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  • FMT -- 16750 -- 16750 -- Format of item: BK (364) / MP (7866) / VM (8520)
  • LDR -- 16750 -- 16750
maps 5: 'n' (4635) "new", 'c' (2307) corrected/updated, 'a' (2) increased encoding; 6: 'e' (5393) cartographic; 'f' (1640) manuscript cartographic; 7: 'm' (6908) "monographic"; 'a' (32) "monographic component part"; 'c' (3) "collection"; 'd' (2) "subunit"
views 5: 'n' (4985), 'c' (4434) -- 6: 'k' (9324), 'e' (5) -- 7: 'm' 9169, 'd' 158, 'c' 2 -- 8: 'a' (20); 9:


  • 001 -- 16750 -- 16750 -- "sysnum" control number
  • 003 -- 15179 -- 15179 -- control number identifier - (always 'Uk', ie BL)
    • 003BL -- 1 -- 1
  • 005 -- 15179 -- 15179 -- record modification date - about 13,500 updated since late 2013; currently running at about 20 updates per day
  • 007 -- 15923 -- 16005 -- physical form/description codes
    books 0: 'a' (20), 'c' (1), 'k' (9)
    maps 0: 'a' (6920) "map", 'k' (5) -- 1:'j' (6813) "map"; 'd' (78) "atlas"; 's' (2) "section"; 'z' (1) "other" -- 3: colour: 'c' (3718), 'a' (3171), 'b' (5) -- 4: medium: 'a' (6864) "paper", 'n' (18) "vellum", 'g' (6) "textiles", 'o' (5) ???, 'c' (1) stone??
    maps - electronic: 0: 'c' (76) -- 1: material: 'r' (76) "remote" -- 3: colour: 'm' (76) "mixed" -- 4: dimensions 'n' (76) n/a -- 5: sound ' ' (76) none -- 6-7: bit depth: '024' (76) -- 9: file formats: 'm' (76) "multi" -- 10: qa: 'p' (76) "present" -- 11: source: 'a' (76) "from original" -- 12: compression: 'd' (76) "lossy" -- 13: reformat quality: 'a' (76) "access"
    views 0: 'k' (9229), 'c' (4) "electronic", 'a' (2) "map" -- 1: 'j' (7612) "print", 'd' (1617) "drawing" -- 3: 'b' (6358) b/w; 'h' (2796) "handcoloured"; 'c' (48) "multicoloured"; 'a' (28) "one colour"; 'm' (4) "mixed" -- 4: support: 'o' (9220) "paper"; 'a' (9) "canvas"; 'n' (4) "vellum"; 'c' (1) "cardboard" -- 5: 2nd support: 'o' (126) "paper"
  • 008 -- 16750 -- 16750 -- general information -- codes for: record creation date; publication date; pub place (country); language ...
    books: cols 18-21 illustration types; 24-27 can indicate indexes, bibliographies, tech reports; 34: misc non-fiction ('0'), letters ('i'), ...; 31: has index ('1')
    maps: cols 18-21 relief; 22-23 projection (1); 25 type: 'a' (6116) single sheet; 'e' (522) atlas; 'g' (263) bound in ...; 30 's' (76) ???; 31 '1' (365) indexed; 33-34 'e' (1011) "manuscript"; 'en' (11) "manuscript + game"; 'o' (11) "wall map"; 'z' (1) "other"
    views: col 33 : almost all 'k' (9312) = "graphic"; 'a' (8) = original artwork


  • 015 -- 2 -- 2 -- national bibliography number
  • 034 -- 16 -- 16 -- Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data
    • 034 0 -- 1 -- 1
    • 0340 -- 5912 -- 5989 -- (scale not given/indeterminable) : $a=a (5740):linear scale; $2=bound (5699):Klokan bounding box; $d .. $f bbox (5740)
    • 0341 -- 4840 -- 4869 -- (single scale) : $a=a (4852); $2=bound (4526); $b=scale; $d .. $f bbox (4827)
    • 0343 -- 50 -- 50 -- (range of scales)
  • 035 -- 20 -- 20 -- system control number : mlr and mlc numbers ... ?
  • 040 -- 16748 -- 16748 -- cataloguing source
  • 041 -- 833 -- 833 -- language code
    • 0410 -- 1545 -- 1545 -- (not a translation)
    • 0411 -- 39 -- 39 -- (is or includes a translation)
  • 042 -- 14016 -- 14016 -- authentication code - ukblsr (14013); ukblse (3) - presumably this indicates the record has been reviewed/updated
  • 043 -- 1 -- 1 -- geographic area code
  • 052 -- 1 -- 1 -- geographic classification
    • 0527 -- 5115 -- 5126 -- Classification code under Dewey 912 (Maps & atlases) per [1]
  • 082 -- -- -- Dewey decimal classification
    • 0820 -- 49 -- 49 -- (full edition)
      • 08204 -- 9769 -- 9807 -- (full edition; not LC)
    • 0827 -- 2158 -- 2187 -- (specific edition specified)


