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Merge candidates in nlwiki and specieswiki based on same sitelink name.

Found 1024 merge candiates, excluding 777 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 247 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-09-17 14:06 (UTC)

Merge candidates

  1. Q123037691 (nl:ANAS) and Q295611 (species:ANAS)
  2. Q4033258 (nl:Acia) and Q105072181 (species:Acia)
  3. Q21441736 (nl:Agrodiaetus) and Q4694234 (species:Agrodiaetus)
  4. Q36504643 (nl:Agung Kurniawan) and Q65322854 (species:Agung Kurniawan)
  5. Q117779921 (nl:Agus Salim) and Q118629 (species:Agus Salim)
  6. Q110761522 (nl:Alciphron) and Q4713139 (species:Alciphron)
  7. Q108921112 (nl:Amanuensis) and Q499134 (species:Amanuensis)
  8. Q124838193 (nl:Amon) and Q473916 (species:Amon)
  9. Q125152343 (nl:Amphimachus) and Q3616661 (species:Amphimachus)
  10. Q110863723 (nl:Anaxilaus) and Q760203 (species:Anaxilaus)
  11. Q120498293 (nl:Anaximenes) and Q80612 (species:Anaximenes)
  12. Q110831653 (nl:Anchises) and Q211953 (species:Anchises)
  13. Q47114639 (nl:André Breton) and Q161955 (species:André Breton)
  14. Q21439057 (nl:Antheraeopsis) and Q11958378 (species:Antheraeopsis)
  15. Q119444396 (nl:Anthony Barber) and Q333193 (species:Anthony Barber)
  16. Q111177884 (nl:Antoine Simon) and Q2215137 (species:Antoine Simon)
  17. Q18097007 (nl:Apachnas) and Q617221 (species:Apachnas)
  18. Q18102149 (nl:Aphrodisias) and Q618495 (species:Aphrodisias)
  19. Q124838086 (nl:Ashford) and Q231869 (species:Ashford)
  20. Q125906448 (nl:Asyla) and Q2403067 (species:Asyla)
  21. Q110909558 (nl:Avicenna) and Q8011 (species:Avicenna)
  22. Q125054340 (nl:Banya) and Q1759615 (species:Banya)
  23. Q55261759 (nl:Basa) and Q313224 (species:Basa)
  24. Q18106431 (nl:Baya) and Q2178465 (species:Baya)
  25. Q10429199 (nl:Bharata) and Q741734 (species:Bharata)
  26. Q18098172 (nl:Bilbilis) and Q860500 (species:Bilbilis)
  27. Q119061098 (nl:Bofa) and Q105604579 (species:Bofa)
  28. Q54645498 (nl:Brian Jones) and Q204943 (species:Brian Jones)
  29. Q101550781 (nl:Brian Miller) and Q346994 (species:Brian Miller)
  30. Q116673473 (nl:CEN) and Q648403 (species:CEN)
  31. Q5099853 (nl:CPU) and Q5300 (species:CPU)
  32. Q18097628 (nl:Capena) and Q241968 (species:Capena)
  33. Q21264066 (nl:Carebara rectidorsa) and Q13455531 (species:Carebara rectidorsa)
  34. Q5041180 (nl:Carlesia) and Q11046750 (species:Carlesia)
  35. Q18097668 (nl:Carmentalia) and Q1929272 (species:Carmentalia)
  36. Q126091671 (nl:Caroline Garcia) and Q258877 (species:Caroline Garcia)
  37. Q110826485 (nl:Chakra) and Q180720 (species:Chakra)
  38. Q107099272 (nl:Chaska) and Q280102 (species:Chaska)
  39. Q113701290 (nl:Chen Lin) and Q5090848 (species:Chen Lin)
  40. Q10455814 (nl:Cnidus) and Q690575 (species:Cnidus)
  41. Q119785130 (nl:Colpa) and Q19944833 (species:Colpa)
  42. Q98713804 (nl:Colusa) and Q2444930 (species:Colusa)
  43. Q18106944 (nl:Cortona) and Q52080 (species:Cortona)
  44. Q64866109 (nl:Cossutia) and Q440420 (species:Cossutia)
  45. Q55608555 (nl:Cresson) and Q1130655 (species:Cresson)
  46. Q1141999 (nl:Crum) and Q113509747 (species:Crum)
