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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.}
label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of bathing, cleaning, or washing with water Pathological fear and cerebral dysrhythmia
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
lingvafobi linguistic insecurity and phobia linguistic insecurity
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 225 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia humorous term for the fear of long words
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pornophobia phobia
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 224 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs and canines animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia anxiety Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
National Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step
apopathodiaphulatophobie phobia and eating disorder

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophilia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
driving phobia amaxophobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
amaxophobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings theophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 223 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love Philophobia philophobia
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment cynophilia 579 Cynophobia cynophobia
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
Tetraphobia tetraphobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
6589 Dentophobia
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting Emetophobia emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269 Claustrophobia claustrophobia
hoplophobia aversion to weapons Hoplophobia hoplophobia
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261 acrophobia acrophobia
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607 ailurophobia
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
Anti-Russian sentiment dislike or fear of Russia, its people or its culture or language xenophobia
Russophilia Russophobia russophobia
autophobia specific phobia of isolation autophobia autophobia
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder anthropophobia anthropophobia
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia ophidiophobia ophidiophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia telephobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia ornithophobia ornithophobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
1138 aquaphobia aquaphobia
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia necrophobia necrophobia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia hemophobia
Main/AfraidOfBlood hemophobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
tokophobia Tokophobia
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
classical conditioning
gymnophobia gymnophobia
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia technophobia Main/Technophobia technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
anticatholicism anticatholicism
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia coprophobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder hypnophobia hypnophobia
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
of Flying Fear of Flying
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
Nyx of the dark fear of the dark
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia paruresis paruresis
demophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
agoraphobia demophilia demophobia
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
erythrophobia erythrophobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Brontophobia
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark Nyctophobia Nyctophobia nyctophobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia catoptrophobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia Myrmecophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia of driving fear of driving
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation psychological construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
mentophobia resistance to the idea that non-human animals have consciousness
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia
electrophobia fear of electricity
bathmophobia fear of stairs fear step

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia fear of flying specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes KYM Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel 18502 thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P6760:KYM, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 222 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection specific social phobia
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
fear of negative evaluation specific phobia and construct
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 221 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia
technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19
christougenniatikophobia phobia

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia ophidiophilia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia arachnophagy 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
Pseudodysphagia fear of swallowing or choking phagophobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
fear of pregnancy mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
fear of success Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia Fear or aversion of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
potamophobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
metallophobia fear of metal
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
Mentophobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 220 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID TV Tropes Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
Main/ThirteenIsUnlucky triskaidekaphobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
Main/AfraidOfNeedles trypanophobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia 6567 Main/SpidersAreScary Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia Main/AfraidOfBlood
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
Psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia Main/Technophobia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
6544 Main/FearOfThunder
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia fear of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
mindphobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 218 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P6839:TV Tropes, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532 i3269
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263 i2261
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia 6567 Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
Psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
psychology:Gynophobia i1161
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 i1163
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892 i3437
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia fear of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
mindphobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia
commitmentphobia fear of commitment i2727

