Wikidata:Guide to James Bakers

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This page, created to assist disambiguation of authors of works and referents of external IDs, lists all Wikidata items for humans named James, Jim, or Jimmy Baker.

See also /todo

Some common confusions

  1. Q5250220 Lt.-Col. James Baker (1830-1906), British Columbia political figure; Q96839936 James Baker, scholar of international law at the University of British Columbia
  2. Q96794903 Sir James Baker, early 18th-century satirist; Q23978539 James Baker, late 18th-century topographic illustrator
  3. Q6129269 James Baker (1954- ), Australian rock musician; Q97610647 James Baker, Texas musician appearing in the movie Bernie
  4. Q28916440 James Baker, animator for Disney; Q99830980 James [Stuart] Baker (1964- ), animator for Pixar and others
  5. Q55720871 James Hutchins Baker (1848-1925), president of the University of Colorado; Q96994738 James H. Baker, Jesuit high school administrator
  6. Q14623604 James H. Baker (1829-1913), American politican; Q52629209 James H. Baker (1829-?), British engraver
  7. Q1598583 James M. Baker (1942- ), mayor of Wilmington, author of a book about African-American music; Q96843779 James M. Baker (1948- ), professor of music theory
  8. Q97009609 James W. Baker (1944- ), historian, author of Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday; Q97009736 James W. Baker (1926-2011), author of a series of holiday-themed magic books
  9. Q96694565 James K[eaton] Baker (1919-2003), lawyer, executive director of AMSAC; Q96694564 James K[enneth] Baker (1928-2013), agricultural educator; Q96694711 James K[enneth] Baker (1930- ), National Park Service biologist
  10. Q17352688 Jim Baker (1950- ), improvisational pianist; Q97118122 Jim Baker, 1980s R&B keyboard player; Q97704852 James Baker (1948-1993), keyboard player of the R&B group New Birth
  11. Q97063838 Jim Baker (1941-2017), sportswriter for the Buffalo Courier-Express and the Boston Herald; Q97502975 Jim Baker (1959- ), baseball analyst and sportswriter for; Q97602617 Jim Baker, television producer for ESPN
  12. Q97113504 Jim Baker (1948- ) Singapore writer and teacher; Q97064921 Jim Baker (1948- ), American academic administrator; Q97110310 Jim Baker, British science teacher

Complete list


Politics and law

  1. Q6129261 James Baker (?-1689), English lawyer and Member of Parliament
  2. Q5250220 Lt.-Col. James Baker (1830-1906), British Columbia political figure; author of Turkey in Europe and other works
  3. Q96893059 James Baker (1948-), lawyer and scholar of international law
  4. Q76449022 James Baker, Conservative Party candidate in the 2019 United Kingdom General Election
  5. Q6193507 Jim Baker, provincial representative for Labrador 2007-2011
  6. Q10540185 Jimmy Baker (1975-), Swedish politician
  7. Q223151 James [Addison] Baker [III] (1930-), US cabinet member in the Reagan and Bush administrations
  8. Q6128017 James A[ddison] Baker, Jr. (1892-1973), American jurist
  9. Q15996390 Captain James A[ddison] Baker (1857-1941), American lawyer and banker
  10. Q121060808 James [Addison] Baker IV, partner at Baker Botts
  11. Q6128383 James Addison Baker the elder (1821-1897), American politician and judge
  12. Q6128020 James A[ndrew] Baker, American federal attorney
  13. Q28043368 James A[nthony] Baker (1931-2008), justice of the Texas Supreme Court
  14. Q96917610 James C[arr] Baker (c. 1811-1889), lawyer and landowner; of Winchester, Virginia; father of Q98563267
  15. Q98563267 James Carr Baker Jr. (1851-1917), lawyer and National Guard officer; of Winchester, Virginia; son of Q96917610
  16. Q63929182 James [Douglas] Baker, UK Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate in 2019
  17. Q97577979 James E[stes] Baker (1935-2001), American diplomat
  18. Q6133022 James E. Baker (1960-), US federal judge
  19. Q14623604 James H[eaton] Baker (1829-1913), Ohio and Minnesota political figure
  20. Q96936790 James H. Baker (1942-), American lawyer
  21. Q96694565 James K[eaton] Baker (1919-2003), lawyer, City Attorney of Birmingham, executive director of the American Society of African Culture
  22. Q1321159 James McNair Baker (1821-1892), Florida judge and politician
  23. Q107007012 James M[ansfield] Baker (1835-1927), member of the Virginia House of Delegates from Louisa County
  24. Q6138914 James Marion Baker (1861-1940), eleventh Secretary of the United States Senate
  25. Q1598583 James M. Baker (1942-), mayor of Wilmington, Delaware; author of The Real American Music
  26. Q97007924 James P[elham] Baker, Jr. (1913-2002), Arkansas lawyer and politician
  27. Q97009393 James P. Baker (1945-), American lawyer
  28. Q97006495 James R. Baker (1942-), attorney; author of Women's Rights in Old Testament Times
  29. Q96839936 James [S.] Baker, Canadian scholar of international law; contributor to International Law and the Arctic, etc.

