Wikidata:WikiProject Ontology/Problems/pattern 2 direct superclasses

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pattern 2 direct superclasses


This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (count(*) as ?count) WHERE { ?classC wdt:P279 ?item ; wdt:P279 ?classB . ?classB wdt:P31 ?item . } group by ?item order by desc(?count)
label description ?count item
disease abnormal condition negatively affecting organisms 280 Q12136
position social role with a set of powers and responsibilities within an organization 90 Q4164871
cholestane steroid class of chemical compounds 49 Q74240795
inhabitant person who lives in a certain place 37 Q22947
academic discipline academic field of study or profession 28 Q11862829
protein biomolecule consisting of chains of amino acid residues 25 Q8054
dish specific food preparation with cooking finished, and ready to eat, or be served 24 Q746549
food any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body; form of energy stored in chemical 21 Q2095
public office elected or appointed political position 21 Q294414
academic degree status awarded for completion of a college or university program of study 12 Q189533
crime single occurrence of unlawful act forbidden and punishable by criminal law 11 Q83267
shadow cabinet mirror cabinet formed by an opposition party, not in government 11 Q303329
postgraduate degree academic degree awarded after the undergraduate level 11 Q23015928
developmental defect during embryogenesis human disease 11 Q55788864
genetic disease health problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome 10 Q200779
profession occupation requiring specialized training 9 Q28640
railway station railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers and/or freight 9 Q55488
food ingredient ingredient used in food product 9 Q25403900
iPhone line of smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. 8 Q2766
activity series of actions done by an agent which results in an external change of state 8 Q1914636
legal form type of legal entity within certain legal system 8 Q10541491
infectious disease disease caused by infection of pathogenic biological agents in a host organism 8 Q18123741
Bien de Interés Cultural cultural property of Spain 7 Q23712
organization social entity established to meet needs or pursue goals 7 Q43229
Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival festival in Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan 7 Q1749262
military decoration award, usually a medal of some sort, mark of honor 7 Q1788716
symptom departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, reflecting the presence of an unusual state, or of a disease; subjective, observed by the patient, cannot be measured directly 6 Q169872
genre category of creative works based on stylistic, thematic or technical criteria 6 Q483394
viral infectious disease human, animal or plant disease resulting from a viral infection 6 Q1928978
biological process process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units 6 Q2996394
elective office class of positions where the incumbent is selected by means of an election 6 Q17279032
oxygen chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8 5 Q629
kinship human relationship term; web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in most societies; form of social connection 5 Q171318
dagger short, pointed hand-to-hand weapon 5 Q182780
banner flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message 5 Q806880
head and neck disease disorder that affects the anatomic structures of the head and neck region 5 Q55789477
color characteristic of visual perception 4 Q1075
computer hardware physical components of a computer 4 Q3966
nation community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history 4 Q6266
toy object intended to be played with 4 Q11422
medication substance used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent disease 4 Q12140
pride parade annual event celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride 4 Q51404
integrated circuit electronic circuit formed on a small, flat piece of semiconductor material 4 Q80831
manuscript document written by hand 4 Q87167
building material material used for construction purposes 4 Q206615
material substance that can occur in different amounts, all with some similar [mixture of some] characteristics, and with which objects can be made 4 Q214609
Olympic sport type of sport with events contested at the Olympic Games 4 Q212434
industry group of firms that produce a closely related set of raw materials, goods, or services 4 Q268592
landform a natural or anthropogenic land feature on the solid surface of the Earth or other planetary body; geomorphological unit in the Earth sciences 4 Q271669
statute formal written document that creates law, including acts, executive orders, and by-laws 4 Q820655
medical imaging technique and process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body 4 Q931309
clinical sign objective indication of a medical fact or characteristic of a disease, injury, or abnormal physiological state that may be detected during the physical examination of a patient 4 Q1441305
ecclesiastical court court having jurisdiction in Christian religious matters 4 Q1640717
legal concept lexeme with a specific meaning in jurisprudence 4 Q2135465
technique sum of skills, methods, and processes used to accomplish objectives, such as scientific investigation or the production of goods or services 4 Q2695280
