Wikidata:WikiProject Education/education by country or region

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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

location education
Commons edu
has list has part(s) secondary
(in 1000s)
Albania Education in Albania ar az bg el en hi it mk ml pt ru sq sr uk Education in Albania Category:Education in Albania 2794 97 5693
Azerbaijan Education in Azerbaijan ar az ba be-tarask be cv el en es fr hy ka ko pnb ru sq sr tr uk ur uz zh Education in Azerbaijan Category:Education in Azerbaijan 10145 100 91820
India Education in India ar az bho bn en es et fa fr hi ja ka kn ko mk pa pnb en-simple ta te th ur uz zh Education in India Category:Education in India vocational education in India
higher education in India
zh·ta·en·bn 1326093 69.3 60824152 6 14
United States of America civic education in the United States en 332278 99.4 2528999
Afghanistan education in Afghanistan ar bn en es fa fr ja ka mk ps pt ru te zh Education in Afghanistan Category:Education in Afghanistan higher education in Afghanistan ps·fa·en 37466 43 2941796
Algeria education in Algeria ar en es fa fr ha ml ms pt uk Education in Algeria Category:Education in Algeria 43900 75
Andorra education in Andorra ar ca ml pt vi Education in Andorra Category:Education in Andorra 85 100
Angola education in Angola en fr pt Education in Angola Category:Education in Angola 32866 66 2088363
Antigua and Barbuda education in Antigua and Barbuda az en pt ru Category:Education in Antigua and Barbuda 101 99 2011
Armenia education in Armenia ar en hy ka ru tr uz Education in Armenia Category:Education in Armenia 2930 100 37720
Aruba education in Aruba Education in Aruba Category:Education in Aruba 107 98 1014
Australia education in Australia ar en fr hy it ja mn ms pa pl pt ru rw th ur zh Education in Australia Category:Education in Australia 26473 99 107065 6 17
Austria education in Austria ar az bs cs de en es hr hu pl pt ro ru sq sr sv uk zh Education in Austria Category:Education in Austria 8980 99
Bahrain education in Bahrain ar bn en ms ru ta tr Education in Bahrain Category:Education in Bahrain 1311 97.5 7114
Bangladesh education in Bangladesh bn en ml zh Education in Bangladesh Category:Education in Bangladesh 169356 75 9755446 5812
Barbados education in Barbados en es pt ru Education in Barbados Category:Education in Barbados 303 100 2261
Belarus education in Belarus be el en ru uk ar az be-tarask Education in Belarus Category:Education in Belarus 9156 100 18425
Belgium education in Belgium ar az de en fr hu it ml pl pt ru sv uk fa wa Education in Belgium Category:Education in Belgium higher education in Belgium ru·fr 11584 99 8330 6 18
Belize education in Belize ar en es nds pt Education in Belize Category:Education in Belize 375 82.8 9724
Benin education in Benin en fi fr ml Education in Benin Category:Education in Benin 11176 38.4 827619
Bhutan education in Bhutan bs de en pa ru uk Education in Bhutan Category:Education in Bhutan 787 72.1 30548
Bolivia education in Bolivia ar en es pt Education in Bolivia Category:Education in Bolivia 11052 92 329105
Bosnia and Herzegovina education in Bosnia and Herzegovina ar az bs de el en hr ka mk ml ru sq uk Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina Category:Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina 3816 97
Botswana education in Botswana en es ja ml pt tn uk Education in Botswana Category:Education in Botswana 2292 88 74929
Brazil education in Brazil ar bg de en es fr it ja pt ro Education in Brazil Category:Education in Brazil education in Bahia
educação na ditadura militar brasileira
203063 93.22 3181989 7 14
Brunei Darussalam education in Brunei bcl en id ms tr uk Education in Brunei Category:Education in Brunei 429 96 8309
Bulgaria education in Bulgaria ar bg de en ml pt ru sv uk uz Education in Bulgaria Category:Education in Bulgaria 7000 98 66616
Burkina Faso education in Burkina Faso en fr ha ml ru uk Education in Burkina Faso Category:Education in Burkina Faso 20488 41.2 2493607
Myanmar education in Burma blk en ko ml my ru ta Education in Myanmar Category:Education in Myanmar higher education in Myanmar zh·en 53371 89.1 3358383
