Wikidata:Infobox mappings

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A collection of infobox mappings for use with harvest_template

The harvest_template script for pywikibot core offers one of the easiest ways to import claims from Wikipedia templates (like Infobox person).

Pairs of properties and parameters are required to work with this script, and since the names and contents of infobox parameters are relatively stable, it can be useful to share them with other users of Wikidata, so that the same properties and parameters don't have to be matched every time.

When dealing with items about people, the consensus is that a very high standard of proof is required for adding the properties religion or worldview (P140) and ethnic group (P172), which means it is not advisable to import them without individual scrutiny to make sure the claims are properly sourced.

Arts and culture

Script Language Template image (P18) author (P50) illustrator (P110) genre (P136) follows (P155) followed by (P156) award received (P166) part of the series (P179) OCLC control number (P243) language of work or name (P407) country of origin (P495) publication date (P577) translator (P655) cover art by (P736) main subject (P921) Dewey Decimal Classification (P1036)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox book' image P18 author P50 illustrator P110 genre P136 preceded_by P155 followed_by P156 awards P166 series P179 oclc P243 language P407 country P495 release_date P577 translator P655 cover_artist P736 subject P921
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Livre' image P18 auteur P50 précédent P155 suivant P156 série P179 langue P407 pays P495 dateparution P577
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) director (P57) follows (P155) followed by (P156) producer (P162) performer (P175) part of the series (P179) production company (P272) language of work or name (P407) publication date (P577) voice actor (P725) distributed by (P750)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox Hollywood cartoon' country P17 image P18 director P57 preceded_by P155 followed_by P156 producer P162 musician P175 series P179 studio P272 language P407 release_date P577 voice_actor P725 distributor P750
Script Language Template image (P18) genre (P136)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox animanga/Header' image P18 genre P136
Script Language Template director (P57) composer (P86) producer (P162) production company (P272) original broadcaster (P449) number of episodes (P1113)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox animanga/Video' director P57 music P86 producer P162 studio P272 network P449 episodes P1113
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) audio (P51) composer (P86) lyricist (P676)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox anthem' country P17 image P18 sound P51 composer P86 author P676
Script Language Template image (P18) director (P57) composer (P86) publisher (P123) genre (P136) producer (P162) developer (P178) part of the series (P179) designed by (P287) platform (P400) game mode (P404) software engine (P408) distribution format (P437) publication date (P577) distributed by (P750) CPU (P880) programmer (P943)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox video game' image P18 director P57 composer P86 publisher P123 genre P136 producer P162 developer P178 series P179 designer P287 platforms P400 modes P404 engine P408 media P437 released P577 distributor P750 cpu P880 programmer P943
Script Language Template image (P18) designed by (P287) applies to jurisdiction (P1001)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox flag' image P18 Designer P287
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Карточка флага' файл P18 дизайн P287 субъект P1001
Script Language Template image (P18)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox coat of arms' image P18
Script Language Template image (P18) author (P50) inception (P571)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox document' image P18 writer P50 date_created P571
Script Language Template image (P18) editor (P98) founded by (P112) publisher (P123) logo image (P154) ISSN (P236) OCLC control number (P243) language of work or name (P407) country of origin (P495) inception (P571) dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) official website (P856) main subject (P921)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox magazine' image_file P18 editor P98 founder P112 company P123 logo P154 issn P236 oclc P243 language P407 country P495 founded P571 finaldate P576 website P856 category P921
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de revista' imagen P18 editor P98 fundador P112 compañía P123 ISSN P236 OCLC P243 idioma P407 país P495 'año de fundación' P571 'sitio web' P856 categoría P921
Script Language Template image (P18) director (P57) screenwriter (P58) composer (P86) genre (P136) based on (P144) follows (P155) followed by (P156) producer (P162) production company (P272) director of photography (P344) IMDb ID (P345) language of work or name (P407) country of origin (P495) publication date (P577) distributed by (P750) official website (P856) film editor (P1040)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:af -template:'Inligtingskas rolprent' regisseur P57 geskryf_deur P58 musiek P86 voorafgegaan_deur P155 opgevolg_deur P156 produksieleier P162 ateljee P272 taal P407 land P495 vrygestel P577 verspreider P750 webtuiste P856 redigeerder P1040
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox film' image P18 director P57 writer P58 music P86 'based on' P144 producer P162 studio P272 cinematography P344 language P407 country P495 released P577 distributor P750 editing P1040
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Фильм' Изображение P18 Режиссёр P57 Сценарист P58 Композитор P86 Жанр P136 'Предыдущий фильм' P155 'Следующий фильм' P156 Продюсер P162 Компания P272 Страна P495 Год P577 Сайт P856
Script Language Template country (P17) instance of (P31) founded by (P112) owned by (P127) logo image (P154) headquarters location (P159) language of work or name (P407) inception (P571) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox television channel' country P17 network_type P31 founder P112 owner P127 logofile P154 headquarters P159 language P407 launch P571 web P856
Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) genre (P136) follows (P155) followed by (P156) producer (P162) performer (P175) record label (P264) publication date (P577)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox album' Cover P18 Type P31 Genre P136 'Last album' P155 'Next album' P156 Producer P162 Artist P175 Label P264 Released P577
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) architect (P84) signature (P109) founded by (P112) architectural style (P149) creator (P170) made from material (P186) Commons category (P373) official website (P856) location (P276)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Памятник' Страна P17 Изображение P18 Архитектор P84 'Подпись изображения' P109 Основатель P112 'Архитектурный стиль' P149 Скульптор P170 Материал P186 Commons P373 Сайт P856 Местоположение P276

