User:MisterSynergy/sports/P641 worklists

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Important items


Subclasses of sport:

Instances of sport (should not happen):

SELECT ?item { ?item p:P31 [ ps:P31 wd:Q349 ] . }
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SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?sport ?sportLabel WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P641 ?sport . 
  MINUS { ?sport (wdt:P279)* wd:Q349 . }
  MINUS { ?sport (wdt:P279)* wd:Q20037067 . }
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
} ORDER BY ?sportLabel
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SELECT ?sport (COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?number) WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P641 ?sport . 
  MINUS { ?sport (wdt:P279)* wd:Q349 . }
  MINUS { ?sport (wdt:P279)* wd:Q20037067 . }
} GROUP BY ?sport ORDER BY DESC(?number)
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Missing field of this occupation (P425) in sportsperson items

SELECT ?occupation (COUNT(?occupation) AS ?cnt) {
  ?item wdt:P106 ?occupation .
  ?occupation wdt:P279* wd:Q2066131 .
    ?occupation wdt:P425 ?field .
} GROUP BY ?occupation ORDER BY DESC(?cnt)
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Remove P641 in favor of P106 for sportspersons


In sportsperson items, P106 has several advantages over P641 and shall preferably be used. In fact, P641 does not add any additional information to an item that has already a corresponding P106 claim. This is a (preliminary) worklist to remove P641 in those cases systematically at some point in the future, without losing any information.

#SELECT ?item ?sport ?occupation ?field {
SELECT ?sport (COUNT(?sport) AS ?cnt) {
  ?item wdt:P641 ?sport .
  ?item wdt:P106 ?occupation .
  ?occupation (wdt:P279)* wd:Q2066131 .
  ?occupation wdt:P425 ?field .
  FILTER(?field != ?sport) .
} GROUP BY ?sport ORDER BY DESC(?cnt)
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