Burundi education in Burundi en fr ru Education in Burundi Category:Education in Burundi 11531 85.5 824000
Cambodia education in Cambodia bcl en ka km ml pt Education in Cambodia Category:Education in Cambodia 16005 81 904800
Cameroon education in Cameroon ar en fr id it Education in Cameroon Category:Education in Cameroon 24054 75 1773968
Canada education in Canada ar ckb de en fa fi fr id ml ms pt ro sv tr Education in Canada Category:Education in Canada higher education in Canada tr·fr·en 36992 99 6
Cape Verde education in Cape Verde en ja ru Education in Cape Verde Category:Education in Cape Verde 556 87 14273
Chad education in Chad ar en fr ha ml ru Category:Education in Chad 15478 1757281
Chile education in Chile bn ca en eo es fr pt sv Education in Chile Category:Education in Chile higher education in Chile es 19458 167350
People's Republic of China education in China ar az de en fr is ja ka kaa ko ml mn pa pnb sv tl tr uk ur uz vi yue zh zu Education in China Category:Education in China 1442965 96.8 6
Colombia education in Colombia ar en es fr pt Education in Colombia Category:Education in Colombia higher education in Colombia es 49066 704803
Costa Rica education in Costa Rica ar en es pt Education in Costa Rica Category:Education in Costa Rica 5044 97.41 53761
Croatia education in Croatia ar be-tarask be de en hr ml ru sq sv uk Education in Croatia Category:Education in Croatia 3872 27168
Cuba education in Cuba fr hy ml ru en-simple sv zh en es Education in Cuba Category:Education in Cuba 10986 150812
Cyprus education in Cyprus ar el en hy ml ru sr tr Education in Cyprus Category:Education in Cyprus Secondary education in Cyprus el·en 1141 3331 5 15
Denmark education in Denmark ar de en et fr it ja pl ro ru sv th uk zh Education in Denmark Category:Education in Denmark Secondary education in Denmark da·en 5827 36238 5
Djibouti education in Djibouti ar en fr Education in Djibouti Category:Education in Djibouti 957 137785
Dominica education in Dominica en pt ru Category:Education in Dominica 75 631
East Timor education in East Timor Education in East Timor Category:Education in East Timor 1243 33004
Ecuador education in Ecuador en es ja ml pt Education in Ecuador Category:Education in Ecuador 16939 225277
Egypt education in Egypt ar arz ca en fa fr ha ko ms ru sq uk Education in Egypt Category:Education in Egypt 94799 71 1456758 6 14
El Salvador education in El Salvador en es pt ru Education in El Salvador Category:Education in China by populated place 5744 172164
Equatorial Guinea education in Equatorial Guinea ca en es fi ja Education in Equatorial Guinea Category:Education in Equatorial Guinea 1268 50071
Eritrea education in Eritrea ar az en es fr id ms pt uk Education in Eritrea Category:Education in Eritrea 3497 968035
Estonia education in Estonia ar az ba be-tarask be bs de en et he hr hy ja ka mk ru sq tr uk Education in Estonia Category:Education in Estonia 1375 5533
Ethiopia education in Ethiopia en fr mk Education in Ethiopia Category:Education in Ethiopia 104957 10092202
Fiji education in Fiji en hif ml ro ta Education in Fiji Category:Education in Fiji 906 16270
Finland education in Finland an ar be bg ca cs de en es et eu fi fr gl he hy id it ja ko min ml my pt ro ru sk sq sv th tk tr vi zh Education in Finland Category:Education in Finland 5608 100 14344 7 18
France education in France ar az bn cs de en es fr hu it ja ko mk ms nb pl pt ro ru sr sv tr uk uz vi zh Education in France Category:Education in France kindergarten in France
primary school in France
elementary school in France
college in France
higher education in France
secondary education in France
en·fa·id zh·ru·fr 68373 29418 6 16
Gabon education in Gabon en fr ru Education in Gabon Category:Education in Gabon 2025
Georgia education in Georgia az en hy hyw ka pt ru sq Education in Georgia Category:Education in Georgia (country) 3717 21306
Germany education in Germany ar az bs cs da de en es fa fi fr ha hy id it ja kaa ko lt mk ml mn ms nl nb pl pt ru sh sv tr tw uk uz vi zh Education in Germany Category:Education in Germany 84359 99 6
