Wikidata:WikiCite Satellite Cologne 2020/Submission/Zotkat

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This is a submission for WikiCite Satellite Cologne 2020.



Zotkat demo: how to use Zotero for adding bibliographic metadata in Wikidata


use zotkat to export per drag and drop references from Zotero to QuickStatements

Zotero is a free, open source reference management software and therefore has already a lot of functionalities around bibliographic metadata. Starting at the WikiCite 2017 and as part of the Zotkat extension an export translator for Zotero to QuickStatements was build. In this demo it will be shown how to add bibliographic data which are collected in Zotero to QuickStatements and from there to Wikidata. The recently added possibility to run some JavaScript within Zotero allows easily to look up and enrich the data in Zotero before exporting, e.g. checking that no duplicates in Wikidata is generated or adding the Q-number of a journal to entries.

Type of contribution and estimated time


demo 15 minutes

Contact information


Philipp Zumstein (Q54857288), Email:

We are going to participate locally with 1 (one) people.