Wikidata:Edit groups/OR/6a3d9b5a61

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Edit group OR/6a3d9b5a61

Summary Adding Founding Fathers Author Rorschach
Number of edits 1 (more statistics) Example edit Q186539



@Rorschach: I ran across some people listed as "part of" the Founding Fathers of the United States (Q186539) that seem questionable - for example: "LL Cool J". I ran a query and there are 22 people on this list that have birth dates > 1800 - which would seem suspect given that the American Revolution was between 1775 and 1783... After reviewing the corresponding Wikipedia entry, it seems like this list should maybe be pared down to the 7 people on the 1973 Richard Morris list: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington... most of the other people listed as part of the founding fathers seem like they correspond to the list of "Signatories to founding documents" from the Wikipedia entry - and they look like they are already represented as "signatories" on those documents in Wikidata... I'm new to Wikidata - so I'm looking for some guidance on how to best go about improving this data.