Ghana education in Ghana dag de en fr ha uz gpe Education in Ghana Category:Education in Ghana 32833 1615385
Gibraltar education in Gibraltar en hi pa ru uz Category:Education in Gibraltar 34
Greece education in Greece de el en fr hy it pl ru si tt uk zh ar ba be-tarask be Education in Greece Category:Education in Greece 10482 45430 5 16
Greenland education in Greenland Education in Greenland Category:Education in Greenland 57
Grenada education in Grenada en Education in Grenada Category:Education in Grenada 114 1022
Guatemala education in Guatemala en ml pt Education in Guatemala Category:Education in Guatemala 17263 963351
Bailiwick of Guernsey education in Guernsey Category:Education in Guernsey 63
Guinea education in Guinea ar en fr ru Education in Guinea Category:Education in Guinea 12717 1490614
Guinea-Bissau education in Guinea-Bissau en pt Education in Guinea-Bissau Category:Education in Guinea-Bissau 1861 201430
Guyana education in Guyana en kk pt sq Education in Guyana Category:Education in Guyana 778 31248
Haiti education in Haiti en es fr ml pt Education in Haiti Category:Education in Haiti 10981 6 11
Honduras education in Honduras en es ro Education in Honduras Category:Education in Honduras 10063 369528
Hong Kong education in Hong Kong en fa fr ja ms ru yue zh Education in Hong Kong Category:Education in Hong Kong 7413 35980 6 17
Hungary education in Hungary ar az ba be-tarask be de el en fr hr hu hy ru sq uk Education in Hungary Category:Education in Hungary higher education in Hungary fr 9600 100 62764 3 16
Iceland education in Iceland ar az de en es fr is ml pt sq sv zh Education in Iceland Category:Education in Iceland 364 3994
Indonesia education in Indonesia ar az bcl en fr id jv ka ms nl pt ru ta bew Education in Indonesia Category:Education in Indonesia 275439 95.7 8523872 6 15
Iran education in Iran ar az bn en fa fr hy ml my pt ru uz zh Education in Iran Category:Education in Iran higher education in Iran uk·ru·fr·fa·en·ckb·ar 86758 85.54 1595342 6 12
Iraq education in Iraq ar ckb en ka ms Education in Iraq Category:Education in Iraq 38275 1826357
Israel education in Israel ar az da en es fa he hy ja ko ml nb pt ru uk vi zh Education in Israel Category:Education in Israel 9840 26676 3 18
Italy education in Italy ar ca de el en es fr hy it ja ko nl pl ru sq sv zh Education in Italy Category:Education in Italy primary school in Italy
secondary education in Italy
higher education in Italy
en en 58851 178653 6 16
Ivory Coast education in Ivory Coast en fr ha sw Education in Ivory Coast Category:Education in Ivory Coast 24295
Jamaica education in Jamaica en Education in Jamaica Category:Education in Jamaica 2698 87 58546 5 16
Japan education in Japan az bn ca ar cs da de en es fa fr hu id it ja hy ka kaa km ko lt ml pt ro ru sq tl tr uk uz th vi zh Education in Japan Category:Education in Japan higher education in Japan
secondary education in Japan
primary education in Japan
en·es·hu·id·ar·az·bn en·az·ar·zh·ja·id 125440 153722 6 15
Jersey education in Jersey en Education in Jersey Category:Education in Jersey 106
Jordan education in Jordan ar bn en fr ms ro Education in Jordan Category:Education in Jordan 10428 261842
Kazakhstan education in Kazakhstan az ba en pa ru sq tr tt uk Education in Kazakhstan Category:Education in Kazakhstan 19003 24659
Kenya education in Kenya en fr sw Education in Kenya Category:Education in Kenya 48468 1999614
Kiribati education in Kiribati en ml nl ru Education in Kiribati Category:Education in Kiribati 119
Kosovo education in Kosovo en sq Education in Kosovo Category:Education in Kosovo 1883 96.8
Kuwait education in Kuwait ar az bn en ko ms th Education in Kuwait Category:Education in Kuwait 4464 49553
Kyrgyzstan education in Kyrgyzstan az ba bg en fr it ja pa pt ru tr tt zh Education in Kyrgyzstan Category:Education in Kyrgyzstan 6694 104763
Laos education in Laos bcl en ka ml th zh Education in Laos Category:Education in Laos 6858 84.7 382255
Latvia education in Latvia ar be-tarask ca de el en et ru tt uk Education in Latvia Category:Education in Latvia 1872 6581