Geography and place

Script Language Template image (P18) coat of arms image (P94) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) legislative body (P194) postal code (P281) local dialing code (P473) inception (P571) KOATUU ID (P1077)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:uk -template:'Село України' зображення P18 герб P94 район P131 рада P194 'поштовий індекс' P281 'телефонний код' P473 засновано P571 'код КОАТУУ' P1077
Script Language Template image (P18) flag image (P41) coat of arms image (P94) locator map image (P242) postal code (P281) patron saint (P417) local dialing code (P473) inception (P571) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de localidad de España' imagen P18 bandera P41 escudo P94 mapa P242 cp P281 patrón P417 prefijo P473 fundación P571 web P856
Script Language Template image (P18) capital (P36) flag image (P41) anthem (P85) coat of arms image (P94) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) locator map image (P242) Commons category (P373) inception (P571) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox Russian district' image_view P18 adm_ctr_name P36 image_flag P41 anthem P85 image_coa P94 federal_subject P131 image_map P242 commonscat P373 established_date P571 website P856
Script Language Template located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fa -template:'جعبه اطلاعات روستای ایران' دهستان P131
Script Language Template capital (P36) flag image (P41) anthem (P85) coat of arms image (P94) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) locator map image (P242) OKATO ID (P721) OKTMO ID (P764) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Административная единица России' Центр P36 Флаг P41 Гимн P85 Герб P94 'Район в карточке' P131 Карта P242 'Код ОКАТО' P721 'Код ОКТМО' P764 Сайт P856
Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) bathymetry image (P207)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox body of water' image P18 type P31 location P131 image_bathymetry P207
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Река' Страна P17 Изображение P18 Регион P131
Script Language Template image (P18) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) locator map image (P242) Commons category (P373)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Улица Москвы' фото P18 район P131 'на карте' P242 Commons P373
Script Language Template image (P18) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) inception (P571)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:pt -template:'Info/Bairro do Rio de Janeiro' imagem P18 região_administrativa P131 fundação P571
Script Language Template head of government (P6) flag image (P41) coat of arms image (P94) postal code (P281) Commons category (P373) licence plate code (P395) local dialing code (P473) inception (P571) OKATO ID (P721) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'НП-Россия' глава P6 флаг P41 герб P94 'почтовые индексы' P281 'категория в Commons' P373 'автомобильный код' P395 'телефонный код' P473 'дата основания' P571 'цифровой идентификатор' P721 сайт P856
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) instance of (P31) architect (P84) commissioned by (P88) owned by (P127) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) architectural style (P149) award received (P166) main building contractor (P193) occupant (P466) structural engineer (P631) official website (P856) P969 (P969)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox building' location_country P17 image P18 building_type P31 architect P84 client P88 owner P127 location P131 architectural_style P149 awards P166 main_contractor P193 current_tenants P466 structural_engineer P631 url P856 address P969
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:tr -template:'Yapı bilgi kutusu' resim P18 'yapı tipi' P31 mimar P84 sahibi P127 yer P131 'mimari stil' P149 ödüller P166 'yapı mühendisi' P631
Script Language Template postal code (P281) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:tr -template:'Türkiye köy bilgi kutusu' 'posta kodu' P281 website P856
Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) inception (P571)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:de -template:'Infobox Burg' Bild P18 'Typologie n. geo. Lage' P31 'Heutiger Ortsname' P131 Entstehungszeit P571
Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) architect (P84) founded by (P112) owned by (P127) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) operator (P137) member of (P463) chairperson (P488) inception (P571) dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) ISIL (P791) official website (P856) director / manager (P1037) visitors per year (P1174)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:de -template:'Infobox Museum' Bild P18 Art P31 Architekt P84 Ort P131 Betreiber P137 Eröffnung P571 ISIL P791 Website P856 Leitung P1037
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox museum' image P18 type P31 owner P127 location P131 network P463 president P488 established P571 dissolved P576 website P856 director P1037 visitors P1174
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Musée' image P18 type P31 ville P131 ouverture P571 fermeture P576 site P856 visiteurs P1174
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:it -template:Museo Immagine P18 Fondatori P112 Indirizzo P131 'Data di fondazione' P571 'Data di chiusura' P576 Sito P856 Direttore P1037 Visitatori P1174
Script Language Template image (P18) architect (P84) founded by (P112) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) religion or worldview (P140) architectural style (P149) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox religious building' image P18 architect P84 founded_by P112 location P131 religious_affiliation P140 architecture_style P149 website P856
Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) operator (P137) logo image (P154) inception (P571) ISIL (P791) official website (P856) director / manager (P1037)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:de -template:'Infobox Bibliothek' Bild P18 Bibliothekstyp P31 Ort P131 Betreiber P137 Gründung P571 ISIL P791 Website P856 Leitung P1037
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox library' image P18 type P31 location P131 library_logo P154 established P571 website P856 director P1037

