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  • Financial Secretary (Q637960)
    • Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit (Q5333352)
    • Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Q1595286)
  • Civil Service Bureau (Q2303058)
  • Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (Q2302816)
    • Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing (Q11702823)
    • Registration and Electoral Office (Q2968414)
    • Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (generic]]) (Q2303340)
    • Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (Q2353829)
    • Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Q2354315)
    • Equal Opportunities Commission (Q1547492)
    • Hong Kong-Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council (Q11702883)
  • Education Bureau (Q2301502)
  • Environment Bureau (Q2301432)
    • Environmental Protection Department (Q841892)
  • Food and Health Bureau (Q2303511)
    • Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (Q841909)
    • Department of Health (Q2303626)
    • Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (Q2355063)
    • Government Laboratory (Q2969097)
  • Home Affairs Bureau (Q2303759)
    • Home Affairs Department (Q2303929)
    • Information Services Department (Q843943)
    • Legal Aid Department (Q2968510)
    • Leisure and Cultural Services Department (Q2353346)
      • Antiquities and Monuments Office (Q2968771)
  • Labour and Welfare Bureau (Q2353447)
  • Security Bureau (Q138515)
  • Transport and Housing Bureau (Q2304061)
  • Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (Q2358129)
    • Hong Kong Observatory (Q1537282)
    • Innovation and Technology Commission (Q7255914)
    • Intellectual Property Department (Q11703015)
    • Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) (Q3153912)
    • Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (Q11078966)
    • Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA]]) (Q7079424)
    • Hongkong Post (Q196631)
    • Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK]]) (Q1153480)
    • Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA]]) (Q2353829)
    • Trade and Industry Department (Q7239420)
    • Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (Overseas) (HKETOs]]) (Q2303340)
  • Development Bureau (Q2375825)
  • Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (Q2375383)