Lebanon education in Lebanon ar en fa fr hy lt ms ru uz zh Education in Lebanon Category:Education in Lebanon 6100 201675
Lesotho education in Lesotho en ml pl st Education in Lesotho Category:Education in Lesotho 2007 142364
Liberia education in Liberia en es lt Education in Liberia Category:Education in Liberia 5214
Libya education in Libya ar en ha lt ms Education in Libya Category:Education in Libya 6679 86.1 6 15
Liechtenstein education in Liechtenstein ar de en sv uk Education in Liechtenstein Category:Education in Liechtenstein 38 245
Lithuania education in Lithuania ar de en ja Education in Lithuania Category:Education in Lithuania 2860 4808
Luxembourg education in Luxembourg ar de en fr ru Education in Luxembourg Category:Education in Luxembourg 672 100 5946
Madagascar education in Madagascar en fr ha id mg ml pt Education in Madagascar Category:Education in Madagascar 25571 1987258
Malawi education in Malawi en ha ja pt ru tum Education in Malawi Category:Education in Malawi 18622 764717
Malaysia education in Malaysia ar bcl de en fa id ka ko ml ms sv zh Education in Malaysia Category:Education in Malaysia 32447 1176190 6 12
Mali education in Mali ar en fr ha pt Education in Mali Category:Education in Mali 20251 33.1 2474516
Malta education in Malta az el en ml ru Education in Malta Category:Education in Malta 553 2795
Mauritania education in Mauritania ar en fr ha ms Education in Mauritania Category:Education in Mauritania 4615 451856
Mauritius education in Mauritius en fr Education in Mauritius Category:Education in Mauritius higher education in Mauritius
primary education in Mauritius
secondary education in Mauritius
vocational education in Mauritius
en en 1265 19949
Mexico education in Mexico ar en es fr pt Education in Mexico Category:Education in Mexico 124777 4330276
Moldova education in Moldova en ml ro ru tr Education in Moldova Category:Education in Moldova 2604 75391
Monaco education in Monaco it Education in Monaco Category:Education in Monaco 38
Mongolia education in Mongolia en fr ja ka pa zh Education in Mongolia Category:Education in Mongolia 3410 53090
Montenegro education in Montenegro ar az ba be-tarask el en ml ru sq sr uk Education in Montenegro Category:Education in Montenegro 617
Morocco education in Morocco ar az en fr ha ml ms Education in Morocco Category:Education in Morocco higher education in Morocco ar 37077 1137547 6 15
Mozambique education in Mozambique ca en ha ml ru Education in Mozambique Category:Education in Mozambique 29669 2405631
Namibia education in Namibia de en ha ml uk Education in Namibia Category:Education in Namibia 2534 91819
Nauru education in Nauru en ml Education in Nauru Category:Education in Nauru 14 518
Nepal education in Nepal en hi ne zh Education in Nepal Category:Education in Nepal 29165 59.6 1055237
New Zealand education in New Zealand ar az de en fr ja sv th zh Education in New Zealand Category:Education in New Zealand Secondary education in New Zealand en 5119 11792
Nicaragua education in Nicaragua en es Education in Nicaragua Category:Education in Nicaragua 5142 142550
Niger education in Niger en es fr ha Education in Niger Category:Education in Niger 21477 3410345
Nigeria education in Nigeria en fa ha pt ru uk yo Education in Nigeria Category:Education in Nigeria 211401
Niue education in Niue en Education in Niue Category:Education in Niue 2
North Korea education in North Korea ar en es fa fr he hy id it ko ml ms pt ru vi zh Education in North Korea Category:Education in North Korea 25491 610009
North Macedonia education in North Macedonia de el en hy ka mk ml ru sq sr Education in North Macedonia Category:Education in North Macedonia 1837 48258
Northern Cyprus education in Northern Cyprus ar el en tr Education in Northern Cyprus Category:Education in Northern Cyprus 391
Northern Ireland education in Northern Ireland ar en Education in Northern Ireland Category:Education in Northern Ireland 1852
Norway education in Norway fa fr it ja ml nn nb pt ro sq sr sv de uk zh ar az cs en Education in Norway Category:Education in Norway higher education in Norway uk·en 5550 100 18627 6 15
