Wikidata:WikiProject Ancient Rome/lists/Ancient Romans Names/2

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This list provide the labels for items from the ancient Romans. It is bounded in different ways so that it is not too long. The goal is to complete some general properties. Items that have country of citizenship (P27)Ancient Rome (Q1747689) and that do not have Roman nomen gentilicium (P2359) have been chosen in this case.

The set of tables is not intended to be exhaustive; that is, some ancient Romans will escape all this scrutiny. Others can be repeated in several tables. Some may not be ancient Romans.

List of Tables

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P27 wd:Q1747689. FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item p:P2359 [] } }
Name Praenomen Nomen Cognomen Gens Era Country
Soter High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcellus I Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Afra Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ecdicius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Urban I Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Joseph Ancient Rome
Damasus I Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Martin of Tours Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexius of Rome late antiquity Ancient Rome
Phlegon of Tralles Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Caesarea late antiquity Ancient Rome
Arcadius Roman Empire
Low Roman Empire
Byzantine Egypt
Byzantine Empire
Ancient Rome
Eusebius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Celestine I Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pelagius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Fabiola Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Menas of Egypt Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Anne Ancient Rome
Castulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Simplicius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Valentinian III Valentinianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Origen Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Antinous Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ammianus Marcellinus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Proclus of Constantinople Low Roman Empire Byzantine Empire
Ancient Rome
Placidia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diophantus of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Catherine of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Romanus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Vercelli Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Epictetus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sebastian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Constans Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Didymus the Blind Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gratian Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Byzantine Egypt
Ancient Rome
Apollodorus of Damascus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Philo of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Zenobius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cyprian Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Appian High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Majorian Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Valentine Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vigilius of Trent Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Agatha of Sicily Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Constantius III Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Glycerius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Porphyry Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hippolytus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Syagrius Afrania gens Later Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Constantine III Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Nefertari Ancient Rome
Magnentius Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Jacob of Nisibis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hyginus Gromaticus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hydatius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Achilles Tatius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Novatian High Roman Empire
Low Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Avitus of Vienne Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Justa Grata Honoria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ausonius Decimus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Chlodio Ancient Rome
Sextus Empiricus Sextus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Galla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Christina of Bolsena Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Locusta Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Denis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Chrysanthius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amelius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Myndus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximus of Ephesus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sopater of Apamea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bacurius the Iberian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Justina Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gratian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Taurinius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Verus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Uranius Antoninus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Basilina Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Optatus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Secundus of Asti Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Libanius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Domitianus II Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gallic Empire
Pudentiana High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Plautilla High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tatian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Martina of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eumachia High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Saint Lea Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Egeria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arnobius the Younger late antiquity Ancient Rome
Gaudentius of Brescia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eulalia of Mérida Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hosius of Corduba Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eutropia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sosipatra Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Athenaeus classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Laurentius Later Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pedanius Dioscorides Ancient Rome
Pachomius the Great Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ursicinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sidonius Apollinaris Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcian of Tortona Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Joannes Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Ricimer High Roman Empire Kingdom of the Suebi
Ancient Rome
Ammonius Saccas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Iamblichus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Orestes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Orosius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Allectus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Herodes Atticus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Silas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alban Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eugenius Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Herodian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Epiphanius of Salamis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Macrobius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aenesidemus Hellenistic period
Roman Republic
Ancient Rome
Eutropius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Joachim Ancient Rome
Vetranio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Januarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Celsus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Priscus Attalus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Procopius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Theodore Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Saint Maurice Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexandros of Aphrodisias Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vincent of Saragossa Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Longinus Roman Empire Kingdom of Cappadocia
Ancient Rome
Saint Titus Titus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apollinaris of Ravenna Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Nicomedia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Faustinus Ancient Rome
Pope Dionysius of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Peter Chrysologus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pacuvius Labeo Labeo Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Gannys High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodor von Sitten Ancient Rome
