Wikidata:WikiProject NZThesisProject/Dashboards and queries

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Project outreach dashboard (counting edits): dashboard

Project Wikidata dashboard (counting properties, looking at completeness):



To run a Scholia profile for an academic, go here: and start typing the person's name.

Relevant sparql queries


For how to adjust these queries, from 16:48 in this NZThesisProject presentation

What types of thesis does an institution have in Wikidata?

Sparql query counts the types of thesis or subclass of thesis for a single institution.

What theses do we have in Måori?

Where else have people in the project (authors and advisors) worked or been educated?


What are the advisor/student relationships between the people in the project?

  • Doctoral advisor/student graph for entire project and for University of Otago
  • (try replacing Q1201513 with QID for another institution, or replace doctoral advisor/doctoral student P184/P185 with student/student of P802/P1066)
  • Department of Zoology at Otago, doctoral and other types of students

Bubble charts


Main subject queries



  • Histropedia timeline for all people in the project, where a birth date is available
  • Histropedia timeline specific to one institution (in this case University of Auckland - look for Q492467 in the query and change it to your institution's QID)
  • Histropedia timeline for theses, colour-coded by institution, showing image of author where available (double-click an item to go to the thesis Wikidata item) (tick institution name to show just theses from that institution). Only showing theses where the thesis has been linked to an author.

Other people-based queries