process series of events which occur over an extended period of time 4 Q3249551
military profession trade or career specialty in the armed forces which demand from the individuals achievement of qualifications 4 Q6857706
economic activity human activity involving the transfer of goods or services 4 Q8187769
corporate title job title given to company and organization officials to show what duties and responsibilities they have in the organization 4 Q11488158
group of humans any set of human beings 4 Q16334295
behavior range of actions by entities, living or not, within a system 3 Q9332
human population humans that live in the same locality 3 Q33829
soup primarily liquid food 3 Q41415
radar object detection system based on radio waves 3 Q47528
fighter aircraft class designed to engage other aircraft in air-to-air combat 3 Q127771
first aid first and immediate assistance given to any person suffering from either a minor or serious illness or injury 3 Q133981
punishment imposition of an undesirable or unpleasant outcome 3 Q186361
diplomatic rank system of professional and social rank used in the world of diplomacy and international relations 3 Q303618
chess variant games related to, derived from or inspired by chess 3 Q299191
parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease macroparasitic disease in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms 3 Q578994
trade magazine periodical dedicated to a particular field 3 Q685935
heavy equipment vehicles designed for executing construction tasks 3 Q874311
quality distinguishing feature 3 Q1207505
type of business entity legal form of business entity 3 Q1269299
area of mathematics grouping by subject of mathematics 3 Q1936384
environmental effects factors affecting environment 3 Q2022868
manner of death type of death (natural / not natural) 3 Q2438541
nomenclature code lawbooks of nomenclature, in biology 3 Q2673092
political movement movement to obtain a political goal 3 Q2738074
tooth pathology medical science 3 Q5259414
energy conservation measure any type of project conducted, or technology implemented, to reduce the consumption of energy in a building 3 Q5377030
posture physical configuration that a human or animal body can take 3 Q8514257
envoy diplomatic function, head of a delegation 3 Q11051391
mathematical concept abstract entity in mathematics 3 Q24034552
philosophical concept concept used in philosophy 3 Q33104279
level of description in archival science, the position of the descriptive unit in the hierarchy of records 3 Q59211454
inner muscle layer of organ 3 Q66591747
Pulsar Thermal Monoculars Hunters looking for animals in the woods, outdoor enthusiasts willing to protect camping site at night, law enforcement professionals seizing criminals and rescue teams searching for survivors or lost people... 3 Q96375012
EN 149 European FFP respirator standards 3 Q127569588
sport forms of recreational activity, usually physical 2 Q349
currency generally accepted medium of exchange for goods or services 2 Q8142
mythology stories of gods and fairies and fantastic creatures 2 Q9134
white wine wine that is fermented without grape skin, with a yellowish color 2 Q10210
function association of a single output to each input 2 Q11348
hospital health care facility, for individual buildings use hospital building, for organizations use medical organization 2 Q16917
ecosystem community of living organisms together with the nonliving components of their environment, interacting as a system 2 Q37813
gender identity person's private sense of, and subjective experience of, their own gender 2 Q48264
social movement loosely organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a particular set of goals 2 Q49773
pollution introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change 2 Q58734
administrative territorial entity territorial entity for administration purposes, with or without its own local government 2 Q56061
knödel large round poached or boiled potato or bread dumplings, made without yeast 2 Q158382
lymph node organ of the lymphatic system 2 Q170758
polyhedron solid in three dimensions with flat faces 2 Q172937
sauce liquid, creaming or semi-solid food served on or used in preparing other foods 2 Q178359
paraphilia experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, or individuals 2 Q178059
reflex automatic, subconscious response to a stimulus 2 Q179405
psychotherapy clinically applied psychology for desired behavior change 2 Q183257
diary personal written record with discrete entries arranged by date 2 Q185598
fetishism sexual arousal a person receives from an object or situation 2 Q207791
thermodynamic process energetic development of a thermodynamic system proceeding from an initial state to a final state 2 Q213016
literary genre category of literary composition 2 Q223393
computing platform environment in which a piece of software is executed 2 Q241317
endgame chess term 2 Q332225
joiner profession; artisan, tradesperson, who builds things by joining pieces of wood, particularly lighter and more ornamental work than that done by a carpenter, including furniture 2 Q326358
architectural element forms primarily as components of architecture 2 Q391414
translation initiation factor A protein which binds to a ribosome to initiate translation 2 Q424137
geographical feature components of planets that can be geographically located 2 Q618123