Adeodatus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dio Chrysostom Cocceianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pancras of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aegidius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Acacius of Beroea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rufinus of Assisi Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Achilles Tatius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arnobius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Eunapius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Adamantius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Constantius Gallus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Smyrnaeus Quintus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Priscian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Spyridon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Melito of Sardis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nicomachus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Jovinus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Themistius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tyrannius Rufinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Peter of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tigellinus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apollinaris of Laodicea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius of Milan Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dexippus (philosopher) Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Ursula Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Kingdom of Dumnonia
Onasander Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Firmus Marcus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Adrian of Nicomedia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aristides Quintilianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aetius Ancient Rome
Fulgentius of Ruspe Ancient Rome
Aemilianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Philostorgius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Anianus of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Aignan of Orleans Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Agape of Thessaloniki Ancient Rome
Agilo Ancient Rome
Agrippinus of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Aedesius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Proculus of Bologna Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Matius Gaius Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Candida the Elder Ancient Rome
Proculus Proculus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulinus of Antioch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pontianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Castritian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bonosus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Evagrius Ponticus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eustathius of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Leocadia High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eustochium Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Germanus of Auxerre Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cronius the Pythagorean Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Soranus of Ephesus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Thermantia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Calbenus Taurus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alypius Hellenistic period Ancient Rome
Kyriaki Ancient Rome
Symphorosa Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amand de Strasbourg Ancient Rome
Prosper of Aquitaine Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Verrius Flaccus Marcus Flaccus Verria gens Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Decentius Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Eudocia Later Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sophia of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bonifatius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Philomena Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fermin Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Victorinus of Pettau Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Devota Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cassian of Tangier Ancient Rome
Ammonius of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Laevius Ancient Rome
Amphilochius of Iconium Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anastasia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anathalon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Herodion of Antioch Ancient Rome
Pope Eumenes of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Aretaeus of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Olympiodorus of Thebes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amelia of Girona Ancient Rome
Lucian of Antioch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Androcles Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximilian of Lorch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gregory of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulinus of Pella Ancient Rome
Lucius Artorius Castus Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mundus Ancient Rome
Arsenius the Great Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Firmus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gainas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Gargilius Martialis Quintus Martialis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hilary of Arles late antiquity Ancient Rome
Salvian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pseudo-Apuleius Lucius
Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Serena of Rome Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Terentianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Polyaenus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lazarus of Bethany Ancient Rome
Elisha ben Abuyah Ancient Rome
Hermias Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ursus of Solothurn Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Victoria of Córdoba Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dares Phrygius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marinus Ancient Rome
Gildo Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aspasius Paternus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximus of Hispania Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Valerian II Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Favorinus Favorinus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ankan Ancient Rome
Pope Demetrius of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Avilius of Alexandria classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Antipas of Pergamum Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Constans II Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Dillius Vocula Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Bergamo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sebastianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theudas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Severin of Cologne Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hilarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Antiochus of Sulcis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alcimius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Crispina Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Carpus of Antioch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Successianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apelles of Heraklion Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apicius Ancient Rome
Sosigenes the Peripatetic Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dagalaifus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Gaius Cervonius Papus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Nicomedes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Clearchus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Silvanus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Galla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucillius Ancient Rome
Valens Thessalonicus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Severus Sanctus Endelechius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Ducenius Proculus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fenestella Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felix of Nola Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Urbanus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aristobulus of Britannia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Proculus of Pozzuoli Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Aiacius Modestus Crescentianus Quintus Modestus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nazarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eucherius of Lyon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Trebatius Priscus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Secius Campanus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Vitulasius Nepos Sextus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Victor of Solothurn Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Aponius Saturninus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mesomedes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ambrosiaster Ancient Rome
Gorgonius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Isaac of Dalmatia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theon of Smyrna Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marinus of Tyre Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Numenius of Apamea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Censorinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fructuosus Roman Empire No/unknown value
Ancient Rome
Capelianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Evodius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pontius of Carthage Ancient Rome
Callistratus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arusianus Messius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bonosus Ancient Rome
Saleius Bassus Bassus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Clutorius Priscus Priscus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulinus Marcus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Clement Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Jerusalem Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aulus Bucius Lappius Maximus Aulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Marcian of Syracuse Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Calcidius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Philastrius Ancient Rome
Ursicinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bassianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vitalis of Milan High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Kedron of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Aspasius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aspren Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Heraclas of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Pope Theonas of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Serenianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Ampelius Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mummius Faustianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Serius Augurinus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paternus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Atticus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ianuarius Nepotianus Ancient Rome
Tiberius Julius Rhescuporis I Tiberius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Decimus Rusticus Decimus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Annianus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Leontios Low Roman Empire
Later Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Papianilla Ancient Rome
Aulus Paconius Sabinus Aulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Chromatius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quirinus of Sescia Quirinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pancras of Taormina Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Priscus of Epirus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Postumus the Younger Cassiania gens Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Attalus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Chrysanthus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pelagonius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Sabinus Ancient Rome
Bathyllus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aetius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Balista Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Barbatio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Narcissus of Girona Ancient Rome
Ferrutius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Birillus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcellus Empiricus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cosmus Ancient Rome
Heraclianus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Valentinus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Romanus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Arvandus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cyriades High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Patricius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felicissimus Ancient Rome
Boniface of Tarsus Ancient Rome
Cyprianus Western Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Prosdocimus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pacian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Orientius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eudoxius of Antioch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Magrius Bassus Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Macarius of Jerusalem Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Serenus Sammonicus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Juventius of Pavia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Peter of Rates Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Kingdom of Portugal
Hesychius of Cazorla Ancient Rome
Marullus Marullus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ursus of Ravenna Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Pammachius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Polyeuctus Ancient Rome
Polycrates of Ephesus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eugenia of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Oribasius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Artemius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Laberius Maximus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arcadius of Mauretania Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulus Catena Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodorus of Asine Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Indaletius Ancient Rome
Saint Faith Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Castor of Apt High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caprasius of Lérins Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaiso Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Narcissus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Constantinople Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Egnatius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bruttedius Niger No/unknown value Niger Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Charisius Flavia gens Ancient Rome
Caelestius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Calocerus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Calpurnia Ancient Rome
Onoulphus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Menodotus of Nicomedia Ancient Rome
Helvidius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Celadion of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Celsus of Trier Ancient Rome
Aquila Romanus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fabrizio Ancient Rome
Sosthenes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Isidora Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Clateus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Edobichus Ancient Rome
Saturninus Ancient Rome
Commodian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aemilianus of Durostoro Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tiberius Claudius Donatus Tiberius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Helion Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Januarius Ancient Rome
Flaccilla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ticonius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Antiochus Ancient Rome
Marcus Duronius Marcus Ancient Rome
Aurelianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Basil of Amasea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sebastianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Piatus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pentadius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apodemius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nummius Tuscus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nepotianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Voltacilius Pitholaus Lucius
Ancient Rome
Marcus Argentarius Marcus Ancient Rome
Gnaeus Matius Gnaeus Ancient Rome
Rufius Achilius Sividius Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Marcus Nummius Albinus Marcus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Paulus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Vitellius Petronianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Nummius Tuscus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Capitolinus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mecilius Hilarianus No/unknown value Hilarianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diogenianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diomedes Grammaticus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paeanius Ancient Rome
Ovida Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximus of Turin Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paternus Tarruntenius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hyginus Mythographus Ancient Rome
Marcellinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marina Severa Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Manius Laberius Maximus Manius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vindonius Anatolius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Vipstanus Apronianus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arcesilaus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Plotius Crispinus Ancient Rome
Decimus Plotius Grypus Decimus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Domitianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Caristanius Fronto Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aulus Ducenius Geminus Aulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Pasidienus Firmus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Quintilius Condianus Sextus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Justus of Tiberias Ancient Rome
Lucius Afinius Gallus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Octavius Lampadio Gaius Ancient Rome
Remus Roman Kingdom Ancient Rome
Vulcacius Gallicanus No/unknown value Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Sertinius Quintus Ancient Rome
Titus Hoenius Severus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Helenius Acron Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rufinus of Antioch Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gratianus Funarius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Donatus Magnus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tigidius Perennis Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Remistus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eugenius of Carthage Ancient Rome
Adrianus of Tyre High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Justus of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Pope Maximus of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Markianos of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Caesius Nasica Ancient Rome
Sossianus Hierocles Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tribigild Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pulcheria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Marcellus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Turibius of Astorga Ancient Rome