  47. Q61722627 (nl:Ctenella) and Q5191613 (species:Ctenella)
  48. Q119066185 (nl:Cuernavaca) and Q204245 (species:Cuernavaca)
  49. Q110974853 (nl:DCM) and Q2032149 (species:DCM)
  50. Q18096864 (nl:Daimon) and Q1157625 (species:Daimon)
  51. Q47124614 (nl:David Porter) and Q664909 (species:David Porter)
  52. Q124800420 (nl:David Taylor) and Q1368597 (species:David Taylor)
  53. Q88032889 (nl:David Černý) and Q378305 (species:David Černý)
  54. Q14915281 (nl:Dikwa) and Q5276586 (species:Dikwa)
  55. Q124834719 (nl:Edelstein) and Q1283390 (species:Edelstein)
  56. Q27473289 (nl:Eduardo Domínguez) and Q3288172 (species:Eduardo Domínguez)
  57. Q30113529 (nl:Emas) and Q2040548 (species:Emas)
  58. Q124837732 (nl:Engler) and Q1342510 (species:Engler)
  59. Q18098825 (nl:Epithalamium) and Q686027 (species:Epithalamium)
  60. Q18098876 (nl:Equirria) and Q959916 (species:Equirria)
  61. Q119103156 (nl:Erro) and Q674983 (species:Erro)
  62. Q54826256 (nl:Eudorus) and Q1331224 (species:Eudorus)
  63. Q119812241 (nl:Evgeniy Levchenko) and Q1869446 (species:Evgeniy Levchenko)
  64. Q16636683 (nl:Fordicidia) and Q1437060 (species:Fordicidia)
  65. Q21516015 (nl:Frank Höpfel) and Q14628153 (species:Frank Höpfel)
  66. Q94692058 (nl:Franz Kutschera) and Q78658 (species:Franz Kutschera)
  67. Q15296214 (nl:Fritz Wagner) and Q2464677 (species:Fritz Wagner)
  68. Q5508493 (nl:Fulvia) and Q66383018 (species:Fulvia)
  69. Q18592720 (nl:Galeata) and Q99941 (species:Galeata)
  70. Q3310244 (nl:Galtonia) and Q871963 (species:Galtonia)
  71. Q395134 (nl:Ganymedes) and Q108754 (species:Ganymedes)
  72. Q18161027 (nl:George Lewis) and Q489579 (species:George Lewis)
  73. Q1555376 (nl:Gusev) and Q1555357 (species:Gusev)
  74. Q18581939 (nl:Gustavus) and Q80116 (species:Gustavus)
  75. Q21511032 (nl:Hans Dulfer) and Q320410 (species:Hans Dulfer)
  76. Q118383964 (nl:Herrick) and Q402084 (species:Herrick)
  77. Q18520913 (nl:Heth) and Q2335214 (species:Heth)
  78. Q124837001 (nl:Hines) and Q450464 (species:Hines)
  79. Q101247253 (nl:Hiroshi Yoshida) and Q2188194 (species:Hiroshi Yoshida)
  80. Q119457946 (nl:Hugh Griffith) and Q310934 (species:Hugh Griffith)
  81. Q50701594 (nl:Infula) and Q3798633 (species:Infula)
  82. Q16983609 (nl:Ioba) and Q1074154 (species:Ioba)
  83. Q18100861 (nl:Jafar) and Q2331578 (species:Jafar)
  84. Q119139534 (nl:Jamaica) and Q766 (species:Jamaica)
  85. Q119458339 (nl:James Smith) and Q414931 (species:James Smith)
  86. Q21519614 (nl:Jan Lundgren) and Q370899 (species:Jan Lundgren)
  87. Q119443817 (nl:Jean-Claude Petit) and Q327866 (species:Jean-Claude Petit)
  88. Q111343253 (nl:Jericho) and Q5687 (species:Jericho)
  89. Q11725205 (nl:Jerzy Pawłowski) and Q945412 (species:Jerzy Pawłowski)
  90. Q119451117 (nl:Jin Sato) and Q1254864 (species:Jin Sato)
  91. Q22103425 (nl:Jiří Janák) and Q15916311 (species:Jiří Janák)
  92. Q332617 (nl:Johan Koren) and Q4232856 (species:Johan Koren)
  93. Q21612104 (nl:Johannes Walter) and Q56649831 (species:Johannes Walter)
  94. Q105230296 (nl:John Reed) and Q310800 (species:John Reed)
  95. Q65562599 (nl:John Smit) and Q1396771 (species:John Smit)
  96. Q73316469 (nl:José Antonio González) and Q1884081 (species:José Antonio González)
