Wikidata:WikiProject Gene Wiki

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Welcome to WikiProject Gene Wiki
This is a WikiProject dedicated to make and maintiain Wikidata as a central hub of linked knowledge on Genes, Proteins, Diseases, Drugs, and related concepts.



If you are interested in contributing to the Wikidata Integrator (WDI) library, or in using the WDI to help maintain biomedical data in Wikidata, we welcome and value your contributions! Feel free to post on Wikidata:WikiProject_Molecular_biology, or reach out to Andrawaag and/or Andrew Su directly. We also have a private Slack channel that anyone is welcome to join to ask questions, discuss ideas, or to simply to observe. Reach out via whatever mechanism you prefer!

In addition, Andrew Su runs an academic lab at Scripps Research and leads an NIH-funded project on loading/mining biomedical data in Wikidata. If you are interested in contributing to the Gene Wiki project in a full-time or part-time position, please get in touch. We most often employ postdoctoral researchers with biomedical backgrounds, but welcome inquiries by scientists and developers from diverse backgrounds.

The team


Past participants / operators


Bot accounts


Our team runs or helps to run the following bot accounts:

Detailed Network View

A simplified class-level diagram of the Wikidata knowledge graph for biomedical entities. Each box represents one type of biomedical entity. The header displays the name of that entity type, as well as the count of Wikidata items of that type. The lower portion of each box displays a partial listing of attributes about each entity type, together with the count of the number of items with that attribute. Edges between boxes represent the number of Wikidata statements corresponding to each combination of subject type, predicate, and object type. For clarity, edges for reciprocal relationships (e.g., "has part" and "part of") are combined into a single edge. All counts of Wikidata items are current as of September 2019. Data are generated using the code in

How to cite us

  • Burgstaller-Muehlbacher S, Waagmeester A, Mitraka E, Turner J, Putman T, Leong J, Naik C, Pavlidis P, Schriml L, Good BM, Su AI (2016). "Wikidata as a semantic framework for the Gene Wiki initiative". Database (Oxford). 2016. doi:10.1093/database/baw015. PMC 4795929. PMID 26989148.

Publications, presentations 

Type Title / link Date Presenter Venue
Publication Wikidata as a semantic framework for the Gene Wiki initiative (Q23712646) Link 2016-03-17
Publication Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes (Q21503281) Link 2016-03-28 User:Putmantime
Presentation Leveraging Wikidata for crowd curation 2016-04-12 User:Andrawaag  Biocuration 2016
Presentation Wikidata as a platform for biocuration 2016-04-13 User:i9606  Biocuration 2016
Talk/Poster Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes (talk) (poster) 2016-04-17 User:Putmantime Force 2016, Biocuration 2016
Presentation Opportunities and challenges presented by Wikidata in the context of biocuration 2016-08-01 User:i9606 ICBO/BioCreative 2016
Publication WikiGenomes: an open Web application for community consumption and curation of gene annotation data in Wikidata. 2017-01-24
Presentation Using WikiData as an interoperable data hub for life science data 2017-03-23
Presentation WikiGenomes: an open Web application for community consumption and curation of gene annotation data in Wikidata. 2017-03-27
Poster Applications for Modeling Life Science data in Wikidata. 2017-03-27
Presentation Wikidata for biomedical knowledge integration and curation 2017-04-24 User:Gstupp BD2K
Presentation Using Wikidata as an open, community-maintained database of biomedical knowledge 2017-07-22 User:Andrew Su BOSC 2017
Presentation Wikidata and biomedical information 2017-08-10
Presentation Wikidata for biomedical knowledge integration and curation (Link) 2018-01-17 User:Gstupp PAG 2018

Presentation Archive