estates of the realm broad orders of social hierarchy 2 Q657326
breakfast cereal food made from grain 2 Q768267
identity qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that distinguish a person or group 2 Q844569
doctorate academic or professional degree 2 Q849697
learning disability range of neurodevelopmental conditions 2 Q860740
biological pigment substance produced by living organisms that has a color resulting from selective color absorption 2 Q910979
continuous probability distribution probability distribution which admits a cumulative distribution which is continuous; note, not necessarily absolutely continuous 2 Q917918
property predominant feature that characterizes a being, a thing, a phenomenon, etc. and which differentiates one being from another, one thing from another 2 Q937228
skin disease class of disorder that affects skin, hair or nails 2 Q949302
cinematic technique technique deployed in filmmaking 2 Q1001378
costume accessory item carried or worn which is used to contribute to the wearer's outfit 2 Q1065579
rivalry state of two people or groups engaging in a lasting competitive relationship 2 Q1139327
mode of inheritance the manner in which a particular genetic trait or disorder is passed from one generation to the next 2 Q1348351
manufacturing process processes of production technology in which products from other goods are created 2 Q1408288
cuisine characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions 2 Q1778821
electronic circuit electrical circuit containing active components such as transistors, valves or integrated circuits 2 Q1815901
social issue problem that influences a considerable number of individuals within a society 2 Q1920219
legal system system for interpreting and enforcing the laws 2 Q2478386
medical test medical procedure performed to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases, disease processes, susceptibility, or to determine a course of treatment 2 Q2671652
complications of pregnancy medical problems caused by pregnancy in the mother 2 Q2916477
hormone replacement therapy hormone therapy for menopausal and post-menopausal women 2 Q3354346
type of cheese classification of cheese 2 Q3546121
craniofacial abnormality Human disease 2 Q5182137
mechanical property physical and mechanical properties of materials 2 Q5725005
Meditative postures 2 Q6807027
textile process process or technique for working with textile materials 2 Q7708485
compositional technique way of organizing the elements of a musical work (such as, for example, rhythm or harmony). The use of the composing technique determines the texture of the piece. 2 Q9356285
nose disease respiratory disease 2 Q10267828
historical period segment of time in history 2 Q11514315
political ideology ideology that advocates social, political and economic organization of human life 2 Q12909644
relative direction direction that is dependent on the orientation of an observer (up, down, right, left, forwards or backwards) 2 Q14565197
heritage register register listing items having heritage value 2 Q15097084
military organization structuring of the armed forces of a state 2 Q15627509
military position assignment of a person's place in a military organization defining responsibilities and privileges 2 Q16631188
aspect of history topic viewed from a historical point of view 2 Q17524420
colonic disease pathological processes in the colon or large intestine 2 Q18556754
building component one of the elements that make up a building 2 Q19603939
camera parts, features and technologies 2 Q20888925
heritage designation act or effect of recognizing the historical, artistic or cultural value of a property 2 Q30634609
parkrun Russia 2 Q56313432
negative emotion emotion with negative valence or desirability 2 Q60539481
religious occupation occupation involving sacred traditions, practices, or beliefs 2 Q63187345
book component physical part of a book or other bound document 2 Q63285117
electrical signal connector any electrical connector used to transmit data 2 Q65036883
catholic ecclesiastical district 2 Q111737478
heritage register of intangible cultural heritage superclass of different intangible cultural heritage registers 2 Q116056897
government school type of school in Malaysia 2 Q117769646
alcoholic beverage drink containing alcohols, typically ethanol 1 Q154
tobacco agricultural product processed from the leaves of plants in genus nicotiana 1 Q1566
red wine wine made from dark-colored grape varieties with coloring from the skin 1 Q1827
school institution for the education of students by teachers 1 Q3914
house building usually intended for living in 1 Q3947
gene basic physical and functional unit of heredity 1 Q7187
monarchy system of government where the head of state position is inherited within family 1 Q7269
writing system any conventional method of visually representing verbal or signed communication 1 Q8192
wind flow of gases or air on a large scale 1 Q8094
amino acid organic compound containing both amino and acidic functional groups, important in biology 1 Q8066
algorithm sequence of instructions to perform a task 1 Q8366
nerve enclosed, cable-like bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system 1 Q9620
machine tool containing one or more parts that uses energy to perform an intended action 1 Q11019
liquid nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a nearly constant volume independent of pressure 1 Q11435