  97. Q22113871 (nl:José Antonio López) and Q728590 (species:José Antonio López)
  98. Q106464197 (nl:Joubert) and Q1568243 (species:Joubert)
  99. Q54792471 (nl:João Neiva) and Q1982819 (species:João Neiva)
  100. Q42395286 (nl:João Varela) and Q2050611 (species:João Varela)
  101. Q10541215 (nl:Juliaca) and Q696074 (species:Juliaca)
  102. Q108378023 (nl:Karl Gruber) and Q79125 (species:Karl Gruber)
  103. Q124834875 (nl:Kern) and Q442625 (species:Kern)
  104. Q18101228 (nl:Kerygma) and Q1163090 (species:Kerygma)
  105. Q109381667 (nl:Kibo) and Q1394606 (species:Kibo)
  106. Q119450017 (nl:Kisa) and Q1017607 (species:Kisa)
  107. Q101789605 (nl:Kituba) and Q35746 (species:Kituba)
  108. Q26219685 (nl:Kordia) and Q2309702 (species:Kordia)
  109. Q98550125 (nl:Krimi) and Q5937792 (species:Krimi)
  110. Q18101401 (nl:Kronos) and Q44204 (species:Kronos)
  111. Q124833278 (nl:Kroon) and Q3817145 (species:Kroon)
  112. Q18828525 (nl:Kuranda) and Q451609 (species:Kuranda)
  113. Q124113149 (nl:LBG) and Q2488244 (species:LBG)
  114. Q124967104 (nl:LMK) and Q108041098 (species:LMK)
  115. Q65962984 (nl:LTB) and Q15943468 (species:LTB)
  116. Q124847396 (nl:Laurent) and Q10945666 (species:Laurent)
  117. Q5973802 (nl:Leslie Watson) and Q124220301 (species:Leslie Watson)
  118. Q114619527 (nl:Li Song) and Q3179306 (species:Li Song)
  119. Q119454627 (nl:Li Yu) and Q450039 (species:Li Yu)
  120. Q88835507 (nl:Liang Chen) and Q18062194 (species:Liang Chen)
  121. Q21607455 (nl:Lorenzo Rota) and Q18201815 (species:Lorenzo Rota)
  122. Q1327342 (nl:László Tóth) and Q97192306 (species:László Tóth)
  123. Q112863737 (nl:MARS) and Q106436662 (species:MARS)
  124. Q10575204 (nl:Magadha) and Q234009 (species:Magadha)
  125. Q21447335 (nl:Makara) and Q1136842 (species:Makara)
  126. Q121009514 (nl:Makoto Tanaka) and Q549513 (species:Makoto Tanaka)
  127. Q1567648 (nl:Malaxa) and Q20732329 (species:Malaxa)
  128. Q10576352 (nl:Mandola) and Q74207 (species:Mandola)
  129. Q18102386 (nl:Maranata) and Q950034 (species:Maranata)
  130. Q119121995 (nl:Marena) and Q936979 (species:Marena)
  131. Q119458063 (nl:Marie Kettnerová) and Q512501 (species:Marie Kettnerová)
  132. Q20674970 (nl:Meghalaya) and Q1195 (species:Meghalaya)
  133. Q121914145 (nl:Melinesthes) and Q15628556 (species:Melinesthes)
  134. Q101826691 (nl:Mendis) and Q12498024 (species:Mendis)
  135. Q18100219 (nl:Menora) and Q170476 (species:Menora)
  136. Q124836721 (nl:Merklin) and Q238252 (species:Merklin)
  137. Q22107437 (nl:Michael Rose) and Q1356968 (species:Michael Rose)
  138. Q104787929 (nl:Michael Steiner) and Q216009 (species:Michael Steiner)
  139. Q119449915 (nl:Mijas) and Q492744 (species:Mijas)
  140. Q6850887 (nl:Milda) and Q551936 (species:Milda)
  141. Q16611578 (nl:Mithymna) and Q132198 (species:Mithymna)
  142. Q21447717 (nl:Morna) and Q502535 (species:Morna)
  143. Q106302092 (nl:Mou) and Q406087 (species:Mou)
  144. Q18100372 (nl:Mula) and Q1983986 (species:Mula)
  145. Q107093680 (nl:NTU) and Q2280507 (species:NTU)
  146. Q10594035 (nl:Naevus) and Q692077 (species:Naevus)
  147. Q47129245 (nl:Naoki Yamada) and Q982161 (species:Naoki Yamada)