Visigothic Kingdom of Tolosa
Saint Mercurius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Primus of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Saint Hermes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Placitus Sextus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Victricius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Simplicinius Genialis Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sinnius Capito No/unknown value Capito Ancient Rome
Marcellinus of Carthage Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Achillas of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Epenetus of Carthage High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sueius Ancient Rome
Pope Julian of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Saint Quentin Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Asella of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Longinus of Cardala Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Torpes of Pisa Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcellianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tanusius Geminus No/unknown value Geminus Tanusia gens Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Tertullianus Ancient Rome
Theodorus Priscianus late antiquity Ancient Rome
Turnus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gavinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Abonoteichus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felician of Foligno Ancient Rome Ancient Rome
George of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Castor of Rhodes Greece
Ancient Rome
Melitius of Lycopolis Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hierocles Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gregory of Elvira Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tryphiodorus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eumenius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Spicius Cerialis Quintus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paul of Narbonne High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Evellius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Shenute Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Trophimus of Arles High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Favonius Eulogius Ancient Rome
Saint Felix Ancient Rome
Himerius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Laeta Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Varanes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aggenus Urbicus Ancient Rome
Gerontius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Albinovanus Pedo Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Roscius Sextus Ancient Rome
Gnaeus Cornelius Pulcher Gnaeus classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Basilius Venantius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Julius Sacrovir Ancient Rome
Quintus Trabea Quintus Ancient Rome
Julian of Eclanum Ancient Rome
Irene of Rome Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Julian of Emesa Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ruricius Pompeianus No/unknown value Pompeianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Severianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Julian Ancient Rome
Saecundanus Florentinus Ancient Rome
Maximilian of Tebessa Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Artemon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Poppaedius Silo Quintus Ancient Rome
Agapius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Monetius Philogenes Publius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maurus of Parentium Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Licinia Ancient Rome
Hermas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Licinia Praetextata Ancient Rome
Natalia of Nicomedia Ancient Rome
Lucius Funisulanus Vettonianus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Charito Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eutropius of Orange late antiquity Ancient Rome
Augurius of Tarragona Ancient Rome
Pasiteles classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Montius Magnus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Decimus Pacarius Decimus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaudentius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Privat de Mende High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Brutidius Niger Ancient Rome
Romanus Ostiarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Papianilla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Photinus of Sirmium Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marciana of Mauretania Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Severus of Barcelona Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alvisius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theophilus of Caesarea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Julius Caesar Sextus Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Pomponianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Baienus Blassianus Quintus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gereon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Albina of Caesarea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dionisia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felice Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anatolius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pythodorida of Pontus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anthimus of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alypia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Saint Chrysogonus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Delphin de Bordeaux Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Zoe of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Crescens the Cynic Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rictius Varus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tiberius Julius Mithridates Tiberius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Calepodius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Emerentiana Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pythagoras High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Thalassius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Sabinius Barbarus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eulalia of Barcelona Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eulogius of Tarragona Ancient Rome
Paraskevi of Rome High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pastore Ancient Rome
Anatolius of Laodicea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anthemiolus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Adrastus of Aphrodisias Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aristo of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Abudimus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Euplius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pierius Ancient Rome
Agrippina of Mineo High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caprasius of Agen Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bonitus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nicasius of Rheims Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Ovidius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hypatius of Gangra Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Agathangelus of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Aegae Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arcadia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Aristaenetus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tiberius Julius Sauromates I Tiberius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tiberius Julius Cotys I Tiberius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gepaepyris High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
John of Egypt Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alypius of Thagaste Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amabilis of Riom Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Andragathius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Probius Burrus Marcus Burrus Ancient Rome
Latuinus Ancient Rome
Lucius Ateius Praetextatus Lucius Ancient Rome
Latinius Pacatus Drepanius No/unknown value Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bavius Ancient Rome
Sextus Hermentidius Campanus Sextus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dionysius of Augsburg Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anastasius the Fuller Ancient Rome
Boussiris de Gaza Ancient Rome
Phoebadius of Agen France
Ancient Rome
Sohaemus of Armenia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Consentius Ancient Rome
Crescens Ancient Rome
Dionysius Cato Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Vorenus Lucius Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Eucherius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Salonius Ancient Rome
Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus Salinator Gnaeus Ancient Rome
Hippolyte Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Julianus Pomerius Low Roman Empire
Later Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Just of Lyon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Litorius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Julius Caesar Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Julius Libo the Younger Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Septimuleius Lucius Ancient Rome
Claudius Mamertinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Antonius Polemo I Ancient Rome
Marcus Martiannius Pulcher Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Mettius Rufus Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mascezel Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Maximus of Madaura Ancient Rome