gambling wagering of money on a game of chance or event with an uncertain outcome 1 Q11416
sound vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave 1 Q11461
arch vertical curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support a load 1 Q12277
explosive chemicals reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion 1 Q12870
rosé type of wine 1 Q12979
taxon group of one or more organism(s), which a taxonomist adjudges to be a unit 1 Q16521
child sexual abuse form of child abuse 1 Q26553
sandwich any dish wherein bread serves as a container or wrapper for another food type; not to be confused with Q111836983 (the narrower sense of "sandwich") 1 Q28803
type of sport specific sport. Do not use with P279 (subclass of) 1 Q31629
speech-language pathology disability therapy profession 1 Q33226
architectural style visual characteristics of a building 1 Q32880
executive branch branch of the government that has sole authority and responsibility for the administration of the state 1 Q35798
road wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use 1 Q34442
shepherd dog type of working dog used by shepherds to herd and/or protect their flocks 1 Q38390
alloy mixture or metallic solid solution composed of two or more elements 1 Q37756
breed group of domestic animals with a distinctive phenotype 1 Q38829
markup language computer language for annotating documents 1 Q37045
drink kind of liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption 1 Q40050
public election process by which a population chooses the holder of a public office 1 Q40231
ethnic group socially defined category of people who identify with each other 1 Q41710
freemasonry group of fraternal organizations 1 Q41726
hybrid offspring of cross-species reproduction 1 Q42621
trainer aircraft aircraft designed for training of pilots and aircrew 1 Q41426
court judicial institution with the authority to resolve legal disputes 1 Q41487
genocide deliberate extermination of a people 1 Q41397
spice dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food 1 Q42527
adverse drug reaction unintended negative effect due to administration of one or more drugs 1 Q45959
monastery complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monks or nuns 1 Q44613
document form for preservation of structured and identified information 1 Q49848
habitat ecological or environmental area inhabited by a particular species; natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds a species population 1 Q52105
computer data storage device storage of digital data readable by computers 1 Q66221
symbol something that represents an idea, a process, or a physical entity 1 Q80071
part of speech category of words based on shared grammatical properties in a clause 1 Q82042
tradition custom passed down through generations 1 Q82821
chess opening series of moves used to start a chess game 1 Q103632
landscape visible features of an area of land 1 Q107425
neighborhood geographically localized community within a larger city, town or suburb 1 Q123705
electrical network interconnection of electrical components or a model of such an interconnection, consisting of electrical elements 1 Q132629
diaspora dispersion of religious or ethnic communities 1 Q133004
percussion instrument type of musical instrument that produces a sound by directly hitting it 1 Q133163
card game game using playing cards as the primary device 1 Q142714
religious experience experience which has a strong, mystical character and a lasting impact on the subject 1 Q143210
juridical person separate legal entity other than natural person or unincorporated entity 1 Q155076
complementary currency medium of exchange complementing national currencies 1 Q153564
bachelor's degree undergraduate academic degree lasting from three to seven years 1 Q163727
Roman law legal system of ancient Rome and later the Roman and Byzantine Empire 1 Q162314
conspiracy theory explanation that invokes a conspiracy 1 Q159535
discrimination differential treatment based on membership of a certain group 1 Q169207
mixture substance formed when two or more constituents are physically combined together 1 Q169336
autocracy form of government 1 Q173424
grave location where one dead person or a limited amount of people are buried 1 Q173387
crime against humanity grave wrongful act as part of a widespread or systematic attack directedagainst any civilian population 1 Q173462
data structure particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer 1 Q175263
phobia anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation 1 Q175854
entertainment activity that holds attention or gives pleasure 1 Q173799
military unit organization formed as part of an armed force 1 Q176799
religious text type of creative work 1 Q179461
statue sculpture primarily conceived as a representational figure 1 Q179700
software bug error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program/system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result or causes it to behave in unintended ways 1 Q179550
illustration picture, plate, diagram, plan, chart, map, design, or other graphic image printed with or inserted in the text of a book or other publication as an embellishment or to complement or elucidate the text 1 Q178659
medical treatment attempted medical remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis 1 Q179661
stylistic device technique used to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to a literal message, including assonance, consonance and alliteration 1 Q182545