  148. Q47123233 (nl:Naoshi Nakamura) and Q981991 (species:Naoshi Nakamura)
  149. Q21445553 (nl:Narina) and Q107306532 (species:Narina)
  150. Q18103676 (nl:Ngoma) and Q2724035 (species:Ngoma)
  151. Q7071322 (nl:Nyx) and Q131203 (species:Nyx)
  152. Q18102257 (nl:Obia) and Q2537493 (species:Obia)
  153. Q108933429 (nl:Oo) and Q2325500 (species:Oo)
  154. Q18104263 (nl:Opio) and Q850534 (species:Opio)
  155. Q10611500 (nl:Orinda) and Q206464 (species:Orinda)
  156. Q124834892 (nl:Osten) and Q1217831 (species:Osten)
  157. Q108736129 (nl:Paladin) and Q2091741 (species:Paladin)
  158. Q123698299 (nl:Palanga) and Q2047414 (species:Palanga)
  159. Q25374027 (nl:Pappia) and Q104886621 (species:Pappia)
  160. Q17186665 (nl:Paragramma) and Q123513726 (species:Paragramma)
  161. Q18100207 (nl:Paranda) and Q2719048 (species:Paranda)
  162. Q10621622 (nl:Patara) and Q233121 (species:Patara)
  163. Q119444388 (nl:Paul Freed) and Q2467131 (species:Paul Freed)
  164. Q119450083 (nl:Paul Russo) and Q172655 (species:Paul Russo)
  165. Q119443959 (nl:Pete Davidson) and Q18097962 (species:Pete Davidson)
  166. Q114603480 (nl:Peter Robertson) and Q1561400 (species:Peter Robertson)
  167. Q57330890 (nl:Petr Novák) and Q1837655 (species:Petr Novák)
  168. Q119456738 (nl:Philippe Léonard) and Q568762 (species:Philippe Léonard)
  169. Q47116295 (nl:Pierre Delanoë) and Q674280 (species:Pierre Delanoë)
  170. Q56331112 (nl:Placodium) and Q58455376 (species:Placodium)
  171. Q55261828 (nl:Plautilla) and Q238151 (species:Plautilla)
  172. Q10635715 (nl:Pogon) and Q2712822 (species:Pogon)
  173. Q98550140 (nl:Porongurup) and Q55819362 (species:Porongurup)
  174. Q124836103 (nl:Probst) and Q2111597 (species:Probst)
  175. Q114115644 (nl:Protonema) and Q1427759 (species:Protonema)
  176. Q107365906 (nl:RGF) and Q20011086 (species:RGF)
  177. Q88486919 (nl:Rachelia) and Q2917945 (species:Rachelia)
  178. Q18098850 (nl:Radha) and Q113904 (species:Radha)
  179. Q124835004 (nl:Renard) and Q1839409 (species:Renard)
  180. Q2882378 (nl:Resia) and Q53335 (species:Resia)
  181. Q30243617 (nl:Rhamphina) and Q14262202 (species:Rhamphina)
  182. Q124847403 (nl:Rhinorex) and Q18091433 (species:Rhinorex)
  183. Q119450159 (nl:Richard Garcia) and Q440584 (species:Richard Garcia)
  184. Q118923202 (nl:Richard Kline) and Q503726 (species:Richard Kline)
  185. Q21518054 (nl:Richard Kuhn) and Q78483 (species:Richard Kuhn)
  186. Q125134864 (nl:Ricky Taylor) and Q15691440 (species:Ricky Taylor)
  187. Q120498338 (nl:Ring) and Q534381 (species:Ring)
  188. Q4932599 (nl:Robert Green) and Q200770 (species:Robert Green)
  189. Q18102380 (nl:Robigalia) and Q1234157 (species:Robigalia)
  190. Q119455873 (nl:Robin Schmidt) and Q14283109 (species:Robin Schmidt)
  191. Q123193162 (nl:Rotella) and Q56089 (species:Rotella)
  192. Q120212410 (nl:Ryder) and Q403091 (species:Ryder)
  193. Q116548458 (nl:SCZ) and Q3399060 (species:SCZ)
  194. Q11531024 (nl:SFM) and Q2086859 (species:SFM)
  195. Q99336843 (nl:Satoshi Tanaka) and Q77670479 (species:Satoshi Tanaka)
  196. Q124837847 (nl:Sax) and Q58101 (species:Sax)
  197. Q124835431 (nl:Schacht) and Q2229684 (species:Schacht)
  198. Q33678008 (nl:Scott Jones) and Q1839768 (species:Scott Jones)