Nestor of Laranda Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Terence of Pesaro Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Olympius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulinus the Deacon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Plotius Pegasus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Phocas Grammaticus Ancient Rome
Publius Sufenas Verus Publius Verus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Peisander of Laranda Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Protus and Hyacinth Ancient Rome
Syncletica of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Potamius Ancient Rome
Apponius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Avendrace Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius of Corinth Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rhodo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Reticius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Zoticus of Constantinople Ancient Rome
Sabinian of Troyes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tatulus Ancient Rome
Titus Pullo Titus Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Valerian of Cimiez Ancient Rome
Theognostus of Alexandria Ancient Rome
Vindicius Early Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Zenodorus Ancient Rome
Adamantius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Adelphia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Agathon Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Agricola Agricola Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Flavius Albinus Ancient Rome
Allobichus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amantius of Como Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Amasianus of Taranto Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anagast Ancient Rome
Anastasia of Rome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anicius Paulinus Ancient Rome
Antoninus of Piacenza Ancient Rome
Apollinaris Ancient Rome
Apollonius Mys Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apollonius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apollonius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aquila Ancient Rome
Arbuscola Ancient Rome
Archagathus Ancient Rome
Trebius Germanus Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Demetrias Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ceionius Rufius Albinus Ancient Rome
Aventius Ancient Rome
Bassus of Lucera Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Bathanarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Buono Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Camillus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tiberius Canutius Tiberius Ancient Rome
Severinus iunior Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tertullus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Heraclius of Edessa late antiquity Ancient Rome
Capreolus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Carausius II Ancient Rome
Chariobaudes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caecina Decius Albinus Ancient Rome
Celerinus of Cartagena Ancient Rome
Clearchus Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Comasia Ancient Rome
Consentius Ancient Rome
Cornelio Fagita Ancient Rome
Cornelius of Imola Ancient Rome
Costanzo Ancient Rome
Daria of Venafro Ancient Rome
Decentius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Didymus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dynamius Ancient Rome
Diogenianus Ancient Rome
Dioscorus of Myra Ancient Rome
Ecdicius Ancient Rome
Helpidius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aemilianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Heraclius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Herculius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Erennio Gallo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Exsuperantius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Euphebius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Flavius Eupraxius Ancient Rome
Eutherius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eutropios Ancient Rome
Publius Ducenius Verus Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Fabius Ancient Rome
Fausta of Cyzicus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felix of Como Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felix of Nola Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Flavius Philippus Ancient Rome
Florentius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Firmina Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Flavianus Ancient Rome
Flavius Eusignius Ancient Rome
Flavius Leontius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Florentinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Florus Ancient Rome
Fortunatus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fortunatianus of Aquileia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Fortunatus of Casei Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaudenzio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaudentius Ancient Rome
Geminius Chrestus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ioannes Ancient Rome
Iovius Ancient Rome
Julius Paris Ancient Rome
Junius Tiberianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Iustinianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gomoarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Grata Ancient Rome
Gregorius Ancient Rome
Honoratus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lampadius Ancient Rome
Latronianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Limenius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lorentino d'Arezzo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lorenzo of Novara Ancient Rome
Lucius Artorius Pius Maximus Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Betilienus Varus Lucius Ancient Rome
Lupercilla Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Luxorius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Magnus Arborius Ancient Rome
Marcelliano Ancient Rome
Marcellinus Ancient Rome
Marcus Aurelius Consius Quartus Junior Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Papirius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Caedicius Marcus Ancient Rome
Protadius Ancient Rome
Maximinus Ancient Rome
Maximus Ancient Rome
Maximus of Aveia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Minervius Ancient Rome
Mummio Luperco Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nebiogastes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nebridius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nicetas Ancient Rome
Nummius Aemilianus Dexter Ancient Rome
Honoratus classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Owain fab Macsen Wledig Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pamfronio Ancient Rome
Paulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paulus Ancient Rome
Paragorio da Noli Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Paris Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paternus Ancient Rome
Paeonius Ancient Rome
Pergentino da Arezzo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Petronius Ancient Rome
Placidus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Plancina Ancient Rome
Polemius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pompeius Appius Faustinus Ancient Rome
Ponzio Cominio Ancient Rome
Postumius Lampadius Ancient Rome
Primo martire Ancient Rome
Priscus of Capua Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Probianus Ancient Rome
Probino di Como Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Proculus Gregorius Ancient Rome
Profuturo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Proietto di Imola Ancient Rome
Prosdocimo di Rieti Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Prospero da Centuripe Ancient Rome
Protadius Ancient Rome
Protogenes Ancient Rome
Publilius Ceionius Caecina Albinus Ancient Rome
Publius Ampelius Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Aelius Valens Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Tarutienus Paternus Publius Paternus Tarutiena gens High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Rusticus Quintus Rusticus Ancient Rome
Reposianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Romolo Ancient Rome
Rufinus Ancient Rome
Sallustius Ancient Rome
San Basso di Nizza Ancient Rome
Saint Benedict of Cupra Ancient Rome
Facundino de Tadino Ancient Rome
San Lanno Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Nepotian of Altinum Ancient Rome
San Proto martire Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Thalelaeus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Victor of Caesarea Ancient Rome
Sant'Abbondanzio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Achilleus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Celestina High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Santa Felicissima Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Santa Grania Ancient Rome
Santo Spes Ancient Rome
Saturninus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sesto Rustico Giuliano Ancient Rome
Septimius Mnasea Ancient Rome
Siburius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Speciosus Ancient Rome
Strategius Musonianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Suina di Cagliari Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tatianus Low Roman Empire
late antiquity
Ancient Rome
Agathius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tecla da Lentini Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodorus Ancient Rome
Theodorus of Aquileia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodoros of Heraclea Ancient Rome
Tertullus Ancient Rome
Tiberio d'Agde Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tigellius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Titus Ancient Rome
Titus Titus Ancient Rome
Trigezio Ancient Rome
Turpilio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Uranio Ancient Rome