Oman education in Oman ar cs de en ms zh Education in Oman Category:Education in Oman 4829 22215
Pakistan education in Pakistan en fr ru ur Education in Pakistan Category:Education in Pakistan 223774 59.1 20799612
Palau education in Palau Category:Education in Palau 22 539 14
Panama education in Panama en es id Education in Panama Category:Education in Panama 4099 62819
Papua New Guinea education in Papua New Guinea ar en ml ru zh Education in Papua New Guinea Category:Education in Papua New Guinea 8935
Paraguay education in Paraguay en es ja pt Education in Paraguay Category:Education in Paraguay 6811 248767
Peru education in Peru ar en es pt Education in Peru Category:Education in Peru 29382 476745
Portugal education in Portugal de en es fr it nl pl pt Education in Portugal Category:Education in Portugal higher education in Portugal en 10348 19620 6 18
Qatar education in Qatar ar bn en ka ml th zh Education in Qatar Category:Education in Qatar 2639 97.8 24440
Romania education in Romania ar de en hu ml ro sq uk Education in Romania Category:Education in Romania 19054 332312
Russia education in Russia ar cs de el en es fr ja ko mk ba pl pt ru sr uz zh Education in Russia Category:Education in Russia 145975 368000 6 16
Rwanda education in Rwanda en fr rw Education in Rwanda Category:Education in Rwanda 13246
Saint Kitts and Nevis education in Saint Kitts and Nevis en pt Category:Education in Saint Kitts and Nevis 55 2020
Saint Lucia education in Saint Lucia en Education in Saint Lucia Category:Education in Saint Lucia 168 4240
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines education in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines en Category:Education in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 110 1194
Samoa education in Samoa Education in Samoa Category:Education in Samoa list of schools in Savai'i 200 5074
San Marino education in San Marino en it Education in San Marino Category:Education in San Marino 34
Saudi Arabia education in Saudi Arabia ar az bn en es fr ml ms pt sq ug zh Education in Saudi Arabia Category:Education in Saudi Arabia 33000 372396 6 18
Senegal education in Senegal en fr Education in Senegal Category:Education in Senegal 16877 1921575
Serbia education in Serbia ar be-tarask bg de el en fr hy mk ml pt ru sq sr sv uk Education in Serbia Category:Education in Serbia 7022 33041
Seychelles education in Seychelles en pt ru Category:Education in Seychelles 96 1312
Sierra Leone education in Sierra Leone en fi hu pt ru Education in Sierra Leone Category:Education in Sierra Leone 7557
Singapore education in Singapore ar bcl en fr hy id ka kaa ru en-simple sq sv sw uk uz yue zh Education in Singapore Category:Education in Singapore secondary education in Singapore en·zh 5866 96.8 7 15
Slovakia education in Slovakia be-tarask cs de en ro ru uk Education in Slovakia Category:Education in Slovakia 5449
Slovenia education in Slovenia ar az cs de en mk ru sl Education in Slovenia Category:Education in Slovenia 2067 6716 6 15
Somalia education in Somalia ar de en ru so Education in Somalia Category:Education in Somalia 11031
Somaliland education in Somaliland ar en Category:Education in Somaliland 4172
South Africa education in South Africa af ar en fr ms pt rw sv tn xh Education in South Africa Category:Education in South Africa 62028 1815742
South Korea education in South Korea ar az bg bn de en es fa fr hi hu hy id it ja ka kk ko mk mn pt ru sk tr uk uz vi zh Education in South Korea Category:Education in South Korea 51466 98 122477
South Sudan education in South Sudan ar en fr he ms ru sr uk Education in South Sudan Category:Education in South Sudan 12576
Spain education in Spain ar arz ca da de en es fr hy it ja ko ms ru uk zh Education in Spain Category:Education in Spain higher education in Spain ja·es·en·ca 47416 35822 6 16
Sri Lanka education in Sri Lanka bn en id ja si ta Education in Sri Lanka Category:Education in Sri Lanka 21444 91.9 436411
Sudan education in Sudan ar en it ms pt Education in Sudan Category:Education in Sudan 40533 60.7
Suriname education in Suriname ar en nl pt Education in Suriname Category:Education in Suriname 563 17377