grammatical mood grammatical feature of verbs, used for signaling modality 1 Q184932
dielectric electrically poorly conducting or non-conducting, non-metallic substance in which charge carriers are generally not free to move 1 Q184996
social class group of people categorized in a hierarchy based on socioeconomic factors 1 Q187588
music genre category that identifies pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions 1 Q188451
voting method for a group such as a meeting or an electorate to make a decision or express an opinion 1 Q189760
ritual set of actions performed according to an established sequence, mainly for their symbolic value 1 Q189819
lottery gambling which involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize 1 Q189409
human history narrative of humanity's past 1 Q200325
heterocyclic compound cyclic chemical compound having as ring members atoms of at least two different elements 1 Q193430
party social event 1 Q200538
object form form of an object or its external boundary 1 Q207961
signaling receptor protein molecule receiving signals for a cell 1 Q208467
spectral line optical phenomenon 1 Q212111
military police police organization part of the military of a state 1 Q210815
civil servant person employed by a government department or agency 1 Q212238
analysis process of applying analytical methods to existing data of a specific type, breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it 1 Q217602
cold weapon weapon characterized by its ability to harm or kill without the use of fire or explosives 1 Q222405
brain tumor neoplasm in the brain 1 Q233309
state function measurable characteristic of the current state of a thermodynamic system, independent of the history of the system 1 Q230937
oolong partially oxidized tea 1 Q231587
work activities performed as a means of support 1 Q268378
critical sociology philosophy that sociological understanding's primarily use should be social reform 1 Q301751
dress code rules whether explicit or not setting out appropriate manner of dress for a place or event 1 Q286300
register form of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular communicative situation 1 Q286576
mental health level of psychological well-being 1 Q317309
fibula ancient pin or brooch for securing clothing 1 Q324926
government agency organization in a government responsible for specific functions 1 Q327333
allied health profession health care profession distinct from dentistry, nursing, medicine, and pharmacy 1 Q349843
corrections functions involving the punishment, treatment, and supervision of persons who have been convicted of crimes 1 Q328616
countship historical administrative division 1 Q353344
literary award award for authors and literary associations 1 Q378427
metabolite chemical substance produced in metabolic process 1 Q407595
non-coding RNA class of RNA that is not translated into proteins 1 Q427087
intangible asset asset that lacks physical substance and usually is very hard to evaluate 1 Q427581
intentional human activity human activity driven by purposeful motives 1 Q451967
pastry various baked products made of dough 1 Q477248
competition rivalry where multiple parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared 1 Q476300
academic rank rank in a university's hierarchy of academics 1 Q486983
pseudoscience unscientific claims wrongly presented as scientific 1 Q483677
mechanism device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and movement 1 Q517596
public policy principled guide to action taken by the administrative executive branches of the state with regard to a class of issues 1 Q546113
official someone who holds a government office 1 Q599151
surgical operation instrumental medical procedure on or in the body of a patient 1 Q600236
foreign relations politics at the intergovernmental level 1 Q610018
social phenomenon phenomenon involving multiple organisms reacting to each other 1 Q602884
occupational disease chronic ailment that occurs as a result of work or occupational activity; aspect of occupational safety and health 1 Q637816
reciprocating engine engine utilising one or more reciprocating pistons 1 Q630010
cable strong thick rope, usually of twisted hemp or steel wire 1 Q646462
arthropathy disease of a joint 1 Q708176
residence self-contained unit of accommodation (house, apartment, mobile home, houseboat or other structure) used as a home 1 Q699405
theatre company informal group of actors 1 Q742421
expenditure voluntary payment of monetary assets 1 Q760120
chemical property any of a substance's properties that becomes evident during, or after, a chemical reaction 1 Q764285
military branch subdivision of the armed forces of a sovereign nation 1 Q781132
medical procedure process of medicine done to heal; course of action intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare 1 Q796194
fixed construction artificially constructed entity meant to remain at a fixed geographic location 1 Q811430
services for the disabled aid and consultancy programs for people with disabilities 1 Q814495
construction technique 1 Q811906
machine element elementary component of a machine 1 Q839546
mental image representation in an individual's mind of the physical world outside of that individual 1 Q860959
Internet culture culture that has emerged, or is emerging, from the use of computer networks 1 Q863590