∑ 218 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}

label description subclass of image different from opposite of named after Fandom AniDb ACDB VNDB AO3 Personality Database ID Subreddit
triskaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 phobia
philophobia fear of being in love and falling in love
cynophobia fear of dogs animal phobia
anti-Chinese sentiment Cynophilia 579
tetraphobia avoidance of instances of the number 4, due to homophony of the hanzi 四 (4) and 死 (death) in many East Asian languages phobia
dental fear fear fear of medical procedures
surdophobia phobia and phobia phobia
fear of needles phobia of medical procedures involving injections or needles blood-injection-injury type phobia
emetophobia Phobia of vomiting emetophobia
claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces
claustrophilia 532
hoplophobia aversion to weapons
acrophobia phobia specific to heights fear of falling
vertigo 高所平気症 1263
arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids animal phobia
Arachnophobia 6567 Arachnophobia
AIDS phobia specific anxiety disorder: excessively strong fear of being infected with HIV or AIDS to be sick nosophobia
ailurophobia fear of cats animal phobia
ailurophilia phobia:ailurophobia 607
hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia aversion to the number 666 or "number of the beast" numerophobia
cabin fever irritability and restlessness upon isolated confinement for a long period of time
autophobia specific phobia of isolation
anthropophobia social anxiety disorder and phobia social anxiety disorder
ophidiophobia Irrational fear of snakes herpetophobia
telephone phobia fear of making or taking phone calls specific social phobia Telephobia
ornithophobia irrational fear of birds animal phobia
aquaphobia persistent and abnormal fear of water
necrophobia irrational fear of dead things as well as things associated with death death anxiety necrophilia
blood phobia irrational fear of blood blood-injection-injury type phobia
tokophobia significant fear of childbirth phobia
Psychiatric disorders of childbirth
fear of pregnancy
gymnophobia phobia for naked bodies mental disorder
technophobia fear, discomfort, or aversion to advanced technology, especially computers mechanophobia technophilia
anti-Catholicism dislike or fear of Catholicism, hostility or prejudice towards Catholics Christianophobia
nomophobia fear of being out of cellular phone contact Internet addiction disorder
problematic smartphone use
coprophobia fear of or aversion to feces or defecation specific phobia
hypnophobia fear of sleep sleep disorder
flying phobia human disease specific phobia
particular disease
amaxophobia fear of riding in a vehicle phobia
fear of the dark common fear or phobia among children and, to a varying degree, adults
school refusal anxiety or fear of school causing physical symptoms such as nausea and headaches anxiety disorder
paruresis Shy bladder syndrome specific social phobia
ochlophobia morbid fear of crowds or overcrowding
erythrophobia fear of blushing or the color red specific social phobia
halitophobia phobia olfactory reference syndrome
mysophobia pathological fear of contamination and germs rupophobia
stage fright phobia Trema
ablutophobia pathological fear of washing or bathing
gelotophobia type of social phobia consisting in the fear of being laughed at geliophobia
gynophobia abnormal fear of women specific social phobia misogyny androphobia
phobophobia fear of phobias or having one
amychophobia excessive fear of scratches or being scratched
neophobia fear or dislike of new things misoneism
fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
osmophobia fear of odors
coulrophobia fear of clowns
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
aibohphobia phobia
algophobia fear of pain
astraphobia abnormal fear of thunder and lightning
androphobia abnormal fear of men specific social phobia misandry gynophobia
psychology:Androphobia 1887 2161
digiphobia phobia
ephebiphobia fear of youth ageism
haphephobia rare specific phobia that involves the fear of touching or of being touched 1892
pedophobia Fear of children ageism pedophilia
entomophobia fear for insects animal phobia Coelogyne entomophobia
anthophobia fear of flowers
fear of bees phobia of bees entomophobia
aichmophobia fear of sharp objects blood-injection-injury type phobia
genophobia fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse psychosexual disorder
sexual aversion
herpetophobia fear or aversion to reptiles animal phobia
gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly ageism
phonophobia fear of or aversion to loud sounds hyperacusis
gamophobia fear of getting married or being in a relationship specific social phobia
agraphobia phobia
glossophobia fear of public speaking or of speaking in general specific social phobia
ansia da pubblico
erotophobia phobia sexual aversion erotophilia
ergophobia abnormal and persistent fear of work or fear of finding employment work aversion
acarophobia fear of mites entomophobia
anginophobia fear of choking
gephyrophobia specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges driving phobia
nosophobia specific phobia that involves an irrational fear of contracting a disease specific phobia
particular disease
hylophobia phobia
nyctophobia fear of the dark
machairophobie blood-injection-injury type phobia and specific phobia blood-injection-injury type phobia
fear of fish fear of traditional and non traditional fishes animal phobia
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words
nosocomephobia excessive fear of hospitals specific phobia
fear of medical procedures
pediophobia Automatonophobia and phobia automatonophobia
fear of mice Phobia animal phobia
cibophobia fear of food
scopophobia fear of being seen or stared at by others specific social phobia
panphobia vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil panphobia
heliophobia morbid fear of sunlight or excessive sensitivity of the eyes to sunlight photophobia
health effects of sun exposure
death anxiety anxiety caused by thoughts of death attitude to death
anxiety disorder
necrophobia thanatophobia
iatrophobia phobia
acerophobia fear of sourness
aeroacrophobia acrophobia and phobia acrophobia
lipophobia phobia
spectrophobia specific phobia involving a morbid fear of mirrors specific phobia
thalassophobia fear of the sea or of sea travel thalassophobia
heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 numerophobia
phagophobia fear of swallowing
rupophobia fear of dirt or filth
galeophobia fear of sharks fear of fish