Urbano Ancient Rome
Ursulus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Valerianus Ancient Rome
Valeriano di Forlì Ancient Rome
Valerius Messalla Avienus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Valerius Severus Ancient Rome
Venantius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Viator of Lyons Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Viventius Ancient Rome
Vivenzio di Blera Ancient Rome
Zenon of Philadelphia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Avilius Ancient Rome
Aggerius No/unknown value Ancient Rome
Aconius Catullinus No/unknown value Catullinus Aconia gens Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Apollonius Syrus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aristoteles of Mytilene Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vicenç de Cotlliure Ancient Rome
Gregory of Spoleto Ancient Rome
Euphrasius of Pergamum Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Sulpicius Scribonius Rufus Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aphthonius of Antioch Ancient Rome
Aulus Larcius Lepidus Sulpicianus Aulus Ancient Rome
Abassad Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aedesius of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aelianus Ancient Rome
Androsthenes of Thessaly Ancient Rome
Aphian Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aspasius of Ravenna 3rd century Ancient Rome
Asterius of Petra Ancient Rome
Atia of the Julii Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Avitus of Braga Avitus Ancient Rome
Bachiarius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
daughter of Julius Constantius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Callistratus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cato the Younger Ancient Rome
Decriannus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Philagrius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Laodicea Ancient Rome
Gaius Atinius Gaius Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Agrippa Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Marcus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Cornutus Bryonianus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Octavian Gaius Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Marcus Cetius Faventinus Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Triccianus Ancient Rome
Faustinus Luciferianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Palladius of Ratiaria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pentadius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Tettienus Serenus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Pupienus Maximus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Mark Antony Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Defendens Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Goredius Gallus Gargilius Antiquus Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titius Aristo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Octavia of the Julii Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Olympias of Armenia Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Kingdom of Armenia
Orestes of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Peregrine of Auxerre High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Philagrius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Plancia Magna High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rufius Viventius Gallus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Libertine Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Pompeius Sextus Ancient Rome
Symphosius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theopemptus of Nicomedia Ancient Rome
Victorinus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Zoticus of Comana High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Asterius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Honoratus of Marseille Ancient Rome
Severus of Minorca Ancient Rome
Theodosia of Tyre Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ursicinus of Brescia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Venantius of Delminium Ancient Rome
Euzoius of Antioch late antiquity Ancient Rome
Marcus Plautius Silvanus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Heliodorus Ancient Rome
Icili Early Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Balbus Ancient Rome
Arrius Varus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Pasidienus Firmus Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Pomponius Flaccus Publius Ancient Rome
Lucius Plotius Vicina Lucius Ancient Rome
Emetherius of Calahorra Ancient Rome
Saint Maginus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pau de Tricastin Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Paschasinus of Lilybaeum Ancient Rome
Damian Ancient Rome
Cosmas Ancient Rome
Ablabius Murena Ancient Rome
Albinus Ancient Rome
Anastasi de Lleida Ancient Rome
Arruntius Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Atilicinus Ancient Rome
Atimetus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Caecina Tuscus Gaius Ancient Rome
Comini Lucius Ancient Rome
Damon of Byzantium Ancient Rome
Daniel de Barcelona Ancient Rome
Demophilus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Iliacus Macer Macer Ancient Rome
Statius the Samnite Ancient Rome
Eutyches Ancient Rome
Falani Ancient Rome
Faustinus of Brescia Ancient Rome
Flamidià del Conflent Ancient Rome
Glicius Gallus Gallus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hermogenes of Carthago Ancient Rome
Icelus Marcianus Ancient Rome
Licinia Ancient Rome
Lucian of Caphargamala Ancient Rome
Lucius Vibius Paciacus Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Papirius Mugillanus Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Vipstanus Messalla Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius of Etruria Lucius Ancient Rome
Marcus Curius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Curtius Postumus Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Livius Macatus Marcus Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Marcus Mummius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Pomponius Marcellus Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Seius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Terpolius Marcus Terpolia gens Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Muttines Ancient Rome
Ancient Carthage
Publius Pactumeius Clemens Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Umbrenus Publius Umbrena gens Ancient Rome
Saturninus Saturninus Ancient Rome
Sextus Christianus Sextus Ancient Rome
Sicca Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Titus Furfanius Postumus Titus Postumus Ancient Rome
Titus Vasius Titus Ancient Rome
Titus Volturcius Titus Volturcia gens Ancient Rome
Trebellenus Rufus No/unknown value Rufus Ancient Rome
Trobat i els 359 màrtirs de Girona Ancient Rome
Venustus Venustus Ancient Rome
Vigilius Diaconus Ancient Rome
Víctor de Barcelona Ancient Rome
Zopyrus Ancient Rome
Marcus Foslius Marcus Flaccinator Folia gens Early Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Aulus Larcius Macedo Aulus Macedo Larcia gens High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Annius Verus Marcus Ancient Rome
Gaius Arinius Modestus Gaius Modestus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Vicrius Rufus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Aeternius Fronto Gaius Ancient Rome
Gaius Erucianus Silo Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Carminius Gallus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Laberius Priscus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Luccius Telesinus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Paccius Africanus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Trebius Maximus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Trebius Sergianus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Decimus Velius Fidus Decimus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Decimus Simonius Proculus Julianus Decimus Ancient Rome
Aemilia Ancient Rome
Quintus Vettidius Bassus Quintus Ancient Rome
Quintus Canusius Praenestinus Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Camurius Numisius Junior Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Laberius Licinianus Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Mustius Priscus Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Petiedius Gallus Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cocceia High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Antistius Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Voluseius Proculus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Aelius Tubero Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Calventius Vetus Carminius Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Carminius Lusitanicus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Matuccius Fuscinus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Pullaienus Gargilius Antiquus Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Coelius Rufus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Cestius Lucius Ancient Rome
Lucius Julius Faustinianus Lucius Ancient Rome
Marcus Vindius Verus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Mummius Albinus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Pisibanius Lepidus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Rebilus Apronianus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Fulvius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Furius Fusus Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Herennius Faustus Marcus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus Titus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Vicrius Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Ducenius Verres Publius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Cornelius Scipio Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Octavius Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Post(..) Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Pupienus Maximus Publius Ancient Rome