Eswatini education in Swaziland en ml pl ss Education in Eswatini Category:Education in Eswatini 1093 70951
Sweden education in Sweden es fr hr it ja ka ko nl pl pt ro ru sv tr uk uz zh ar de en Education in Sweden Category:Education in Sweden teacher training college in Sweden 10564 99.9 9424 6 16
Switzerland education in Switzerland gsw ar cs de en es fr ha it ru sv tr zh Education in Switzerland Category:Education in Switzerland higher education in Switzerland fr 8902 69459
Syria education in Syria ar bn en fr he it ms zh Education in Syria Category:Education in Syria 22934 2416365 6 15
São Tomé and Príncipe education in São Tomé and Príncipe Education in São Tomé and Príncipe Category:Education in São Tomé and Príncipe 204 4104
Taiwan education in Taiwan ja zh az en id Education in Taiwan Category:Education in Taiwan secondary education in Taiwan
Category:Primary schools in Taiwan
junior high school
tehnološki inštitut
vocational high school
Comprehensive high school
yue·zh·en·id·ja·nan 23413 99.17 7 15
Tajikistan education in Tajikistan en es fa fr pa pnb ru tg Education in Tajikistan Category:Education in Tajikistan 8921 198438
Tanzania education in Tanzania en he ml sw Education in Tanzania Category:Education in Tanzania 57310
Tasmania education in Tasmania ar en Education in Tasmania Category:Education in Tasmania 540
Thailand education in Thailand ar bcl de en es ja ka ml ms pt ru th zh Education in Thailand Category:Education in Thailand 66189 93.8 1025331
Togo education in Togo en fr ha Education in Togo Category:Education in Togo 7798 547181
Tonga education in Tonga az en Category:Education in Tonga 108 3179
Trinidad and Tobago education in Trinidad and Tobago en ru Education in Trinidad and Tobago Category:Education in Trinidad and Tobago 1369 27364
Tunisia education in Tunisia ar en fr ha it ja ms Education in Tunisia Category:Education in Tunisia 11565 100000 6 14
Turkey education in Turkey cs fa fi hu ja ka kaa pt ru rw en-simple sq tr uk uz zh ar az en Education in Turkey Category:Education in Turkey 85372 1378723 6 18
Turkmenistan education in Turkmenistan en fr pa pnb ru tr Education in Turkmenistan Category:Education in Turkmenistan 6118 99.6
Tuvalu education in Tuvalu Category:Education in Tuvalu 12 510
Uganda education in Uganda dag en ha ml nds pt Education in Uganda Category:Education in Uganda 47124
Ukraine education in Ukraine sr tr ar be cs de el en fr hy ko pnb ru sq uk ur Education in Ukraine Category:Education in Ukraine list of universities in Ukraine higher education in Ukraine uk·ru·en·az 41167 117710
Uttarakhand education in Uttarakhand en hi te Education in Uttarakhand Category:Education in Uttarakhand 10086
Uzbekistan education in Uzbekistan az en fr ja pa pnb tr uz Education in Uzbekistan Category:Education in Uzbekistan 34915 314944
Vanuatu education in Vanuatu Education in Vanuatu Category:Education in Vanuatu 300 12208
Venezuela education in Venezuela en es pt ru Education in Venezuela Category:Education in Venezuela 28516 752436
Vietnam education in Vietnam bcl en ka pt ta vi zh Education in Vietnam Category:Education in Vietnam 96209 94.5 4069875
Wales education in Wales ar cy en fr it Education in Wales Category:Education in Wales secondary education in Wales
primary education in Wales
en 3113
Yemen education in Yemen ar en ka uk Education in Yemen Category:Education in Yemen 28250 2337346
Zambia education in Zambia en ha ml Education in Zambia Category:Education in Zambia 17094
Zimbabwe education in Zimbabwe ar en ml Education in Zimbabwe Category:Education in Zimbabwe 15179 89 1123710 6 16
The Bahamas education in the Bahamas az en es pt Education in the Bahamas Category:Education in the Bahamas 395 3946
British Virgin Islands education in the British Virgin Islands en Category:Education in the British Virgin Islands 39
Cayman Islands education in the Cayman Islands en mk Category:Education in the Cayman Islands 65 99
Central African Republic education in the Central African Republic en fr ru sw uk Education in the Central African Republic Category:Education in the Central African Republic 4659 693467