functor in category theory, a mapping between categories that preserves their structure (identity morphisms, composition of morphisms) 1 Q864475
human social group two or more humans who interact with one another 1 Q874405
integral transform mathematical transform of a function 1 Q877802
ball game any form of game or sport which feature a ball as part of play 1 Q877517
handicraft field of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand or by using only simple tools 1 Q877729
governing body human or group of people forming a body designated to exercise certain activities on behalf of an organization (such as an international organization, a state, a juridical person or a legal entity of other type) 1 Q895526
rare disease disease that affects a small percentage of the population 1 Q929833
medical specialty branch of medicine concerning a specific group of diseases or population 1 Q930752
relation general relation between different objects or individuals 1 Q930933
race car prototype purpose-built racing car not intended for general production or use beyond motorsport 1 Q972011
grammatical category analytical class within the grammar of a language 1 Q980357
periodical serial publication that appears in a new edition on a regular schedule 1 Q1002697
specialty field limited to a specific area of ​​knowledge; specialization in an occupation or branch of learning; a specific use 1 Q1047113
advanced driver-assistance systems electronic systems that help the vehicle driver while driving or during parking 1 Q1060280
sports venue facility (building, structure, or place) dedicated to sports 1 Q1076486
ruler person who reigns over a certain region or country 1 Q1097498
rice wine alcoholic beverage from fermented rice 1 Q1142986
cutting fluid type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metalworking processes, such as machining and stamping 1 Q1193660
occurrence occurrence of a fact or object in space-time; instantiation of a property in an object 1 Q1190554
intercalation insertion of a leap day, week, or month into some calendar years to make the calendar follow the seasons or moon phases 1 Q1225911
printed matter printed material produced by printers or publishers 1 Q1261026
chess strategy developing a plan to play this game in the course of a chess game 1 Q1277797
physical phenomenon phenomenon of the material world 1 Q1293220
vascular disease cardiovascular system disease that primarily affects the blood vessels 1 Q1266890
artisan skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand 1 Q1294787
form of government organisational model of government 1 Q1307214
casta mixed-race people of Spanish and Portuguese colonial regions in the 17th and 18th centuries 1 Q1379243
artistic theme theme or subject in a work of art 1 Q1406161
economic agent actor and decision maker in an economic model 1 Q1415187
Spanish wine wines of Spain 1 Q1432594
liver as food liver meat used as food 1 Q1470283
association football competition competition of soccer (association football) 1 Q1478437
GR footpath long-distance footpath 1 Q1486662
behavioral addiction form of addiction that involves a compulsion to engage in a rewarding non-drug-related behavior despite any negative consequences to the person's physical, mental, social or financial well-being 1 Q1513352
diesel multiple unit diesel-powered railcar designed 1 Q1567915
interdisciplinary science permanently established interdisciplinary field of science 1 Q1665984
human powered quadricycle human powered four-wheeled land vehicle 1 Q1754713
command instruction that carries a legal duty to obey 1 Q1665268
culture-bound syndrome combination of symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within a specific culture 1 Q1791709
cause of death specific disease or injury resulting in a human's death, which may be recorded on a death certificate 1 Q1931388
game mode set of rules, objectives, and gameplay mechanics defining how a computer game is played within that particular framework 1 Q1971694
cleaning product substance used to remove dirt or other contaminants 1 Q1974312
competitive examination examination where candidates are ranked according to their grades. If the examination is open for n positions, then the first n candidates in ranks pass, the others are rejected 1 Q1967459
religious order group of people set apart from society and other groups based on their religious devotion 1 Q2061186
measuring instrument device for measuring a physical quantity 1 Q2041172
specific phobia phobic disorder that is characterized by an unreasonable or irrational fear related to exposure to specific objects or situations 1 Q2015728
adverse effect undesired harmful effect resulting from a medication or other medical intervention 1 Q2047938
vegetational formation type of communities of plants 1 Q2083910
zoological specimen animal or part of an animal preserved for scientific use or display 1 Q2114846
mail item document or object which is sent with a postal company 1 Q2106340
geographic location location of a point or an area on something's surface or elsewhere 1 Q2221906
Technology of rail vehicles special field of mechanical engineering and transport technology 1 Q2234610
craft field of work that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work 1 Q2207288
field of study field of study leading to a specific degree 1 Q2267705
stellation process of extending a polytope to form a new figure 1 Q2276802
