Wikidata:WikiProject Islamic Courts & Canons

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Creating and updating items for historical and modern Islamic legal scholars, and important figures in Islamic legal history. A project begun by Harvard Law School's Program on Islamic Law.

Contributors and Contact Information[edit]

  • Yalge
  • krgl113 - Kevin Garewal,
  • EveLauria - Eve Lauria,
  • TmaHorse - Thomas Ma,

Courts & Canons items description[edit]

If the following properties are missing from an item, add them whenever possible:

Property Values Usage note
instance of (P31) human (Q5)
sex or gender (P21) sex or gender identity of subject: male (Q6581097), female (Q6581072), intersex (Q1097630), trans woman (Q1052281), trans man (Q2449503)
occupation (P106) ruler (Q1097498), military commander (Q11545923), scholar (Q2248623), researcher (Q1650915), 'ālim (Q189459), etc.
on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) Wikiproject:Islamic Courts & Canons (Q106703387) *required statement

A fuller list of properties to consider adding:

Property Value Usage note
ISNI (P213) International Standard Name Identifier for an identity enter this format: 0000 0000 8199 9127
Library of Congress authority ID (P244) from Library of Congress Name Authority File enter bolded only:
VIAF ID (P214) identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database enter bolded only:
given name (P735) given name of subject
family name (P734) surname (if available)
family (P53) dynasty name
country of citizenship (P27) modern or historical country for historical figures, use country of citizenship contemporary to the person's time period
date of birth (P569) year or more specific date
place of birth (P19) most specific known (e.g. city instead of country) birth location
date of death (P570) year or more specific date
place of death (P20) most specific known (e.g. city instead of country) death location
location of burial (Q12131650) most specific known (e.g. city instead of country) place of burial
employer (P108) organization for which the subject works or worked Use with qualifer: start time (P580) + end time (P582) if available
position held (P39) position held (i.e. Sultan of Egypt) Use with qualifers: start time (P580) + end time (P582) + replaces (P1365) + replaced by (P1366) if available
educated at (P69) school, college, university use with qualifier: academic degree (P512)
residence (P551) city or town add if readily available + qualifier: point in time (P585) + date
notable work (P800) works of significance among subject's works
spouse (P26) husband, wife, partner, etc.
relative (P1038) prefer specific properties such as sibling (P3373), father (P22), mother (P25) etc. Use with qualifier: kinship to subject (P1039) + son-in-law (Q3752578), cousin (Q23009870)
religion (Q9174) most specific property available such as Sunni Islam (Q483654), Shia Islam (Q9585), Malikism (Q48221) etc.
student (Q48282) notable scholar the subject taught
student of (P1066) scholar the subject learned from
image (P18) portrait of the subject
languages spoken, written or signed (P1412) languages the subject wrote or writes in
part of (Q66305721) companions of the Prophet (Q188711) use if the subject was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad


Property Value Usage note
stated in (P248) item for reference source (for ex: Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd edition (Q61720929))
reference URL (P854) url of web page, finding aid or finding aid description, catalog record, etc.
imported from Wikimedia project (P143) item for Wikimedia reference source (for ex: English Wikipedia (Q328))
Wikimedia import URL (P4656) url of Wikimedia page

 Info You can use the AutoEdit tool to quickly add label and description on WikiProject Islamic Courts & Canons in many languages.