User:Succu/Magnoliophyta sec. Reveal, 1997

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Source: Reveal System of Classification (Q14916673)

  • Division / Magnoliophyta / Cronquist, Takht. & Zimmerm. ex Reveal (1996) /
    • Class / Magnoliopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      • Subclass / Magnoliidae / Novák ex Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Magnolianae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Winterales / A.C.Sm. ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Winteraceae / R.Br. ex Lindl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Takhtajaniaceae / (J.-F. Leroy) J.-F. Leroy (1980) /
          • Order / Canellales / Cronquist (1957) /
            • Family / Canellaceae / Mart. (1832) / nom. cons.
              Family / Winteranaceae / Warb. (1895) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Illiciales / Hu ex Cronquist (1981) /
            • Family / Illiciaceae / (DC.) A.C. Sm. (1947) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Schisandraceae / Blume (1830) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Magnoliales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Degeneriaceae / I.W. Bailey & A.C. Sm. (1942) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Himantandraceae / Diels (1917) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Magnoliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Liriodendraceae / F.A. Barkley (1975) /
          • Order / Eupomatiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Eupomatiaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Annonales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Annonaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hornschuchiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Monodoraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
          • Order / Myristicales / Thomé (1877) /
            • Family / Myristicaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Austrobaileyales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Austrobaileyaceae / (Croizat) Croizat (1943) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Lauranae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Laurales / Perleb (1826) /
            Order / Gyrocarpales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Monimiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Amborellaceae / Pichon (1948) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Trimeniaceae / (Janet R. Perkins & Gilg) Gibbs (1917) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Monimiaceae / Juss. (1809) / nom. cons.
              Family / Atherospermataceae / R. Br. (1814) /
              Family / Hortoniaceae / (Janet R. Perkins & Gilg) A.C. Sm. (1971) /
              Family / Siparunaceae / (A. DC.) Schodde (1970) /
            • Family / Gomortegaceae / Reiche (1896) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Hernandiaceae / Blume (1826) / nom. cons.
              Family / Gyrocarpaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Illigeraceae / Blume (1833) /
            • Family / Lauraceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cassythaceae / Bartl. ex Lindl. (1833) / nom. cons.
              Family / Perseaceae / Horan. (1834) /
          • Order / Calycanthales / Mart. (1835) /
            • Family / Calycanthaceae / Lindl. (1819) / nom. cons.
              Family / Buttneriaceae / Barnh. (1895) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Chimonanthaceae / Perleb (1838) /
            • Family / Idiospermaceae / S.T. Blake (1972) /
          • Order / Chloranthales / A.C. Sm. ex J.-F. Leroy (1983) /
            • Family / Chloranthaceae / R. Br. ex Lindl. (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hedyosmaceae / Caruel (1881) /
    • Class / Piperopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Aristolochiopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Asaropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Hydropeltidopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Nelumbonopsida / Endl. (1839) /
      Class / Nymphaeopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      • Subclass / Piperidae / Reveal (1994) /
        • Superorder / Piperanae / Reveal (1994) /
          • Order / Piperales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Saururaceae / Rich. ex E. Meyer (1827) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Piperaceae / C. Agardh (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Peperomiaceae / A.C. Sm. (1981) /
        • Superorder / Lactoridanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Lactoridales / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Lactoridaceae / Engl. (1888) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Aristolochiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Asarales / Horan. (1847) /
            • Family / Aristolochiaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Asaraceae / Vent. (1799) /
        • Superorder / Rafflesianae / Thorne ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Hydnorales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Hydnoraceae / C. Agardh (1821) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Rafflesiales / Oliv. (1895) /
            Order / Cytinales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Apodanthaceae / (R. Br.) Tiegh. ex Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Mitrastemonaceae / Makino (1911) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Rafflesiaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Cytinaceae / (Brongn.) A. Rich. (1824) /
        • Superorder / Balanophoranae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Cynomoriales / Burnett (1835) /
            • Family / Cynomoriaceae / (Schott & Endl.) Lindl. (1833) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Balanophorales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Mystropetalaceae / Hook.f. (1853) /
            • Family / Dactylanthaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Lophophytaceae / (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) /
            • Family / Sarcophytaceae / A. Kern. (1891) /
            • Family / Scybaliaceae / A. Kern. (1891) /
            • Family / Heloseaceae / (Schott & Endl.) Bromhead (1840) /
            • Family / Langsdorffiaceae / Tiegh. ex Pilger (1914) /
            • Family / Balanophoraceae / Rich. (1822) /
      • Subclass / Nymphaeidae / J.W. Walker ex Takht. (1997) /
        • Superorder / Nymphaeanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Nymphaeales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Euryalales / H.L. Li (1955) /
            • Family / Nymphaeaceae / Salisb. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Euryalaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Nupharaceae / A. Kern. (1891) /
            • Family / Barclayaceae / (Endl.) H.L. Li (1955) /
      • Subclass / Nelumbonidae / Takht. (1997) /
        • Superorder / Nelumbonanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Nelumbonales / Nakai ex Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Nelumbonaceae / (DC.) Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Hydropeltidales / Spenn. (1834) /
            • Family / Hydropeltidaceae / (DC.) Dumort. (1822) /
            • Family / Cabombaceae / A. Rich. (1828) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Ceratophyllanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Ceratophyllales / Bisch. (1839) /
            • Family / Ceratophyllaceae / Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
    • Class / Liliopsida / Scop. (1760) /
      Class / Aropsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Bromeliopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Hydrocharitopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Juncopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Liriopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Najadiopsida / Hoffmanns. & Link (1809) /
      Class / Orchidopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Pandanopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Phoenicopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      • Subclass / Alismatidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Butomanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Butomales / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Butomaceae / Rich. (1815) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Alismatanae / Takht. (1967) /
          Superorder / Najadanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Alismatales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Limnocharitaceae / Takht. ex Cronquist (1981) /
            • Family / Alismataceae / Vent. (1799) / nom. cons.
              Family / Damasoniaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Elismataceae / Nakai (1943) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Hydrocharitales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Elodeales / Nakai (1950) /
            Order / Vallisneriales / Nakai (1949) /
            • Family / Hydrocharitaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Blyxaceae / (Aschers. & Gürcke) Nakai (1949) /
              Family / Elodeaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Enhalaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Halophilaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Stratiotaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Thalassiaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Vallisneriaceae / Link (1829) /
          • Order / Aponogetonales / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Aponogetonaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
          • Order / Najadales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Najadaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Juncaginales / Hutch. (1934) /
            Order / Scheuchzeriales / B. Boivin (1956) /
            • Family / Scheuchzeriaceae / Rudolphi (1830) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Juncaginaceae / Rich. (1808) /
              Family / Heterostylaceae / Hutch. (1934) /
              Family / Lilaeaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Maundiaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Triglochinaceae / Chev. (1827) /
          • Order / Potamogetonales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Cymodoceales / Nakai (1943) /
            Order / Posidoniales / Nakai (1943) /
            Order / Ruppiales / Nakai (1950) /
            Order / Zosterales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Potamogetonaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hydrogetonaceae / Link (1829) /
            • Family / Ruppiaceae / Horan. ex Hutch. (1934) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Zannichelliaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Zosteraceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Posidoniaceae / Hutch. (1934) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cauliniaceae / J. Presl (1846) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Cymodoceaceae / N. Taylor (1909) / nom. cons.
      • Subclass / Triurididae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
        • Superorder / Triuridanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Triuridales / Hook.f. (1876) /
            • Family / Triuridaceae / Gardner (1843) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lacandoniaceae / E. Martínes & Ramos (1989) /
      • Subclass / Aridae / Takht. (1997) /
        • Superorder / Acoranae / Reveal (1997) /
          • Order / Acorales / Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Acoraceae / Martinov (1820) /
        • Superorder / Aranae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Arales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Araceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Arisaraceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Caladiaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Callaceae / Rchb. ex Bartl. (1830) /
              Family / Cryptocorynaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Dracontiaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Lemnaceae / Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lentiscaceae / Horan. (1843) /
              Family / Orontiaceae / Bartl. (1830) /
              Family / Pistiaceae / Rich. ex C. Agardh (1822) /
              Family / Pothoaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Wolffiaceae / Bubani (1901-1902) /
        • Superorder / Cyclanthanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Cyclanthales / Nakai (1930) /
            • Family / Cyclanthaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Pandananae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Pandanales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Pandanaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Freycinetiaceae / Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne. (1868) /
      • Subclass / Liliidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Lilianae / Takht. (1967) /
          Superorder / Dioscoreanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Tofieldiales / Reveal & Zomlefer (1997) /
            • Family / Tofieldiaceae / Takht. (1994) /
          • Order / Dioscoreales / Hook.f. (1876) /
            Order / Stemonales / Takht. (1995) /
            Order / Taccales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Tamales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Trichopodaceae / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Stenomeridaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Avetraceae / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Dioscoreaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Tamaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Tamnaceae / J. Kickx f. (1826) /
            • Family / Stemonaceae / Engl. (1887) / nom. cons.
              Family / Roxburghiaceae / Wall. (1832) /
            • Family / Croomiaceae / Nakai (1937) /
            • Family / Pentastemonaceae / Duyfjes (1992) /
            • Family / Taccaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Smilacales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Rhipogonaceae / Conran & Cliffford (1985) /
            • Family / Smilacaceae / Vent. (1799) /
            • Family / Petermanniaceae / Hutch. (1934) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Nartheciales / Reveal & Zompher (1997) /
            • Family / Nartheciaceae / Fr. ex Bjurzon (1846) /
              Family / Abaminaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Lophiolaceae / Nakai (1943) /
          • Order / Petrosaviales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Petrosaviaceae / Hutch. (1934) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Melanthiales / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
            Order / Veratrales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Chionographidaceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Heloniadaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Xerophyllaceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Melanthiaceae / Batsch (1802) / nom. cons.
