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Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by Legoktm  and Hazard-SJ.
  • Block this bot if it is malfunctioning.
  • Check its work.
  • Contact the operator about mistakes.
  • See all Requests for Permissions related to this bot: 1
  • License:


  • It's entirely possible the bot might make errors, even though it tries it's best not to.
  • The bot runs in alphabetical order, so once it makes a mistake on one article, it shouldn't repeat it.
    • That said, it might go over an item multiple times due to it being in multiple languages
  • If the bot makes an error, 1) Fix it. 2) Report it at user talk:WYImporterBot. Please include a diff to the bot's edit, and what the bot should have done. We'll try and fix these as soon as possible. Thanks!