User:Multichill/Philadelphia Museum of Art missing painter

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This is a list of paintings (painting (Q3305213)) in collection (P195) -> Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324) which have no creator (P170) claim. The main list is at User:Multichill/Paintings without painter. You can help by adding the painters. Big chance you have to create them. This list will be updated by a bot.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q510324 . OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P170 ?dummy0 } FILTER(!bound(?dummy0)) }
label description described at URL
Saints Benedict, Sebastian, Stephen, and John the Evangelist painting by Arrigo di Niccolò Master of the Manassei Chapel
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Fray Diego Becerra
Suit of Armor painting by J. Chambillan
Portrait of a Woman painting by Édouard Collet
Our Lady of the Reedbed of Irún with Donor, Captain Joaquín Elorrieta painting by José Cortés de Alcocer
Nun's Shield showing the Assumption of the Virgin painting by José Mariano Farfán de los Godos
Marriage of the Virgin painting by Giovanni di Pietro, also called Nanni di Pietro
Virgin Returning to the House of Her Parents painting by Giovanni di Pietro, also called Nanni di Pietro
Portrait of Agustín de Iturbide, Emperor of Mexico painting by Josephus Arias Huarte
The Archangel Raphael painting by Juan José Jurado
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Andreas López
Virgin and Child painting by Lorenzo di Giovanni di Nofri Master of San Miniato
Enthroned Virgin and Child with Four Angels painting by Master of the Book of Hours of Alfonso of Aragon
The Ascension of Saint Mary Magdalene painting by Master of the Johnson Ascension of Saint Mary Magdalene
Center panel: Virgin and Child, with Saints Dominic, John the Baptist, Thomas Aquinas, Peter Martyr, Francis, and Jerome, and an Angel and a Child [Raphael and Tobias?]; painting by Master of the Johnson Tabernacle Center panel: Virgin and Child, with Saints Dominic, John the Baptist, Thomas Aquinas, Peter Martyr, Francis, and Jerome, and an Angel and a Child [Raphael and Tobias?]
Triptych showing scenes from the Martyrdom of Saint Barbara and scenes from the Life of Christ painting by Master of the Laufen High Altarpiece
The Holy Kinship painting by Master of the Legend of Saint Anne
The Crucifixion, with Saints Jerome, Columba of Sens, and Peter, and a Donor painting by Master of the Munich Crucifixion Altarpiece
Virgin and Child Enthroned painting by Master of the Pomegranate
Coronation of the Virgin painting by Master of the Terni Dormition
Saint John the Evangelist painting by Nicola d'Ulisse da Siena
Saint Sebastian painting by Nicola d'Ulisse da Siena
The Gathering of Manna and the Discovery of the Water of Elim painting by Olot Master
Saint James Major painting by Antonio Orsini Master of the Carminati Coronation
Saint John the Baptist painting by Antonio Orsini Master of the Carminati Coronation
The Adoration of the Christ Child painting by Ortolano Giovanni Battista Benvenuti
The Resurrection painting by Oslo Master
The Flagellation painting by Palma il Giovane Jacopo Negretti
Christ Carrying the Cross painting by Marco Palmezzano Marco di Antonio Palmeggiano
The Adoration of the Christ Child painting by Marco Palmezzano Marco di Antonio Palmeggiano
Virgin and Child, with Saints John the Baptist and Jerome painting by Pastura Antonio del Massaro da Viterbo
The Revelation to Saint Joseph painting by Diego Pérez
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino painting by Piermatteo Lauro de' Manfredi da Amelia Master of the Gardner Annunciation
Virgin and Child painting by Piero di Cosimo Piero di Lorenzo
The Holy Family, with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Jerome painting by Bonifacio de' Pitati, also called Bonifacio Veronese
The Mother of God of Tichvin painting by Andrei Mikhailovich Postnikov
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino painting by Pseudo Marco Meloni
Saint Mary Magdalene painting by Domenico Puligo Domenico di Bartolomeo degli Ubaldini
Cleopatra painting by Riccio Bartolomeo Neroni
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Riccio Bartolomeo Neroni
Pastoral Landscape painting by Louis-Marie-Dominique Robbe
Susanna and the Elders painting by Scarsellino Ippolito Scarsella
Woman with a Hawk painting by The Spanish Forger
The Virgin of Humility, with Eight Angels painting by Tommaso del Mazza Master of Santa Verdiana
Panel from an Altarpiece painting by Pau Várgos
Panel from an Altarpiece painting by Pau Várgos (PMA, EW1993-127-4a,b)
Saint Augustine as a Youth painting by Manuel Villa
The Crucifixion, with symbols of Saints Matthew and John the Evangelist painting by Vitale da Bologna Vitale di Aimo degli Equi, or Vidalino Aymi de Equis
San Ramón Nonato painting by José Aragón
Temple of Apollo painting by Judge John Beale Bordley
Locomotive Briar Cliff painting by W. L. Bresse
Road Master painting by E. W. Lovejoy
U.S. Revenue Cutter, the U.S. Morris painting by H. A. Roath
Scene from Shakespeare's King John (Hubert and Arthur) painting by Christian Schuessele Schussele
The Young Recruits painting by Christian Schuessele Schussele
Untitled painting by Charles Burwell
The Ambassador and Her Assistant painting by Jerry Crimmins
Still Life painting by Stuart Egnal
Ex. 6, No Traveller's Borne (Translation No. 13) painting by Jess Jess Collins
A Gift Not Given painting by Alexandria Lerner
Untitled (Jewish Men at a Table) painting by Harold Lieberman
A Description of the World painting by Eileen Neff
Reclining Nude painting by Tommy Dale Palmore
Self-Portrait with Popocatépetl painting by Dr. Atl Gerardo Murillo
Girl with Cat painting by Balthus Balthazar Klossowski de Rola
Young Girl Asleep (Frédérique) painting by Balthus Balthazar Klossowski de Rola
The Stevedore painting by Julius T. Bloch
Hydro Cell painting by John R. Covert
Moonlight painting by Wharton H. Esherick
Agnus Dei painting by William H. Ferguson
Pietà painting by William H. Ferguson
Study for Ikon of the Modern Age painting by John Graham Ivan Dabrowsky
Spaghetti painting by Alexander Jacovleff
Portrait of John H. McFadden painting by Philip A. de László
Portrait of Mrs. Francis P. Garvan and Her Four Children painting by Philip A. de László
House of Roses painting by Henri-Eugène-Augustin Le Sidaner
Proun 2 (Construction) painting by El Lissitzky Eleazar Lissitzky
Still Life with Fish painting by Louis Marcoussis Louis Casimir Ladislas Markus
Portrait of Joshua Cope painting by Cesare A. Ricciardi
Our Forefathers painting by Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich
Mahakala, Protector of the Tent painting by Maker unknown, Central Tibetan
The Blind Leading the Blind painting by Flemish artist
Portrait of a Nobleman (Possibly a Member of the Solms Family) painting by Hans Döring or Hans Mielich (Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Rustend vee op een weide buiten een dorp
Christus en de overspelige vrouw
Portrait of a merchant, possibly Jeronimus Sandelin
Portrait of a Lady anonymous painting by an Italian artist
End of automatically generated list.