User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/198

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

J. Paul Getty Museum Artists

Unknown external ID

External ID External label Item
1007 Dosso Dossi (Q356777)
1026 Jacob Vrel (Q1367776)
10365 Window & Grove (Q88381148)
10394 Miss Compton Collier (Q99659040)
10400 Elmer Chickering (Q11878347)
1041 Paolo Veneziano (Q741062)
10418 George H. Hastings (Q105487655)
10419 Philip S. Ryder (Q108742327)
1047 Dieric Bouts (Q313561)
1050 Adriaen Isenbrandt (Q367858)
10543 Thomas Jones (Q64500290)
1055 Luca Forte (Q3264978)
1056 Luca di Tommè (Q1857438)
10606 Andrew Charles (Q60617939)
1061 Willem Vrelant (Q363720)
1062 Mariotto di Nardo (Q1645722)
106426 Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (Q1871782)
1066 Bartolomeo Veneto (Q809520)
1069 Bernardo Daddi (Q366562)
1072 Etienne-Claude Le Blond (Q86636804)
1073 Biagio d'Antonio (Q2311437)
1075 Nicolas-Jean-Baptiste Raguenet (Q1986673)
10762 Edgar Decker (Q66488859)
1088 Defendente Ferrari (Q43174)
1089 Ettore Forti (Q22088632)
1095 Tommaso del Mazza (Q3992874)
10976 Kunstverlag Carl Krause & Co (Q110454515)
11008 John G. Ellinwood (Q31407207)
1102 Christoffel van den Berghe (Q2287607)
1118 Donato d'Arezzo (Q22088224)
1125 Gregorio d'Arezzo (Q22088235)
1128 Taddeo Crivelli (Q1608004)
11382 Aert van der Neer (Q381801)
1140 Michelangelo di Pietro (Q3311257)
1145 Guariento di Arpo (Q1391765)
1147 Cenni di Francesco (Q2260399)
11535 Master of Saint Cecilia (Q1918385)
1154 Master of Evert Zoudenbalch (Q1488899)
1162 Pacino di Buonaguida (Q3459812)
1163 Gherardo Starnina (Q2254774)
11630 Anton Raphael Mengs (Q76718)
1169 Francesco d'Antonio del Chierico (Q16185868)
11733 Jean-Baptiste Pillement (Q374713)
11744 Rosalba Carriera (Q237726)
1178 Master of Guillebert de Mets (Q7257786)
11875 John Russell (Q6255995)
1229 Alfred Ellis & Walery (Q83495476)
1249 Frederick and William Langenheim (Q55527444)
12943 Vicente López Portaña (Q117543)
13598 Joseph Paelinck (Q1418901)
1376 J. T. Boysen (Q70671671)
1379 Henry Moore (Q151097)
14025 Bernard Alfieri (Q81215378)
14049 Giovanna Garzoni (Q507765)
14102 Master of Charles V (Q65980102)
14109 Master of the Houghton Miniatures (Q26037517)
14120 Vienna Master of Mary of Burgundy (Q1393823)
14260 Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bidauld (Q3166488)
1439 Marc Ferrez (Q3180571)
14581 Antoine de Lonhy (Q2856895)
1476 George Henry Seeley (Q780677)
15445 Pietro Bernini (Q712397)
15469 Arnold Böcklin (Q123071)
15499 Quirijn van Brekelenkam (Q2123501)
15528 Guido Cagnacci (Q2449649)
1595 Louis Fabian Bachrach (Q52156383)
16073 Odilon Redon (Q154349)
16178 Abraham Storck (Q330635)
16223 Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes (Q334946)
1660 José María Mora (Q4302284)
1736 Erich Salomon (Q65454)
1739 Edgar Degas (Q46373)
17638 Master of Jean Chevrot (Q62517991)