Business, trade and finance

  1. Q98396556 James Baker (1739-1825), founder of Baker Chocolate Company
  2. Q98596729 James Baker (1832-1898), ship chandler in Boston, Massachusetts; father of Q98642881
  3. Q97159333 Jim Baker, American trade union official
  4. Q6128022 James A. Baker (fl. 1899-1903), Canadian trade unionist
  5. Q98593061 James A[rtemas] Baker (1859-1917), founder of Lockney, Texas and Baker Mercantile Company; father of Q98593289
  6. Q98593289 Artie [James Artemas] Baker (1896-1975), Texas businessman and banker; son of Q98593061
  7. Q98784312 James B. Baker (1847-1918), Texas businessman; mayor of Waco
  8. Q96925511 James C[alvin] Baker (1935-2016), professor of finance and international business
  9. Q96917185 Jim [James Christopher] Baker (1945- ), American data analyst and statistical scientist
  10. Q98642881 James E[liot] Baker (1860-1923), ship chandler in Boston, Massachusetts; son of Q98596729
  11. Q97156032 James G. Baker [Sr.] (1926-2012), medical transport operator and radio station founder
  12. Q98688724 James H[all] Baker (1800-1854), Texas settler, soldier, rancher, and slaveholder; father of Q98688667
  13. Q98380888 James L[loyd] Baker (1904-1999), Ontario dairy industry figure
  14. Q98688667 James L[ouis] (Jim) Baker (1829-1903), Texas rancher; son of Q98688724
  15. Q98698432 James M[arion] Baker (1840-1907), Arizona rancher
  16. Q97940129 James [R.] Baker, American technological development and entrepreneurship expert
  17. Q75987262 James Robert Baker (1800-1860), London stockbroker; son of Q76249867
  18. Q97799370 James Scott Baker (1897-1976), American banker
  19. Q97057350 James Sherman Baker (1835-1880), lawyer, insurance agent, and land agent
  20. Q97063072 James V[incent] Baker (1941- ), American banker and investment manager
  21. Q97041370 James W[illiam] Baker (1873-1938), business textbook writer and publisher; author of 20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting


  1. Q75494875 Captain James Baker (18th c.), of the Royal Navy; husband of Anne Carey (Q75494860)
  2. Q96893965 James Baker (d. 1866), Union Army soldier
  3. Q98762121 James H. Baker (1839-1909), of Lansing, Michigan, Union Army soldier
  4. Q96936788 James H. Baker, of Surry county, N.C., Confederate Army soldier
  5. Q65030188 James H. Baker, US Department of Defense official
  6. Q98778259 James H[ooker] Baker (1838-1923), Union Army soldier from New Hampshire, later farmer in Iowa
  7. Q98382035 James McC[utcheon] Baker (1837-1900), lieutenant in the Confederate States Navy
  8. Q100766734 James R[obert] Baker (1944- ), US Army lawyer
  9. Q97005467 James R[oy] D['Arcy] Baker (1921-2002), author of the memoir Odyssey: Coming of Age in World War II
  10. Q75642124 Captain James Swayne Baker (d. 1871), British officer; son of William Massy Baker (Q75560791)
  11. Q120755162 James T[hompson] Baker (1916-1987), U.S. Army captain, 371st Infantry Battalion
  12. Q98844649 James Vashon Baker (1798-1875), British naval officer
  13. Q98928495 James Volant Vashon Baker (1849-1909), officer of the Royal Artillery; son of the above and father of James Volant Baker (Q97095734)

Science, engineering, and medicine

  1. Q98939018 James Baker (1851-1877), British physician
  2. Q96895154 James Baker (1974-), American engineer
  3. Q59680710 James Baker, British clinical pharmacist
  4. Q91816983 James Baker (fl. 2012-present), British programmer
  5. Q59826590 James Baker, fluid mechanics physicist at University of Sydney
  6. Q97301911 James Baker, PhD in molecular biology, University of Manchester
  7. Q97940161 James Baker, ecologist at the University of Exeter
  8. Q103782501 James Baker, from Department of Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine, Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool
  9. Q5203675 D. James Baker, American oceanographer and geophysicist
  10. Q98602990 James A[dolph] Baker (1906-1987), American physician, practising in Aberdeen, Washington
  11. Q96906764 James A[ndrew] Baker (1910-1975), veterinary infectious disease researcher
  12. Q96781284 James A. Baker, ecosystems biologist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
  13. Q97631500 James [A.] Baker, pharmacologist at Merck Research Laboratories
  14. Q38318244 James A[lexander] Baker, British biochemist
  15. Q96925509 James B. Baker, American silviculturist
  16. Q97098997 James C[arson] Baker, soil scientist at Virginia Tech
  17. Q96936781 James [D.] Baker (1966-), American developmental biologist at the University of Miami
  18. Q96925507 James D. Baker (1928-), American ergonomics researcher
  19. Q102080850 James Dennard Baker, PhD at Iowa State University
  20. Q97132761 James Douglas Baker, Canadian civil engineer
  21. Q97575519 James E[arl] Baker, USDA plant physiologist
  22. Q92715891 James E[dward] Baker, Canadian anesthesiologist
  23. Q97579853 James E[dward] Baker (1960-), American computer scientist
  24. Q96937859 James Edward Baker, holder of an M.S. in chemical engineering
  25. Q97623074 Jim [James F.] Baker, neuroscientist at Northwestern University
  26. Q337213 James Gilbert Baker (1914-2005), American astronomer
  27. Q96936785 James G. Baker, psychiatrist at the Dell Medical School, UT-Austin
  28. Q96938625 James H[arold] Baker, Dutch geologist and environmental consultant
  29. Q22109280 James H[askell] Baker, American ostracodologist
  30. Q97700273 James Haywood Baker, cardiologist in Nashville, Tennessee
  31. Q98400180 James H[uffman] Baker (1910-1978), American lepidopterist
  32. Q96694711 James K[enneth] Baker (1930-), research biologist with the National Park Service; author of What About Bats?, etc.
  33. Q6137041 James K. Baker, speech recognition researcher
  34. Q97105853 James L. Baker (1938-), American dentist; author of Theory and Practice of Precision Attachment Removable Partial Dentures
  35. Q99955347 James L. Baker, American physician in the fields of emergency medicine and palliative care
  36. Q97093703 James L. Baker, environmental researcher, specializing in problems of agricultural runoff
  37. Q97671047 James L. Baker, British electrical engineer
  38. Q61082219 James M. Baker, medical researcher, specialist in the microbiome
  39. Q98785630 James Norment Baker (1876-1941), eugenicist; State Medical Officer of Alabama
  40. Q97040796 James P[hilip] Baker, fisheries biologist
  41. Q97703701 James Porter "Jim" Baker (1902-1988), American physician
  42. Q97009086 James P[orter] Baker (1931-), American physician, worked at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center (likely son of above and author of the obituary)
  43. Q87807800 James R[ussell] Baker Jr., biotechnology researcher at the University of Michigan, specializing in nanotechnology
  44. Q46922830 James R. Baker, synthetic chemist at University College London
  45. Q97647919 James R. Baker, Australian psychologist
  46. Q97857799 James R[ichard] Baker, American engineer, teaching at Fort Collins University
  47. Q97005464 James R[obert] Baker (1941-), American entomologist
  48. Q97009689 J[ames] Stannard Baker (1899-1995), traffic safety researcher at the Northwestern University Traffic Institute
  49. Q97632733 James W. Baker, American allergist