Comoros education in the Comoros ar en fr ms Education in the Comoros Category:Education in the Comoros 902 61523
Cook Islands education in the Cook Islands en Category:Education in the Cook Islands 17 366
Czech Republic education in the Czech Republic ar az cs de en es fr nl pl ru Education in the Czech Republic Category:Education in the Czech Republic 10901 99 10695 6 15
Democratic Republic of the Congo education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo en fr hy ru Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Category:Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 86791
Dominican Republic education in the Dominican Republic en es fr Education in the Dominican Republic Category:Education in the Dominican Republic 10760 355283
Falkland Islands education in the Falkland Islands en es Category:Education in the Falkland Islands 5
Faroe Islands education in the Faroe Islands en Category:Education in the Faroe Islands 54
Federated States of Micronesia education in the Federated States of Micronesia en fa Category:Education in the Federated States of Micronesia 106 14
The Gambia education in the Gambia en es Education in the Gambia Category:Education in the Gambia 2640
Isle of Man education in the Isle of Man en Education in the Isle of Man Category:Education in the Isle of Man 83
Maldives education in the Maldives ar bn en fr zh Education in the Maldives Category:Education in the Maldives 436 97.7 8537
Marshall Islands education in the Marshall Islands Category:Education in the Marshall Islands 53 3624 14
Netherlands education in the Netherlands ar az cs de en es fr it ja ms nl nb pt ro sr sv tr uk zh Education in the Netherlands Category:Education in the Netherlands
Categoría:Educación en Holanda
primary education in the Netherlands 17943 20000 5 16
Philippines education in the Philippines bcl ceb en id ka pt ru Education in the Philippines Category:Education in the Philippines higher education in the Philippines en 109035 96.3 1070690
Ireland education in the Republic of Ireland ar de en fr ja ml pl ru uk Education in Ireland Category:Education in the Republic of Ireland 5149 6033
Republic of the Congo education in the Republic of the Congo en fr Education in the Republic of the Congo Category:Education in the Republic of the Congo 5261
Russian Empire education in the Russian Empire ru uk Category:Education in the Russian Empire 181538
Solomon Islands education in the Solomon Islands Education in the Solomon Islands Category:Education in the Solomon Islands 611 48080
Soviet Union education in the Soviet Union az ba de en es hy kk pl ru tr vi zh Education in the Soviet Union Category:Education in the Soviet Union 293048
State of Palestine education in the State of Palestine ar cy en eu zh Education in the State of Palestine Category:Education in the State of Palestine 5227 97.2 192766 6
United Arab Emirates education in the United Arab Emirates ar az en ml ms zh Education in the United Arab Emirates Category:Education in the United Arab Emirates 9890 93
United Kingdom education in the United Kingdom ar cs de en es fr he hy it ja ko ms nb pl pt ru sv tr uk uz zh Education in the United Kingdom Category:Education in the United Kingdom 67327 62799 5 18
United States of America education in the United States az bcl cs ar de en es fa fi fr id it ja kaa ko mn ms nl pt ru si en-simple sk sv tr uk ur uz vi zh Education in the United States Category:Education in the United States higher education in the United States
secondary education in the United States
primary education in the United States
vocational education in the United States
en·fr·ja fr·fi·fa·es·en·de·az·ar·zh·vi·sh·nb·ja 332278 99.4 2528999
Canada private education in Canada ar en Category:Private education in Canada 36992 99 6
United States of America special education in the United States ar en uk Category:Special education in the United States 332278 99.4 2528999
Japan technical education in Japan en 125440 153722 6 15
New Zealand tertiary education in New Zealand en 5119 11792

∑ 219 items.

End of automatically generated list.