18014 Master of the Dominican Effigies (Q1918357)
18234 Armando Drechsler (Q22087888)
18235 Shimjiro Nakamura (Q22089619)
18237 Robert Skemp (Q19631222)
18238 Peral (Q22089232)
1835 Donald Biddle Keyes (Q62724428)
1849 Ernest Walter Histed (Q15243273)
1868 Samuel Montague Fassett (Q69581167)
1877 Gustave Le Gray (Q982549)
1921 Edward Tompkins Whitney (Q43686528)
1943 John Plumbe (Q3512144)
2024 James E. McClees (Q43134072)
2051 Washington Lafayette Germon (Q55219611)
21238 Simon Denis (Q3484255)
21259 Master of James IV of Scotland (Q1380221)
2126 Alfred Noyer (Q103821382)
2131 H. Scott Orr (Q79461173)
2134 Curtis Bell (Q75260478)
2201 Franz Aichinger (Q108453872)
2203 Anita Chernewski (Q107919822)
2267 Hippolyte Délié & Emile Béchard (Q85724743)
22726 André d’Ypres (Q523603)
2282 G. L. Manuel frères (Q42424625)
22888 Jacob de Backer (Q728948)
23701 Jacob Philipp Hackert (Q560528)
23984 Bartolomeo Cavarozzi (Q519379)
2404 John Barrett Kerfoot (Q38368568)
2415 Hal Phyfe (Q80971121)
2449 Charlotte Fairchild (Q19663687)
2461 Moffett Studio (Q84321663)
2462 Don English (Q109339908)
2480 Russell Ball (Q78172345)
2506 Alfred Lorens (Q108411281)
2524 Royal Atelier (Q108759684)
25540 Wilhelm Fistulator (Q55128088)
2561 Max Munn Autrey (Q65922873)
2584 Delmaet & Durandelle (Q32860543)
2605 I. & M. Steinberg (Q106622693)
2628 Will Armstrong (Q100494983)
26449 Jean-Victor Bertin (Q331884)
2650 Otto Dyar (Q55315286)
2673 Elmer Fryer (Q95302433)
26795 Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond (Q3164608)
2716 Ira L. Hill (Q61541367)
2747 Walter Scott Shinn (Q108938569)
27696 Abraham Solomon (Q4669189)
2788 Rufus Anson (Q68570354)
2801 Dimitrios Konstantinou (Q20830624)
2857 Eugene Robert Richee (Q52156872)
2899 Jeanne E. Bennett (Q80370954)
2911 Édouard Manet (Q40599)
2921 Pietro Longhi (Q447058)
29332 William Hoare (Q1983389)
2935 Domenico Fetti (Q551695)
2952 Nosadella (Q2293371)
29631 Victor Emil Georg (Q85346953)
2964 Lelio Orsi (Q860728)
2967 Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Q192062)
2968 Masters of Dirc van Delf (Q3217878)
2977 Coëtivy Master (Q1918673)
2983 Giulio Romano (Q215305)
2987 Alessandro Algardi (Q336798)
2989 Jusepe de Ribera (Q297838)
2990 Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano (Q8453)
2993 Laurent de La Hyre (Q59894)
2997 Martin Schongauer (Q155575)
2998 Francesco Guardi (Q318769)
3035 Frans Hals (Q167654)
30446 Reyer van Blommendael (Q3428862)
30666 Marguerite Schloss (Q107415871)
3073 Frank C. Bangs (Q107254125)
3126 Theodore C. Marceau (Q20880823)
3138 A. Louis Mojonier (Q105519364)
3146 José Esplugas Puig (Q83286617)
3149 John Reekie (Q41692082)
3157 Aemilian Scholl (Q113258687)
3185 Carl Borromäus Andreas Ruthart (Q18507966)
3187 Fra Angelico (Q5664)
3188 Blausius Fistulator (Q29343665)
3190 Massimiliano Soldani Benzi (Q3297734)
3195 François Gérard (Q163543)
