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Two of the features: the menu to jump to a statement and the arrows on a statement with many values

UpDown is a small user-script for faster navigation:

  • If there are a lot of values for one property it will add arrows that allow you to jump to the first/last value.
  • With the keys j and k you can jump to the next/previous statement
  • Press the key t or the ☰-icon on the bottom-right to toggle a sticky menu that allows you to jump to a statement.

Note: I might add additional features to this script. I'm not sure yet, suggestion are welcome.



To use this gadget add the following into in your common.js:

importScript( 'User:MichaelSchoenitzer/updown.js' );



You can highlight Properties that are important to you in the sticky menu by adding a css-rule to your common.css:

/* Highlight P348 and P275 */
.qtoc-P348,.qtoc-P275 {
	font-weight: bold;