  • 100 -- 1 -- 1 -- main entry: personal name
    • 1000 -- 25 -- 25 -- (forename)
      • 10000 -- 3 -- 3
    • 1001 -- 10364 -- 10364 -- (surname)
      • 10010 -- 1075 -- 1075
  • 110 -- -- -- main entry: corporate name
    • 1101 -- 41 -- 41 -- (jurisdiction)
    • 1102 -- 275 -- 275 -- (given in direct order, not inverted)


  • 240 -- -- -- Uniform title
      • 24000 -- 2 -- 2 -- (not displayed)
      • 24010 -- 6 -- 6 -- (displayed)
  • 242 -- -- -- Translation by cataloguer
      • 24200 -- 10 -- 10 -- (no added entry)
    • 2421 -- -- -- (added entry; next digit gives number of non-filing chars (ie to ignore 'A ', 'The ' in index)
      • 24210 -- 1149 -- 1149 --
      • 24211 -- 3 -- 3
      • 24212 -- 21 -- 21
      • 24213 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24214 -- 144 -- 144
  • 245 -- -- -- title statement -- $a (16750) truncated, $b (4001) continuation, $c (8729) responsibility
    • 245 0 -- 1 -- 1 -- (no added entry; next digit gives number of non-filing characters)
      • 24500 -- 3856 -- 3856
      • 24501 -- 17 -- 17
      • 24502 -- 662 -- 662
      • 24503 -- 165 -- 165
      • 24504 -- 258 -- 258
      • 24505 -- 24 -- 24
      • 24506 -- 1 -- 1
    • 2451 -- -- -- (added entry; + number of non-filing characters)
      • 24510 -- 8493 -- 8493
      • 24511 -- 58 -- 58
      • 24512 -- 1298 -- 1298
      • 24513 -- 501 -- 501
      • 24514 -- 1374 -- 1374
      • 24515 -- 38 -- 38
      • 24516 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24517 -- 2 -- 2
    • 245 2 -- 1 -- 1
  • 246 -- -- -- varying form of title
    • 2460 -- -- -- (note, no added entry)
      • 24600 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24601 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24602 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24603 -- 3 -- 3
    • 2461 -- 47 -- 54 -- (note, added entry)
      • 24610 -- 114 -- 134
      • 24611 -- 701 -- 772
      • 24612 -- 13 -- 19
      • 24613 -- 213 -- 268
      • 24614 -- 6 -- 6
      • 24615 -- 2 -- 2
    • 2462 -- -- -- (no note, no added entry)
      • 24622 -- 3 -- 3
      • 24623 -- 2 -- 2
    • 2463 -- 208 -- 208 -- (no note, added entry)
      • 24630 -- 27 -- 27
      • 24631 -- 53 -- 56
      • 24632 -- 24 -- 25
      • 24633 -- 14 -- 18
      • 24634 -- 1 -- 1
      • 24635 -- 1 -- 2
  • 250 -- 279 -- 279 -- edition statement
  • 255 -- 9044 -- 9127 -- cartographic mathematical data
  • 260 -- 3587 -- 3587 -- publication, distribution, etc. (Imprint)
  • 264 -- 20 -- 20 -- Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice
    • 264 0 -- 3028 -- 3029
    • 264 1 -- 9837 -- 9839
    • 264 2 -- 3 -- 3


  • 300 -- 15637 -- 15932 -- physical description
  • 336 -- 16749 -- 16841 -- content type
  • 337 -- 16749 -- 16749 -- media type
  • 338 -- 16749 -- 16751 -- carrier type
  • 342 -- -- -- geospatial reference data
      • 34201 -- 4 -- 4 -- map projection (horizontal coord)
      • 34211 -- 4 -- 4 -- map projection (vertical coord)