  1. Q96794903 Sir James Baker (fl. 1715-1717), pseudonymous satirical writer; John Gay, Alexander Pope, and perhaps others signed works by borrowing the name of Q96794960 Sir James Baker, 18th-c. gambler known as "the Knight of the Peak"
  2. Q88218745 James Baker (1847-1920), British writer, best known for works about Bohemia
  3. Q96860492 James Baker (1969-), media studies scholar
  4. Q96905193 James Baker (1970-), British funeral director; author of A Life in Death
  5. Q96859608 James Baker (1983-), British historian of images and archives; author of The Business of Satirical Prints in Late-Georgian England, etc.
  6. Q98397193 James Baker, editor with Free Spirit Press, 1972-1973
  7. Q96838691 James Baker, Canadian sociologist; author of "As loved our fathers: the strength of patriotism among young Newfoundlanders," etc.
  8. Q97063838 Jim [James Lawrence] Baker (1941-2017), American sportswriter; author of O.J. Simpson's Most Memorable Games, A View from the Booth, etc.
  9. Q97502975 Jim [James Allan] Baker (1959- ), sportswriter; editor of Baseball Analyst; contributed to The Bill James Abstract, The Most Memorable Games in Patriots History, etc.
  10. Q99938294 Jim Baker, writer of erotica
  11. Q4647883 A[llan] J[ames] Baker (1922-2017), a.k.a. Jim Baker, Australian philosopher
  12. Q96916079 James A. Baker (1943-), American therapist; author of The Anger Busting Workbook, etc.
  13. Q96916943 James C. Baker, author of Distant Thunder
  14. Q96925516 James E. Baker, Spiritualist writer; author of The Truth and the Light
  15. Q96932892 James E. Baker, American veterinarian; author of The Pet Set
  16. Q99767775 James F. Baker, local historian and preservationist in St. Louis, Missouri
  17. Q97057360 James F. Baker, author of Professional Résumé Writing Techniques
  18. Q97384464 James Francis Baker (1891-?), poet from Newcastle upon Tyne
  19. Q97960904 James Franklin Baker, American historian
  20. Q96930011 James Graham Baker, Texas art historian
  21. Q97062806 James Ireland Baker, American journalist and magazine editor
  22. Q96694736 James K[endrick] Baker (1931-2013), chairman and CEO of Arvin Industries; author of Leadership 101, etc.
  23. Q96694564 James K[enneth] Baker (1928-2013), agricultural educator; author of Animal Health: A Layperson's Guide to Disease Control, etc.
  24. Q96852650 James L[oring] Baker (1813-1886), American businessman and writer; author of Exports and Imports, as Showing the Relative Advancement of Every Nation in Wealth, Strength, and Independence, etc.
  25. Q96843779 James M[arshall] Baker (1948-), American musicologist, specialist in Alexander Scriabin; author of Music Theory in Concept and Practice, etc.
  26. Q97113504 Jim [James Michael] Baker (1948-), Singapore writer and teacher; author of Crossroads: A Popular History of Malaysia and Singapore, etc.
  27. Q97092553 James N[orm] Baker, American anthropologist; author of "The Presence of the Name: Reading Scripture in an Indonesian Village," etc.
  28. Q100152224 James N[orris] Baker (1946-1995), American journalist who worked for Newsweek
  29. Q97887685 James R. Baker, Scottish evangelical writer; co-editor of The Believer's Magazine
  30. Q1681046 James Robert Baker (1947-1997), American author of transgressional fiction; wrote Tim and Pete, Boy Wonder, etc.
  31. Q97009084 James R[upert] Baker (1925-?), American literary critic, specialist in William Golding
  32. Q96738773 James [Rupert] Baker (1941-), Australian poet
  33. Q100305224 James [Samuel] Baker, British linguist
  34. Q96915506 James Thomas Baker, historian and biographer; author of Thomas Merton: Social Critic, etc.
  35. Q97095734 James V[olant] Baker (1903-1977), professor of English; author of The Sacred River: Coleridge's Theory of the Imagination
  36. Q97100819 Jim [James Wallace] Baker (1924-1995), American author of history cartoons
  37. Q97009609 James W[inthrop] Baker (1944-), historian of Plymouth, Massachusetts; author of Thanksgiving: The Biography of an American Holiday, etc.
  38. Q97009736 James W. Baker (1926-2011), American journalist; author of Illusions Illustrated and other stage magic books
  39. Q96793324 James [W. E.] Baker, Canadian anthropologist and politician; author of "Ancient Peoples of the Okanagan," etc.