chemical process method or means of somehow changing one or more chemicals or chemical compounds 1 Q2281940
sports discipline subtype of a sport, an event within a sport 1 Q2312410
state power type of political power 1 Q2324993
product anything that can be offered to a market 1 Q2424752
branch of science overview of the branches of science 1 Q2465832
suicide method means by which a person completes suicide 1 Q2485083
plant disease disease that afflicts plants 1 Q2662845
dissociative disorder disease of mental health in which the normally well-integrated functions of memory, identity, perception, or consciousness are separated (dissociated) 1 Q2627467
subdivision term in some Eastern European countries for military unit smaller than regiment, excluding detached (separate, independent) ones 1 Q2663712
collection set of purposefully gathered physical or digital objects with some common characteristics 1 Q2668072
thunderstorm a storm characterized by the presence of lightning, usually accompanied by strong winds and often produce heavy rain and sometimes snow, sleet, or hail, but some produce little precipitation or no precipitation at all 1 Q2857578
weave manner in which threads in a textile are interwoven 1 Q2862826
neurodiversity non-pathological explanation of variations in mental functions 1 Q2915349
explosive device device that relies on the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide a violent release of energy 1 Q3054261
local tax 1 Q3149547
character symbol or sign 1 Q3241972
lab technique technical procedure used in laboratory science 1 Q3247516
television series season set of episodes produced for a television series 1 Q3464665
neurodevelopmental disorder mental disorder that are impairments of the growth and development of the brain or central nervous system 1 Q3450985
rank level in a hierarchy 1 Q4120621
physical property attribute of a physical system or body; OR non-chemical property of a material 1 Q4373292
academic major focus of academic study leading to a degree 1 Q4671286
software feature distinguishing characteristic or capability of software 1 Q4485156
beverage industry drink-producing industry 1 Q4899370
cellular component component of a cell 1 Q5058355
Chinese clothing traditional and modern dress in China 1 Q5100735
confection elaborate sweets 1 Q5159627
cycling infrastructure facilities for use by cyclists 1 Q5198662
hairstyling product Hairstyling products are used to change the texture or shape of hair 1 Q5639586
firearm action firearms mechanism that moves cartridges and/or seals the breech 1 Q5451695
regional government of Chile 1 Q5882053
local government lowest tier of administration within a sovereign state 1 Q6501447
primary legislation law made by the legislative branch of government (as opposed to secondary legislation, which is usually made by the executive branch) 1 Q7243147
semi-proportional representation representation which characterizes multi-winner electoral systems 1 Q7449320
Universiade sports type of sport with events at the Universiade Games 1 Q7894227
equipment collective term for all physical items that are required to exercise a certain activity 1 Q10273457
marine unit military unit type charged with conducting amphibious operations 1 Q10408306
personal hygiene item article type 1 Q10528974
potato dish type of food based on potatoes 1 Q10514020
process set of interrelated tasks that transform inputs into outputs, where the tasks may be carried out by people, nature or machines using various resources 1 Q10843872
medium of exchange intermediary used in trade to avoid the inconveniences of a pure barter system 1 Q11105360
annual event recurring event taking place once a year 1 Q11483816
list set of discrete items of information 1 Q12139612
bird disease disease that afflicts birds 1 Q12040649
occupation label applied to a person based on an activity they participate in 1 Q12737077
liturgical furniture furniture intended to be used inside Christian church-building 1 Q13099631
proprietor one who owns something, such as enterprise 1 Q12794619
facility place, equipment, or service to support a specific function 1 Q13226383
Wikimedia project page page in the non-article namespace 4 on a Wikimedia project serving internal purposes 1 Q14204246
classification process of grouping of objects into classes 1 Q13582682
recurring event event recurring at an interval 1 Q15275719
ship element part of a ship 1 Q15688633
plea answer to a claim made by someone in a criminal case under common law using the adversarial system 1 Q15916459
canonization status stage in the process of attaining sainthood 1 Q15978876
theatrical occupation occupation related to the performing arts 1 Q15839299
legal profession profession of those who study, develop and apply law – as a lawyer, judge, etc. 1 Q15987302
sparkling cocktail 1 Q16607929
historical profession job or profession that has ceased to exist 1 Q16335296
group well-defined, enumerable collection of discrete entities that form a collective whole 1 Q16887380
voice human voice as musical instrument 1 Q17172850
type of organisation form of social organisation defined by the structure of the relationship between its members, or between other organizations 1 Q17197366
armed organization organization which achieves or tries to achieve its goals using weapons 1 Q17149090
software category metaclass of software 1 Q17155032
airborne sensor system avionics utilized for detection of objects and conditions outside of the aircraft 1 Q17423076