              Family / Veratraceae / Salisb. (1807) /
            • Family / Japonoliriaceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Campynemataceae / Dumort. (1829) /
          • Order / Trilliales / Takht. (1997) /
            Order / Paridales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Trilliaceae / Lindl. (1846) / nom. cons.
              Family / Paridaceae / Dumort. (1827) /
          • Order / Alstroemeriales / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Alstroemeriaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Colchicales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Burchardiaceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Colchicaceae / DC. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bulbocodiaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Merenderaceae / Mirb. (1804) /
            • Family / Tricyrtidaceae / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Uvulariaceae / A. Gray ex Kunth (1843) / nom. cons.
              Family / Compsoaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Scoliopaceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Calochortaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
          • Order / Liliales / Perleb (1826) /
            • Family / Liliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Erythroniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Fritillariaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Liriaceae / Batsch (1786) /
              Family / Tulipaceae / Batsch (1786) /
            • Family / Medeolaceae / (S. Wats.) Takht. (1987) /
          • Order / Hypoxidales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            • Family / Hypoxidaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Orchidales / Raf. (1815) /
            • Family / Orchidaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Apostasiaceae / Lindl. (1833) /
              Family / Cypripediaceae / Lindl. (1833) /
              Family / Limodoraceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Neottiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Neuwiediaceae / (Burns-Bal. & V.A. Funk) R. Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) /
              Family / Vanillaceae / Lindl. (1835) /
          • Order / Tecophilaeales / Traub ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Lanariaceae / H. Huber ex R. Dahlgren & A.E. van Wyk (1988) /
            • Family / Ixioliriaceae / (Pax) Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Walleriaceae / (R. Dahlgren) Takht. (1994) /
            • Family / Tecophilaeaceae / Leyb. (1862) / nom. cons.
              Family / Androsynaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Conantheraceae / (D. Don) Hook.f. (1873) /
              Family / Cyanellaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
            • Family / Cyanastraceae / Engl. (1900) /
            • Family / Eriospermaceae / Endl. (1841) /
          • Order / Iridales / Raf. (1815) /
            Order / Ixiales / Lindl. (1835) /
            • Family / Iridaceae / Juss. (1789) /
              Family / Crocaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Galaxiaceae / Raf. (1836) /
              Family / Geosiridaceae / Jonker (1939) / nom. cons.
              Family / Gladiolaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Hewardiaceae / Nakai (1943) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Isophysidaceae / (Hutch.) F.A. Barkley (1948) /
              Family / Ixiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
          • Order / Burmanniales / Heintze (1927) /
            • Family / Burmanniaceae / Blume (1827) / nom. cons.
              Family / Thismiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
              Family / Tripterellaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Corsiaceae / Becc. (1878) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Amaryllidales / Bromhead (1840) /
            Order / Alliales / Traub (1972) /
            Order / Narcissales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Hyacinthaceae / Batsch (1786) /
              Family / Eucomidaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Lachenaliaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Ornithogalaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Scillaceae / Vest (1818) /
            • Family / Themidaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
            • Family / Alliaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
              Family / Agapanthaceae / Voigt (1850) /
              Family / Cepaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Gilliesiaceae / Lindl. (1826) /
              Family / Milulaceae / Traub (1972) /
              Family / Tulbaghiaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
            • Family / Hesperocallidaceae / Traub (1972) /
            • Family / Amaryllidaceae / J. St.-Hil. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Brunsvigiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Crinaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Cyrtanthaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Galanthaceae / G. Mey. (1836) /
              Family / Gethyllidaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Haemanthaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Leucojaceae / Batsch (1786) /
              Family / Narcissaceae / Juss. (1789) /
              Family / Oporanthaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Pancratiaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Strumariaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Zephyranthaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
          • Order / Asparagales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Convallariaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Aspidistraceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Platymetraceae / Salisb. (1866) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Polygonataceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Tupistraceae / Schnizl. (1846) /
            • Family / Ophiopogonaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Peliosanthaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
            • Family / Asparagaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Asteliales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Dracaenaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
              Family / Sansevieriaceae / Nakai (1936) /
            • Family / Ruscaceae / Sprengl. ex Hutch. (1934) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Nolinaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Asteliaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Geitonoplesiaceae / R. Dahlgr. ex Conran (1994) /
            • Family / Luzuriagaceae / Lotsy (1911) /
            • Family / Philesiaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lapageriaceae / Kunth (1850) /
          • Order / Hanguanales / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Hanguanaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
          • Order / Agavales / Hutch. (1934) /
            Order / Xanthorrhoeales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            Order / Dasypogonales / Thorne (1997) / nom. nud.
            • Family / Dasypogonaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Baxteriaceae / Takht. (1996) /
              Family / Kingiaceae / Endl. (1838) /
              Family / Xerotaceae / Endl. (1838) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Calectasiaceae / Endl. (1838) /
            • Family / Hemerocallidaceae / R. Br. (1810) /
            • Family / Blandfordiaceae / R. Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) /
            • Family / Xanthorrhoeaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Agavaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. cons.
              Family / Yuccaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Anthericaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Laxmanniaceae / Bubani (1901-1902) /
              Family / Eustrephaceae / Chupov (1994) /
              Family / Lomandraceae / Lotsy (1911) /
            • Family / Herreriaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Phormiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Dianellaceae / Salisb. (1866) /
            • Family / Johnsoniaceae / Lotsy (1911) /
            • Family / Doryanthaceae / R. Dahlgren & Clifford (1985) /
            • Family / Asphodelaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Aloaceae / Batsch (1802) /
            • Family / Aphyllanthaceae / Burnett (1835) /
            • Family / Hostaceae / B. Mathew (1988) /
              Family / Funkiaceae / Horan. (1834) / nom. illeg.
      • Subclass / Arecidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Arecanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Arecales / Bromhead (1840) /
            Order / Cocosales / Nakai (1930) /
            • Family / Arecaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) / nom. cons.
              Family / Acristaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Borassaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Calamaceae / Kunth ex Perleb (1838) /
              Family / Ceroxylaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Chamaedoreaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Cocosaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Coryphaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Geonomataceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Iriarteaceae / O.F. Cook & Doyle (1913) /
              Family / Lepidocaryaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Malortieaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Manicariaceae / O.F. Cook (1910) /
              Family / Nypaceae / Brongn. ex Le Maout & Decne. (1868) /
              Family / Palmae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Phoenicaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Phytellephaceae / Mart. ex Perleb (1838) /
              Family / Pseudophoenicaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
              Family / Sabalaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Sagaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Synechanthaceae / O.F. Cook (1913) /
      • Subclass / Commelinidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Bromelianae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Bromeliales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Bromeliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Tillandsiaceae / Wilbr. (1834) /
          • Order / Velloziales / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Velloziaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. cons.
              Family / Acanthochlamydaceae / (Shou C. Chen) P.C. Kao (1989) /
              Family / Barbaceniaceae / Arn. (1832) /
        • Superorder / Pontederianae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Haemodorales / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Haemodoraceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Conostylidaceae / (Pax) Takht. (1987) /
              Family / Dilatridaceae / M. Roem. (1840) /
              Family / Wachendorfiaceae / Herb. (1837) /
              Family / Xiphidiaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
          • Order / Philydrales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Philydraceae / Link (1821) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Pontederiales / Hook.f. (1876) /
            • Family / Pontederiaceae / Kunth (1816) / nom. cons.
              Family / Heterantheraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Unisemataceae / Raf. (1837) /
        • Superorder / Commelinanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Rapateales / Colella ex Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Xyridales / Lindl. (1846) /
            Order / Mayacales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Rapateaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Xyridaceae / C. Agardh (1823) / nom. cons.
              Family / Abolbodaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Mayacaceae / Kunth (1842) /
          • Order / Commelinales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Commelinaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cartonemataceae / Pichon (1946) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ephemeraceae / Batsch (1802) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Tradescantiaceae / Salisb. (1807) /
          • Order / Eriocaulales / Nakai (1930) /
            • Family / Eriocaulaceae / P. Beauv. ex Desv. (1828) /
        • Superorder / Hydatellanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Hydatellales / Cronquist (1980) /
            • Family / Hydatellaceae / U. Hamann (1976) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Typhanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Typhales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Typhaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Sparganiaceae / Rudolphi (1830) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Juncanae / Takht. (1967) /
          Superorder / Poanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Juncales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Juncaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Thurniaceae / Engl. (1907) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Cyperales / Hutch. (1934) /
            • Family / Cyperaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Caricaceae / Burnett (1835) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Kobresiaceae / Gilly (1952) /
              Family / Papyraceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Scirpaceae / Batsch (1786) /
          • Order / Flagellariales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Restionales / J.H. Schaffn. (1929) /
            Order / Centrolepidales / R. Dahlgren ex Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Flagellariaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Joinvilleaceae / Toml. & A.C. Sm. (1970) /
            • Family / Restionaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Elegiaceae / Raf. (1838) /
            • Family / Anarthriaceae / D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) /
            • Family / Ecdeiocoleaceae / D.F. Cutler & Airy Shaw (1965) /
            • Family / Centrolepidaceae / Endl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Devauxiaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Poales / Small (1903) /
            Order / Avenales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Poaceae / (R. Br.) Barnh. (1895) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aegilopaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Agrostidaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Alopecuraceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Andropogonaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Anomochloaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Arundinaceae / (Dumort.) Hochst. (1850) /
              Family / Arundinellaceae / (Stapf) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Avenaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Bambusaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Chloridaceae / (Bercht. & J. Presl) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Eragrostidaceae / (Stapf) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Festucaceae / (Dumort.) Herter (1952) /
              Family / Gramineae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Hordeaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Lepturaceae / (Dumort.) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Maydaceae / Martinov (1820) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Melicaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Miliaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Nardaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Oryzaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Panicaceae / Voigt (1845) /
              Family / Pappophoraceae / (Kunth) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Parianaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Phalaridaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Pharaceae / (Stapf) Herter (1940) /
              Family / Saccharaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Spartinaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Sporobolaceae / Herter (1941) /
              Family / Stipaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Streptochaetaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Tristeginaceae / (Link) Herter (1940) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Triticaceae / Hochst. (1848) /
              Family / Zeaceae / A. Kern. (1891) /
      • Subclass / Zingiberidae / Cronquist (1978) /
        • Superorder / Zingiberanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
          • Order / Zingiberales / Griseb. (1854) /
            Order / Amomales / Lindl. (1835) /
            Order / Cannales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Lowiales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            Order / Musales / Reveal (1997) /
            • Family / Strelitziaceae / (K. Schum.) Hutch. (1934) /
              Family / Alpiniaceae / R. Br. ex Rudolphi (1830) /
              Family / Amomaceae / J. St.-Hil. (1805) /
              Family / Curcumaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Heliconiaceae / (A. Rich.) Nakai (1941) /
            • Family / Musaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Lowiaceae / Ridl. (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Zingiberaceae / Lindl. (1835) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Costaceae / (Meisn.) Nakai (1941) /
            • Family / Cannaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Marantaceae / Petersen (1888) / nom. cons.
