Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Focus languages/Form/Dagbani

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Language: Dagbani


Language details

What is the language, language family, usual scripts, where is it spoken, by how many people, and what other languages do speakers (%) of this language usually speak? (Some of this information can be found in the article list of languages by total number of speakers)

Dagbani language is a lingua franca in the northern half of Ghana spoken by over 3 million people including 2 million indigenous speakers across Ghana. Dagbani Language is a Gur language and one of the most widely spoken among the 16 Mole-Dagbani language family. Native speakers can understand other sister languages such as Frafra, Mampruli, Dagaare and Moshie. Dagbani language is written in a Latin alphabet with the addition of the apostrophe, the letters ɛ, ɣ, ŋ, ɔ, and ʒ, and the digraphs ch, gb, kp, and ny.

Current representation of this language in Wikimedia projects

Is there a Wikipedia or a Wiktionary? Is it a language in Wikidata? If yes, what are the statistics for pages in Wikipedia or Wiktionary, or for Lexemes in Wikidata? (Details are in m:Complete list of Wikimedia projects, and in the local Special:Statistics pages, and in Ordia for Lexemes.)

The Dagbani Wikipedia is currently available in the Wikimedia incubator as a test wiki and also available in Wikidata. Unlike Wikipedia, the Dagbani Wiktionary in the incubator is not very active.

Current representation of this language in other sources

Is there an open corpus of text for this language? How many books are published in this language? Is this language taught in schools? Is it an official language of a country or region? (Please link to details)

Dagbani language is one of the 11 government-sponsored official languages in Ghana. Even though it is difficult to tell the total number of books published in the Dagbani language, There are currently 24 online Dagbani books on World reader, and 200 offline books used for teaching and learning at various levels. Its taught in schools from the basic to the university level and has its own faculty at the University of Education and other universities and teacher training colleges in Ghana.

Seed group of participants

Describe a bit about the seed group that wants to coordinate and actively participate. Describe its size, its current activity, why this group will likely still exist in three years time. Does anyone in the group know how to code? How many in the group know English? How many in the group are not living where the language is spoken, or are not native speakers?

Between 5 and 6 people have come forward to actively coordinate the Lexicographical data project, with possibly more hands to join later. The Dagbani Wikimedia community is made up of mainly volunteers from Language universities and colleges (mostly students and educators). The total number of volunteers in our community 168 members with about 40 active monthly contributors. Over the past 8 months, we have completed at least 6 Wikimedia projects including edit-a-thons, workshops, contests and photo walks. We also have highly skilled volunteers who have knowledge in programming. Being recently recognized as a Wikimedia affiliate user group means the community will continue to expand and also contribute to Wikipedia for many more years to come. All members of our community have knowledge in English and native speakers of Dagbani.

Potential for community growth

Describe the potential for the language community to grow. Is Internet access widely available? Through which kind of devices usually? What is the literacy rate in the language community? Are there universities, vocational schools, or similar institutions, and how large are the student populations?

The Dagbani Wikipedia community continues to grow due to the increasing number of students and teachers in our community. Currently, over 60% of our community members are students and teachers from Senior High, Teacher Training Colleges and Universities. We also have partnerships with University of Education (School of languages, Tamale College of Education and Bagabaga College of Education. Internet access is widely available in northern part of Ghana where we largely operate, but may be expenses for a handful of volunteers. While a large number of our volunteers still edit from their mobile phones, about a third of volunteers edit with laptop/desktop computers. The 5 Seed group of participants have easy access to internet and use laptops.

Openness of the existing community to innovation

If there is a Wikipedia in that language, how open has it been to Wikidata? To Article Placeholder? To bot editing, and to usage of Modules?

The Dagbani language Wikipedia is very open to lexicographical data and Wikidata in general. We have retrieved values of properties from Wikidata in our infoboxes and in articles, an example is the date of birth value here. We use AWB to correct minor typos and are looking forward to trying Article Placeholder and using more of Wikidata in our project especially when we become a full Wikipedia and and not help back by the limitations imposed by the incubator.