User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1260

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A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.

STW descriptors on economic sectors

Unknown external ID

  • 1044 external IDs in Wikidata but not in Mix'n'Match. Too many to show individually.

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
10276-2 Private consumption consumer spending (Q5164722) consumption (Q192270) 52402093
10550-1 Development bank development bank (Q5266746) international financial institution (Q1345691) 52401409
11826-2 Driving speed maximum road speed limit (Q57656264) St Conan’s Church (Q3086) 52401330
12957-3 Pastoral farming pastoral farming (Q104921786) cattle husbandry (Q2153464) 52400648
12961-5 Forestry forestry (Q38112) silviculture (Q720362) 52400723
13058-4 Machinery industry Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (Q1957908) mechanical engineering (Q101333) 52400901
13084-3 Consumer electronics industry consumer electronics industry (Q73768396) electronics industry (Q5358497) 52400932
13154-1 Fish processing industry processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs (Q112130150) fish processing (Q3290431) 52401010
13193-5 Pharmaceutical distributors pharmacy (Q13107184) pharmaceuticals wholesales (Q57332194) 52401133
13290-0 Savings bank savings bank (Q157963) savings bank (Q2917176) 52401404
13365-2 Book publishing book publishing (Q29585658) book publisher (Q1320047) 52401600
13367-5 Publishing industry publishing industry (Q16023725) publishing company (Q2085381) 52401605
13418-0 Social insurance social insurance (Q7653906) social security (Q2483208) 52401786
13444-6 Agricultural history agrarian history (Q396077) history of agriculture (Q952080) 52400588
13446-2 Agricultural sciences agricultural science (Q56237415) Ecological agricultural sciences (Q294985) 52400589
13472-1 Commodity trade commodity trade (Q108941984) commodities market (Q2922469) 52400817
13516-0 Airport airport (Q1248784) spaceflight (Q5916) 52401278
13935-1 Textile workers textile worker (Q66035178) textile profession (Q56604690) 52400999
13974-5 Domestic workers domestic worker (Q464705) domestic worker (Q54128) 52402077
13987-3 IT professionals technology specialist (Q115161684) IT professional (Q56604309) 52400937
18013-1 Service industry tertiary sector of the economy (Q55638) service sector (Q1959446) 52401079
18190-0 Cotton production growing of cotton (Q110067555) cotton growing (Q12080077) 52400604
18259-4 Pharmaceutical law pharmaceutical law (Q718717) regulation of therapeutic goods (Q573538) 52400960
18299-6 Tea plantation tea plantation (Q70780172) tea garden (Q1827414) 52400626
18318-0 Agricultural economics agricultural economics (Q396340) agronomics (Q56299227) 52400656
18339-6 Forest science forestry science (Q19924411) forestry (Q38112) 52400722
18495-6 Structural engineering civil engineering (Q77590) construction technique (Q811906) 52401041
18635-2 Spa spa town (Q4946461) Kurort river (Q37750950) 52401363
18746-0 Facility management facility management (Q837060) Building Maintenance (Q1323766) 52401551
18803-0 Public institution public institution (Q294163) public institution (Q18214700) 52401745
18920-3 Cultural sector cultural sector (Q113866448) creative industries (Q969040) 52401979
18956-3 Sport organization sport association (Q1531833) sports organization (Q4438121) 52402029
19300-0 Rice price rice price (Q56299190) Rice Price (Q16198912) 52400622
19515-0 Pay-as-you-go PAYGO (Q1364792) prepaid mobile phone (Q2858140) 52401781
20733-1 Basel Accord Basel III (Q809926) Basel I (Q809928) 52401448
20733-1 Basel Accord Basel II (Q809934) Basel I (Q809928) 52401448
29572-3 Forest conservation forest protection (Q372449) forest conservation (Q15629466) 52400717
29902-1 Real estate developer real estate developer (Q17487600) real estate development (Q695829) 52401050
30022-0 Coke oven coke oven (Q106850206) coke plant (Q905318) 52400825

Same item for multiple external IDs in Mix'n'match

Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry External ID External label
spaceflight (Q5916) 52401288 13507-1 Space flight
52401278 13516-0 Airport
insurance (Q43183) 52401528 13811-5 Private insurance
52401509 13828-2 Insurance
mechanical engineering (Q101333) 52400901 13058-4 Machinery industry
52400903 18412-1 Mechanical engineering
creative industries (Q969040) 52401979 18920-3 Cultural sector
52401974 27455-3 Creative industries
cattle husbandry (Q2153464) 52400639 12950-3 Cattle farming
52400648 12957-3 Pastoral farming
social security (Q2483208) 52401786 13418-0 Social insurance
52401956 16542-5 Social security
commodities market (Q2922469) 52400817 13472-1 Commodity trade
52400814 18995-0 Commodity market
electronics industry (Q5358497) 52400932 13084-3 Consumer electronics industry
52400934 18424-1 Electronics industry

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
10276-2 consumption (Q192270)
consumer spending (Q5164722)
10374-2 Purchasing Managers' Index (Q2033951)
Leading Indicator (Q3829218)
10550-1 international financial institution (Q1345691)
development bank (Q5266746)
11123-1 communist state (Q849866)
list of socialist states (Q1058417)
11826-2 St Conan’s Church (Q3086)
maximum road speed limit (Q57656264)
12570-6 assessment centre (Q265558)
executive search (Q1227658)
12961-5 forestry (Q38112)
silviculture (Q720362)
13154-1 fish processing (Q3290431)
processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs (Q112130150)
13193-5 pharmacy (Q13107184)
pharmaceuticals wholesales (Q57332194)
13290-0 savings bank (Q157963)
savings bank (Q2917176)
13367-5 publishing company (Q2085381)
publishing industry (Q16023725)
13444-6 agrarian history (Q396077)
history of agriculture (Q952080)
13446-2 Ecological agricultural sciences (Q294985)
agricultural science (Q56237415)
13974-5 domestic worker (Q54128)
domestic worker (Q464705)
14135-0 chicken (Q780)
poultry (Q178559)
domestic goose (Q255503)
domestic duck (Q742292)
domesticated turkey (Q848706)
16957-4 Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Q12079)
Appenzell Innerrhoden (Q12094)
18013-1 tertiary sector of the economy (Q55638)
service sector (Q1959446)
18259-4 regulation of therapeutic goods (Q573538)
pharmaceutical law (Q718717)
18299-6 tea garden (Q1827414)
tea plantation (Q70780172)
18318-0 agricultural economics (Q396340)
agronomics (Q56299227)
18339-6 forestry (Q38112)
forestry science (Q19924411)
18495-6 civil engineering (Q77590)
construction technique (Q811906)
18635-2 spa town (Q4946461)
Kurort river (Q37750950)
18746-0 facility management (Q837060)
Building Maintenance (Q1323766)
18956-3 sport association (Q1531833)
sports organization (Q4438121)
19300-0 Rice Price (Q16198912)
rice price (Q56299190)
19515-0 PAYGO (Q1364792)
prepaid mobile phone (Q2858140)
20733-1 Basel III (Q809926)
Basel I (Q809928)
Basel II (Q809934)
29572-3 forest protection (Q372449)
forest conservation (Q15629466)
30022-0 coke plant (Q905318)
coke oven (Q106850206)