  • 490 -- 513 -- 514 -- series statement -- $a : series name, as string; $v : plate number, etc.
    • 4900 -- 2338 -- 2557 -- (series not traced)
    • 4901 -- 145 -- 145 -- (series traced)


  • 500 -- 13969 -- 51745 -- general note
  • 501 -- 7 -- 7 -- with note (ie associated with another work at time of release)
  • 505 -- -- -- formatted contents note
    • 5050 -- 3 -- 3 -- contents
      • 50500 -- 109 -- 1846 -- (enhanced) -- detailed contents for eg atlases; individual maps may not yet have their own entries in Primo & perhaps won't
    • 5052 -- 2 -- 103 -- partial contents
  • 507 -- 2 -- 2 -- scale note for graphic material
  • 510 -- -- -- citation/references note
    • 5100 -- 1 -- 1 -- (coverage unknown)
    • 5101 -- 6 -- 6 -- (coverage complete)
    • 5102 -- 1 -- 1 -- (coverage selective)
    • 5103 -- 16553 -- 17857 -- (location in source not given)
    • 5104 -- 2944 -- 4395 -- (location in source given)
  • 520 -- 6708 -- 8473 -- summary, etc.
    • 5202 -- 12 -- 12 -- (scope and content)
  • 522 -- 309 -- 309 -- geographic coverage note
  • 535 -- -- -- location of originals or duplicates
    • 5351 -- 3 -- 3 -- (holder of originals)
  • 546 -- 1343 -- 1350 -- language note
  • 561 -- 1074 -- 1075 -- ownership and custodial history : being used to indicate K.Top (generally for items no longer with that shelfmark)
    • 5611 -- 15671 -- 18447 -- (not private) : being used to indicate K.Top (systematically being added)
  • 562 -- 4887 -- 4952 -- copy and version identification note : mostly notes position of BL stamps; also sometimes the material of a particular copy
  • 563 -- 165 -- 168 -- binding information
  • 580 -- 295 -- 295 -- linking entry complexity note : being used to note item was/is from/in a particular work
  • 581 -- 899 -- 946 -- publications about described materials note : being used to note item was/is an illustration to a particular work
  • 583 -- 208 -- 208 -- action note - used to note digitisation
    • 5831 -- 21 -- 21 -- (not private)
  • 585 -- 169 -- 197 -- exhibitions note - includes exhibition online in "Picturing Places"


  • 600 -- -- -- Subject Added Entry - Personal Name
    • 6000 -- 1 -- 1 -- (forename)
      • 60000 -- 44 -- 52 -- (forename; lcsh) - various kings, queens, popes, &c depicted
    • 60010 -- 23 -- 24 -- (surname;lcsh)
  • 610 -- -- -- Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name
    • 6101 -- -- -- (jurisdiction)
      • 61010 -- 33 -- 41 -- (jurisdiction; lcsh)
      • 61011 -- 3 -- 3 -- (jurisdiction; lc childrens)
    • 6102 -- 1 -- 1 -- (name in direct order)
      • 61020 -- 1222 -- 1368 -- (name in direct order; lcsh)
  • 63000 -- 2 -- 2 -- Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title (no nonfiling chars; lcsh)
  • 650 -- -- -- Topical term
    • 650 0 -- 8597 -- 10981 -- (lcsh)
    • 650 1 -- 8 -- 12 -- (lc childrens)
    • 650 7 -- 5600 -- 13809 -- (other thesaurus)
  • 651 -- -- -- Geographic name
    • 651 0 -- 13797 -- 17932 -- (lcsh)
    • 651 1 -- 4 -- 5 -- (lc childrens)
    • 65120 -- 1 -- 1
    • 651 7 -- 3529 -- 3814 -- (other thesaurus)
  • 653 0 -- 27 -- 27 -- index term, uncontrolled (topical)
  • 655 -- -- -- index term (genre/form)
    • 655 0 -- 108 -- 125 -- (lcsh)
    • 655 7 -- 13207 -- 24544 -- (other thesaurus)
  • 690 -- 310 -- 310 -- LOCAL USE - $a = "Scanned views and maps" (229); "Scanned maps and views" (29);