  199. Q47127077 (nl:Seiji Tada) and Q40539725 (species:Seiji Tada)
  200. Q104815282 (nl:Semese Alefaio) and Q7449249 (species:Semese Alefaio)
  201. Q107309150 (nl:Serina) and Q101580 (species:Serina)
  202. Q27438154 (nl:Shaitan) and Q3959257 (species:Shaitan)
  203. Q101554107 (nl:Shigemi Ishii) and Q1811954 (species:Shigemi Ishii)
  204. Q123698288 (nl:Simonia) and Q3363299 (species:Simonia)
  205. Q95587866 (nl:Sinis) and Q843335 (species:Sinis)
  206. Q119138681 (nl:Sinopia) and Q2303165 (species:Sinopia)
  207. Q119457797 (nl:Sjon Hauser) and Q2629504 (species:Sjon Hauser)
  208. Q88477527 (nl:Stefan Schwab) and Q742867 (species:Stefan Schwab)
  209. Q19261711 (nl:Stegomyia) and Q87338577 (species:Stegomyia)
  210. Q123005509 (nl:Steven Richardson) and Q2628644 (species:Steven Richardson)
  211. Q10684228 (nl:Suva) and Q38807 (species:Suva)
  212. Q10687425 (nl:Synecdoche) and Q190068 (species:Synecdoche)
  213. Q115396053 (nl:TOGR) and Q2955307 (species:TOGR)
  214. Q23070896 (nl:Tadumia) and Q18583820 (species:Tadumia)
  215. Q21517635 (nl:Takao Kobayashi) and Q457312 (species:Takao Kobayashi)
  216. Q106131679 (nl:Telemachus) and Q192482 (species:Telemachus)
  217. Q96083905 (nl:Tentamen) and Q27318 (species:Tentamen)
  218. Q121159125 (nl:Thomas Hansen) and Q7790404 (species:Thomas Hansen)
  219. Q3529423 (nl:Tisiphone) and Q3991817 (species:Tisiphone)
  220. Q119452311 (nl:Tom Lewis) and Q2352807 (species:Tom Lewis)
  221. Q115665798 (nl:Tom Schneider) and Q724661 (species:Tom Schneider)
  222. Q119143499 (nl:Ton Smits) and Q2453265 (species:Ton Smits)
  223. Q130267354 (nl:Travis) and Q120252 (species:Travis)
  224. Q18103467 (nl:Tubilustrium) and Q1920049 (species:Tubilustrium)
  225. Q117049496 (nl:Tung Thanh Tran) and Q2477974 (species:Tung Thanh Tran)
  226. Q10706439 (nl:Tura) and Q1064032 (species:Tura)
  227. Q104717710 (nl:Uchida) and Q2472874 (species:Uchida)
  228. Q125144449 (nl:Uruguay) and Q77 (species:Uruguay)
  229. Q126328114 (nl:Victor Johnson) and Q1381100 (species:Victor Johnson)
  230. Q7936356 (nl:Visma) and Q1770535 (species:Visma)
  231. Q10716404 (nl:Vittaliana) and Q110827892 (species:Vittaliana)
  232. Q122840192 (nl:WAG) and Q2219120 (species:WAG)
  233. Q18106941 (nl:Wakaya) and Q630394 (species:Wakaya)
  234. Q118955105 (nl:Walter Hofmann) and Q443414 (species:Walter Hofmann)
  235. Q119459139 (nl:Wei He) and Q847641 (species:Wei He)
  236. Q124343502 (nl:Wilhelm Berndt) and Q39811782 (species:Wilhelm Berndt)
  237. Q5770736 (nl:William Gregory) and Q324774 (species:William Gregory)
  238. Q119449598 (nl:William Ingram) and Q7529636 (species:William Ingram)
  239. Q820018 (nl:William Turner) and Q159758 (species:William Turner)
  240. Q18582013 (nl:Yagua) and Q363828 (species:Yagua)
  241. Q119449564 (nl:Yin Qi) and Q85316861 (species:Yin Qi)
  242. Q28432831 (nl:Yoshi) and Q214174 (species:Yoshi)
  243. Q112274312 (nl:ZM) and Q2749412 (species:ZM)
  244. Q18107058 (nl:Zadra) and Q57835594 (species:Zadra)
  245. Q101534695 (nl:Zafar Iqbal) and Q8064230 (species:Zafar Iqbal)
  246. Q17094074 (nl:Zyzzyx) and Q4053627 (species:Zyzzyx)
  247. Q28554088 (nl:Émile Borel) and Q154356 (species:Émile Borel)