Music and the arts

  1. Q23978539 James Baker (fl. 1791-1804), British topographic illustrator; author of A Picturesque Guide Through Wales and the Marches, etc.
  2. Q21456471 James Baker, 19th-century British painter
  3. Q96780458 James Baker, illustrator of cookbooks such as Kettle Broth to Gooseberry Fool, Simple French Cuisine, etc.
  4. Q97704852 James Baker (1948-1993), American musician and songwriter; of the R&B group New Birth
  5. Q97366703 James Baker (1948- ), American blues guitarist; performed with Hezekiah and the Houserockers
  6. Q6129269 James Baker (1954- ), Australian rock musician; drummer with the Scientists, the Hoodoo Gurus, etc.
  7. Q6129263 James Baker (1957- ), American contemporary-classical percussionist and conductor
  8. Q98433879 James Baker, American piano tuner and jazz drummer
  9. Q28916440 James Baker, animator for Disney; worked on Treasure Planet, etc.
  10. Q97999850 James (Jim) Baker, British musician; co-founder of Source Direct
  11. Q97705146 James Baker, lead singer and songwriter of the industrial metal band Rorschach Test
  12. Q97610647 James Baker, resident of Carthage, Texas, who appeared in the movie Bernie playing a song he had written
  13. Q97587180 James Baker, photographer, MFA from California Institute of the Arts 1999
  14. Q100289668 James Baker, French alternative rap/pop musician
  15. Q106782882 James Baker, photographer who took photographs of V-2 rockets at Antwerp Habor in May 1945
  16. Q124212581 James Baker, ...
  17. Q100330120 Jim Baker, Western swing fiddler
  18. Q17352688 Jim Baker (1950- ), jazz and improvisational pianist
  19. Q97118122 Jim Baker, 1980s R&B keyboard/synth player; performed on Ruby Turner's album The Motown Song Book, etc.
  20. Q6193502 Jim Baker (1966- ), British actor; appeared in The Tripods, etc.
  21. Q93895878 Jimmie Baker (1920-2003), TV producer known for the Jazz Scene USA series
  22. Q12858641 Jimmy Baker (c. 1915-2010), Australian (Pitjantjatjara) painter
  23. Q60438918 James B[arnes] Baker (1862-1918), New York City architect
  24. Q99689167 James B[arnes] Baker (1933- ), American architect; great-nephew of the preceding
  25. Q97361708 James [B.] Baker (1937- ), Rhode Island painter
  26. Q23562775 Jim B. Baker (1941-2014), American actor, most known for his role in the sitcom Flo
  27. Q98424002 J[ames] Cody Baker, colorist
  28. Q96992046 J[ames] David Baker (1922-2016), Tupelo, MS arts figure and local historian
  29. Q96914121 James E[arl] Baker (1936- ), American conductor and music teacher; author of Samuel Winkley Cole: American Music Educator
  30. Q98613334 James F[ranklin] (Jim) Baker (1937- ), Oklahoma artist
  31. Q52629209 James H. Baker (1829-?), British engraver
  32. Q54576810 James "Iron Head" Baker, traditional singer from Texas
  33. Q100285902 James Lee Baker, American folk singer-songwriter
  34. Q100233317 James McFarlan Baker (1879-1942), American architect; author of American Churches
  35. Q96858520 James M. Baker (1951- ), American photographer; contributed to The Landscape as Resource, etc.
  36. Q99830980 James [Stuart] Baker (1964- ), animator and cartoonist
  37. Q97011287 J[ames] W[iley] Baker (1893-1956), country musician from Virginia, recorded in 1927
  38. Q96943742 James Zota Baker, American guitarist