cardinal body part subdivision of a whole organism, consisting of components of multiple anatomical systems 1 Q17781690
conjunctival disease Human disease 1 Q18556249
lactation disorder Human disease 1 Q19001407
metaclass a class which has instances that are all themselves classes 1 Q19478619
cultural depiction depiction of topic within culture 1 Q20742825
chemical hazard non-biological substance that has the potential to cause harm to life or health 1 Q21167512
utility state or condition of being useful 1 Q21263262
reference point point or level relative to which a physical measurement is taken 1 Q23008367
replacement process of (usually) removing one thing and adding another appropriate one in its place 1 Q23009439
Islamic term type of term 1 Q23384401
fossil taxon taxon described on the basis of fossil material 1 Q23038290
volunteer participant in voluntary work 1 Q24716636
variable-order class abstract entity representing classes whose instances may be classes of different orders or even non-classes 1 Q23958852
metallic color of colors: having a sheen, as of metals 1 Q25312687
culinary equipment tool or equipment used in preparing, storing, cooking, or serving food 1 Q26037047
fashion person person active in the world of fashion 1 Q27943370
recurrent event edition edition in a specific year of an event held regularly, e.g. every year 1 Q27968055
type of piercing type 1 Q28845749
method of dissipating heat method 1 Q29477614
volcanic landform landform of volcanic origin 1 Q29025902
languoid class e.g. dialect, language, macrolanguage, language subfamily, family, or superfamily; each instance of these is a subclass of languoid 1 Q28923954
costume component physical part of one or more classes of clothing 1 Q28935403
superhuman quality quality that exceeds those found in humans 1 Q29604895
ambassador to the Ottoman Empire since 1302 to 1922 1 Q29637599
taxpayer identification number unique identifier for a taxpaying entity 1 Q47159572
structural class of chemical entities set of chemical entities sharing a common structural feature to which is attached a variable part (or parts) defining a specific entity of the class 1 Q47154513
type of number metaclass of classes containing numbers 1 Q47460393
climate of geographic location type of climate 1 Q46997958
demining vehicle 1 Q50018318
religious administrative entity entity with control over a religion or part of a religion 1 Q51041800
video game feature particular feature used within the gameplay of a video game or design of a video game 1 Q55070019
swine disease disease of domestic swine and of the wild boar of the genus Sus 1 Q54947664
organisms known by a particular common name organisms which have been assigned common names in addition to their taxon name. 1 Q55983715
rug style classification of textile floor coverings based on geographic or cultural origin, structure, or pattern 1 Q56147411
window frames and window frame components 1 Q56147859
library service services offered by a library such as reference, circulation, interlibrary loan, acquisitions, etc. 1 Q59309634
person linked to the law person defined in the legal system of a community 1 Q57735705
Catholic vocation lifelong occupation which serves a purpose within the context of the Catholic Church 1 Q63188808
human activity activity initiated by a human, intentionally or unintentionally 1 Q61788060
drive form factor any standardized form factor for computer drives 1 Q65037409
gameplay experience intended or emerging experience from playing a game 1 Q66467327
branch-specific military unit military unit specific to a particular military branch of service 1 Q66737832
political term term; word or phrase that is part of political terminology 1 Q66762677
group or class of transmembrane transport proteins group of transmembrane transport proteins 1 Q67101749
general quantity first-order metaclass of quantities; instances include the classes physical quantity, chemical quantity, base quantity, intensive quantity, ... 1 Q71758646
product distribution method By post and online download 1 Q81941037
risk source fundamental driver, circumstance or action that causes risks in a project, organization, or any other entity 1 Q86923152
poetic form structure that is used by a poem 1 Q89522629
child sexual abuse 1 Q95252032
type of test category of checking for the purpose of issue detection or quality evaluation 1 Q96273743
award for best production design 1 Q96474698
vessel container, especially for domestic preparation or serving of food and drink 1 Q96952903
ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire since 1867 to 1918 1 Q100494551
branch of ecology area of ecology 1 Q104193250
color in nature color of the organisms or of some of their parts 1 Q105096490
regulations executive or legal acts enforced according to applicable law 1 Q106947327
firearm component part of a firearm 1 Q107184001
Lairembi Goddess of Meitei mythology and religion 1 Q107668133
narrative role general role a character has in the narrative structure of a work 1 Q109682310
Minecraft mob AI driven entity class in Minecraft 1 Q113904998
asset type metaclass of property 1 Q116460050
artificial intelligence model type group of artificial intelligence models 1 Q117349475
name particle part of a name 1 Q121493639
cartographic product product of cartography like maps and atlases 1 Q124608594
figura jurídica 1 Q124619968
airspace 1 Q124436176
End of automatically generated list.