38) 🔍 88.89% (40) 🔍 100.0% (45) 🔍 68.89% (31) 🔍 82.22% (37) 🔍
Botkyrka Municipality (Q113718) 43 90.7% (39) 🔍 88.37% (38) 🔍 100.0% (43) 🔍 67.44% (29) 🔍 76.74% (33) 🔍
Falun Municipality (Q501545) 43 90.7% (39) 🔍 90.7% (39) 🔍 100.0% (43) 🔍 6.98% (3) 🔍 67.44% (29) 🔍
Skövde Municipality (Q501452) 42 92.86% (39) 🔍 92.86% (39) 🔍 100.0% (42) 🔍 16.67% (7) 🔍 64.29% (27) 🔍
Norrtälje Municipality (Q214048) 42 88.1% (37) 🔍 95.24% (40) 🔍 100.0% (42) 🔍 26.19% (11) 🔍 76.19% (32) 🔍
Motala Municipality (Q508108) 40 77.5% (31) 🔍 75.0% (30) 🔍 100.0% (40) 🔍 20.0% (8) 🔍 65.0% (26) 🔍
Härryda Municipality (Q500125) 39 94.87% (37) 🔍 97.44% (38) 🔍 100.0% (39) 🔍 5.13% (2) 🔍 79.49% (31) 🔍
Lerum Municipality (Q503188) 39 87.18% (34) 🔍 92.31% (36) 🔍 100.0% (39) 🔍 38.46% (15) 🔍 69.23% (27) 🔍
Nyköping Municipality (Q500267) 39 92.31% (36) 🔍 94.87% (37) 🔍 100.0% (39) 🔍 66.67% (26) 🔍 66.67% (26) 🔍
Haninge Municipality (Q113692) 39 84.62% (33) 🔍 79.49% (31) 🔍 100.0% (39) 🔍 28.21% (11) 🔍 76.92% (30) 🔍
Hässleholm Municipality (Q508125) 38 100.0% (38) 🔍 100.0% (38) 🔍 100.0% (38) 🔍 71.05% (27) 🔍 73.68% (28) 🔍
Solna Municipality (Q109010) 38 68.42% (26) 🔍 71.05% (27) 🔍 100.0% (38) 🔍 23.68% (9) 🔍 50.0% (19) 🔍
Vänersborg (Q511426) 38 50.0% (19) 🔍 60.53% (23) 🔍 100.0% (38) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 73.68% (28) 🔍
Piteå Municipality (Q507656) 35 94.29% (33) 🔍 94.29% (33) 🔍 100.0% (35) 🔍 14.29% (5) 🔍 74.29% (26) 🔍
Falkenberg Municipality (Q508168) 35 94.29% (33) 🔍 94.29% (33) 🔍 100.0% (35) 🔍 57.14% (20) 🔍 80.0% (28) 🔍
Järfälla Municipality (Q301259) 34 85.29% (29) 🔍 85.29% (29) 🔍 100.0% (34) 🔍 14.71% (5) 🔍 73.53% (25) 🔍
Ängelholm Municipality (Q255206) 33 81.82% (27) 🔍 90.91% (30) 🔍 100.0% (33) 🔍 39.39% (13) 🔍 63.64% (21) 🔍
Mark Municipality (Q500153) 33 57.58% (19) 🔍 87.88% (29) 🔍 100.0% (33) 🔍 54.55% (18) 🔍 51.52% (17) 🔍
Kungälv Municipality (Q511394) 32 78.12% (25) 🔍 96.88% (31) 🔍 100.0% (32) 🔍 15.62% (5) 🔍 71.88% (23) 🔍
Borlänge Municipality (Q503209) 31 96.77% (30) 🔍 93.55% (29) 🔍 100.0% (31) 🔍 83.87% (26) 🔍 70.97% (22) 🔍
Falköping Municipality (Q503214) 31 87.1% (27) 🔍 90.32% (28) 🔍 100.0% (31) 🔍 54.84% (17) 🔍 67.74% (21) 🔍
Lidköping Municipality (Q515358) 30 90.0% (27) 🔍 96.67% (29) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 13.33% (4) 🔍 66.67% (20) 🔍
Kiruna Municipality (Q499474) 30 86.67% (26) 🔍 96.67% (29) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 50.0% (15) 🔍 60.0% (18) 🔍
Mölndal Municipality (Q511270) 30 93.33% (28) 🔍 93.33% (28) 🔍 100.0% (30) 🔍 16.67% (5) 🔍 83.33% (25) 🔍
Sigtuna Municipality (Q216915) 28 92.86% (26) 🔍 92.86% (26) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 67.86% (19) 🔍 71.43% (20) 🔍
Västervik Municipality (Q515477) 28 92.86% (26) 🔍 96.43% (27) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 10.71% (3) 🔍 75.0% (21) 🔍
Alingsås Municipality (Q503162) 28 89.29% (25) 🔍 89.29% (25) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 17.86% (5) 🔍 75.0% (21) 🔍
Hudiksvall Municipality (Q29963) 28 100.0% (28) 🔍 92.86% (26) 🔍 100.0% (28) 🔍 10.71% (3) 🔍 78.57% (22) 🔍
Värmdö Municipality (Q493841) 27 66.67% (18) 🔍 85.19% (23) 🔍 100.0% (27) 🔍 22.22% (6) 🔍 51.85% (14) 🔍
Ystad Municipality (Q505102) 27 77.78% (21) 🔍 92.59% (25) 🔍 100.0% (27) 🔍 22.22% (6) 🔍 51.85% (14) 🔍
Oskarshamn Municipality (Q505006) 27 81.48% (22) 🔍 96.3% (26) 🔍 100.0% (27) 🔍 7.41% (2) 🔍 59.26% (16) 🔍
Ljungby Municipality (Q504235) 27 96.3% (26) 🔍 100.0% (27) 🔍 100.0% (27) 🔍 14.81% (4) 🔍 77.78% (21) 🔍