Script Language Template image (P18) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) inception (P571)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox Paris street' area_map P18 creation P571
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Voie parisienne' photo P18 arrondissement P131 création P571
Script Language Template image (P18) architect (P84) owned by (P127) located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) operator (P137) logo image (P154) main building contractor (P193) Commons category (P373) occupant (P466) structural engineer (P631) official website (P856) maximum capacity (P1083)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:de -template:'Infobox Stadion' Bild P18 Architekt P84 Eigentümer P127 Ort P131 Betreiber P137 Stadionlogo P154 'Verein(e)' P466 Kapazität P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox stadium' image P18 architect P84 owner P127 location P131 operator P137 logo_image P154 general_contractor P193 tenants P466 'structural engineer' P631 website P856 capacity P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de recinto deportivo' foto P18 arquitecto P84 propietario P127 localización P131 operador P137 'contratista general' P193 'equipo local' P466 'ingeniero estructural' P631 web P856 capacidad P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Stade' image P18 architecte P84 propriétaire P127 adresse P131 administration P137 logo P154 'clubs résidents' P466 capacité P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:it -template:'Impianto sportivo' immagine P18 progetto P84 proprietario P127 locazione P131 usufruttuario P466 posti P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ja -template:'スタジアム情報ボックス' 画像 P18 所有者 P127 所在地 P131 運用者 P137 収容能力 P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:nl -template:'Infobox stadion' afbeelding P18 architect P84 eigenaar P127 plaats P131 beheerder P137 capaciteit P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:pl -template:'Stadion infobox' zdjęcie P18 właściciel P127 miejscowość P131 operator P137 klub P466 pojemność_stadionu P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:pt -template:'Predefinição:Info/Estádio' imagem P18 arquiteto P84 proprietário P127 local P131 administrador P137 logo_imagem P154 tenants P466 capacidade P1083
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:ru -template:'Стадион' изображение P18 архитектор P84 владелец P127 местоположение P131 логотип P154 Commons P373 команда P466 сайт P856
Script Language Template capital (P36) locator map image (P242) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:cs -template:'Infobox - okres' 'sídlo okresu' P36 mapa P242 web P856
Script Language Template country (P17) image (P18) instance of (P31) capital (P36) flag image (P41) anthem (P85) coat of arms image (P94) founded by (P112) seal image (P158) twinned administrative body (P190) locator map image (P242) postal code (P281) local dialing code (P473) inception (P571) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox settlement' subdivision_name P17 image_skyline P18 settlement_type P31 seat P36 image_flag P41 anthem P85 image_shield P94 founder P112 image_seal P158 twin1 P190 image_map P242 established_date P571 website P856


Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) spouse (P26) country of citizenship (P27) child (P40) educated at (P69) member of political party (P102) occupation (P106) employer (P108) signature (P109) religion or worldview (P140) follows (P155) followed by (P156) award received (P166) unmarried partner (P451) cause of death (P509) birth name (P1477) residence (P551) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) notable work (P800) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox person' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 spouse P26 citizenship P27 children P40 alma_mater P69 party P102 occupation P106 employer P108 signature P109 predecessor P155 successor P156 awards P166 partner P451 death_cause P509 residence P551 birth_date P569 death_date P570 notable_works P800 website P856
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de persona' imagen P18 'lugar de nacimiento' P19 'lugar de fallecimiento' P20 cónyuge P26 nacionalidad P27 hijos P40 'alma máter' P69 'partido político' P102 ocupación P106 empleador P108 firma P109 P140 predecesor P155 sucesor P156 premios P166 pareja P451 'causa muerte' P509 residencia P551 'fecha de nacimiento' P569 'fecha de fallecimiento' P570 obras P800 web P856
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Biographie' image P18 'lieu de naissance' P19 'lieu de décès' P20 conjoint P26 nationalité P27 descendants P40 profession P106 signature P109 hommage P166 'nom de naissance' P1477 'date de naissance' P569 'date de décès' P570
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:pt -template:'Info/Biografia' imagem P18 nascimento_local P19 morte_local P20 cônjuge P26 cidadania P27 filhos P40 ocupação P106 empregador P108 assinatura P109 prémios P166 causa_morte P509 nome_nativo P1477 residência P551 nascimento_data P569 morte_data P570 principais_trabalhos P800 website P856
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) spouse (P26) country of citizenship (P27) child (P40) educated at (P69) field of work (P101) occupation (P106) signature (P109) place of burial (P119) movement (P135) award received (P166) unmarried partner (P451) honorific prefix (P511) P513 (P513) residence (P551) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) influenced by (P737) pseudonym (P742) notable work (P800) official website (P856) honorific suffix (P1035)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox artist' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 spouse P26 nationality P27 alma_mater P69 field P101 resting_place P119 movement P135 awards P166 honorific_prefix P511 birth_name P513 birth_date P569 death_date P570 works P800 website P856 honorific_suffix P1035
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de artista' imagen P18 'lugar nacimiento' P19 'lugar fallecimiento' P20 spouse P26 nacionalidad P27 hijos P40 área P101 ocupación P106 firma P109 movimiento P135 premios P166 pareja P451 'nombre nacimiento' P513 residencia P551 'fecha nacimiento' P569 'fecha fallecimiento' P570 'influido por' P737 seudónimo P742 'obras_notables' P800 'página web' P856
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) country of citizenship (P27) educated at (P69) field of work (P101) signature (P109) award received (P166) doctoral advisor (P184) doctoral student (P185) residence (P551) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) notable work (P800)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Scientifique' image P18 'lieu de naissance' P19 'lieu de décès' P20 nationalité P27 diplôme P69 champs P101 signature P109 prix P166 'directeur thèse' P184 'étudiants thèse' P185 domicile P551 'date de naissance' P569 'date de décès' P570 'renommé pour' P800
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) spouse (P26) country of citizenship (P27) educated at (P69) field of work (P101) signature (P109) place of burial (P119) award received (P166) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) influenced by (P737) P738 (P738)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox economist' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 spouse P26 nationality P27 alma_mater P69 field P101 signature P109 resting_place P119 awards P166 birth_date P569 death_date P570 influences P737 influenced P738