  1. Q10465719 James Baker (1911-1974), English footballer
  2. Q97632314 James Baker, British coach and sports science researcher
  3. Q21284586 James Baker (1988- ), New Zealand cricketer
  4. Q100743912 James Baker, American college basketball player
  5. Q5564436 Jim Baker (1891-1966), English footballer
  6. Q18764156 Jim Baker (1958- ), Irish bowls player
  7. Q6199562 Jimmy Baker (1904-1979), Welsh association footballer
  8. Q6129268 James [Bray] Baker (1792-1839), English cricketer
  9. Q18632020 James Clark Baker (1866-1939), New Zealand cricketer
  10. Q1681376 Jamie [James Paul] Baker (1966- ), Canadian ice hockey player
  11. Q102242345 James E. Baker, horse trainer

Archives and genealogies

  1. Q76166248 James Baker (17th c.), of Buckland House, Taunton, Somerset; father of the following
  2. Q76333030 James Baker (d. 1747), English gentleman; son of the preceding
  3. Q98578646 James Baker (1765-1840), ancestor of the Baker family of Saratoga County, NY
  4. Q76249867 James Baker (1772-1831), of Southwell Grove House, Leytonstone, Essex; father of James Robert Baker 1800-1860
  5. Q76089665 James Carl Baker (1988-)
  6. Q98806973 James Carthew Baker (1877-1943), of Taunton, Somerset
  7. Q94616501 James F. Baker (1806-1850), of Chester, Ohio
  8. Q75436973 James Paul Baker (1963-)
  9. Q100157078 James Plummer Baker (1900-1976), of West Virginia; father of James N. Baker 1946-1995
  10. Q76178551 James Stephen Baker (1982-)
  11. Q76221494 James William John Baker, of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa; husband of Nichola Margaret Hutt (Q76221493)


