Wikidata:WikiProject European Colonialism/lists concerning dutch colonial empire/objects located in Dutch East Indies

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription WHERE { ?item wdt:P131* wd:Q188161. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
image Article description located in the administrative territorial entity instance of item
Artillerie-kampement Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776336
Bergartillerie Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776344
Depot Mobiele Artillerie Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776343
Djoernatan-gevangenis Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
prison Q114776347
Dutch East Indies Dutch colony in Southeast Asia; after 1949 Indonesia historical country Q188161
Government (Dutch East Indies) Dutch East Indies administrative territorial entity type Q13646349
Groote Oost government of the Dutch East Indies Dutch East Indies geographic region Q2313136
HBS-Djetis Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
school building Q114776353
Hotel Villa Dolce Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
West Java
hotel Q114776348
Infanterie-kampement Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776355
Infanterie-kampement (Tarakan) Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
Tarakan Island
military base Q114776356
Instituut Zusters Franciscanessen – jongensweeshuis en -internaat Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
boarding school Q114776369
Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies Dutch East Indies Q2432369
KNIL-kampement Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776365
KNIL-kampement (Balikpapan) Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776360
KNIL-kampement Ambarawa Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies military base Q114776395
KNIL-kampement Poeroektjahoe Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776364
KNIL-kampement Samarinda Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776361
Kaderschool in Magelang Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
school building Q114776358
Lintang Barracks Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776362
Second Archbold Expedition Expedition to Papua (1936-1937) Dutch East Indies research expedition Q124376000
TBC-sanatorium Kampili Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776366
Third Archbold Expedition (1938-1939) expedition in New Guinea 1938-1939 Dutch East Indies research expedition Q109712735
Zendingshospitaal Soekoen Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
hospital Q114776346
architecture in the Dutch East Indies Dutch East Indies architecture of geographic location Q42403460
kampement 10e Depot-Bataljon Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776330
kampement 6e Depot Bataljon Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776342
kampement 8e Bataljon Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776332
kampement Blom Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies military base Q114776345
kampement Leles Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776371
kampterrein op de helling van de Goenoeng Malang Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
military base Q114776352
kazernes van het 4e en 9e Bataljon Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies military base Q114776397
militair kampement Ambon-stad Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies military base Q114776335
militair kampement Maoemere-West Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
Flores Island
military base Q114776388
militair kampement Taliboera Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies military base Q114776389
renbaan Tasikmalaja Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
hippodrome Q114776390
schoolinternaat voor jongens Keloetstraat Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
boarding school Q114776367
woonwijk van de Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij te Balikpapan Japanese internment camps in the Dutch East Indies
residential area Q114776363
End of automatically generated list.