Wikidata:WikiProject Rowing/meta items

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WikiProject Rowing
WikiProject start pageparticipantsstatisticsl10n


Wikimedia meta page items[edit]


Queries for rowing categories:

type of categories by topic (P301) by combined topics (P971)
rowing by year rowing by year
rowing competitions rowing competitions rowing competitions
rowers (both genders)
female rowers female rowers
male rowers male rowers

Other: templates, files, portals, projects (tbd)[edit]

Wikimedia Commons[edit]

There are some properties to be used in connection with Wikimedia Commons:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?article WHERE {
	?item p:P106/ps:P106/wdt:P279* wd:Q26270618 .
  	MINUS { ?item wdt:P373 ?dummy . }
  	?article schema:about ?item 
	;	schema:isPartOf	<> .
	SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!

Wikimedia technical meta items[edit]

This section is of lower importance. No systematic effort has been spent on this task.

Disambiguation pages[edit]


  • to be written