    • Class / Ranunculopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Berberidopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Papaveropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      • Subclass / Ranunculidae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
        • Superorder / Ranunculanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Lardizabalales / Loconte (1995) /
            • Family / Lardizabalaceae / Decne. (1839) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Sargentodoxaceae / Stapf ex Hutch. (1926) /
            • Family / Decaisneaceae / (Takht. ex Quin) Loconte (1995) /
          • Order / Menispermales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Menispermaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pseliaceae / Raf. (1838) /
          • Order / Berberidales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Podophyllales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Nandinaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Berberidaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Ranzaniaceae / (Kumaz. & Terabayashi) Takht. (1994) /
            • Family / Podophyllaceae / DC. (1821) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Leonticaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Diphylleiaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Epimediaceae / Menge (1839) /
          • Order / Ranunculales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Helleborales / Nakai (1949) /
            Order / Hydrastidales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Hydrastidaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Ranunculaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Actaeaceae / Raf. (1828) /
              Family / Anemonaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Aquilegiaceae / Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Calthaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cimicifugaceae / (Arn.) Bromhead (1840) /
              Family / Clematidaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Delphiniaceae / Brenner (1886) /
              Family / Helleboraceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Nigellaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Thalictraceae / Raf. (1815) /
          • Order / Circaeasterales / Takh. (1997) /
            • Family / Kingdoniaceae / A.S. Foster ex Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Circaeasteraceae / Hutch. (1926) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Glaucidiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Glaucidiaceae / Tamura (1972) /
          • Order / Paeoniales / Heintze (1927) /
            • Family / Paeoniaceae / (Bercht. & J. Presl) Rudolphi (1830) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Papaverales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Pteridophyllaceae / (Murb.) Nakai ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) /
            • Family / Papaveraceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Chelidoniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Corydalaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Eschscholziaceae / Ser. (1847) /
              Family / Fumariaceae / DC. (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hypecoaceae / (Dumort.) Willk. & Lange (1880) /
              Family / Platystemonaceae / (Rchb. ex Spach) Lilja (1870) /
    • Class / Rosopsida / Batsch (1788) /
      Class / Aceropsida / Endl. (1840) /
      Class / Aesculopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Asclepidopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Asteropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Cactopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Campanulopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Caprifoliopsida / Endl. (1838) /
      Class / Caryophyllopsida / Bartl. (1825) /
      Class / Celastropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Cistopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Coffeopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Convolvulopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Crassulopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Crotonopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Cucurbitopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Daphnopsida / Meisn. (1841) /
      Class / Diospyropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Ericopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Frangulopsida / Endl. (1840) /
      Class / Geraniopsida / Meisn. (1837) /
      Class / Hamamelidopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Ligustropsida / Bartl. ex Meisn. (1840) /
      Class / Loniceropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Loranthopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Malpighiopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Malvopsida / R. Br. (1818) /
      Class / Myrsinopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Myrtopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Oeotheropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Opuntiopsida / Endl. (1839) /
      Class / Passifloropsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Plantaginopsida / Meisn. (1841) /
      Class / Plumbaginopsida / Endl. (1837) /
      Class / Polygalopsida / Endl. (1840) /
      Class / Polygonopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Primulopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Proteopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Rhamnopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Rubiopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Rutopsida / A. Juss. ex Meisn. (1837) /
      Class / Salicopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Santalopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Saxifragopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Selaginopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Solanopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Styracopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Thymelaeopsida / Endl. (1837) /
      Class / Urticopsida / Bartl. (1830) /
      Class / Verbenopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      Class / Violopsida / Brongn. (1843) /
      • Subclass / Caryophyllidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Caryophyllanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Caryophyllales / Perleb (1826) /
            Order / Amaranthales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Atriplicales / Horan. (1847) /
            Order / Cactales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Chenopodiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Nyctaginales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Opuntiales / Willk. (1854) /
            Order / Petiveriales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Portulacales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Scleranthales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Silenales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Stellariales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Achatocarpaceae / Harms (1934) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Portulacaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Montiaceae / Raf. (1820) /
            • Family / Hectorellaceae / Philipson & Skipw. (1961) /
            • Family / Basellaceae / Moq. (1840) / nom. cons.
              Family / Anrederaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Ullucaceae / Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Didiereaceae / Drake (1903) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Cactaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cereaceae / DC. & Spreng. (transl. W. Jameson) (1821) /
              Family / Opuntiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Stegnospermataceae / (A. Rich.) Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Phytolaccaceae / R. Br. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Sarcocaceae / Raf. (1837) /
            • Family / Petiveriaceae / C. Agardh (1824) /
              Family / Hilleriaceae / Nakai (1942) /
              Family / Riviniaceae / C. Agardh (1824) /
              Family / Seguieriaceae / Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Gisekiaceae / (Endl.) Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Agdestidaceae / (Heimerl) Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Barbeuiaceae / (H. Walter) T. Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Nyctaginaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Allioniaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Bougainvilleaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Jalapaceae / Adans. (1763) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Mirabilidaceae / W.R.B. Oliv. (1936) /
              Family / Pisoniaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Sarcobataceae / Behnke (1997) /
            • Family / Aizoaceae / Rudolphi (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Galeniaceae / Raf. (1819) /
              Family / Mesembryaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Mesembryanthemaceae / Fenzl (1836) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Sesuviaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Tetragoniaceae / Nakai (1942) / nom. cons.
              Family / Corrigiolaceae / (Dumort.) Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Halophytaceae / A. Soriano (1984) /
            • Family / Molluginaceae / Hutch. (1926) / nom. cons.
              Family / Adenogrammaceae / (Fenzl) Nakai (1942) /
              Family / Glinaceae / Link (1831) /
              Family / Pharnaceaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Polpodaceae / (Fenzl) Nakai (1942) /
              Family / Telephiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Chenopodiaceae / Vent. (1799) / nom. cons.
              Family / Atriplicaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Betaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Blitaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Corispermaceae / Link (1831) /
              Family / Dysphaniaceae / (Pax) Pax (1927) / nom. cons.
              Family / Polycnemaceae / Menge (1839) /
              Family / Salicorniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Salsolaceae / Menge (1839) /
              Family / Spinaciaceae / Menge (1839) /
            • Family / Amaranthaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Achyranthaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Celosiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Deeringiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Gomphrenaceae / Raf. (1837) /
            • Family / Caryophyllaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Alsinaceae / (Lam. & DC.) Bartl. (1825) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cerastiaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Dianthaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Herniariaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Illecebraceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lychnidaceae / (Fenzl ex Endl.) Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Ortegaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Paronychiaceae / Juss. (1815) /
              Family / Polycarpaeaceae / (DC.) Schur (1866) /
              Family / Scleranthaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Silenaceae / (DC.) Bartl. (1825) /
              Family / Spergulaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Stellariaceae / Dumort. (1822) /
        • Superorder / Polygonanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Polygonales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Polygonaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Calligonaceae / Khalk. (1985) /
              Family / Eriogonaceae / (Dumort.) G. Don (1839) /
              Family / Persicariaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Rumicaceae / Martinov (1820) /
        • Superorder / Plumbaginanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Plumbaginales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Plumbaginaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aegialitidaceae / Lincz. (1968) /
              Family / Armeriaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Limoniaceae / Ser. (1851) /
              Family / Staticaceae / Cassel (1817) /
      • Subclass / Hamamelididae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Trochodendranae / Takht. ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Trochodendrales / Takht. ex Cronquist (1981) /
            • Family / Trochodendraceae / Prantl (1888) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Tetracentraceae / A.C. Sm. (1945) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Eupteleales / Hu ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Eupteleaceae / K. Wilh. (1910) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Cercidiphyllales / Hu ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Cercidiphyllaceae / Engl. (1909) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Myrothamnanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Myrothamnales / Nakai ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Myrothamnaceae / Nied. (1891) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Hamamelidanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Hamamelidales / Griseb. (1854) /
            Order / Platanales / J.H. Schaffn. (1929) /
            • Family / Hamamelidaceae / R. Br. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bucklandiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Disanthaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Fothergillaceae / Nutt. (1818) /
              Family / Parrotiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Rhodoleiaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Altingiaceae / Lindl. (1846) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Platanaceae / T. Lestib. ex Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Casuarinanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Casuarinales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Casuarinaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Daphniphyllanae / Takht. (1997) /
          Superorder / Barbeyanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          Superorder / Buxanae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Barbeyales / Takht. & Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Barbeyaceae / Rendle (1916) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Daphniphyllales / Pulle ex Cronquist (1981) /
            • Family / Daphniphyllaceae / Müll.-Arg. (1869) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Balanopales / Engl. (1897) /
            • Family / Balanopaceae / Benth. & Hook.f. (1880) /
          • Order / Didymelales / Takht. (1967) /
            • Family / Didymelaceae / Leandri (1937) /
          • Order / Buxales / Takht. ex Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Buxaceae / Dumort. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pachysandraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
          • Order / Simmondsiales / Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Simmondsiaceae / (Müll.-Arg.) Tiegh. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) /
        • Superorder / Juglandanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          Superorder / Faganae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Fagales / Engl. (1892) /
            Order / Quercales / Burnett (1835) /
            • Family / Nothofagaceae / Kuprian. (1962) /
            • Family / Fagaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Castaneaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Quercaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
          • Order / Corylales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Betulales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Betulaceae / Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Corylaceae / Mirb. (1815) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Stylocerataceae / (Pax) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) /
              Family / Carpinaceae / Vest (1818) /
            • Family / Ticodendraceae / Gómez-Laur. & L.D. Gómez (1991) /
          • Order / Myricales / Engl. (1897) /
            • Family / Myricaceae / Blume (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Rhoipteleales / Novák ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Rhoipteleaceae / Hand.-Mazz. (1932) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Juglandales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Juglandaceae / A. Rich. ex Kunth (1824) / nom. cons.