Publius Sufenas Verus Publius Verus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Licinius Gaius Ancient Rome
Sallius Aristaenetus Ancient Rome
Sextus Julius Maior Sextus Ancient Rome
Sergius Tiberianus Ancient Rome
Tiberius Julius Aquilinus Tiberius Ancient Rome
Titus Murrenius Severus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus Titus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Prifernius Paetus Titus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Hoenius Severus Titus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodorus of Perge Ancient Rome
Faecennia Hispala Ancient Rome
Quadratus of Athens Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caelestinus Ancient Rome
Gargilius Martialis No/unknown value Martialis Ancient Rome
Lucius Cassidienus Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Vinicius Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Seius Marcus Ancient Rome
Septiminus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pelagia the Virgin Ancient Rome
Gaius of Nicomedia Gaius Ancient Rome
Dulcitius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hi[…] Classical Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Neophytus of Nicea Ancient Rome
Quintus Pompeius Quintus Ancient Rome
Florentius of Semina Ancient Rome
Auxonius Ancient Rome
Apollodorus Ancient Rome
Lucius Aquillius Gallus Lucius Ancient Rome
Arthemius, Candida and Paulina Ancient Rome
Marcus Aulius Marcus Ancient Rome
Blaesus Ancient Rome
Crispus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diogenes Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Triphyllius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus of Calabria Marcus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Faustinus of Potentia Ancient Rome
Felix of Massa Martana Ancient Rome
Fonteius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gnaeus Seius Gnaeus Ancient Rome
Innocentius of Tortona Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Longinus of Pomaria Ancient Rome
Marzio Macro Ancient Rome
Andromachus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Galeo Tettienus Severus Marcus Eppuleius Proculus Tiberius Caepio Hispo High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Helvius Geminus Marcus Helvia gens Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Sextius Lippinus Tarquitianus Publius Ancient Rome
Septimius Acindynus Ancient Rome
Themistius Ancient Rome
Exuperantius of Ravenna Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Artemas de Pozzuoli Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Andronicus Titus Ancient Rome
Saint Sylvia of Aquitaine High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Celedonio Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Cornutus Tertullus Gaius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Justinus of Siponto Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Justus of Acerenza Ancient Rome
Redentus of Trani Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rogatian Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Donatian Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Quintus Apronius Quintus Ancient Rome
Ludius Ancient Rome
Saint Halina Ancient Rome
Auxibius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Anatolius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Araxius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Africanus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Evagrius Ancient Rome
Gaius Vettius Capitolinus Gaius Ancient Rome
Iulianus Ancient Rome
Julian of Cappadocia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Demetrius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Magius Maximus Marcus Ancient Rome
Proculus Proculus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Flavius Genialis Ancient Rome
Basilides Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Theodosius of Barcelona Ancient Rome
Titianus of Tarragona Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gnaeus Suellius Flaccus Gnaeus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Evanthius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Abundantius late antiquity Ancient Rome
Strategius Ancient Rome
Aedesius Ancient Rome
Origine Ancient Rome
Aemilianus of Nicaea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Felix of Girona Ancient Rome
Fulvius Diogenianus Ancient Rome
Gai Flamini Ancient Rome
Galliena High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Anicius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Aurius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Bucculeius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Castricius Marcus Ancient Rome
Manius Curius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Faucius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Fulvius Flaccus Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Herennius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Pomponius Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Plautius Silvanus Marcus Ancient Rome
Dionysius Ancient Rome
Dulcitius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Licinius Damasippus Ancient Rome
Publius Silicius Corona Publius Ancient Rome
Sextus Africanus Sextus Ancient Rome
Sulpicius Lupercus Servastus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Alledius Severus Titus Severus Ancient Rome
Tullius Laurea Ancient Rome
Quintus Fulvius Lippinus Quintus Ancient Rome
Larcius Macedo Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sanctius of Lyon High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saturus Ancient Rome
Marcus Modius Asiaticus Marcus Ancient Rome
Eucharis classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Late Roman Republic
Ancient Rome
Sergius Orata Ancient Rome
Hierax Ancient Rome
Junius Valerius Bellicius Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaios classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Gaios Ancient Rome
Titos Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titos Ancient Rome
Diomedes Ancient Rome
Marco di Eca Ancient Rome
Eusebius of Cremona Ancient Rome
Sextus Appius Severus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ovinius Tineius Tarrutenius Nonius Atticus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Dillius Aponianus Gaius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lois Ancient Rome
Leporius Ancient Rome
Lucius Alfenius Avitianus Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Alfenius Avitianus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Severus Censor Julianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Avianius Vindicianus No/unknown value Vindicianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Astius Vindicianus No/unknown value Vindicianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diogenianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Thalassius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Caius Camillus Ancient Rome
Crepereia Tryphaena Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ascholius Ancient Rome
Rufus Ancient Rome
Eutyches of Philadelphia Ancient Rome
Marcus Aurelius Peius Marcus Ancient Rome
Majorinus Ancient Rome
Sergius Ancient Rome
Bacchus Ancient Rome
Lucius Crepereius Madalianus Lucius Ancient Rome
Eugenius Asellus Asellus late antiquity Ancient Rome
Remigius Ancient Rome
Mogetissa Ancient Rome
Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus Titus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gessius Ancient Rome
Gaius Largennius Gaius Ancient Rome
Quintus Antonius Isauricus Quintus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Cristanziano Ancient Rome
Sicorius Probus Probus Ancient Rome
Eunomus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Alexander of Thessaloniki Ancient Rome
Gaius Servilius Vatia Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Epaphroditus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Publius Licinius Tegula Ancient Rome
Hesychius I Ancient Rome
Crispin Ancient Rome
Crispinian Ancient Rome
Lucius Aurelius Flaccus Lucius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Servandus Ancient Rome
Germanus Ancient Rome
Orentius of Huesca High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Patientia of Huesca High Roman Empire
Low Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Aquila Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Iason classical antiquity
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Quintus Futius Lusius Saturninus Quintus Ancient Rome
Liberato Ancient Rome
Evanthius classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Andronicus Ancient Rome
Evethius Ancient Rome
Primitivus Ancient Rome
Quintus Arrius Quintus Ancient Rome
Araneola Ancient Rome
Julius Ebulidas Ancient Rome
Typhasius Ancient Rome
Alexander of Thessaloniki Ancient Rome
Kyrilla Ancient Rome
Macrobius Plotinus Eudoxius Ancient Rome
Cittinus Aurelianus Quintilius Stultus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Titus Omusius Tinca Titus Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Maximus Decimus Meridius Ancient Rome
Consentius Ancient Rome
Gaius Cammicus Sabinus Gaius Sabinus Ancient Rome
Lucius Versenus Aper Lucius Aper Ancient Rome
Albinus Ancient Rome
Dorcatius Ancient Rome
Gannius Ancient Rome
Licentius of Tagaste Ancient Rome
Marullus Marullus Ancient Rome
Paulus Quaestor Ancient Rome
Scaevus Memor Memor Ancient Rome
Uttedius Honoratus No/unknown value Honoratus Uttiedia gens High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Marcus Gavius Crispus Numisius Iunior High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Tuticanus Capito No/unknown value Capito Ancient Rome
Numitorius Ancient Rome
Marcus Publicianus Rhesus Marcus Ancient Rome
Marcus Verrius Geminus Marcus Geminus Verria gens Ancient Rome
Marcus Helenius Priscus Marcus Priscus Ancient Rome
Ammonius Victorinus No/unknown value Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Eurycles Herculanus Lucius Vibullius Pius Gaius