  • 700 -- 1 -- 1 -- Added entry: personal name
    • 7000 -- 16746 -- 34039 -- (forename), ie George III & George IV, owner and donor
    • 7001 -- 8981 -- 14581 -- (surname), roles (in $e) include eg publisher
      • 70010 -- 18 -- 18
      • 70011 -- 1 -- 1
      • 70012 -- 1 -- 1
    • 7003 -- 1 -- 1 -- (family name)
  • 710 -- -- -- Added entry: corporate name
    • 7100 -- 4 -- 4 -- (inverted)
    • 7101 -- 179 -- 183 -- (jurisdiction)
      • 71011 -- 1 -- 1
    • 7102 -- 663 -- 678 -- (direct order)
      • 71020 -- 1 -- 1
      • 71022 -- 1 -- 1
  • 720 -- 10 -- 10 -- uncontrolled name
  • 740 -- -- -- Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title (+nonfiling chars; +2 = analytical)
    • 7400 -- 1 -- 1
      • 74002 -- 47 -- 52
  • 74022 -- 3 -- 3
  • 74032 -- 1 -- 1
  • 74042 -- 1 -- 1
  • 752 -- 1 -- 1 -- hierarchical place name
  • 7750 -- 389 -- 548 -- other edition (do display note)
  • 7870 -- 518 -- 526 -- other relationship entry (do display note)


  • 830 0 -- 136 -- 136 -- Uniform title
  • 852 -- 19 -- 19 -- Location
    • 8524 -- 81 -- 81 -- (shelf mark) : used for digital copies
      • 85241 -- 14637 -- 16138 -- (shelf mark; this is primary identifier)
$a = Location, ie "British Library" (25279); $b = Sublocation/collection "HMNTS" (25279); $j = Shelving control number (25265); $q = Piece physical condition (332); $c = Shelving location (249) -- DRT(240), SPHOA(9); $i = Item part (18); $h = Classification part (9); $k = Call number prefix (9); $z = Public note (8); $l= Shelving form of title (1)
  • 866 0 -- 1009 -- 1379 -- Textual Holdings - Basic Bibliographic Unit : used to annotate copy information on immediately preceding line


  • LKR -- 2742 -- 2904 -- linked resource: $a=ANA ("analytic", 2264), PAR ("parallel", 640); $b gives sysnum of linked work; $l= library (always 'BLL01'); $m = title of this work; $n = title of containing work; $r = relation (cf [2] pg 6); $k = sub-item sequence number? (411) -- not consistently given
ANA appears to be being used to link from maps and prints to the book they are contained in; see also 490 which may give plate number
ANA: $r =773 "In" (3524) ; 775 "Other edition"(45) ; 776 "Other form" (5) //
PAR: $r =773 "In" (121) ; 775 "Other edition" (713) ; 776 "Other form" (91) ; 787 "related item" (42) - generic fallback
  • DGM -- 81 -- 81 -- sysnum of original item that digital copy was created from
  • SYS -- 16750 -- 16750 -- sysnum

Docs on BL cataloguing

"All records are linked via control number except for authority records. In this case the link is via the heading ­ if the heading is in the same form, the link is made to the bibliographic record. This is the way Aleph operates. Therefore, the BL does not use the $0 authority control number link which was implemented in MARC21 for the German and Austrian conversion to that standard."
"Authority records aside, Aleph links MARC records via a dedicated Aleph field (LKR). MARC linking fields (e.g. holdings 004, bibliographic 7xx) have no functionality in Aleph, but must be present as records are exported."
  • MARC to OpenData mapping (for BNB) [3]
    • BLIC Basic Books [4] translation of MARC to LD for other books in catalogue
But creator data limited to eg the following -- no identifiers:
   <rdfs:label>Chamberlayne, John, 1666-1723</rdfs:label>
   <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
  • BL Authority Control [5]
delegated to NACO / SACO. (NACO ≈ LC/NAF)
But many BL people not in NACO, eg [6] vs [7] -- where is the Authority Control data for these ? (More examples
former in-house system: "British Library Name Authority List". Converged with LC/NAF in 1990s. Replaced by LC/NAF in 2004. "Around 1.2 million records in Aleph BLL12. ([8] pt. 1, slide 30. (2013)).
    • BL Guide to RDA Name Authority records: [9]
  • Description of ALEPH Authority Database (2003): [10], vua McGill
  • "MARC enrichment" -- term including addition of $0 / $1 subfields to MARC records