      • Subclass / Dilleniidae / Takht. ex Reveal & Tahkt. (1993) /
        • Superorder / Dillenianae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Dilleniales / Hutch. (1924) /
            • Family / Dilleniaceae / Salisb. (1807) /
              Family / Hibbertiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Soramiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
        • Superorder / Theanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1993) /
          • Order / Paracryphiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Paracryphiaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
          • Order / Theales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Hypericales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Stachyuraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Theaceae / D. Don (1825) / nom. cons.
              Family / Camelliaceae / DC. (1816) /
              Family / Gordoniaceae / (DC.) Spreng. (1826) /
              Family / Malachodendraceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Sladeniaceae / (Gilg & Werderm.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Ternstroemiaceae / Mirb. ex DC. (1816) /
            • Family / Asteropeiaceae / (Szyszyl.) Takht. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) /
            • Family / Pentaphylacaceae / Engl. (1897) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Tetrameristaceae / Hutch. (1959) /
            • Family / Oncothecaceae / Kobuski ex Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Marcgraviaceae / Choisy (1824) /
            • Family / Caryocaraceae / Szyszyl. (1893) / nom. cons.
              Family / Rhizobolaceae / DC. (1824) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Pellicieraceae / (Triana & Planch.) L. Beauvis. ex Bullock (1959) /
            • Family / Clusiaceae / Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ascyraceae / Plenck (1796) /
              Family / Bonnetiaceae / (Bartl.) L. Beauv. ex Nakai (1948) /
              Family / Calophyllaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Cambogiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Garciniaceae / Bartl. (1830) /
              Family / Guttiferae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Hypericaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Physenales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Physenaceae / Takht. (1985) /
          • Order / Ochnales / Hutch. ex Reveal (1992) /
            Order / Medusagynales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            • Family / Medusagynaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Strasburgeriaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Scytopetalaceae / Engl. (1897) / nom. cons.
              Family / Rhaptopetalaceae / Tiegh. ex Soler. (1908) /
            • Family / Ochnaceae / DC. (1811) / nom. cons.
              Family / Gomphiaceae / DC. ex Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
              Family / Lophiraceae / Loud. (1830) /
              Family / Luxemburgiaceae / Soler. (1908) /
              Family / Sauvagesiaceae / (Ging. ex DC.) Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Quiinaceae / Choisy ex Engl. (1888) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Elatinales / Nakai (1949) /
            • Family / Elatinaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Alsinastraceae / Rupr. (1860) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Cryptaceae / Raf. (1820) /
          • Order / Ancistrocladales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Ancistrocladaceae / Planch. ex Walp. (1851) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Dioncophyllales / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Dioncophyllaceae / (Gilg) Airy Shaw (1952) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Lecythidanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Lecythidales / Cronquist (1957) /
            • Family / Lecythidaceae / Poit. (1825) / nom. cons.
              Family / Barringtoniaceae / (DC. ex Schltdl.) Rudolphi (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Belvisiaceae / R. Br. (1821) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Gustaviaceae / Burnett (1835) /
            • Family / Asteranthaceae / R. Knuth (1939) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Napoleonaeaceae / A. Rich. (1827) /
            • Family / Foetidiaceae / (Nied.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
        • Superorder / Sarracenianae / Thorne ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Sarraceniales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Sarraceniaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Heliamphoraceae / Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1992) /
        • Superorder / Nepenthanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Nepenthales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Nepenthaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Droserales / Griseb. (1854) /
            • Family / Droseraceae / Salisb. (1808) /
              Family / Aldrovandaceae / Nakai (1949) /
              Family / Dionaeaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Drosophyllaceae / Chrtek, Slavíková & Studnicka (1989) /
        • Superorder / Ericanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Actinidiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Actinidiaceae / Hutch. (1926) / nom. cons.
              Family / Saurauiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Ericales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Empetrales / Raf. (1838) /
            Order / Rhodorales / Horan. (1847) /
            Order / Vacciniales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Cyrillaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Clethraceae / Klotzsch (1851) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Ericaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Andromedaceae / (Endl.) DC. ex Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
              Family / Arbutaceae / (Meisn.) Bromhead (1840) /
              Family / Arctostaphylaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Azaleaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Diplarchaceae / Klotzsch (1860) /
              Family / Empetraceae / Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Epacridaceae / R. Br. (1810) /
              Family / Hypopityaceae / Link (1831) /
              Family / Kalmiaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Ledaceae / Link (1821) /
              Family / Menziesiaceae / Klotzsch (1851) /
              Family / Monotropaceae / Nutt. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Prionotaceae / Hutch. (1969) /
              Family / Pyrolaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Rhododendraceae / Juss. (1789) /
              Family / Rhodoraceae / Vent. (1799) /
              Family / Salaxidaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Siphonandraceae / Klotzsch (1851) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Stypheliaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Vacciniaceae / DC. ex Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Diapensiales / Engl. & Gilg (1924) /
            • Family / Diapensiaceae / (Link) Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Galacaceae / D. Don (1828) /
          • Order / Bruniales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Bruniaceae / R. Br. ex DC. (1825) / nom. cons.
              Family / Berzeliaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Grubbiaceae / Endl. (1839) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ophiraceae / Arn. (1841) /
          • Order / Geissolomatales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Geissolomataceae / Endl. (1841) /
          • Order / Fouquieriales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Fouquieriaceae / DC. (1828) /
        • Superorder / Primulanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Styracales / Bisch. (1839) /
            Order / Diospyrales / Prantl (1874) /
            Order / Ebenales / Engl. (1892) /
            Order / Sapotales / Hook.f. (1868) /
            • Family / Styracaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Halesiaceae / D. Don (1828) /
            • Family / Symplocaceae / Desf. (1820) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Ebenaceae / Gürcke (1891) / nom. cons.
              Family / Diospyraceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Guaiacanaceae / Juss. (1789) /
            • Family / Lissocarpaceae / Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Sapotaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Achradaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Boerlagellaceae / H.J. Lam (1925) /
              Family / Bumeliaceae / Barnh. (1895) /
              Family / Sarcospermataceae / H.J. Lam (1925) /
          • Order / Primulales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Myrsinales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Samolales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Theophrastaceae / Link (1829) /
            • Family / Myrsinaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aegicerataceae / Blume (1833) /
              Family / Ardisiaceae / Juss. (1810) /
              Family / Embeliaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Primulaceae / Vent. (1799) / nom. cons.
              Family / Anagallidaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Coridaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Lysimachiaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Samolaceae / Raf. (1820) /
        • Superorder / Violanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Violales / Perleb (1826) /
            Order / Flacourtiales / Heintze (1927) /
            Order / Homaliales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Lacistematales / Baskerville (1839) /
            Order / Samydales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Berberidopsidaceae / (Veldk.) Takht. (1985) /
            • Family / Aphloiaceae / Takht. (1985) /
            • Family / Bembiciaceae / R.C. Keating & Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Flacourtiaceae / Rich. ex DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Blakwelliaceae / T. Lestib. (1826) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Homaliaceae / R. Br. (1818) /
              Family / Kiggelariaceae / Link (1831) /
              Family / Pangiaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Prockiaceae / Bertuch (1801) /
              Family / Samydaceae / Vent. (1808) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Lacistemataceae / Mart. (1826) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Peridiscaceae / Kuhlm. (1950) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Violaceae / Batsch (1802) / nom. cons.
              Family / Alsodiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Ionidiaceae / Mert. & W.J. Koch (1823) /
              Family / Leoniaceae / A. DC. (1844) /
            • Family / Dipentodontaceae / Merr. (1941) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Scyphostegiaceae / Hutch. (1926) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Passiflorales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Turnerales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Passifloraceae / Juss. ex Kunth (1817) / nom. cons.
