User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/391

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Musical instruments

Unknown external ID

External ID External label Item
12395 Zamar (Q3574707)
12651 Violí de bufa (Q11954880)
1512 Yelatáj chos woley (Q6169915)
3507 scraped vessels (Q55722133)
3571 pochette (Q1094813)
39 shaken idiophone (Q2132068)
40268 tin whistle (Q615403)
4636767549201910 Snpoñia (Q10862199)
5674 frame harps with pedal action (Q55724967)
6320 band reeds (Q55725172)
8396 Harmonia pedałowa (Q9286486)
ULEI:M0001756 ULEI:M0001756 gabusifonio (Q79351900)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
2233 Reed organs pump organ (Q12460259) reed pipe (Q3178239) 18971767
2572 Dhol dhol (Q1207707) davul (Q1178361) 18970790
3145 Ghichak ghijak (Q4138014) ghaychak (Q1521728) 18971121
3362 Ektara ektara (Q1321111) ektara (Q1236670) 18971860
3724 Zheng guzheng (Q726303) zheng (Q3575408) 18972850
3731 Accordions squeezebox (Q336767) accordion (Q79838) 18972666
3743 Melodeon melodeon (Q4592185) diatonic button accordion (Q379269) 18970406
3930 Double flute double flute (Q16519124) double flute (Q3018875) 18971310
4093 Transverse flute western concert flute (Q209554) transverse flute (Q16875637) 18971242
4098 Txirula xirula (Q8044776) txistu (Q6321200) 18971504
4164 Oboes oboe family instrument (Q42889517) oboe (Q8377) 18972680
4181 Bombarde pommer (Q540887) bombarde (Q661065) 18972143
4648 Duda duda (Q5311633) dūdas (Q5321271) 18970426
4699 Zambomba sarronca (Q16948539) rommelpot (Q9097454) 18970972
4721 Kurai quray (Q25555663) quray (Q864778) 18971386
6073 Mouthpiece mouthpiece (Q523753) woodwind mouthpiece (Q671722) 18972081

