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Babel user information
This user is a member of the WikiProject Books.
Inventaire logoThis user shares their books on (Q32193244).
Wikibase CLI screenshotThis user reads and edits Wikidata from the command line using wikibase-cli.
wikibase-edit code screenshotThis user edits Wikidata in JavaScript (Q2005) using wikibase-edit.
Hub illustrationThis user browses the web at ludicrous speed via the Hub
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf fortgeschrittenem Niveau.
es-1 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento básico del español.
it-0 Questo utente non è in grado di comunicare in italiano (o lo capisce solo con notevole difficoltà).
nl-0 Deze gebruiker heeft geen kennis van het Nederlands (of begrijpt het met grote moeite).
Users by language

Hello! I'm Maxime Lathuilière — often contracted as maxlath (\makslat\) — , you will find here a brief outlook of what I do around Wikidata. You may read more about what I do in general, and why I do it, at

Contributing on a lot of different things that come on my way but mostly instances of book (Q571) and human (Q5) with occupation (P106):writer (Q36180), which are the main entities I use for the project (Q32193244): a webapp to keep inventories of books using wikidata!

The Little Prince on using data from Wikidata and text from Wikipédia

External Tools


I'm also the developer of a few Wikidata tools:

  • wikibase-sdk: a javascript tool suite to query and work with wikibase data
  • wikibase-edit: a lib to edit Wikibase from NodeJS
  • wikibase-cli: read and edit a Wikibase instance from the command line (combines the two above behind a command-line interface)
  • wikidata-filter: a command-line tool to filter a Wikidata dump by claim
  • Wikidata Subset Search Engine Tools to setup an ElasticSearch instance fed with subsets of Wikidata
  • import-wikidata-dump-to-couchdb: a tool to import a subset or a full Wikidata dump into a CouchDB database
  • wikidata-lang: a JSON/JS index of 183 languages accessible either by their 2-letters language code or Wikidata Qid

And some tools based on Wikidata:

  • Hub: a web hub based on Wikidata
    • which can be used in many ways, including linking to the Wikipedia page corresponding to a Wikidata entity in the user language.
      Example: toolforge:hub/Q123 should redirect you to the Wikipedia page for September in your language
  • Hub.js: a script based on the above Hub adding links to every pages based on their associated Wikidata entity

Mass edits


Among other things, I use the tools above to edit Wikidata en masse: see wikidata-scripting







none planed yet



Wikimedia Hackathon 2019


Wikimania 2019


WikidataCon 2019


WikiCite 2018

  • Pioneering Wikidata-federated open bibliographic data: Video - Slides

WikiCite 2017


WikidataCon 2017