              Family / Modeccaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Paropsiaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Smeathmanniaceae / Mart. ex Perleb (1838) /
            • Family / Turneraceae / Kunth ex DC. (1828) / nom. cons.; as Turneriaceae
              Family / Piriquetaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Malesherbiaceae / D. Don (1827) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Achariaceae / Harms (1897) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Caricales / L.D. Benson (1957) /
            • Family / Caricaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Papayaceae / Blume (1826) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Salicales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Salicaceae / Mirb. (1815) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Elaeocarpales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Elaeocarpaceae / Juss. ex DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aristoteliaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
          • Order / Tamaricales / Hutch. (1924) /
            • Family / Tamaricaceae / Link (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Reaurmuriaceae / Ehrenb. ex Lindl. (1830) /
            • Family / Frankeniaceae / A. St.-Hil. ex Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Capparanae / Reveal (1994) /
          Superorder / Gyrostemonanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Moringales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Moringaceae / R. Br. ex Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hyperantheraceae / Link (1829) /
          • Order / Gyrostemonales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Gyrostemonaceae / Endl. (1841) /
          • Order / Batales / Engl. (1907) /
            • Family / Bataceae / Mart. ex Meisn. (1842) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Capparales / Hutch. (1924) /
            Order / Brassicales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Resedales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Tovariales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Koeberliniaceae / Engl. (1895) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Pentadiplandraceae / Hutch. & Dalziel (1928) /
            • Family / Capparaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cleomaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Oxystylidaceae / Hutch. (1969) /
            • Family / Brassicaceae / Burnett (1835) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cruciferae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Drabaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Erysimaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Raphanaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Schizopetalaceae / A. Juss. (1848) /
              Family / Sismbriaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Stanleyaceae / Nutt. (1834) /
              Family / Thlaspiaceae / Adans. (1763) /
            • Family / Tovariaceae / Pax (1891) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Resedaceae / DC. ex Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Astrocarpaceae / A. Kern. (1891) /
        • Superorder / Malvanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Cistales / Rchb.f. (1828) /
            Order / Bixales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Bixaceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Cochlospermaceae / Planch. (1847) /
            • Family / Cistaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Helianthemaceae / G. Mey. (1836) /
            • Family / Diegodendraceae / Capuron (1964) /
          • Order / Malvales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Tiliales / Caruel (1881) /
            • Family / Tiliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Sparmanniaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Dirachmaceae / Hutch. (1959) /
            • Family / Monotaceae / (Gilg) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Dipterocarpaceae / Blume (1825) /
            • Family / Sarcolaenaceae / Caruel (1881) / nom. cons.
              Family / Rhodolaenaceae / Bullock (1958) /
              Family / Schizolaenaceae / Barnh. (1895) /
            • Family / Plagiopteraceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Huaceae / A. Chev. (1947) /
            • Family / Sterculiaceae / (DC.) Bartl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Byttneriaceae / R. Br. (1814) /
              Family / Cacaoaceae / Augier ex T. Post & Kuntze (1903) /
              Family / Chiranthodendraceae / A. Gray (1887) /
              Family / Dombeyaceae / Kunth ex Desf. (1829) /
              Family / Fremontiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Helicteraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Hermanniaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Lasiopetalaceae / Rchb. (1823) /
              Family / Melochiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Pentapetaceae / Spreng. (1826) /
              Family / Theobromataceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Triplobaceae / Raf. (1838) /
            • Family / Sphaerosepalaceae / (Warb.) Tiegh. ex Bullock (1959) /
              Family / Rhopalocarpaceae / Hemsl. ex Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Bombacaceae / Kunth (1822) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Malvaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Fugosiaceae / Martinov (1820) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Hibiscaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Philippodendraceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Plagianthaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
          • Order / Thymelaeales / Willk. (1854) /
            Order / Daphnales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Gonystylaceae / Gilg (1897) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Thymelaeaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aquilariaceae / R. Br. ex DC. (1825) /
              Family / Daphnaceae / Vent. (1799) /
              Family / Phaleriaceae / Meisn. (1841) /
        • Superorder / Cucurbitanae / Reveal (1994) /
          • Order / Begoniales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Datiscales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Datiscaceae / R. Br. ex Lindl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Tetramelaceae / (Warb.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Begoniaceae / C. Agardh (1824) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Cucurbitales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Cucurbitaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bryoniaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Cyclantheraceae / Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Nhandirobaceae / T. Lestib. (1826) /
              Family / Zanoniaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
        • Superorder / Urticanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Urticales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Ficales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Ulmales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Ulmaceae / Mirb. (1815) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Celtidaceae / Link (1831) /
            • Family / Moraceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
              Family / Artocarpaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Dorsteniaceae / Chev. (1827) /
              Family / Ficaceae / (Bercht. & J. Presl) Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Cecropiaceae / C.C. Berg (1978) /
            • Family / Urticaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Cannabaceae / Endl. (1837) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lupulaceae / Link (1831) /
        • Superorder / Euphorbianae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Euphorbiales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Pandales / Engl. & Gilg (1913) /
            • Family / Euphorbiaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Acalyphaceae / Juss. ex Menge (1839) /
              Family / Androstachyaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Antidesmataceae / Loud. (1830) /
              Family / Aporusaceae / Lindl. ex Miq. (1859) /
              Family / Bertyaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Bischofiaceae / (Müll.-Arg.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Crotonaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Hippomanaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Hymenocardiaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Mercurialaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Micrantheaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Paivaeusaceae / A. Meeuse (1990) /
              Family / Peraceae / Klotzsch (1859) /
              Family / Phyllanthaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Picrodendraceae / Small ex Britt. & Millsp. (1920) / nom. cons.
              Family / Porantheraceae / (Pax) Hurus. (1954) /
              Family / Pseudanthaceae / Endl. (1839) /
              Family / Putranjivaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Ricinaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Ricinocarpaceae / (Müll.-Arg.) Hurus. (1954) /
              Family / Scepaceae / Lindl. (1836) /
              Family / Stilaginaceae / C. Agardh (1824) /
              Family / Tithymalaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Tragiaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Trewiaceae / Lindl. (1836) /
              Family / Uapacaceae / (Müll.-Arg.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Pandaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1813) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bennettiaceae / R. Br. ex Schnizl. (1846-1866) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Dichapetalaceae / Baill. (1886) / nom. cons.
              Family / Chailletiaceae / R. Br. (1818) /
      • Subclass / Rosidae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Saxifraganae / Reveal (1994) /
          • Order / Cunoniales / Hutch. (1924) /
            • Family / Cunoniaceae / R. Br. (1814) /
              Family / Baueraceae / Lindl. (1830) /
              Family / Belangeraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Callicomaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Davidsoniaceae / Bange (1952) /
            • Family / Eucryphiaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Brunelliaceae / Engl. (1897) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Cephalotales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Cephalotaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Greyiales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Greyiaceae / Hutch. (1926) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Francoales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Francoaceae / A. Juss. (1832) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Crossosomatales / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Crossosomataceae / Engl. (1897) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Saxifragales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Crassulales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Grossulariales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Sedales / Rchb.f. (1828) /
            • Family / Tetracarpaeaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Penthoraceae / Rydb. ex Britt. (1901) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Crassulaceae / DC. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cotyledonaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Rhodiolaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Sedaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Sempervivaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / illaeaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Grossulariaceae / DC. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ribesiaceae / Marq. (1820) /
            • Family / Pterostemonaceae / Small (1905) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Iteaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Saxifragaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pectiantiaceae / Raf. (1837) /
        • Superorder / Podostemanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Gunnerales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Gunneraceae / Meisn. (1842) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Haloragales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Haloragaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cercodiaceae / Juss. (1817) /
              Family / Myriophyllaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
          • Order / Podostemales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Marathrales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Podostemaceae / Rich. ex C. Agardh (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Marathraceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Philocrenaceae / Bongard (1834) /
              Family / Tristichaceae / Willis (1915) /
        • Superorder / Celastranae / Takht. (1967) /
          Superorder / Corynocarpanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Brexiales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Brexiaceae / Loud. (1830) /
              Family / Ixerbaceae / Griseb. (1854) /
              Family / Rousseaceae / DC. (1839) /
          • Order / Parnassiales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Parnassiaceae / Gray (1821) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Lepuropetalaceae / (Engl.) Nakai (1943) /
          • Order / Celastrales / Baskerville (1839) /
            • Family / Celastraceae / R. Br. (1814) /
              Family / Canotiaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Chingithamnaceae / Hand.-Mazz. (1932) /
              Family / Euonymaceae / Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Hippocrateaceae / Juss. (1811) /
              Family / Salaciaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Siphonodontaceae / (Croizat) Gagnep. & Tardieu ex Tardieu (1951) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Goupiaceae / Miers (1862) /
            • Family / Lophopyxidaceae / (Engl.) H. Pfeif. (1951) /
            • Family / Stackhousiaceae / R. Br. (1814) /
          • Order / Salvadorales / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Salvadoraceae / Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Azimaceae / Wight & Gardner (1845) /
          • Order / Aquifoliales / Senft (1856) /
            Order / Cardiopteridales / Tahkt. (1997) /
            Order / Icacinales / Tiegh. ex Reveal (1993) /
            Order / Metteniusales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Aquifoliaceae / Bartl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ilicaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
            • Family / Phellinaceae / (Loes.) Takht. (1967) /
            • Family / Sphenostemonaceae / P. Royen & Airy Shaw (1972) /
            • Family / Icacinaceae / (Benth.) Miers (1851) / nom. cons.
              Family / Metteniusaceae / H. Karst. ex Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
              Family / Pennantiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Phytocrenaceae / Arn. ex R. Br. (1852) /
            • Family / Cardiopteridaceae / Blume (1847) / nom. cons.
              Family / Peripterygiaceae / F.N. Williams (1905) /
            • Family / Aextoxicaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1920) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Corynocarpales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Corynocarpaceae / Engl. (1897) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Santalanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Medusandrales / Brenan (1952) /
            • Family / Medusandraceae / Brenan (1952) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Santalales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Anthobolales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Loranthales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Olacales / Benth. (1862) /
            • Family / Olacaceae / Mirb. ex DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aptandraceae / Miers (1853) /
              Family / Erythropalaceae / (Hassk.) Sleumer (1942) / nom. cons.
              Family / Octoknemaceae / Tiegh. ex Engl. (1909) / nom. cons.