fear of trains anxiety and fear associated with trains, railways and railway travel
staurophobia phobia
teratophobia fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster teratophilia
fear of crossing streets phobia that affects a person's ability to cross a street or roadway
hydrosophobia phobia
fear of pregnancy Mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium and phobia mental disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium
climacophobia fear of stairs climacophilia
myrmecophobia fear of ants entomophobia
fear of frogs phobia known as frog phobia or ranidaphobia animal phobia
vermiphobia fear of worms animal phobia
agrizoophobia fear of wild animals animal phobia
Anti-Mexican sentiment sentiment against people of Mexican descent, Mexican culture, and accents of Mexican or Chicano English
atelophobia fear of not being good enough or imperfection perfectionism
automatonophobia fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, wax figures, statues, dummies, animatronics, or robots.
cephalgiaphobia fear of headaches nosophobia
chronophobia fear of being trapped in a future of boredom
cyberphobia fear of computers technophobia
Attitude to Computers
decidophobia fear of decision making
driving phobia fear of driving a vehicle phobia
equinophobia psychological fear of horses animal phobia
chiroptophobia fear of bats animal phobia
fear of falling natural fear typical of most humans and mammals head for heights
fear of medical procedures any experience that involves medical personnel or procedures involved in the process of evaluating or modifying health status in traditional health care settings
foreign language anxiety feeling of unease and insecurity experienced in learning or using a foreign language linguistic insecurity schizoglossia
frigophobia fear of becoming too cold
genuphobia fear of one's own knees or someone else's knees or the act of kneeling body dysmorphic disorder
specific phobia
gerascophobia abnormal, incessant fear and repulsion of growing older due to loss of health and ability
caligynephobia fear of beautiful women gynophobia
aporophobia fear or hostility towards poor people
bogyphobia phobia
chrysophobia fear of the color gold chromophobia
geliophobia fear of laughter specific social phobia
scolionophobia fear of school
mycophobia phobia
fear of success phobia and complex, named after Jonah Jonah
injury phobia abnormal, pathological fear of having an injury blood-injection-injury type phobia
sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities and, in a larger sense, the fear of sexuality
hypengyophobia phobia
medication phobia fear of the use of pharmacological treatments
social stigma of obesity weight prejudice body shaming
social stigma
fat acceptance movement
oikophobia aversion to home surroundings
pyrophobia fear of fire pyrophilia
stygiophobia fear of hell
workplace phobia anxiety disorder and specific phobia associated with workspace work aversion
chromophobia fear of colors phobia
ligyrophobia phobia phonophobia
ancraophobia extreme fear of wind or drafts
oneirophobia fear of dreams
opioidophobia reluctance to the use of opioid analgesics
ecclesiophobia fear of religious buildings hierophobia
aerophobia fear of air flying phobia
hadephobia fear of hell
acribophobia specific phobia
Ipovlopsychophobia specific phobia and phobia specific phobia
mindphobia fear of attributing animals with a mind
pogonophobia fear of beards
stasophobia fear of standing
dextrophobia specific phobia
pselaphobia fear of touching certain object
barophobia fear of gravity
spheksophobia fear of wasps entomophobia
eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection specific phobia
balloon phobia fear of balloons globophobia
chionophobia fear of snow
papyrophobia fear of paper
bibliophobia fear or hatred of books bibliophilia
aversion to happiness People wanting to deliberately avoid positive emotions and / or happiness
coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
demonophobia fear of demons
toxiphobia fear of poisons and being poisoned
lilapsophobia abnormal fear of tornadoes or hurricanes astraphobia
harpaxophobia phobia
mechanophobia fear of machines specific phobia
abyssophobia phobia
ansia da pubblico stage fright and phobia stage fright
logophobia fear of certain words
hedonophobia fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure specific phobia
iconophobia aversion to images, especially religious icons
eurotophobia aversion to or dislike of female genitalia sexual aversion erythrophobia
Iophobia phobia
centrophobia phobia
potamophobia aquaphobia and phobia aquaphobia
e-commerce fear fear of online shopping digital phobic
urophobia specific phobia
arachibutyrofobie phobia
papaphobia fear of pope Papafilia
ostraconophobia fear of shellfish animal phobia
mageirocophobia fear of cooking
robophobia phobia
metallophobia fear of metal
xylophobia phobia
Nephophobia fear of clouds
lachanophobia fear of vegetables avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
anuptophobia phobia
vegaphobia aversion to vegetarian and vegan people
hodophobia fear of travel travel aversion
endophobie phobia
seismophobia phobia
whorephobia fear of and discrimination against sex workers
peniaphobia fear of being poor
cacophobia fear of ugliness
handiphobie phobia
gayphobia fear, dislike, or hatred of gay men or male homosexuality homophobia
transmisandry the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against transgender men discrimination transmisogyny
fear of hunger phobia
xanthophobia fear of, or aversion to, the color yellow chromophobia
Koumpounophobia phobia of buttons on clothing
tatarophobia phobia, non-medical phobia, racism, discrimination, and bias
capnophobia fear of smoking or cigaret smoke
athazagoraphobia fear of forgetting someone or something, as well as a fear of being forgotten or ignored
submechanophobia fear of submerged man-made objects submechanophobia
dystychiphobia fear of accidents 7118
Masklophobia fear of masks, costumes and mascots
ambulophobia fear of walking or standing
euskarafobia linguistic discrimination, phobia, sentiment, ideology, and Basque linguistic discrimination
dipsophobia fear of alcohol
Enneaphobia fear of the number 9 phobia
Queerfeindlichkeit Aversion and phobia

∑ 217 items. |sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P279*) wd:Q175854.} |columns=label, description, P279, P18, P1889, P461, P138, P6262:Fandom, P8785:AniDb, P10847:ACDB, P3180:VNDB, P8419:AO3, P10757:Personality Database ID, P3984:Subreddit |sort=577 |autolist=fallback |summary=itemnumber }}