3215 Caspar David Friedrich (Q104884)
3217 John F. O'Reilly (Q106916646)
32483 William McFarlane Notman (Q70779427)
3261 Benjamin Muecher (Q22087876)
3264 Louis-Léopold Boilly (Q715909)
3268 Painter of the Wedding Procession (Q1887177)
3274 Georges Trubert (Q8343269)
3316 Maurice Quentin de La Tour (Q314655)
3323 Ercole de' Roberti (Q379521)
3357 Juan de Valdés Leal (Q518898)
33898 Herman Mishkin (Q4298464)
3448 Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece (Q632385)
34577 Johnston & Hoffmann (Q65560359)
3458 Peter Paul Rubens (Q5599)
3466 Jan van de Cappelle (Q759804)
3470 Giampietro Zanotti (Q3105136)
3478 Bernardo Bellotto (Q164688)
34954 Lewis-Smith (Q64308013)
35113 Paul Harbough (Q86740535)
3522 Johann Zoffany (Q702272)
3524 Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (Q235647)
3549 Fernand Khnopff (Q559559)
3550 Nicolas Lancret (Q188172)
3575 Nikolaas Verkolje (Q1702971)
3576 Joseph Vernet (Q315819)
3599 Théodore Rousseau (Q310025)
3613 Joseph Vivien (Q375783)
36723 Augustin Aimé Joseph Le Jeune (Q18507897)
3738 Francis Cotes (Q632772)
3749 Alfred Sisley (Q175130)
3751 James Tissot (Q381248)
3812 André Charlemagne Charron (Q83189452)
40178 Jules-Isaïe Benoît (Q3257121)
40181 James MacPherson Le Moine (Q3161239)
40664 August Sachtler (Q82574839)
500039720 Fernando Cruz Solís (Q17409135)
500041293 Philippe Bonnet (Q21289662)
50981 Kyungmi Shin (Q111365717)
6070 John B. Scholl (Q42313516)
6072 Charles F. Conly (Q63286204)
6098 Arthur A. Glines (Q100499053)
6104 Albert Naegeli (Q83290822)
6389 C. Basset (Q65643471)
6441 Adrien Bonfils (Q101238847)
6499 E. F. Foley (Q104241417)
6501 Edward Livingston Wilson (Q10857849)
6634 Gregory Spaid (Q42315145)
6720 Augusto Rinaldini (Q113995328)
6771 J.J. Burbach (Q60236433)
7096 Henry Essenhigh Corke (Q55738563)
7220 Arthur Lucas (Q42421484)
7272 Ernesto Richter (Q83287025)
7336 Martin M. Lawrence (Q27236040)
7467 Maurice Goldberg (Q66817356)
7577 James Lawrence Breese (Q88899907)
7634 John H. Tarbell (Q81695729)
7654 Oscar Mallitte (Q106019539)
7671 Henry Rocher (Q61985858)
7673 Max Platz (Q97142581)
7835 N. Comianos (Q83286814)
7987 George Francis Edgar Pearsall (Q61847250)
8031 Jules-Ernest Livernois (Q55218624)
8047 W.A. Dunn (Q84593348)
8505 Henry Lenthall (Q63346426)
8624 Alman &. Co. (Q106677018)
8686 Case & Getchell (Q102339440)
8749 F. W. Baker (Q88818439)
8781 George C. Arless (Q55218147)
8829 George Lovett Bennett (Q75796830)
8916 Charnaux frères & Cie. (Q85724853)
8978 Saul Davis (Q83286530)
9035 John Hampden Field (Q81085867)
9092 George W. Griffith (Q102192415)
9284 L. Haase & Co. (Q62374787)
9368 Joseph John Elliott (Q55030782)
9394 Walter Debenham Sweeting (Q98781530)
9539 Livernois & Bienvenu (Q72771228)
9677 Montgomery P. Simons (Q60488390)
9705 Charles W. Stiff (Q42780807)
9750 Simon Towle (Q99485822)
9751 John Towler (Q109307741)