              Family / Schoepfiaceae / Blume (1850) /
              Family / Tetrastylidiaceae / Calest. (1905) /
              Family / Ximeniaceae / Martinet (1873) /
            • Family / Opiliaceae / (Benth.) Valeton (1886) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cansjeraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Santalaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Anthobolaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Canopodaceae / C. Presl (1851) /
              Family / Exocarpaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Osyridaceae / Raf. (1820) /
              Family / Thesiaceae / Vest (1818) /
            • Family / Misodendraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Loranthaceae / Juss. (1808) /
              Family / Dendrophthoaceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Elytranthaceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Gaiadendraceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Nuytsiaceae / Tiegh. (1896) /
              Family / Psittacanthaceae / Nakai (1952) /
            • Family / Eremolepidaceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Lepidocerataceae / Nakai (1952) /
            • Family / Viscaceae / Batsch (1802) /
              Family / Arceuthobiaceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Bifariaceae / Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Ginalloaceae / Tiegh. ex Nakai (1952) /
              Family / Phoradendraceae / H. Karsten (1860) /
        • Superorder / Rosanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Rosales / Perleb (1826) /
            Order / Chrysobalanales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            Order / Sanguisorbales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Rosaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Agrimoniaceae / Gray (1821) /
              Family / Alchemillaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Amygdalaceae / (Juss.) D. Don (1825) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cercocarpaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Coleogynaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Cydoniaceae / Schnizl. (1858) /
              Family / Dryadaceae / Gray (1821) /
              Family / Fragariaceae / Nestl. (1816) /
              Family / Lindleyaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Malaceae / Small ex Britt. (1903) / nom. cons.
              Family / Mespilaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) /
              Family / Neilliaceae / Miq. (1855) /
              Family / Potentillaceae / (Juss.) Wilbr. (1824) /
              Family / Poteriaceae / Raf. (1815) /
              Family / Prunaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Pyraceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Quillajaceae / D. Don (1831) /
              Family / Rhodotypaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Sanguisorbaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Sorbaceae / Brenner (1886) /
              Family / Spiraeaceae / Bertuch (1801) /
              Family / Tormentillaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Ulmariaceae / Gray (1821) /
            • Family / Neuradaceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
              Family / Grielaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Chrysobalanaceae / R. Br. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hirtellaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Licaniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
        • Superorder / Geranianae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Geraniales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Biebersteiniales / Takht. (1997) /
            Order / Oxalidales / Heintze (1927) /
            • Family / Oxalidaceae / R. Br. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Averrhoaceae / Hutch. (1959) /
              Family / Oxydacae / Rupr. (1860) / nom. inadmiss.
            • Family / Geraniaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Biebersteiniaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Erodiaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Hypseocharitaceae / Wedd. (1861) /
              Family / Ledocarpaceae / Meyen (1834) /
              Family / Rhynchothecaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Vivianiaceae / Klotzsch (1836) /
          • Order / Linales / Baskerville (1839) /
            Order / Zygophyllales / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
            • Family / Hugoniaceae / Arn. (1834) /
            • Family / Linaceae / DC. ex Gray (1821) /
            • Family / Ctenolophonaceae / (H. Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) /
            • Family / Ixonanthaceae / (Benth.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Humiriaceae / A. Juss. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Erythroxylaceae / Kunth (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Nectaropetalaceae / (H. Winkl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) /
            • Family / Zygophyllaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
              Family / Balanitaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Nitrariaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Peganaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1987) /
              Family / Tetradiclidaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1986) /
              Family / Tribulaceae / Trautv. (1853) /
          • Order / Balsaminales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Balsaminaceae / A. Rich. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hydroceraceae / Blume (1825) / nom. inadmiss.
              Family / Impatientaceae / Barnh. (1895) /
          • Order / Vochysiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Malpighiales / Mart. (1835) /
            • Family / Malpighiaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Trigoniaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Vochysiaceae / A. St.-Hil. (1820) / nom. cons.
              Family / Euphroniaceae / Marc.-Berti (1989) /
            • Family / Tremandraceae / R. Br. ex DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Tetrathecaceae / R. Br. (1814) /
            • Family / Krameriaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Polygalales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Polygalaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
              Family / Diclidantheraceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. cons.
              Family / Moutabeaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Xanthophyllaceae / (Chodat) Gagnep. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1990) /
            • Family / Emblingiaceae / (Pax) Airy Shaw (1964) /
        • Superorder / Fabanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1993) /
          • Order / Fabales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Cassiales / Horan. (1847) /
            • Family / Mimosaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Caesalpiniaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bauhiniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cassiaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Ceratoniaceae / Link (1831) /
              Family / Detariaceae / (DC.) J. Hess (1832) /
              Family / Swartzieae / (DC.) Bartl. (1830) /
            • Family / Fabaceae / Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aspalathaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Astragalaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Ciceraceae / Steele (1847) /
              Family / Coronillaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Galedupaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Hedysaraceae / Oken (1826) /
              Family / Inocarpaceae / Zoll. (1854-1855) /
              Family / Lathyraceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Leguminosae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Lotaceae / Oken (1826) /
              Family / Papilionaceae / Giseke (1792) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Phaseolaceae / Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
              Family / Robiniaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Tamarindaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Viciaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
        • Superorder / Rutanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Sapindales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Acerales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Aesculales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Staphyleaceae / (DC.) Lindl. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ochranthaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Tapisciaceae / (Pax) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Melianthaceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Sapindaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Allophylaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Dodonaeaceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
              Family / Koelreuteriaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Ornithropaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Paulliniaceae / Durande (1782) /
            • Family / Hippocastanaceae / DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aesculaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Paviaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Aceraceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Bretschneideraceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Akaniaceae / Stapf (1912) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Tropaeolales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Tropaeolaceae / Juss. ex DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cardamindaceae / Link (1831) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Limnanthales / Nakai (1930) /
            • Family / Limnanthaceae / R. Br. (1833) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Sabiales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Sabiaceae / Blume (1851) / nom. cons.
              Family / Meliosmaceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Millingtoniaceae / Wight & Arn. (1834) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Wellingtoniaceae / Meisn. (1840) /
          • Order / Connarales / Takht. ex Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Connaraceae / R. Br. (1818) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cnestiaceae / (Raf.) Raf. (1830) /
          • Order / Rutales / Perleb (1826) /
            Order / Citrales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Leitneriales / Engl. (1897) /
            Order / Meliales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Rutaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Amyridaceae / Kunth (1824) /
              Family / Aurantiaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Boroniaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Citraceae / Roussel (1806) /
              Family / Cuspariaceae / (DC.) Tratt. (1825) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Dictamnaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Diosmaceae / R. Br. ex Bartl. (1830) /
              Family / Diplolaenaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Flindersiaceae / (Engl.) C.T. White ex Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Fraxinellaceae / Nees & Mart. (1823) /
              Family / Jamboliferaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Monieraceae / Raf. (1838) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Pilocarpaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Pteleaceae / Kunth (1824) /
              Family / Spatheliaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Zanthoxylaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
            • Family / Rhabdodendraceae / (Huber) Prance (1968) /
            • Family / Cneoraceae / Link (1831) / nom. cons.
              Family / Chamaeleaceae / Bertol. (1834) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Simaroubaceae / DC. (1811) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ailanthaceae / (Arn.) J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Castelaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Quassiaceae / Bertol. (1827) /
              Family / Simabaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Soulameaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Picramniaceae / (Engler) Fernando & Quinn (1995) /
            • Family / Leitneriaceae / Benth. & Hook.f. (1880) /
            • Family / Surianaceae / Arn. (1834) /
              Family / Stylobasiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Irvingiaceae / (Engl.) Exell & Mendonça (1951) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Kirkiaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1967) /
            • Family / Ptaeroxylaceae / J.-F. Leroy (1960) /
            • Family / Tepuianthaceae / Maguire & Steyerm. (1981) /
            • Family / Meliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aitoniaceae / (Harv.) R.A. Dyer (1975) / nom. inadmiss.
              Family / Cedrelaceae / R. Br. (1814) /
              Family / Swieteniaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
            • Family / Lepidobotryaceae / J. Léonard (1950) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Coriariales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Coriariaceae / DC. (1824) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Burserales / Baskerville (1839) /
            Order / Julianiales / Engl. (1907) /
            • Family / Burseraceae / Kunth (1824) / nom. cons.
              Family / Balsameaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Anacardiaceae / Lindl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Blepharocaryaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
              Family / Cassuviaceae / Juss. ex R. Br. (1818) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Comocladiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Julianiaceae / Hemsl. (1906) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pistaciaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Rhoaceae / Spreng. ex Sadler (1826) /
              Family / Schinaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Spondiadaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Sumachieae / (DC.) Perleb (1838) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Terebinthaceae / Durande (1782) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Vernicaceae / Link (1831) /
            • Family / Podoaceae / Baill. ex Franch. (1889) /
        • Superorder / Rhamnanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Rhamnales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Frangulales / Wirtg. (1860) /
            • Family / Rhamnaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Frangulaceae / DC. (1805) /
              Family / Gouaniaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Phylicaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Ziziphaceae / Adans. (1763) /
          • Order / Elaeagnales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Elaeagnaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hippophaeaceae / G. Mey. (1836) /
        • Superorder / Proteanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Proteales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Proteaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Lepidocarpaceae / Schultz Sch. (1832) / nom. illeg.
        • Superorder / Vitanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Vitales / Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Vitaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ampelopsidaceae / Kostel. (1835) /
              Family / Cissaceae / Drejer (1840) /
              Family / Pterisanthaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Leeaceae / (DC.) Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Rhizophoranae / Takht. (1997) / nom. inval.
