User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/212

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

Person in the biographical website of the Royal College of Surgeons, London

Unknown external ID

External ID Item
E010008b Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Q80976)
E010198b Albrecht Encke (Q1229361)
E009629b Donald Trunkey (Q1240420)
E009474b Gustav Victor Rudolf Born (Q1556492)
E010459b Michel Portmann (Q3310621)
E010230b Eldryd Parry (Q5354193)
E009763b Geoffrey Burnstock (Q5534494)
E010457b John Najarian (Q6250133)
E010220b Michael Rawlins (Q6833757)
E009654b William Stanley Peart (Q8018733)
E010364b Masaki Kitajima (Q17129386)
E009644b LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. (Q19661360)
E009481b Hugo Obwegeser (Q27956235)
nigel-baber Nigel Baber (Q29642301)
E009581b Donald Irvine (Q65031555)
E009773b Ugo Fisch (Q102226578)
E010150b Hugh Brown (Q107038127)
E010462b Heinz Stammberger (Q111603334)
E009473b John J. Bergan (Q112394541)
E010185b W. Hardy Hendren (Q112397068)
E010014b John A. Mannick (Q112397090)
E009580b Henry Vernon Crock (Q112543424)
E010009b Constance Fozzard (Q113546438)
E010178b Leslie H. Blumgart (Q114407270)
E010461b William Silen (Q114703401)
E010179b W. Gerald Austen (Q117479388)
E009562b Ian Stewart (Q123016266)
E009503b Jacques C van der Meulen (Q123333106)
E010188b Anthony P. Monaco (Q124189532)
E009538b Rob Pickard (Q124221793)
E009480b Mahalingamoorthy Natarajan (Q124221902)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
E000627b Sir Benjamin Keith Rank Benjamin Keith Rank (Q110991706) Clifford Brewer (Q29919517) 10635648

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
James Black (Q110974) 10629680 E001019b Sir James Whtye Black
10629681 E008504b Sir James Whyte Black
Brian Barratt-Boyes (Q4963059) 10629380 E008088b Sir Brian Gerald Barratt-Boyes
10629381 E000264b Sir Brian Gerald Barratt-Boyes
Clifford Brewer (Q29919517) 10635648 E000627b Sir Benjamin Keith Rank
10635649 E008861b Sir Benjamin Keith Rank
Arthur Latchmore (Q76047331) 10633637 E008725b Arthur John Craig Latchmore
10633638 E005739b Arthur John Craig Latchmore
Abraham David Le Vay (Q114117594) 10633684 E001036b Abraham David Le Vay
10633685 E008735b Abraham David Le Vay