  1. Q18671532 James Baker (fl. 1538-1547), English shipwright
  2. Q97771846 Rev. Dr. James Baker (1693-1768), vicar of Stamfordham
  3. Q98536289 James Baker (1713-1776) of Dorchester, MA; farmer and shoemaker; father of James Baker 1739-1825
  4. Q97703821 James Baker (died 1789), Australian settler executed for stealing
  5. Q99964728 James Baker (c. 1766-1840), Kentucky settler; owner of the James Baker House (Q55614861)
  6. Q98420254 James Baker (c. 1772-1855), English collector of books and manuscripts
  7. Q96798633 Rev. James Baker (1788-1854), English clergyman, rector of Nuneham Courtenay
  8. Q100069983 James Baker (b. abt. 1785), Kentucky settler and state legislator; nephew of Q99964728
  9. Q99984281 James Baker (b. 1796), Kentucky settler; son of Q99964728
  10. Q98550254 James Baker (fl. 1811-1837), American Methodist circuit rider
  11. Q96759796 James Baker (c. 1819-1871), schoolmaster, bookseller, and publisher; father of Q88218745
  12. Q98960386 James Baker (c. 1837-1888), Australian settler known for connection to Cullin la Ringo massacre (Q5193032)
  13. Q96777515 James Baker Jr. (1918- ), parapsychologist
  14. Q99836765 James Baker, web designer and game developer
  15. Q6193504 Jim Baker (1818-1898), American frontiersman
  16. Q97110310 Jim Baker, British science teacher
  17. Q97602617 Jim Baker, American television producer
  18. Q97585655 Jim Baker, Jython developer
  19. Q101414100 James A[ndrew] Baker, associate professor of English at University of the Incarnate Word
  20. Q98785328 James B[iscoe] Baker (1834-1902), American educator from Virginia
  21. Q6131197 James Chamberlain Baker (1879-1969), American bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church
  22. Q99949485 James C[hester] Baker (1885-1972), railroader, of Mackinac County, Michigan
  23. Q98392511 James C. Baker (fl. 1969-1971), student of folklore at the University of Oregon
  24. Q96936778 James C. Baker, American academic administrator
  25. Q96925513 James D. Baker (1907-2001), headmaster of Ruston Academy in Cuba
  26. Q96925518 James D. Baker, media and communications specialist
  27. Q123191589 James [Ebenezer] Baker (1859-1910), New Zealand land agent
  28. Q97057660 James H. Baker (fl. 1820-1821), Surveyor-General of Antigua
  29. Q55720871 James Hutchins Baker (1848-1925), American educator, president of the University of Colorado
  30. Q96994738 James H. Baker, Jesuit educator
  31. Q98569209 Jimmy H. Baker (1942- ), Alabama academic administrator, former State Finance Director
  32. Q97094282 James Jay Baker, gun advocate, National Rifle Association lobbyist
  33. Q96939092 James L[awrence] G[eorge] Baker (1799-1873), Florida slaveholder, secession convention delegate
  34. Q97063657 James M. Baker, American librarian
  35. Q97584448 James M[arion] Baker (1932- ), American genealogist and sociologist
  36. Q100320706 Jim M[arshall] Baker (1927-1999), professor of Spanish at Lubbock Christian College
  37. Q98749060 James M[illard] Baker (1866-1952), American Baptist missionary working in Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India
  38. Q97064921 Jim [James P.] Baker (1948- ), American academic administrator; host of OzarksWatch Video Magazine
  39. Q98382893 James R[obinson] Baker (1861-1922), Presbyterian minister in Pennsylvania
  40. Q98549933 James W. Baker (1857-1935), American soldier and railroader

Alternate names

  1. Q103854 Aage Niels Bohr, pseud. James Baker, Danish physicist
  2. Q7599725 Stanley Kirkby, a.k.a James Baker, English singer
  3. Q911812 Brian Baker, a.k.a. James Brian Baker, punk guitarist
  4. Q5437668 Father Yod, born James Edward Baker, restauranteur and spiritual leader
  5. Q97622717 Keith Baker, a.k.a. James Edward Baker, journalist and thriller writer
  6. Q1228233 Elton Britt, born James Elton Baker, American country musician
  7. Q49481016 BlocBoy JB, a.k.a. James Lee Baker, American rapper
  8. Q12791937 James Mitchell Baker (surname "Mitchell Baker"), South African general and long-distance runner

See also