          • Order / Rhizophorales / Tiegh. ex Reveal (1993) /
            Order / Anisophylleales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Anisophylleaceae / Ridl. (1922) /
              Family / Polygonanthaceae / Croizat (1943) /
            • Family / Rhizophoraceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cassipoureaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Legnotidaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Macarisiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Mangiaceae / Raf. (1837) /
        • Superorder / Myrtanae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Myrtales / Rchb.f. (1828) /
            Order / Combretales / Baskerville (1839) /
            Order / Lythrales / Caruel (1881) /
            Order / Melastomatales / Oliv. (1895) /
            Order / Oenotherales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Onagrales / Rchb.f. (1828) /
            Order / Penaeales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Combretaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bucidaceae / Spreng. (1825) /
              Family / Myrobalanaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Sheadendraceae / Bertol. (1850) /
              Family / Terminaliaceae / J. St.-Hil. (1805) /
            • Family / Crypteroniaceae / A. DC. (1868) / nom. cons.
              Family / Henslowiaceae / Lindl. (1835) /
            • Family / Melastomataceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Blakeaceae / Rchb. ex Barnh. (1895) /
              Family / Memecylaceae / DC. ex Schltdl. (1827) /
              Family / Miconiaceae / K. Koch (1857) /
              Family / Mouririaceae / Gardner (1840) /
              Family / Rhexiaceae / Dumort. (1822) /
            • Family / Psiloxylaceae / Croizat (1960) /
            • Family / Heteropyxidaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1920) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Myrtaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Chamelauciaceae / (DC.) Rudolphi (1830) /
              Family / Kaniaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Leptospermaceae / (Bercht. & J. Presl) Rudolphi (1830) /
              Family / Melaleucaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Myrrhiniaceae / Arn. (1839) /
            • Family / Alzateaceae / S.A. Graham (1985) /
            • Family / Rhynchocalycaceae / L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs (1985) /
            • Family / Penaeaceae / Sweet ex Guill. (1828) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Oliniaceae / Harv. & Sond. (1862) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Lythraceae / J. St.-Hil. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ammanniaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Blattiaceae / Nied. (1892) /
              Family / Duabangaceae / Takht. (1986) /
              Family / Lagerstroemiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Lawsoniaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Punicaceae / Horan. (1834) / nom. cons.
              Family / Salicariaceae / Adans. (1763) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Sonneratiaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Trapaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Onagraceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Circaeaceae / Ruthe (1827) /
              Family / Epilobiaceae / Vent. (1799) /
              Family / Fuchsiaceae / (DC.) Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Isnardiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Jussiaeaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Lopeziaceae / (Spach) Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Oenotheraceae / C.C. Robin (1807) /
      • Subclass / Cornidae / Frohne & U. Jensen ex Reveal (1994) /
        • Superorder / Cornanae / Thorne ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Hydrangeales / Nakai (1943) /
            Order / Hortensiales / Griseb. (1854) /
            • Family / Escalloniaceae / R. Br. ex Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Polyosmaceae / Blume (1851) /
            • Family / Hydrangeaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hortensiaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Kirengeshomaceae / Nakai (1943) /
              Family / Philadelphaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Abrophyllaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Argophyllaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Corokiaceae / Kapil ex Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Alseuosmiaceae / Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Carpodetaceae / Fenzl (1841) /
            • Family / Phyllonomaceae / Small (1905) /
              Family / Dulongiaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Pottingeriaceae / (Engl.) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Tribelaceae / (Engl.) Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Melanophyllaceae / Takht. ex Airy Shaw (1972) /
            • Family / Montiniaceae / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Kaliphoraceae / Takht. (1996) /
            • Family / Eremosynaceae / Dandy (1959) /
            • Family / Vahliaceae / Dandy (1959) /
            • Family / Columelliaceae / D. Don (1828) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Roridulales / Nakai (1943) /
            • Family / Roridulaceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Garryales / Lindl. (1846) /
            Order / Aucubales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Aucubaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Garryaceae / Lindl. (1834) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Desfontainiales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Desfontainiaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Aralidiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Aralidiaceae / Philipson & B.C. Stone (1980) /
          • Order / Cornales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Griseliniales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Mastixiaceae / Calest. (1905) /
            • Family / Davidiaceae / (Harms) H.L. Li (1955) /
            • Family / Nyssaceae / Juss. ex Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Curtisiaceae / (Harms) Takht. (1987) /
            • Family / Cornaceae / (Bercht. & J. Presl) Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Alangiaceae / DC. (1828) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Griseliniaceae / J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. ex A. Cunn. (1839) /
        • Superorder / Eucommianae / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
          • Order / Eucommiales / Nemejc ex Cronquist (1981) /
            • Family / Eucommiaceae / Engl. (1909) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Aralianae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Torricelliales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            Order / Helwingiales / Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Helwingiaceae / Decne. (1836) /
            • Family / Torricelliaceae / (Wang.) Hu (1934) /
          • Order / Pittosporales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Pittosporaceae / R. Br. (1814) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Byblidales / Nakai ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Byblidaceae / (Engl. & Gilg) Domin (1922) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Araliales / Reveal (1996) /
            Order / Ammiales / Small (1903) /
            Order / Apiales / Nakai (1930) /
            • Family / Araliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Botryodendraceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Hederaceae / Giseke (1792) /
            • Family / Hydrocotylaceae / (Link) N. Hyl. (1945) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Apiaceae / Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ammiaceae / J. Presl & C. Presl ex Barnh. (1895) /
              Family / Angelicaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Bupleuraceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Coriandraceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Daucaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Eryngiaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Imperatoriaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Pastinacaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Saniculaceae / (Burnett) A. Löve & D. Löve (1974) /
              Family / Smyrniaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Umbelliferae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
        • Superorder / Dipsacanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Dipsacales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Adoxales / Nakai (1949) /
            Order / Caprifoliales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Lonicerales / T. Liebe (1866) /
            Order / Viburnales / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Viburnaceae / Raf. (1820) /
              Family / Tinaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Sambucaceae / Batsch (1786) /
            • Family / Adoxaceae / Trautv. (1853) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Caprifoliaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Loniceraceae / Vest (1818) /
            • Family / Valerianaceae / Batsch (1802) / nom. cons.
              Family / Triplostegiaceae / (Höck) Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Dipsacaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Scabiosaceae / Adans. (1763) /
            • Family / Morinaceae / Raf. (1820) /
      • Subclass / Lamiidae / Takht. ex Reveal (1993) /
        • Superorder / Gentiananae / Thorne ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Gentianales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Chironiales / Griseb. (1854) /
            Order / Loganiales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Gelsemiaceae / (G. Don) Struwe & V. Albert (1995) /
            • Family / Loganiaceae / R. Br. ex Mart. (1827) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Strychnaceae / DC. ex Perleb (1818) /
              Family / Antoniaceae / Hutch. (1959) /
              Family / Gardneriaceae / Wall. ex Perleb (1838) /
              Family / Spigeliaceae / Mart. (1827) /
            • Family / Gentianaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Chironiaceae / Horan. (1843) /
              Family / Coutoubeaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Obolariaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Potaliaceae / Mart. (1827) /
            • Family / Saccifoliaceae / Maguire & Pires (1978) /
            • Family / Geniostomaceae / Struwe & V. Albert (1995) /
            • Family / Plocospermataceae / Hutch. (1973) /
          • Order / Rubiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Cinchonales / Lindl. (1835) /
            Order / Galiales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Theligonales / Nakai (1942) /
            • Family / Dialypetalanthaceae / Rizzini & Occhioni (1948) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Rubiaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aparinaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Asperulaceae / Spenn. (1835) /
              Family / Catesbaeaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cephalanthaceae / Raf. (1820) /
              Family / Cinchonaceae / Batsch (1802) /
              Family / Coffeaceae / Batsch (1802) /
              Family / Coutareaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cynocrambaceae / Endl. (1841) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Galiaceae / Lindl. (1836) /
              Family / Gardeniaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Guettardaceae / Batsch (1802) /
              Family / Hedyotidaceae / Dumort. (1822) /
              Family / Henriqueziaceae / Bremek. (1957) /
              Family / Houstoniaceae / Raf. (1840) /
              Family / Hydrophylacaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Lippayaceae / Meisn. (1838) /
              Family / Lygodisodeaceae / Bartl. (1830) /
              Family / Naucleaceae / (DC.) Wernh. (1911) /
              Family / Nonateliaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Operculariaceae / Juss. ex Perleb (1818) /
              Family / Pagamaeaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Psychotriaceae / Rudolphi (1830) /
              Family / Randicaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Sabiceaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Theligonaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Carlemanniaceae / Airy Shaw (1965) /
          • Order / Apocynales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Asclepiadales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Vincales / Horan. (1847) /
            • Family / Apocynaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Asclepiadaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cerberaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cynanchaceae / G. Mey. (1836) /
              Family / Ophioxylaceae / Mart. ex Perleb (1838) /
              Family / Pacouriaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Periplocaceae / Schltr. (1905) / nom. cons.
              Family / Plumeriaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Stapeliaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Vincaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Willughbeaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
        • Superorder / Solananae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Solanales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Boraginales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Convolvulales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Nolanales / Lindl. (1835) /
            Order / Polemoniales / Bromhead (1838) /
            • Family / Solanaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Atropaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cestraceae / Schltdl. (1833) /
              Family / Daturaceae / Raf. (1828) /
              Family / Hyoscyamaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Lyciaceae / Raf. (1840) /
              Family / Nicotianaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Nolanaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Salpiglossidaceae / (Benth.) Hutch. (1969) /
            • Family / Sclerophylacaceae / Miers (1848) /
            • Family / Goetzeaceae / Miers ex Airy Shaw (1964) /
            • Family / Duckeodendraceae / Kuhlm. (1950) /
            • Family / Convolvulaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cressaceae / Raf. (1821) /
              Family / Dichondraceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Erycibaceae / Endl. ex Meisn. (1840) /
              Family / Humbertiaceae / Pichon (1947) / nom. cons.
