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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Statistics and the translation is 50% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

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Quant'è grande Wikidata?
Wikidata attualmente contiene 113 825 467 elementi. 2 251 116 540 modifiche sono state effettuate dal lancio del progetto. Puoi trovare i dettagli su wikidata-todo/stats.php e
Chi modifica Wikidata?
Correntemente sono presenti 23 603 utenti attivi. Per maggiori informazioni puoi consultare [1].
Statistiche di Wikipedia
The Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDCM) provides a full overview of Wikidata usage for more than 800 Wikimedia projects.

Wikidata helps uncover a lot of facts about Wikipedia content. Find more at Wikidata:Statistics/Wikipedia.

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What is in Wikidata? (outdated)
human: 6,376,879 (8.9%)taxon: 2,726,046 (3.8%)administrative territorial entity: 1,943,285 (2.7%)architectural structure: 3,159,472 (4.4%)occurrence: 3,898,674 (5.4%)chemical compound: 1,188,724 (1.7%)film: 294,370 (0.4%)thoroughfare: 630,794 (0.9%)astronomical object: 4,601,733 (6.4%)Wikimedia list article: 404,454 (0.6%)Wikimedia disambiguation page: 1,358,230 (1.9%)Wikinews article: 195,900 (0.3%)scholarly article: 22,574,314 (31.5%)other P31/P279: 18,284,676 (25.5%)no P31/P279: 3,973,469 (5.5%)
  •   human: 6,376,879 (8.9%)
  •   taxon: 2,726,046 (3.8%)
  •   administrative territorial entity: 1,943,285 (2.7%)
  •   architectural structure: 3,159,472 (4.4%)
  •   occurrence: 3,898,674 (5.4%)
  •   chemical compound: 1,188,724 (1.7%)
  •   film: 294,370 (0.4%)
  •   thoroughfare: 630,794 (0.9%)
  •   astronomical object: 4,601,733 (6.4%)
  •   Wikimedia list article: 404,454 (0.6%)
  •   Wikimedia disambiguation page: 1,358,230 (1.9%)
  •   Wikinews article: 195,900 (0.3%)
  •   scholarly article: 22,574,314 (31.5%)
  •   other P31/P279: 18,284,676 (25.5%)
  •   no P31/P279: 3,973,469 (5.5%)
Module:Statistical data/by project/classes, 2020-02-16