Lidingö Municipality (Q3120654) 25 88.0% (22) 🔍 92.0% (23) 🔍 100.0% (25) 🔍 68.0% (17) 🔍 68.0% (17) 🔍
Ronneby Municipality (Q515373) 24 91.67% (22) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 12.5% (3) 🔍 66.67% (16) 🔍
Vetlanda Municipality (Q505052) 24 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 75.0% (18) 🔍 70.83% (17) 🔍
Gislaved Municipality (Q505259) 24 95.83% (23) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 75.0% (18) 🔍 70.83% (17) 🔍
Höganäs Municipality (Q505013) 24 95.83% (23) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 16.67% (4) 🔍 87.5% (21) 🔍
Värnamo Municipality (Q280562) 24 95.83% (23) 🔍 95.83% (23) 🔍 100.0% (24) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 79.17% (19) 🔍
Vallentuna Municipality (Q501526) 22 81.82% (18) 🔍 81.82% (18) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 59.09% (13) 🔍 68.18% (15) 🔍
Mjölby Municipality (Q267030) 22 95.45% (21) 🔍 90.91% (20) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 9.09% (2) 🔍 72.73% (16) 🔍
Arvika Municipality (Q511365) 22 86.36% (19) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 4.55% (1) 🔍 72.73% (16) 🔍
Danderyd Municipality (Q113679) 22 86.36% (19) 🔍 86.36% (19) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 27.27% (6) 🔍 77.27% (17) 🔍
Trelleborg Municipality (Q504219) 22 81.82% (18) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 9.09% (2) 🔍 72.73% (16) 🔍
Ludvika Municipality (Q503184) 22 90.91% (20) 🔍 95.45% (21) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 54.55% (12) 🔍 72.73% (16) 🔍
Österåker Municipality (Q117728) 22 95.45% (21) 🔍 95.45% (21) 🔍 100.0% (22) 🔍 22.73% (5) 🔍 86.36% (19) 🔍
Katrineholm Municipality (Q508140) 21 90.48% (19) 🔍 90.48% (19) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 57.14% (12) 🔍 71.43% (15) 🔍
Landskrona Municipality (Q502298) 21 90.48% (19) 🔍 90.48% (19) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 66.67% (14) 🔍 90.48% (19) 🔍
Nässjö Municipality (Q505096) 21 95.24% (20) 🔍 95.24% (20) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 14.29% (3) 🔍 76.19% (16) 🔍
Bollnäs Municipality (Q62469) 21 100.0% (21) 🔍 90.48% (19) 🔍 100.0% (21) 🔍 80.95% (17) 🔍 71.43% (15) 🔍
Karlshamn Municipality (Q510223) 20 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 15.0% (3) 🔍 75.0% (15) 🔍
Sollefteå Municipality (Q221990) 20 90.0% (18) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 10.0% (2) 🔍 80.0% (16) 🔍
Stenungsund Municipality (Q511438) 20 90.0% (18) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 60.0% (12) 🔍 65.0% (13) 🔍
Krokom Municipality (Q514707) 20 100.0% (20) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 10.0% (2) 🔍 85.0% (17) 🔍
Sundbyberg Municipality (Q972564) 20 85.0% (17) 🔍 85.0% (17) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 65.0% (13) 🔍 65.0% (13) 🔍
Boden Municipality (Q509476) 20 95.0% (19) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 25.0% (5) 🔍 75.0% (15) 🔍
Partille Municipality (Q125222) 20 80.0% (16) 🔍 80.0% (16) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 15.0% (3) 🔍 85.0% (17) 🔍
Enköping Municipality (Q509568) 20 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 100.0% (20) 🔍 5.0% (1) 🔍 95.0% (19) 🔍
No grouping 0 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
Totals (all items) 6903 87.86% (6065) 🔍 91.0% (6282) 🔍 99.93% (6898) 🔍 35.65% (2461) 🔍 69.82% (4820) 🔍








  1. Stockholms stadsarkivs Skolregister