              Family / Poranaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Cuscutaceae / (Dumort.) Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Polemoniaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cobaeaceae / D. Don (1824) /
            • Family / Hydrophyllaceae / R. Br. (1817) / nom. cons.
              Family / Ellisiaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Eutocaceae / Horan. (1847) /
              Family / Hydroleaceae / Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
              Family / Sagoneaceae / Martinov (1820) /
            • Family / Boraginaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Anchusaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Buglossaceae / Hoffmanns. & Link (1809) /
              Family / Cerinthaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cordiaceae / R. Br. ex Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Echiaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Ehretiaceae / Mart. ex Lindl. (1830) / nom. cons.
              Family / Heliotropiaceae / Schrad. (1819) /
              Family / Onosmaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Sebestenaceae / Vent. (1799) /
              Family / Wellstediaceae / (Pilg.) Novák (1943) /
            • Family / Tetrachondraceae / Wettst. (1924) /
            • Family / Hoplestigmataceae / Engl. & Gilg (1924) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Lennoaceae / Solms (1870) / nom. cons.
        • Superorder / Loasanae / R. Dahlgren ex Reveal (1996) /
          • Order / Loasales / Bessey (1907) /
            • Family / Loasaceae / Dumort. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cevalliaceae / Griseb. (1854) /
              Family / Gronoviaceae / Endl. (1841) /
        • Superorder / Oleanae / Takht. (1997) /
          • Order / Oleales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Jasminales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Ligustrales / Bartl. ex Bisch. (1839) /
            • Family / Oleaceae / Hoffmanns. & Link (1813-1820) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bolivariaceae / Griseb. (1838) /
              Family / Forestieraceae / Endl. (1841) /
              Family / Fraxinaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Jasminaceae / Adans. (1763) /
              Family / Ligustraceae / G. Mey. (1836) /
              Family / Lilacaceae / Vent. (1799) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Nyctanthaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Schreberaceae / (Wight) Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
              Family / Syringaceae / Horan. (1847) /
        • Superorder / Lamianae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Lamiales / Bromhead (1838) /
            Order / Acanthales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Bignoniales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Callitrichales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Gesneriales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Globulariales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Lentibulariales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Pinguiculales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Plantaginales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Rhinanthales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Scrophulariales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Verbenales / Horan. (1847) /
            • Family / Buddlejaceae / K. Wilh. (1910) /
            • Family / Stilbaceae / Kunth (1831) / nom. cons.
              Family / Retziaceae / Bartl. (1830) /
            • Family / Bignoniaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Crescentiaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
            • Family / Paulowniaceae / Nakai (1949) /
            • Family / Schlegeliaceae / (A.H. Gentry) Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Globulariaceae / DC. (1805) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Scrophulariaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Hebenstretiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Selaginaceae / Choisy (1823) / nom. cons.
              Family / Verbasaceae / Raf. (1821) /
            • Family / Veronicaceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Antirrhinaceae / Pers. (1807) /
              Family / Caprariaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Chelonaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Digitalidaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Ellisiophyllaceae / Honda (1930) /
              Family / Gratiolaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Limosellaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Linariaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Oxycladaceae / (Miers) Schnizl. (1843-1870) /
            • Family / Orobanchaceae / Vent. (1799) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aeginetiaceae / Livera (1927) /
              Family / Aragoaceae / D. Don (1835) /
              Family / Buchneraceae / (Benth.) Lilja (1870) /
              Family / Erinaceae / Duvau ex Pfeiff. (1873) /
              Family / Euphrasiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Melampyraceae / Rich. ex Hook. & Lindl. (1821) /
              Family / Pedicularidaceae / Juss. (1789) /
              Family / Phelypaeaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Rhinanthaceae / Vent. (1799) /
              Family / Sibthorpiaceae / D. Don (1835) /
            • Family / Oftiaceae / Takht. & Reveal (1993) /
              Family / Spielmanniaceae / J. Agardh (1858) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Myoporaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Bontiaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Callitrichaceae / Link (1821) / nom. cons.
              Family / Stellariaceae / MacMill. (1892) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Gesneriaceae / Dumort. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Belloniaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Besleriaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Cyrtandraceae / Jack (1823) /
              Family / Didymocarpaceae / D. Don (1822) /
              Family / Ramondaceae / Godr. (1850) /
            • Family / Plantaginaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Littorellaceae / Gray (1821) /
              Family / Psylliaceae / Horan. (1834) /
            • Family / Pedaliaceae / R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Sesamaceae / R. Br. ex Bercht. & J. Presl (1820) /
            • Family / Martyniaceae / Stapf (1895) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Trapellaceae / Honda & Sakisaka (1930) /
            • Family / Acanthaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Justiciaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Mendonciaceae / Bremek. (1954) /
              Family / Meyeniaceae / Sreem. (1977) /
              Family / Nelsoniaceae / (Nees) Sreem. (1977) /
              Family / Thomandersiaceae / Sreem. (1977) /
              Family / Thunbergiaceae / (Dumort.) Lilja (1870) /
            • Family / Lentibulariaceae / Rich. (1808) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pinguiculaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Utriculariaceae / Hoffmanns. & Link (1813-1820) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Verbenaceae / J. St.-Hil. (1805) / nom. cons.
              Family / Durantaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Lantanaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Petreaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Phrymaceae / Schauer (1847) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Cyclocheilaceae / Marais (1981) /
              Family / Nesogenaceae / Marais (1981) /
            • Family / Avicenniaceae / Endl. (1841) /
            • Family / Lamiaceae / Lindl. (1836) / nom. cons.
              Family / Aegiphilaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Chloanthaceae / Hutch. (1959) /
              Family / Glechomaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Labiatae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Melittidaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Menthaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Nepetaceae / Horan. (1834) /
              Family / Salazariaceae / F.A. Barkley (1975) /
              Family / Salviaceae / Raf. (1837) /
              Family / Scutellaraceae / Caruel (1894) /
              Family / Siphonanthaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Symphoremataceae / (Meisn.) Mold. ex Reveal & Hoogland (1991) /
              Family / Viticaceae / Juss. (1789) /
          • Order / Hydrostachyales / Diels ex Reveal (1993) /
            • Family / Hydrostachyaceae / Engl. (1898) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Hippuridales / Pulle ex Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Hippuridaceae / Link (1821) / nom. cons.
      • Subclass / Asteridae / Takht. (1967) /
        • Superorder / Campanulanae / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
          • Order / Menyanthales / T. Yamaz. ex Takht. (1997) /
            • Family / Menyanthaceae / (Dumort.) Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
          • Order / Goodeniales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Brunoniales / Lindl. (1833) /
            • Family / Goodeniaceae / R. Br. (1810) /
              Family / Brunoniaceae / Dumort. (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Scaevolaceae / Lindl. (1830) /
          • Order / Stylidiales / Takht. ex Reveal (1992) /
            • Family / Donatiaceae / (Engl.) B. Chandler (1911) / nom. cons.
            • Family / Stylidiaceae / 7 R. Br. (1810) / nom. cons.
              Family / Candolleaceae / F. Muell. (1883) / nom. illeg.
          • Order / Campanulales / Rchb.f. (1828) /
            • Family / Pentaphragmataceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
            • Family / Sphenocleaceae / Mart. ex DC. (1839) / nom. cons.
              Family / Pongatiaceae / Endl. ex Meisn. (1839) / nom. illeg.
            • Family / Campanulaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cyananthaceae / J. Agardh (1858) /
              Family / Cyphiaceae / A. DC. (1839) /
              Family / Cyphocarpaceae / (Miers) Reveal & Hoogl. (1996) /
              Family / Dortmannaceae / Rupr. (1856) /
              Family / Jasionaceae / Dumort. (1829) /
              Family / Lobeliaceae / R. Br. (1817) / nom. cons.
              Family / Nemacladaceae / Nutt. (1842) /
        • Superorder / Asteranae / Takht. (1967) /
          • Order / Calycerales / Takht. ex Reveal (1996) /
            • Family / Calyceraceae / R. Br. ex Rich. (1820) / nom. cons.
              Family / Boopidaceae / Cass. (1816) /
          • Order / Asterales / Lindl. (1833) /
            Order / Ambrosiales / Dumort. (1829) /
            Order / Carduales / Small (1903) /
            • Family / Asteraceae / Dumort. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Acarnaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Ambrosiaceae / Link (1829) / nom. cons.
              Family / Anthemidaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Aposeridaceae / Raf. (1838) /
              Family / Arctotaceae / Bessey (1914) /
              Family / Artemisiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Athanasiaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Calendulaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Carduaceae / Dumort. (1822) /
              Family / Centaureaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Cichoriaceae / Juss. (1789) / nom. cons.
              Family / Cnicaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Compositae / Giseke (1792) / nom. cons. et nom. alt.
              Family / Coreopsidaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Cynaraceae / Durande (1782) /
              Family / Echinopaceae / Dumort. (1822) / nom. cons.
              Family / Eupatoriaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Gnaphaliaceae / Link ex Rudolphi (1830) /
              Family / Heleniaceae / Raf. (1824) /
              Family / Helianthaceae / Dumort. (1822) /
              Family / Helichrysaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Inulaceae / Bessey (1914) /
              Family / Lactucaceae / Drude (1879) /
              Family / Lampsanaceae / Martinov (1820) / nom. illeg.
              Family / Matricariaceae / Voigt (1845) /
              Family / Mutisiaceae / Burnett (1835) /
              Family / Nassauviaceae / Burmeist. (1837) /
              Family / Partheniaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Perdiciaceae / Link (1829) /
              Family / Picridaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Santolinaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Senecionaceae / Spenn. (1834) /
              Family / Serratulaceae / Martinov (1820) /
              Family / Tanacetaceae / Vest (1818) /
              Family / Vernoniaceae / Burmeist. (1837) /
              Family / Xanthiaceae / Vest (1818) /