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
organ (Q1444) 18971770 2264 Organs
18972214 2266 Organ
trumpet (Q8338) 18972685 4370 Trumpets
18972527 4446 Trumpet
clarinet (Q8343) 18972674 3827 Clarinets
18970605 3836 Clarinet
bagpipes (Q8347) 18970415 3746 Bagpipe
18970427 3757 Dudy
violin (Q8355) 18972502 3564 Violins
18972635 3573 Violin
oboe (Q8377) 18972680 4164 Oboes
18972164 4232 Oboe
harmonica (Q51290) 18972668 4110 Harmonicas
18971622 4111 Harmonica
zither (Q76239) 18972493 3610 Zithers
18972750 3729 Zither
accordion (Q79838) 18972666 3731 Accordions
18970392 3732 Accordion
viola (Q80284) 18972486 3558 Violas
18972630 3561 Viola
harpsichord (Q81982) 18971768 2239 Harpsichords
18971668 2251 Harpsichord
qanbūs (Q120031) 18971862 3363 Gambus
18971914 3415 Qanbus
drum kit (Q128309) 18972309 5702 Drum set
18970689 5703 Drum set
alto horn (Q157420) 18972438 4319 Althorn
18972437 4321 Alto horn
bassoon (Q159998) 18972670 3786 Bassoons
18970466 3795 Bassoon
synthesizer (Q163829) 18971771 2316 Synthesizers
18972506 2321 Synthesizer
xylophone (Q165666) 18972323 3062 Xylophones
18972688 3099 Xylophone
castanets (Q183932) 18972315 2420 Castanets
18970543 2423 Castanets
trompe (Q185003) 18972307 2861 Jew's harps
18971707 2864 Jew's harp
cymbal (Q190172) 18972311 2451 Cymbals
18970650 2471 Cymbals
clavichord (Q191823) 18971765 2231 Clavichords
18970635 2232 Clavichord
gamelan (Q194492) 18972317 2805 Gamelan
18971524 2806 Gamelan
ophicleide (Q200823) 18972682 4294 Ophicleides
18972206 4299 Ophicleide
hurdy-gurdy (Q207821) 18972497 3304 Hurdy-gurdies
18971701 3305 Hurdy-gurdy
gong (Q208320) 18972318 2807 Gongs
18971546 2820 Gong
marimba (Q220971) 18971773 2937 Marimba
18972687 3079 Marimba
double clarinet (Q229717) 18970607 3838 Double clarinet
18970634 3856 Zummara
darbuka (Q319154) 18970780 2554 Darabukka
18970806 2590 Dumbelek
diatonic button accordion (Q379269) 18970395 3736 Diatonic accordion
18970406 3743 Melodeon
flugelhorn (Q382616) 18972673 3875 Flugelhorns
18971224 3881 Flugelhorn
santur (Q504847) 18971649 3273 Chang
18972731 3689 Santur
kora (Q585969) 18972491 3254 Harp-lutes / Koras
18971628 3258 Kora
komuz (Q645977) 18971813 3384 Komuz
18971886 3386 Kopuz
bullroarer (Q666971) 18972672 3825 Bullroarers
18970539 3826 Bullroarer
duduk (Q737917) 18971239 3933 Duduk
18972117 6292 Duduk
cowbell (Q775570) 18970499 2389 Cencerro
18970476 2390 Cowbell
saxhorn (Q787557) 18972683 4318 Saxhorns
18972448 4333 Saxhorn
sackbut (Q808573) 18971054 2221 Sackbut
18972510 4364 Sackbut (trombone)
lamellophone (Q936762) 18972320 2912 Lamellaphones
18972266 4836 Plucked idiophone
cittern (Q1093290) 18972492 3102 Citterns
18970547 3106 Cittern
gyaling (Q1127899) 18972162 4242 Rgya-gling
18972163 5227 Gya ling
monochord (Q1136653) 18972501 3516 Monochords
18972066 3518 Monochord
metallophone (Q1165766) 18972325 2965 Metallophones
18972027 2971 Metallophone
davul (Q1178361) 18970782 2561 Davul
18970790 2572 Dhol
electronic organ (Q1327327) 18972503 2318 Electric organ
18972504 2319 Electronic organ
kendang (Q1553249) 18970826 2607 Gendang
18970874 2652 Kendang
musical bow (Q1630744) 18972489 3521 Musical bows
18972084 3538 Musical bow
hunting horn (Q1678302) 18972678 4136 Hunting horns
18971695 4138 Hunting horn
lithophone (Q1704079) 18972324 2949 Lithophones
18971800 2952 Lithophone
kacapi (Q1823485) 18972725 3658 Kacapi
18971810 6036 Kacapi
Naqareh (Q1898734) 18971753 2893 Nakers
18971755 2894 Naqqara
telenka (Q1999077) 18971492 4089 Tilinca
18971490 4831 Telenka
ching (Q2066397) 18970648 2462 Ching
18971525 6273 Ching
shaken idiophone (Q2132068) 18972319 3012 Rattles
18972386 3036 Rattle
washint (Q2383880) 18970478 2419 Washint
18971263 6809 Washint
Šargija (Q2451473) 18971923 4761 Sargija
18971931 4965 Sharki
harp lute (Q3623687) 18971624 3255 Harp-lute
18971643 3277 Dital harp
Slenthem (Q4260715) 18972051 2976 Slentem
18972476 5504 Slentem
txistu (Q6321200) 18970448 3777 Txistu
18971504 4098 Txirula
khlui (Q6401851) 18971379 3986 Khlui
18971380 3987 Khluy
zeze (Q8069980) 18972849 3721 Zeze
18971218 6833 Zeze
syrinx (Q10902606) 18971487 4084 Syrinx
18971253 4728 Siringa
alto recorder (Q15791824) 18971227 4096 Treble recorder
18971226 6625 Alto recorder
clog fiddle (Q18449477) 18971076 3220 Träskofiol
18971101 6700 Clog fiddle

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
2572 davul (Q1178361)
dhol (Q1207707)
3145 ghaychak (Q1521728)
ghijak (Q4138014)
3724 guzheng (Q726303)
zheng (Q3575408)
4093 western concert flute (Q209554)
transverse flute (Q16875637)
4181 pommer (Q540887)
bombarde (Q661065)
4648 duda (Q5311633)
dūdas (Q5321271)
4699 rommelpot (Q9097454)
sarronca (Q16948539)
4721 quray (Q864778)
quray (Q25555663)
6073 mouthpiece (Q523753)
woodwind mouthpiece (Q671722)