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) spouse (P26) country of citizenship (P27) member of sports team (P54) educated at (P69) occupation (P106) cause of death (P509) P513 (P513) residence (P551) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) student (P802) official website (P856) relative (P1038) student of (P1066)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox martial artist' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 spouse P26 team P54 university P69 occupation P106 death_cause P509 birth_name P513 residence P551 birth_date P569 death_date P570 students P802 website P856 relatives P1038 teacher P1066
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:pt -template:'Info/Artista marcial' imagem P18 nascimento_local P19 morte_local P20 cônjuge P26 equipe P54 ocupação P106 'causa do falecimento' P509 'nome de nascimento' P513 residência P551 nascimento_data P569 morte_data P570 alunos P802 website P856 parentes P1038 treinador P1066
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) father (P22) mother (P25) child (P40) family (P53) occupation (P106) signature (P109) place of burial (P119) religion or worldview (P140) follows (P155) followed by (P156) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox royalty' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 father P22 mother P25 Issue P40 house P53 occupation P106 signature P109 burial_place P119 religion P140 predecessor P155 successor P156 birth_date P569 death_date P570
Script Language Template image (P18) place of birth (P19) place of death (P20) spouse (P26) child (P40) occupation (P106) signature (P109) genre (P136) logo image (P154) record label (P264) unmarried partner (P451) P513 (P513) date of birth (P569) date of death (P570) location of formation (P740) official website (P856)
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:af -template:'Inligtingskas Musikale kunstenaar' Foto P18 Geboorteplek P19 Sterfteplek P20 Beroep P106 Genre P136 Logo P154 Geboortenaam P513 Geboortedatum P569 Sterftedatum P570 Oorsprong P740 Webwerf P856
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:en -template:'Infobox musical artist' image P18 birth_place P19 death_place P20 occupation P106 genre P136 label P264 birth_name P513 birth_date P569 death_date P570 website P856
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:es -template:'Ficha de artista musical' imagen P18 cónyuge P26 hijos P40 ocupación P106 firma P109 estilo P136 logo P154 discográfica P264 pareja P451 'nombre real' P513 nacimiento P569 muerte P570 origen P740 url P856
python harvest_template -namespace:0 -family:wikipedia -lang:fr -template:'Infobox Musique (artiste)' image P18 'lieu de naissance' P19 'lieu de décès' P20 profession P106 genre P136 logo P154 label P264 'nom de naissance' P513 'date de naissance' P569 'date de décès' P570 'site web' P856
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History and events

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Science and nature

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Society and social science

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Script Language Template image (P18) manufacturer (P176) designed by (P287) country of origin (P495) conflict (P607) service entry (P729)
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Script Language Template image (P18)
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Script Language Template image (P18)
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Technology and applied science

Script Language Template image (P18) instance of (P31) logo image (P154) follows (P155) followed by (P156) manufacturer (P176) developer (P178) operating system (P306) publication date (P577) official website (P856) CPU (P880)
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See also
