User:Olea/CDDA designationType

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CDDA designation type

   Under discussion
Descriptiondesignation type (Q108028209) of the Common Database on Designated Areas, by the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Q1378198).
Representsdesignation type (Q108028209)
Data typeItem
Domainprotected area (Q473972) in the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Q1378198)
Allowed valuesmore than 700 CDDA designationTypeCode codes (see complementary CDDA designationTypeCode property proposal)
Example 1MISSING
Example 2ÑACA
Example 3MISSING
SourceNationally designated areas inventory (Q1116062), database downloadable at [1]
Planned usepopulate elements using Common Database on Designated Areas ID (P4762)
Expected completenessalways incomplete (Q21873886)
Robot and gadget jobsprobably not
See alsoCommon Database on Designated Areas ID (P4762) and Wikidata:Property proposal/CDDA designationTypeCode
Applicable "stated in"-valueNationally designated areas inventory (Q1116062)
Distinct-values constraintno