Ancient Rome
Publius Besius Betuinianus Ancient Rome
Titus Prifernius Paetus Memmius Apollinaris Titus Ancient Rome
Gaius Mocconius Verus Gaius Verus Ancient Rome
Gaius Prefernius Licinianus Gaius Licinianus Ancient Rome
Praecia Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Nicopolis Ancient Rome
Marcus Gongius Paternus Nestorianus Marcus Paternus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Septimenus Rusticus No/unknown value Rusticus Ancient Rome
Rhodana Ancient Rome
Candidus Arianus Ancient Rome
Marcellus Memorialis Ancient Rome
Victorianus of Abitinae Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pomponia of Abitina Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saturnina of Abitina Ancient Rome
Agileus Ancient Rome
Domninos Ancient Rome
Travllius Rufinus No/unknown value Ancient Rome
Gaius Sanctinius Aeternus Ancient Rome
Publius Tuscilius Ancient Rome
Quintus Papirianus Quintus Ancient Rome
Otilius Ancient Rome
Cloatius Verus No/unknown value Verus Ancient Rome
Hyginus Gromaticus the Elder Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Eubulos classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Marcianus Ancient Rome
Luciana Ancient Rome
Livia Scriboniana High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aufustius Ancient Rome
Publius Usienius Primulus Publius classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Longinos classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Fuscus classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Titus Flavius Piso Ancient Rome
Quintilla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sextus Sentius Caecilianus Ancient Rome
Sabinus Ancient Rome
Saint Concordia Ancient Rome
Tiberius Claudius Secundinus Lucius Statius Macedo Ancient Rome
Quintus Tineius Demetrius Ancient Rome
Orso I di Napoli Ancient Rome
Brutus classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Cocceius Late Roman Republic
High Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Pierre Ier late antiquity Ancient Rome
Pomponius Faustinianus Ancient Rome
Claudius Saturninus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Cassius Lepidus Ancient Rome
Probo di Formia Ancient Rome
Aemilia Melania Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gregorius Maurus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ianuaris Ancient Rome
Marcus Mevius Capriolus Marcus Ancient Rome
Secundinus Manichaeus Ancient Rome
Pseudo-Hyginus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Gaius Mogillonius Priscianus Gaius Priscianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Clement of Zaragoza Ancient Rome
Antonia Vitellia Ancient Rome
Aemilius Lepidus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Sabidius Ancient Rome
Uranius of Nola Ancient Rome
Marcus Annius Martialis Marcus Ancient Rome
Veranius No/unknown value Verania gens Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Tiberius Claudius Serenus Ancient Rome
Marcus Aurelius Nepos Marcus Ancient Rome
Quintus Caecilius Libo Drusus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Narcissus Ancient Rome
Lucius Caesellius Vindex Lucius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lucius Duccius Rufinus Lucius Rufinus Ancient Rome
Valentinus Ancient Rome
Calpurnia Late Roman Republic
High Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Aspa classical antiquity Ancient Rome
Titus Flavius Pantainos Ancient Rome
Julianus Ancient Rome
Agaclytus Ancient Rome
Aurelia Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Lucius Manlius Torquatus Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Aulus Manlius Torquatus Ancient Rome
Claudia Ancient Rome
Claudius Tryphoninus Ancient Rome
Gaius Julius Aquila Ancient Rome
Zoilus Agrippianus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Armogastes Ancient Rome
Quintus Mus[...] Primus Quintus Primus classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Sermo Ancient Rome
Sextus Caec Sextus Ancient Rome
Trophymus classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome
Marcus Pompeius Asper Marcus Ancient Rome
Titus Annius Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Dulcitius Ancient Rome
Aulus Plautius High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Valerius IV of Saragossa Ancient Rome
Musilus classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome
Aemilianus Maurus Ancient Rome
Nammonius Mussa Ancient Rome
Domitica Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Narcissus Catt[us] classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Theodorus Ancient Rome
Cynthia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Педаний Коста Ancient Rome
Tasgillus Ancient Rome
Theodosius I Low Roman Empire
Byzantine Egypt
Ancient Rome
Valentinian I Valentinianus Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Valentinian II Valentinianus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Linus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint George Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diogenes Laërtius Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Diogenes of Oenoanda Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arcadius of Antioch Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Faustina Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Byzantine Empire
Urbanus Ancient Rome
Sangus Ancient Rome
Marcus Ulpius Eufrates Ancient Rome
Triccus Ancient Rome
Titus Triccus Titus Ancient Rome
Thalius Ancient Rome
Sacr[…] Ancient Rome
Viccentia Ancient Rome
Gaius Var[…] Opt[…] Gaius Ancient Rome
San Epithymetus Ancient Rome
San Marone Ancient Rome
Probo Ancient Rome
Paolo I Ancient Rome
Marcus Justius Marcianus Rufus Marcus Marcianus
Ancient Rome
Manlius Curius Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Querolus Ancient Rome
Vitruvius Rufus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Dolcino Ancient Rome
Tiberius Iulius Xanthus Ancient Rome
Marcel d'Argenton Ancient Rome
Sellia Epyre Ancient Rome
Protogenes of Serdica Ancient Rome
Claudius Severus Ancient Rome
Gaius Babbius Regilus Gaius Regillus classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Gaius Oppius Bassus Gaius Bassus Oppia gens Ancient Rome
Helpidius Ancient Rome
Sextus Aurelius Ancient Rome
Honoratus Ancient Rome
Titus Pompeius Albinus Titus Ancient Rome
Publius Philodamus Bassus classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Floscellus Ancient Rome
Montano Ancient Rome
Pigmenius van Rome Ancient Rome
Nisus High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Memmia Ancient Rome
Flavius Ancient Rome
Flavius Ancient Rome
Innocentius Gromaticus Ancient Rome
Sextus Nonius Sufenas Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Nona Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Vituriga High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Herennianus Ancient Rome
Lucius Itius Lucius Iteia gens Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Safra Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Anicia of Rome Ancient Rome
Marcus Calidius Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Aureliana Ancient Rome
Charietto Ancient Rome
Tiberius Ancient Rome
Modestus Ancient Rome
Aulus Larcius Lydus Aulus Lydus Larcia gens High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Iophon of Cnossus Ancient Rome
Sextus Julius Major Antoninus Pythodorus Ancient Rome
Vincentius Ancient Rome
Visigothic Kingdom
Rufus of Capua Ancient Rome
Decrianus Ancient Rome
Vincenzo Tedeschi Ancient Rome
Lacer Ancient Rome
Valerius of Ostia Ancient Rome
Julia Galla Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Rhode Ancient Rome
Campester Ancient Rome
Caius Claudius Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Marcus Ancus Marcus Early Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Balbus Balbus Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Opeimius Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Marcus Fabrinius Marcus Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Quintus Caecilius Metellus Nepos Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Publius Crepusius Publius Late Roman Republic Ancient Rome
AT or TA (Republican Moneyer) Middle Roman Republic Ancient Rome
Aurelios Goras Roman Period, Dura-Europos (Syria) Ancient Rome
Romulus First Roman Kingdom Ancient Rome
Augustine of Hippo Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Aëtius of Antioch Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Lawrence of Rome High Roman Empire
Low Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Mark the Evangelist Ancient Rome
Engratia Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Jovian Roman Empire
Low Roman Empire
Byzantine Egypt
Ancient Rome
Theodore of Amasea Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Arator late antiquity
Early Middle Ages
Ancient Rome
Clement I High Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Andrew the Apostle Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Thomas the Apostle Ancient Rome
Philip the Apostle Ancient Rome
Ambrose Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Macarius of Egypt Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Jude the Apostle Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Leo I Roman Empire Ancient Rome
St. James the Elder, Apostle Ancient Rome
Gregory of Nazianzus Roman Empire Ancient Rome
John the Apostle Ancient Rome
Matthias the Apostle Ancient Rome
Athanasius of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
James, son of Alphaeus Ancient Rome
Cyril of Alexandria Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Ignatius of Antioch Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Jerome Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Saint Nicholas Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Hilary of Poitiers Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome
Pope Alexandros of Alexandria Low Roman Empire Ancient Rome

∑ 1455 items.

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